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PURPOSE: To review a decade of research on the correlates of early onset of sexual intercourse among female adolescents in the United States, using Social Cognitive Theory as a framework for classification. METHODS: Forty-nine studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 1984 and 1994 were reviewed and their findings coded by two independent coders. RESULTS: Findings indicate that most of the studies emphasized quantitative methodologies, using cross-sectional designs and univariate statistical analyses. Many studies lacked a theoretical framework or conceptual model to guide their investigations. When evaluating empirical findings, 61% of the studies found environmental correlates and 47% found biological factors (e.g., age and pubertal development) to be significantly associated with early initiation of sexual intercourse. CONCLUSION: These findings raise important questions about the quality of research on adolescent sexuality, as well as its relationship to the development of risk-reduction programs which tend to focus mainly on intrapersonal factors (such as attitudes, knowledge, and expectancies.  相似文献   

Part I of this two-part paper employs a comparative design to compare primary family caregivers' assessments of lung cancer patients' symptom distress with patients' own perceptions of symptom distress in the home setting. Part II describes the results of the qualitative component of this research. A convenience sample of 37 patient-family caregiver dyads completed the McCorkle and Young Symptom Distress Scale (SDS). Family caregivers' global scores were moderately correlated with patients' global scores (r = 0.71; P < 0.001). No significant differences in ratings were found for ten of the 13 symptoms assessed. Therefore, when the patient is unable to provide a self-report of symptom distress, health-care professionals may seriously consider family caregivers' assessments of patients' symptom distress to be reasonable estimates for at least ten of the 13 symptoms on the SDS.  相似文献   

The relationship of postoperative patient-perceived nurse caring behaviors to symptom distress and functional status in 100 adult ambulatory surgical patients was examined. These behaviors explained 9.3% to 18.2% of the variance in functional status on the 1st, 4th, and 7th day postsurgery, and 10% of the variance in symptom distress on the 7th postoperative day after controlling for ASA physical status classification, preoperative symptom distress, and preoperative functional status.  相似文献   

Patients with nonmetastatic lung cancer may rarely experience facial pain as a presenting symptom, during the course of the disease or upon recurrence of the disease. This study reviews a 10-year experience at Mayo Clinic. The aim of this study was to (1) further characterize the clinical features of facial pain as a symptom of nonmetastatic lung cancer, and (2) assist clinicians in recognizing this association. Ten cases were identified. All patients complained of severe, aching, facial pain typically aural-temporal in location, ipsilateral to the lung cancer. Six of the 10 cases involved the left side. Recent weight loss was present in 7 of 10 patients, with an elevated sedimentation rate in 6. Digital clubbing was documented in three. Neurologic examinations and neuroimaging were normal in all patients. Lumbar puncture, when performed, was normal. Facial pain preceded the diagnosis of lung cancer by 1 to 24 months. In three patients, facial pain was the initial symptom of tumor recurrence. Four of the 10 tumors were adenocarcinoma; radiation with or without chemotherapy appears to be the treatment of choice for the facial pain. The presumed mechanism is local invasion of the vagus nerve. In suspected cases, a chest x-ray and chest CT are indicated.  相似文献   

对142例肺癌化疗患者从生理、心理、环境等方面提供舒适护理,结果增强了患者与护士之间的亲密关系,为患者顺利进行化疗提供了保障.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Thirty-one patients underwent re-mediastinoscopy in the diagnostic assessment of lung cancer. The reason for a repeat mediastinoscopy was either a negative result at the first operation in spite of CT indication of enlarged nodes or an incomplete first mediastinoscopy. METHODS: All patients underwent a conventional mediastinoscopy. RESULTS: In 22 patients with enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes at computed tomography, 10 had a positive lymph node histology at re-mediastinoscopy, while 12 were negative. In 9 patients with no enlarged mediastinal nodes at CT scan, but incomplete biopsies at the first mediastinoscopy, 1 patient had lymph node metastases. The median duration from the first to the second mediastinoscopy was 43 days. No major complications occurred. The staging of the patients was greatly affected by the re-mediastinoscopy. Of 31 patients judged as operable according to the initial mediastinoscopy only 60% were found to be operable following the second mediastinoscopy. CONCLUSION: This study has demonstrated the value of re-mediastinoscopy in assessment of resectability of lung cancer.  相似文献   

