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The reported histopathologic findings in leiomyomas treated with leuprolide acetate (LA) differ. We examined 233 myomectomy specimens, including 107 myomas from 30 patients (mean age, 34.7 +/- 4.6 years) treated with LA. Their histopathologic findings were compared with those from a control group of 126 myomas from 30 untreated patients (mean age 32.7 +/- 5.3 years). The LA-treated leiomyomas had myxoid change (n = 2; 1.9%), total necrosis (n=4; 3.7%), focal necrosis (n = 5; 4.7%), calcifications (n = 5; 4.7%), hemorrhage (n = 8, 7.5%), vascular changes (n = 12; 11.2%), hydropic degeneration (n = 22; 20.5%), and hyalinization (n = 61; 57.0%). None of these changes differed significantly from the untreated controls. None of the LA-treated leiomyomas had nuclear atypia, whereas nuclear atypia occurred in four (3.2%) of the untreated leiomyomas; this difference was also not significant. Mitotic figures were present in 8.4% of the LA-treated myomas and 8.5% of untreated controls. The number of mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields was slightly higher in the untreated myomas, but the difference was not statistically significant (range, 0-3 for treated, 0-5 for controls). The degree of cellularity did not differ between the two groups. In conclusion, (a) LA-treated myomas do not significantly differ from untreated myomas with respect to nuclear atypia, calcification, total coagulative necrosis, focal coagulative necrosis, hemorrhage, vascular changes, myxoid change, hydropic degeneration, hyalinization, mitotic activity, or cellularity; and (b) the mechanism leading to a reduction in the size of myomas treated with LA is not apparent from routine histologic examination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To delineate the cytomorphologic features seen in cancer of the breast during pregnancy and lactation, to compare them to the cytomorphologic parameters in benign conditions and to determine the feasibility of differentiating features of malignant breast carcinoma from those of benign breast lesions during pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: The study group consisted of pregnant or lactating women with breast carcinoma and with benign breast lesions who underwent fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the breast lesions. The findings of FNA were reviewed, analyzed, tabulated and correlated with the pathologic diagnosis of the breast biopsies. RESULTS: Eleven patients had malignant cytomorphologic changes, including increased cellularity, multilayering, enlarged and pleomorphic nuclei, single or multiple nucleoli, mitosis and numerous isolated tumor cells. Secretory changes were scanty. The background was foamy and necrotic. FNA of the benign lesions showed a biphasic cell pattern with cohesion; minimal nuclear pleomorphism; single, regular nucleoli; and naked nuclei in a granular background with foamy macrophages. Increased cellularity with nuclear atypia, single cells and a dirty background was seen in benign and malignant conditions. CONCLUSION: The main cytologic features that differentiate breast carcinoma from benign conditions during pregnancy and lactation are crowding and overlapping of nuclei, dyscohesion and enlarged, pleomorphic nuclei with irregular nuclear membranes, coarse nuclear chromatin and mitoses. Pregnancy-related hyperplastic changes with atypia can potentially result in a false positive diagnosis of carcinoma.  相似文献   

The clinical significance of nuclear atypia in neurofibromas that lack necrosis or significant mitotic activity has not been systematically studied. We reviewed 14 neurofibromas from six patients with mild to marked nuclear atypia, with low mitotic activity in some tumors. Five tumors also had areas of increased cellularity consistent with cellular neurofibroma. Necrosis was absent. All patients were treated by conservative excision. Clinical follow-up, ranging from 8 months to 6 years, showed that none of the tumors recurred or metastasized. To further characterize these neoplasms, we assessed p53 expression, proliferation rate, and DNA content because these methods have been suggested by others as useful in differentiating benign from malignant nerve sheath tumors. p53 expression was detected by immunostaining in one tumor with 5% positive cells and in two tumors with rare positive cells (<1%). The remaining 11 tumors were negative. Tumor cell proliferation rate as determined by Ki-67 immunostaining showed <5% positive cells in 13 tumors. In one tumor, 10% of the cells were