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随着自动化技术的发展,工业控制计算机系统已成为自动化的主要技术装备。我国工业控制计算机经过多年的发展,已形成有特色的产业。为了推动工业控制计算机的进一步发展与应用,国家标准化管理委  相似文献   

工业控制计算机的现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概述 对于工业控制计算机没有严格的定义,顾名思义是指被用于工业环境、适应工业要求的、完成工业过程的数据采集和控制的计算机系统。在我国习惯上称为“工业控制机”或简称为“工控机”。随着计算机技术、通讯技术和CRT显示技术的发展,工业控制计算机得以迅猛发展,其应用几乎遍布工业所有行业,已成为现代工业实现自动化不可缺少的工具。  相似文献   

1引言随着计算机技术和网络技术的不断发展,计算机的应用已深入到社会的各个领域,尤其是在工业领域,计算机不仅能够轻松地实现各种复杂精确的控制,而且能向操作员提供各种实时数据,因而得到越来越广泛的应用。计算机控制正在逐步取代传统的仪器仪表和PDe控制,并将成为21世界工业控制领域的主流发展方向。工业计算机(又称工控机)不同于普通微机,它主要应用在工业现场,因此必须能够适应各种复杂、恶劣的工作环境,这就要求它必须具有比普通微机更坚固的结构、更可靠的性能和更强的抗干扰能力。日本CONTC公司生产的PANECO系列…  相似文献   

预测控制在现代过程工业中的应用与发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,采用集散控制系统、智能仪表,并结合先进的计算机和通信技术,应用高级过程控制算法,在各个控制层次上实现优化,已成为发达国家过程工业自动化和计算机应用的标准模式。多变量预测控制技术正是实现这一转变的关键技术。本文 预测控制发展的背景,预测控制算法的原理,特点和技术要素,着重分析了当前工业过程中广泛应用的几种预测控制软件包的特点及其应用情况。  相似文献   

介绍了计算机信息技术及工业控制在烧结工艺生产中的应用,并从技术角度分析了系统的扩展的可行性以及计算机信息技术在工业控制中的应用前景.  相似文献   

正为了引领工业控制计算机产业的发展,探讨国内外先进技术动态,展示工业控制计算机领域新产品,中国计算机学会工业控制计算机专委会拟于2014年10月30-11月1日在重庆市召开全国工业控制计算机学术年会。会议将围绕"可信计算与信息安全"这一主题,邀请全国工业控制计算机行业的著名专家、企业领导人、技术工程师、高校师生、产业用户、论文作者等参加,通过特邀报告、学术报  相似文献   

当今计算机和计算机网络与工业控制已不可分割,但是一些先进的计算机网络管理技术并没有及时应用于工业控制中,使计算机和计算机网络在企业的现实生产中不能完全发挥其作用。文中提出了将网络管理技术和Java应用于工业控制一种具体的实现方案,使基于Internet的开放式的企业生产管理成为可能。  相似文献   

感知中国,物联世界。物联网已经成为信息网络化发展的重要趋势,被称为继计算机、互联网之后世界信息产业的第三次浪潮,开发应用前景巨大。为了推进经济转型升级,加快物联网产业化进程,中国计算机学会工业控制计算机专业委员会定于2010年9月18日至21日在杭州举办“2010年全国工业控制计算机技术年会”。  相似文献   

工业控制计算机工业自动化的推进器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业控制计算机是电子计算机的重要分支,这种以电子计算机为核心的测量和控制系统是计算机普及应用中极具潜力和非常活跃的一个领域。工业控制计算机系统已成为实现四个现代化强有力的工具,其应用几乎遍布工业的所有领域,无论是新建的大型工业企业或传统工业技术改造,它都是实现工业自动化的不可缺少的基本装备。  相似文献   

文中主要介绍了工业控制计算机的市场发展、关键设计技术和技术发展趋势以及在国民经济发展中的重要作用,为工业控制计算机的设计方案和应用选型提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Stoyenko  A. 《Computer》1995,28(9):85-86
We define the engineering of complex computer systems as all activities pertinent to specifying, designing, prototyping, building, testing, operating, maintaining, and evolving complex computer systems. While in the past, relatively noncomplex traditional systems sufficed for most computer control applications, the new and emerging demands of applications and the evolution of computer architectures and networks now essentially force systems to be complex, given our current understanding of how to engineer these systems. Complex computer systems are found in almost every industry. These include industrial process control, aerospace and defence, transportation and communications, energy and utilities, medicine and health, commercial data processing, and others. Unfortunately, the state of the art in research and technology has clearly fallen far behind the requirements of industrial, commercial, and government complex computer systems  相似文献   

Dreams of using digital computers in industrial control systems surfaced almost as soon as such a computer was invented in the mid to late 1940s. By the early fifties, the concepts of such use were fairly well established. However, actual applications had to wait until relatively small, reliable, and also relatively inexpensive machines were available, along with vendor companies with the will and the initiative to pursue this field vigorously Such a company was the Ramo-Wooldridge Company, which entered this field in the mid-fifties. The company found ready acceptance of its products among the companies in the process industries. By the mid-sixties, there were installations in almost every process industry and many other vendors had entered the field. Such installations became the norm for computer applications to industrial control until the microprocessor and its associated distributed computer control systems superseded them beginning in the mid-seventies. The article chronicles the development of this early field by describing several of the early installations and their successes and difficulties  相似文献   