In spite of cancer screening programs, women continue to present with advanced breast cancer. How do women decide whether and when to seek an evaluation for self-discovered symptoms? This study examined 104 narratives told by 80 Anglo-, Latina-, and African-American women who participated in 1 of 16 community-based focus groups. The women's narratives contained powerful thematic messages about breast cancer and their expected behavior in the event of a self-discovered breast symptom. Narrative explanations that predicted an increased likelihood of advanced disease at diagnosis included these factors: incorrect symptom attributions and risk estimations; reluctance to consider the threat posed by the symptom; failure to tell another person about the symptom; and expectations of abandonment by male partners, deportation, prejudice, and refusal of treatment due to poverty. Stories of advanced breast cancer also told of reliance on alternative healing, concerns about overwhelming family resources, and extreme modesty that inhibited obtaining a physical examination. Interventions aimed at earlier detection of breast cancer must connect with the beliefs and assumptions embedded in these narratives, provide pragmatic solutions for perceived constraints on seeking evaluations of self-discovered symptoms, and explore the use of community narratives to confirm the value of early detection of breast cancer.  相似文献   

Objective:The aim of our study was to observe the efficacy and toxicity of 50 cases of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated by pemetrexed.Methods:Fifty patients,including 29 females and 21 males,with a median age 62 years (35–82 years),13 of whom were treated with pemetrexed only and the left 37 cases were treated with pemetrexed combined with platinum in the Department of Oncology,Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University from June 2006 to March 2009.Single agent regimen:patients received pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 on day 1 with every 21 days.Combination regimen:patients received pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 on day 1 and carboplatin 300 mg/m2 on day 1 or cisplatin 35 mg/m2 on day 1 to day 3 or nedaplatin 80 mg/m2 on day 1 by intravenous infusion with 21 days as one cycle.RECIST 1.0 standard was used to evaluate the clinical efficiency,and the WHO toxicity standard was used to evaluate toxic reaction,and the QOL was used to evaluate the quality of life.Results:All patients were given 162 cycles (at least 2 cycles,at most 6 cycles) and the response rate of all the patients were evaluated.There were 2 complete remission (CR),7 partial remission (PR),22 stable disease (SD) and 19 progressive disease (PD) in the group,the overall response rate was (RR) was 18.0% and disease control rate (DCR) 62.0%.The quality of life improvement rate reaches 58.0%.The major toxic reaction included neutropenia,thrombocytopenia,hypemia,nausea,and vomiting.Most of the severity of these effects was grade I–II and well tolerated.Conclusion:Chemotherapy with pemetrexed or pemetrexed combined with platinum in the treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer is effective,safe and well-tolerable,which can improve quality of life of the patient.  相似文献   

The aim of this phase II study was to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of liarozole, a novel benzimidazole derivative, in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Liarozole 300 mg twice daily orally was evaluated in 14 patients with stage IIIB and IV NSCLC. 8 patients had received prior treatment with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. WHO toxicity grading and response criteria were used. Liarozole was well tolerated. Grade 2 toxicities included alopecia (1 patient), dermatological toxicity (5 patients), dry mouth (2 patients) and nausea and vomiting (2 patients). Leukocytosis was seen in 5 patients, including 2 cases with an elevated white cell count pretreatment. Liarozole was discontinued in 1 patient who developed intolerable progressive pruritus associated with an erythematous rash. No objective tumour response was seen, all 14 patients developing progressive disease within 4 months of commencing treatment. Liarozole was well tolerated but was ineffective as single agent therapy in the management of NSCLC. The side-effect profile was compatible with inhibition of retinoic acid degradation.  相似文献   