Ki-67 positive. Using flow cytometry methods and paraffin-embedded tissue, all tumors had diploid DNA content with an S phase fraction ranging from 5.2% to 18.2% (mean 9.4%). No significant differences were observed between the neurofibromas and cellular neurofibromas. For comparison, we studied three malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs). All MPNSTs had relatively high p53 (range 10-16%; mean 12%) and Ki-67 (range 32-42%; mean 38.0%) staining. One of the MPNSTs was aneuploid. The S phase fraction of the MPNSTs ranged from 8.1% to 51.8% (mean 28.6%). These results suggest that clinically benign neurofibromas, both usual and cellular types, can have significant cytologic atypia that can be accompanied by low mitotic activity. Conservative surgical excision for these tumors is adequate. The results of p53 and Ki-67 immunostaining and DNA content and S-phase analysis by flow cytometry support this interpretation. In addition, in tumors with borderline histologic findings, results of these ancillary studies may be useful in distinguishing benign from malignant nerve sheath tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The clinical, mammographic and low grade cytologic features of mucinous carcinoma can make it difficult to diagnose by fine needle aspiration (FNA). Fine needle aspirates of mucinous carcinoma were reviewed with the mammographic findings to improve the diagnostic criteria and specificity for FNA. STUDY DESIGN: All aspirates were reviewed for cytologic criteria and cellularity, atypia and single epithelial cells (SEC). A nuclear grade was assigned to each aspirate. The mammographic findings were correlated with the FNA diagnoses. RESULTS: Forty-five patients with an aspirate and confirmed diagnosis of mucinous carcinoma were identified. The clinical impressions were: benign tissue (5), fibroadenoma (6) and cancer (32). The initial cytologic diagnoses were: adenocarcinoma (32), atypical/suspicious for cancer (11), insufficient (1) and negative (1). The cytologic findings showed smears with increased cellularity (35/45 cases) and minimal atypia. SEC with eccentrically located nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm were numerous. The assigned nuclear grade was as follows: grade 1, 16 cases; grade 2, 20 cases; and grade 3, 6 cases. Abundant mucin was present in Papanicolaou-stained slides in 23 cases; focal mucin was observed in 14 cases. The mammograms showed a smoothly outlined to lobulated mass with only slight irregularities identified. CONCLUSION: Mucinous carcinoma has a cytologic pattern that includes increased cellularity, with numerous single cells and abundant mucin. Although the mammographic findings may mimic a benign lesion, in the most patients a specific diagnosis of mucinous carcinoma can be made by FNA.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the morphological feature, its pathogenesis and clinical significance of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) through pathological examinations. METHODS: In addition to the routine pathologic examination, the brain tissues, including frontal lobus, temporal lobus, occipital lobus, hippocampus, capsula interna, cerebellum and medullary bulb, were sectioned and examined respectively. RESULTS: (1) 93.5% of cases had a history of direct or indirect asphyxia. (2) The main pathological alterations were edema, congestion, hyaline thrombosis, haemorrhage, degeneration and necrosis of nerve cells. Softening, calcification, cavity formation and fibrosis were also seen in some cases. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggested that congestion and edema of cerebral tissue were essential changes for the pathogenesis of HIE. Hemorrhage and necrosis were common pathological alterations. Fibrosis and cavitation were changes of convalescence. It is of primary importance to treat asphyxia during perinatal period for the prevention of HIE.  相似文献   

