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户用太阳能辅助加热沼气池动态传热仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对态变温差条件下螺旋管换热器传热系数计算复杂,而螺旋管换热器传热系数是户用太阳能辅助加热沼气池系统设计中的重要参数.为确定沼气池内加热盘管的传热系数及合理的搅拌叶轮旋转速度,采用全三维Navier-Stokes方程和多重参考系法(MRF),根据标准k-ε湍流模型及相应的计算网络及边界条件,对沼气池内传热及流动进行三维非定常数值仿真,分析系统的传热系数,随着旋转叶轮转速提高,螺旋加热盘管传热系数也随之增加,但旋转叶轮所需电机功率也将随之增大.通过数值仿真,可以大大缩短系统的研制和改进设计周期,结果与现场实测传热系数有较好的吻合.证明提高了沼气池内螺旋盘管的加热效果,并为系统设计提供参考依据.  相似文献   

户用光伏微网发电系统的光伏利用效率较高,能实现就近发电及并网利用,同时其占地面积较小,是今后光伏发电系统的重要建设方向。通过建设户用光伏微网发电系统,既可解决偏远地区的用电需求,又具有较高的环保效益。文章首先详细分析了户用光伏微网发电系统的设计技术,包括光伏组件的选择、蓄电池的选择、逆变器的选择、户用负荷分析等,然后进行了光伏发电量计算和综合效益分析,对促进电力能源的绿色低碳发展具有一定价值。  相似文献   

一些无电地区拥有丰富的风能和太阳能资源,因此,在这些地区建立小型、独立的风光、互补发电系统将成为解决这些地区供电问题的最佳选择.为能够合理评估和验收风光、互补发电户用系统,本文设计了一套基于MCGS组态软件的实时数据采集与监测系统,并通过数据采集卡、传感器等设备共同完成数据采集工作.  相似文献   

为解决户用超声波热量表对热量的高精度计量,在对户用超声波热量表流量测量方案及工作原理分析基础上,提出应用时间数字转换器TDC-GP21实现时间和温度的高精度、低功耗测量方案,并且完成了以MSP430低功耗单片机为核心的系统硬件、软件设计,实现了高精度、低功耗、低成本的户用超声波热量表设计。该方案所体现的设计思路不仅适用于户用超声波热量表,对其它大口径、大流量超声波热量表同样具有参考意义。  相似文献   

因为物联网的巨大的应用发展前景,它逐渐的受到各个国家学术界以及工业界的重视.本文主要介绍了物联网的概念以及特征,描述了物联网体系的主要构成以及发展趋势,详细的描述了物联网的关键性的技术和支撑技术的联用.  相似文献   

随着internet技术的发展和使用的普及,全球信息化已成为大趋势.然而近年来,黑客技术不断成熟起来,网络信息安全面对着极大的挑战.本文主要介绍了木马程序的动态嵌入技术、反向连接技术及ICMP木马通讯技术.  相似文献   

根据当前移动通信技术的发展趋势,笔者对5G移动通信的关键技术进行深入研究,包括上下文感知网络、滤波组多载波技术、非正交多址接入技术、大规模MIMO技术等,以期加深人们对5G移动通信关键技术的了解和认识。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,使我国的无线通信技术得到了快速的发展,给人们的工作、生活带来了很大的便利.但同时也加剧了通信企业间的竞争,如何提高通信质量与安全是每个通信企业所必须面对的问题.对此,本文对大规模MIMO无线通信关键技术进行了研究,以供相关人员进行参考.  相似文献   

针对传统无线网络组网系统运行中组网成功率低、数据传输速度较慢的问题,本文改进边缘计算结构,加强了边缘需求与基站设备之间的联系,使基站数据发送量尽可能满足用户需求;根据终端需求设计网关通信结构,采用载波相位估计(Carrier Phasc Estimation,CPE)算法分析基站和终端数据序列相位,结果增加了数据传达的准确性.试验结果表明,本研究组网系统基站数据发送量为1058.64 MB,组网成功率高达95.8%,传输速度为5.28 MB/s,性能优越.  相似文献   

综合接入不仅仅是多种业务的简单融合,也涉及到很多技术上的革新。本文针对综合接入中的几个重要问题,分析和总结了综合接入中的几种关键技术,包括Ip技术、QoS保证策略、信令系统一体化、可信接入等。希望本文的研究能够为相关领域提供一些指导,同时对于相关领域的其他研究也能起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

This study focuses on collaboratively designing a structured and comprehensive supply chain (SC) network management key processes model and analyzing the relative importance of these key processes for semiconductor industry. The collaborative design and analysis are performed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of over 20 members from both academia and industry. This research is based on experiences of these team members who joined a successful e-SCM project, used as a case study in this research, between the world's largest semiconductor foundry and the world's largest assembly and testing service provider. This study adopts focus group methodology for collaborative design and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) for collaborative analysis. The result of the design is a structured and comprehensive key processes model consisting of four dimensions: strategy and planning, manufacturing, logistics, and risk management (SMLR) with a total of 15 key processes included in these four dimensions. The resulting weightings from FAHP analysis can identify the most critical one dimension and four key processes since they account for approximately half of the overall weighting in their level. The SMLR model provides a structured and comprehensive reference model for future SC network management project executives, ensuring that all key processes are supported to avoid extremely costly failure. The resulting weightings provide these managers with the relative importance of these key processes and can help them make critical decisions in allocating limited resources to support the most critical processes. To confirm the results and further explore the managerial implications, a second session of focus group meeting was conducted and practices of the top three key processes in the semiconductor manufacturing industry were used to illustrate what actions can be performed to improve these processes and hence benefit the entire SC network. The research results can serve as a foundation for related academic researches.  相似文献   

Technology has significantly changed the way humans live. Information and communication technologies have advanced and given their important spillovers to other economic sectors. Sociocultural view of globalization posits that cultural values across the world are continuously changing. From the theoretical lens of technological determinism theory, technology of a society determines the development of its social structure and cultural values. Drawing on the sociocultural aspect of globalization and technological determinism theory, this study investigates the relationship between technology and national cultural values. Using secondary national-level data such as United Nations’ E-Government Survey and Global Innovation Index, we validate the proposed relationships. The results of the study indicate that technology is an important driver of cultural convergence pushing national cultures across the globe to converge toward two cultural values suggested by Hofstede: higher individualism and lower power distance. This study also finds that technology increases national confidence in financial markets through creation of increased transparency. The study has implications for policymakers at both national and global levels regarding how technology affects the evolution of human societies. Additional implications exist for the promotion of democracy.  相似文献   

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