Complications of patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty have rekindled the interest of many surgeons in patellar retention. In a prospective study 20 randomly selected patients of 40 underwent patellar resurfacing in combination with their total knee arthroplasty. The other 20 patients were left with an unresurfaced patella. Within 24 months of follow-up, the advantages of patellar resurfacing could be seen according to the Knee Society Score. Especially in advanced osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the patients achieved better scores in climbing stairs and in function. The superior functional results are arguments for patellar resurfacing, at least in knees with advanced osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

The essential elements: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) were analyzed in fresh asparagus to determine the effect of the ripening of the asparagus on the mineral content. Asparagus samples were classified in two groups by diameter (< 11 mm and > 14 mm). Asparagus from a sample group with the same diameter were divided into two portions (apical and basal) according to distance from the tip. The concentrations of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus increased with the ripening process of the asparagus while the content of sodium decreased when the white asparagus turned into a green ripening state. No significant differences were established for potassium. The green ripening state was the group with the greater concentration of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) were observed between portions of asparagus (tip and rest of stem) in the contents of the five mineral elements analyzed. The levels of mineral elements investigated increased notably in the tip of the asparagus with the exception of sodium and potassium of which the levels in the apical portion decreased or hardly modified. The variance analyses determined statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) in the concentration of magnesium, sodium and phosphorus between asparagus diameters (< 11 and > 14 mm) and no significant differences (p > 0.05) were found for calcium and potassium. The mean element levels were (mg/kg dry weight): Ca = 324 +/- 1186; Mg = 1818 +/- 490; Na = 368 +/- 86; K = 37297 +/- 4167 and P = 6809 +/- 2481.  相似文献   

Raltitrexed, a thymidylate synthase inhibitor, was given to 21 patients with advanced small-cell lung cancer, at a dose of 3 mg m(-2) as a 15-min intravenous infusion at 21-day intervals. All of the patients had extensive disease and 17 had received prior therapy. Patients with disease refractory to primary chemotherapy were excluded. Forty-one treatment cycles were given (median two, range one to four). The drug was well tolerated. No objective tumour response was documented. The patients had chemoresistant disease, as shown by a response in only one of ten patients who went on to receive alternative cytotoxic regimens. We conclude that raltitrexed given in this schedule is inactive as second line therapy for small-cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To review current incidence and treatment perspectives for small cell lung cancer (SCLC). DATA SOURCES: Published articles, book chapters, American Cancer Society materials. DATA SYNTHESIS: SCLC constitutes 20%-30% of lung cancer cases and accounts for 40,000 deaths annually. Characterized by rapid cell division, SCLC is very sensitive to radiation and chemotherapy; however, long-term survival rates are very low. A number of paraneoplastic syndromes are associated with this disease, thereby increasing the medical and nursing management challenges. CONCLUSIONS: Because SCLC usually is diagnosed late in the disease process and survival rates are poor, quality of life and palliation of metastatic symptoms (e.g., pain, breathing difficulties) are important focuses of care. Smoking deterrence and cessation programs, as well as early detection of lesions, are key to reducing incidence and mortality. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nursing care focuses on promoting comfort and preventing and managing disease and treatment complications. Nursing diagnoses include ineffective airway clearance, impaired gas exchange, pain, altered nutrition, activity intolerance, and ineffective coping. A patient care standard is presented.  相似文献   

36 students with examination anxiety took part in a study of the effectiveness of structured psychodrama and systematic desensitization in reducing test anxiety. Ss were randomly assigned to psychodrama, desensitization, or no-treatment control groups. All Ss were tested before and after the treatments on the Suinn Test Anxiety Behavior Scale and the Neuroticism scale of the Eysenck Personality Inventory. Results show that Ss in both treatment groups significantly reduced their test-anxiety scores compared with the controls. This was also congruent with gains as tested in vivo. A comparison between the 2 treatments, however, shows no significant differences. Also, there were no statistical differences among the 3 groups in neuroticism either before or after the treatments. It is concluded that the structured psychodrama method is as effective a mode of counseling as systematic desensitization in treating test anxiety. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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