The purpose of this long-term follow-up was (1) to investigate disc changes in the olisthetic segment in patients treated conservatively, (2) to compare disc changes above the slipped vertebra in conservatively treated patients with those in operatively treated patients, and (3) to establish possible relations of disc changes to the degree of the slip and to subjective back pain symptoms of the patients. The subjects were 227 patients with isthmic L5 olisthesis diagnosed under 20 years of age (mean 13.8 years) with a mean follow-up of 15.4 (range 5-30) years. Of these, 145 patients had been treated with segmental fusion and 82 had been treated conservatively. At follow-up, standing anteroposterior and lateral radiographs as well as flexion/extension views of the lumbar spine were taken. Disc degeneration was graded semiquantitatively: 0 = normal disc height, 1 = decrease of disc height < 50%, 2 = decrease > or = 50%, and 3 = obliteration of the disc. In the conservatively treated patients degeneration of the olisthetic disc was distributed by grade as follows: O: n = 38, 1: n = 24, 2: n = 14, 3: n = 6. No motion at all was observed in the olisthetic segment in 40 patients (48%) with a mean slip of 30%, segmental motion of 4 degrees-18 degrees was found in 42 patients with a mean slip of 14%. There was a statistically significant association of the degree of slip to the severity of disc degeneration and non-mobility of the segment. Grade 1 degeneration of the L4/5 disc occurred in 25.6% of the conservatively treated patients and in 32% of 48 patients treated with L5-S1 fusion. This correlated with the severity of the slip, but not with pain symptoms or pathologic segmental mobility at the time of follow-up. Out of 84 patients with L4-S1 fusion, in 17% grade 1 degeneration of the L3/4 disc was observed, and 3 out of 13 patients (23%) with L3-S1 fusion had grade 1 degeneration of the disc above the fusion. The disc changes had no correlation with subjective pain symptoms. It is concluded that the natural course of isthmic spondylolisthesis is associated with disc degeneration and spontaneous stabilization of the olisthetic segment. Fusion operations do not significantly increase the rate of disc degeneration in the adjacent disc above the fusion after a mean postoperative follow-up of 13.8 years. No correlation between the number of degenerated discs or the degree of degeneration and subjective low back pain symptoms was found.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis of pilomatrixoma is rare. The cytologic presentation can be mistaken for squamous cell carcinoma because of high cellularity, high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and presence of anucleate squames. CASE: A 25-year-old male presented to Cook County Hospital with a slowly enlarging neck mass of three months' duration. FNA was interpreted as consisted with pilomatrixoma. Subsequently the patient had the mass removed. Histology confirmed the diagnosis of pilomatrixoma. CONCLUSION: The wide range of cell differentiation in conjunction with pertinent clinical findings, absence of nuclear atypia, tumor diathesis, mitotic figures and awareness of the entity lead to the correct diagnosis of pilomatrixoma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Uterine leiomyomata alone are an infrequent cause of infertility. We presumed that--since the smaller the uterine size at the time of myomectomy, the greater the chances of subsequent conception--diminishing the preoperative tumor size in infertile patients with large leiomyomata prior to myomectomy should be beneficial. PROCEDURE: Decapeptyl (D-Trp6-LHRH) depot 3.2 mg was administered for a period of 3-6 months to 23 infertile women. No causes of infertility were found in these patients except for uterine leiomyomata. In 10 of the 23 patients conservative myomectomy was added to Decapeptyl treatment. FINDINGS: Following Decapeptyl treatment an average decrease in uterine volume of 57% (range: 22%-86%) was observed in all patients. In ten of the 23 patients conservative myomectomy was added to Decapeptyl treatment resulting in a further 16% decrease in uterine volume. Uterine regrowth following Decapeptyl and myomectomy was found to be significantly lower (P < 0.01) when compared with cases treated with Decapeptyl alone. Five of the ten patients treated by Decapeptyl and myomectomy achieved successful pregnancies and delivered. Among the women treated with Decapeptyl without myomectomy, only one patient conceived. CONCLUSIONS: From these findings it may be concluded that combined GnRH and myomectomy is the treatment of choice for infertile women with large uterine leiomyomata.  相似文献   