Proposals have recently been made within the computer industry to standardize local area computer networking hardware and, although such standards are primarily aimed at the office automation market, they will undoubtedly find many applications in distributed industrial control where a requirement for high speed reliable standardized digital communications also exists. A simple manufacturing cell will be described which demonstrates the advantage of distributed control by using an integrated communications network employing low cost twin axial cable. The individual cell element control systems are supervised by a single computer station providing both control and management information. It will also be shown how such techniques can be applied within industrial manufacturing systems by considering the use of computer networks within a process plant and for the integration of industrial robot systems.  相似文献   

工业网络系统的感知-传输-控制一体化:挑战和进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业网络系统是融合工业控制和信息通信的多维动态系统,具有维度高、动态性强、工业通信协议和网络配置嵌入等特性,如何在网络环境下实现信息感知分布性、控制适应性、整体协调性,已成为工业网络系统研究的新挑战.本文简述了工业网络系统的内涵和主要特征,分析了感知-传输-控制一体化面临的挑战和关键问题;综述了分布式状态感知、适变传输、协同控制等关键技术的研究进展;对工业网络系统的未来研究方向和潜在应用前景进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的发展,工业控制系统产品越来越多地采用通用协议、通用硬件和通用软件,以各种方式与互联网等公共网络连接,病毒、木马等威胁正在向工业控制系统扩散,工业控制系统的安全问题日益突出。当前工业控制系统广泛应用于我国电力、化工、石油石化、市政、冶金等关系国计民生的重要行业和领域,但国外产品占据我国工业控制系统高端市场,这给我国带来了较大的安全隐患。此外,我国工业控制系统信息安全管理还存在诸多问题,有必要对我国工业控制系统的安全性进行分析,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues of design for software systems for computer controlled manipulators. A short review of the features which have become important in present soft-ware systems for industrial applications is presented, including how various desirable system capabilities can be introduced at reasonable computational costs.The paper is based mainly on the experiences obtained in designing and implementing MAL, a software system for controlling and programming an experimental robot, and VML, a machine independent intermediate language to be used as a target for compliers of high level programming languages for robots.An explanation of how management of multiprocess capabilities, synchronization of different devices, error handling and other desirable features can be inserted in a simple system, implemented on micro and minicomputers and made suitable for industrial applications will be shown.  相似文献   

One of the aims of industrial machine vision is to develop computer and electronic systems to replace human vision in quality control of industrial production. Traditionally these systems consist of a line scan camera, host computer, frame grabber and one or more dedicated processing boards. In this paper we discuss the development of a new integrated design environment, developed for real-time defect detection, that eliminates the need for an external frame grabber and other associated host computer peripheral systems. The processing board contains a reconfigurable field programmable gate array FPGA inside a DALSA CCD camera. The FPGA is directly connected to the video data-stream and outputs data to a low bandwidth output bus. The system is targeted for web inspection but has the potential for broader application areas. We describe and show test results of the in-camera prototype system board and discuss some of the algorithms currently simulated and implemented for web inspection applications.  相似文献   

The history of industrial process computer control now spans over 10 years. During this time control theory has transgressed from the frequency domain to the time domain, and yet few applications of these modern methods to industrial processes can be found in the literature. This paper attempts to temper the current state of computer process control with some historical perspective and then goes on to describe an application of modern control techniques to the basic oxygen steel-making process. This application of adaptive filtering and nonlinear state estimation is used to illustrate that modern methods can be used to compensate for a lack of process knowledge. The point of emphasis is that these modern methods can replace the extensive modeling and simulation phases which historically have retarded the success of many on-line computer control projects. The paper is intended to stimulate more applications of modern control methods to industrial processes.  相似文献   

D.J. Sandoz  O. Wong 《Automatica》1981,17(5):727-735
This paper reviews a computer aided control system design facility that has been used to develop a set of control systems that have been implemented on a pilot scale industrial process. The facility caters for a broad range of control situations including those with interactions, time delays and disturbances. Online interactive graphics is used as a design aid for the identification of plant dynamics and for the assessment of control system performance. Control systems may be developed systematically to be structured in a hierarchical configuration on the plant. Particular applications to the plant, an evaporator and a spray drier, are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Mid 2010, a sophisticated malicious computer worm called Stuxnet targeted major ICS systems around the world causing severe damages to Siemens automation products. Stuxnet proved its ability to infect air-gapped-segregated critical computers control system. After this attack, the whole ICS industry security was thrust into spotlight. Automation suppliers have already started to re-think their business approach to cyber security. The OPC foundation have made also significant changes and improvements on its new design OPC-UA to increase security of automation applications but, what is still missing and seems to be not resolved any time soon is having security in depth for industrial automation applications. In this paper, we propose a simple but strong security control solution to be implemented as a logic level security on SCADA and DCS systems. The method presented in this work enforces message integrity to build trusts between DCS system components, but it should not be viewed as the main nor the only protection layer implemented on an industrial automation system. The proposed solution can be viewed as a low-level security procedure to avoid malicious attacks such as Stuxnet.  相似文献   

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