Recently, cell size, cell density, and growth pattern were found to be reliable histologic parameters in separating benign from malignant duodenal stromal tumors. However, there are few data on the histologic features and important prognostic parameters of stromal tumors from other parts of the small bowel. Thus, we studied the clinical and pathologic features of 39 stromal tumors of the jejunum and ileum to determine which parameters would be most useful in distinguishing a benign from a malignant tumor. In all cases, the following histologic parameters were recorded: (a) predominant growth pattern (organoid, fascicular, solid, or mixed), (b) cellularity (low or high), (c) predominant cell type (spindled, epithelioid, or mixed), (d) nuclear pleomorphism (minimal, moderate, or severe), (e) the presence or absence of tumor cell necrosis, (f) the presence or absence of mucosal infiltration, (g) the presence or absence of skeinoid fibers, and (h) the number of mitotic figures per 50 high-power microscopic fields (HPF). Clinical follow-up was obtained in all cases, and the patients were considered to have suffered an adverse outcome if they developed metastatic disease or died as a complication of their tumor. In the absence of these features, patients were not considered to have suffered an adverse outcome. Twenty-five patients suffered an adverse outcome. Twenty-one patients died of disease from 1 month to 9 years (median: 2 years). One patient died at 4 days because of postoperative complications. Three patients were alive with metastatic disease at 6 months, 6 years, and 7 years. Twenty-four of these 25 patients developed metastatic disease, most commonly to the liver. Fourteen patients did not suffer an adverse outcome. Eleven patients were alive without disease from 2 to 11 years (median: 3 years), and three patients died of unrelated causes at 1, 1, and 3 years. Although there was some overlap in features between clinically benign and malignant tumors, features that were significantly associated with an adverse outcome included tumor size > 5 cm, mitotic counts > 5 mitotic figures per 50 HPF, high cellularity, the absence of a predominant organoid growth pattern, the absence of skeinoid fibers, the presence of severe nuclear pleomorphism, and the presence of mucosal infiltration and tumor cell necrosis (p < 0.05 using the chi-square and Fisher's exact tests). Features that were significantly associated with decreased survival included tumor size > 5 cm, mitotic counts > 5 mitotic figures per 50 HPF, high cellularity, the absence of skeinoid fibers, and the presence of tumor cell necrosis (p < 0.05 using the Mantel-Haenszel log-rank test). Given the fact that there is some overlap in these features between clinically benign and malignant tumors, a multiparametric analysis using the above features is the most effective way of predicting clinical behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is reliable for differentiating leiomyoma subtypes. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: Academic center. PATIENT(S): Forty-five patients underwent MRI before surgery for leiomyomata. INTERVENTION(S): One radiologist blinded to patient history and histologic diagnosis recorded the MRI characteristics and classification of the largest leiomyoma. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Comparison of MRI and histologic diagnoses. RESULT(S): Leiomyoma subtypes were diagnosed accurately by MRI in 69% of cases. Magnetic resonance imaging had a 95% sensitivity and 72% specificity for diagnosing an uncomplicated leiomyoma and a 10% sensitivity and 100% specificity for a cellular leiomyoma. For cystic leiomyomata, the sensitivity was 80% and specificity was 98%, and for hemorrhagic leiomyomata, 100% and 86%, respectively. Magnetic resonance imaging correctly diagnosed all malignant tumors and did not incorrectly diagnose a leiomyoma as a leiomyosarcoma in any case. Ill-defined MRI margins were significantly more likely to be leiomyosarcoma, whereas well-defined margins were characteristic of benign lesions. Hemorrhagic leiomyomata were significantly more likely to be hyperintense on T1-weighted images than other subtypes. CONCLUSION(S): Although MRI is only fairly accurate in differentiating the subtypes of benign uterine smooth muscle tumors, signal intensities and margin characteristics are useful to distinguish accurately benign from malignant tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the response of uterine leiomyomata to three daily doses of RU486 (5, 25, and 50 mg). DESIGN: Prospective nonrandomized trial of women with symptomatic leiomyomata. SETTING: Patients from the clinical practice of the authors at the University of California, San Diego Medical Center. PATIENTS: Ten patients with symptomatic leiomyomata previously reported after treatment with 50 mg of RU486 daily for 3 months. Eleven patients treated with 25 mg of RU486 daily and nine patients placed on 5 mg of RU486 daily for 12 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Changes in leiomyomata volume as measured with vaginal ultrasounds at baseline and monthly thereafter. Frequent blood samples for hematology, chemistry, and hormone levels were obtained. Twenty-four-hour urine collections for free cortisol and creatinine were obtained at baseline and at 12 weeks. RESULTS: All three doses induce ovarian acyclicity. Administration of 50 mg of RU486 decreases leiomyomata volume to 78.1% +/- 4.8% of baseline at 4 weeks, 60.5% +/- 6.6% at 8 weeks, and 51.0% +/- 9.2% after 12 weeks of treatment. Regressive response in patients treated with 25 mg of RU486 daily was 76.3% +/- 5.0% of baseline at 4 weeks, 54.0% +/- 5.1% at 8 weeks, and 44.0% +/- 5.0% after 12 weeks. At 5 mg of RU486 leiomyomata volume was 80.6% +/- 8.3% of baseline after 4 weeks, 63.7% +/- 14.6% after 8 weeks, and 74.4% +/- 19.8% after 12 weeks of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Although acyclicity is seen at all three doses, an effective dose to cause a clinically significant (50%) decrease in leiomyomata volume appears to be 25 mg daily.  相似文献   

During the authors' initial 4-year experience with radiosurgery using the Leksell cobalt-60 gamma unit, they treated 121 patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). The radiosurgical dose to the margin of the nidus was 20 Gy for lesions less than 2.0 cm in diameter (volume < or = 4.2 cm3); 18 Gy for malformations 2.1 to 3.0 cm in diameter (volume 4.2-14.1 cm3); and 16 Gy for malformations greater than 3.0 cm (volume > 14.1 cm3). Fifty-one patients underwent follow-up angiography between 1 and 3 years after treatment, and complete obliteration of the nidus was confirmed in 38 (74.5%) of these patients. Thirty-two (74.4%) of 43 AVMs with volumes of 10 cm3 or less and six (75%) of eight larger AVMs (volume 11-30 cm3) showed complete obliteration. Analysis of the time course of AVM nidus shrinkage and obliteration showed that most of the radiosurgically induced effect had occurred by 36 months after treatment. Retrospective analysis of the dose plans for 10 AVMs that were not obliterated by 36 months after gamma knife radiosurgery at the authors' institution (eight cases) or elsewhere (two cases) revealed that six AVMs had not been covered completely by the prescribed isodose. Six (5%) of the 121 patients developed neurological deficits as a direct result of radiosurgical treatment. The authors infer from these data that malformations up to 30 cm3 in volume (approximately 4.0 cm in average diameter) can be treated effectively with an acceptably low complication rate using a radiosurgical dose of 16 Gy to the margin of the nidus. The obliteration rate for the larger malformations that were treated with a dose of 16 to 18 Gy appears to be similar to that for smaller ones treated with 18 to 20 Gy. As more experience accrues using radiosurgery to treat AVMs, patient selection criteria and the variables associated with successful obliteration of the nidus should become more clearly defined.  相似文献   

Complete hydatidiform moles (CHM) and partial hydatidiform moles (PHM) represent different clinicopathologic entities. To obtain prognostic and therapeutic information about both entities, it is important that pathologic classification be as accurate as possible. The distinction of molar pregnancy and an abortus with hydropic changes (AHC) can sometimes be very difficult. The acquisition of 2 antibodies against nuclear antigens expressed in cycling cells, Ki-67 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), allow the study of trophoblastic proliferation in CHM, PHM, and AHC. The purpose of this study is to determine whether immunocytochemical stains can help in the distinction between those entities. All materials were obtained by curettage from 95 patients with hydropic villi evident on microscopic examination. The 95 cases included 33 cases of CHM, 42 cases of PHM, and 20 cases of AHC. In the case of the Ki-67 staining, the mean was much lower in the ACH group (8.7%) than in the PHM group (65.3%) or in the CHM group (84.6%). In the case of PCNA staining, the mean differences among the 3 groups (AHC, 23.1%; PHM, 80%; and CHM, 89.2%) were all statistically significant. On the basis of the means and the Gaussian results, it appears that the Ki-67 distribution gives a better separation among the 3 groups. In conclusion, proliferative activity is an additional useful parameter for evaluation of molar pregnancies and hydropic changes, with Ki-67 staining allowing better separation than PCNA staining does.  相似文献   

One hundred two (102) cases of pre-labour rupture of membrane (PROM) were studied and special attention was given to the histological study of the amniotic membrane as well as to the bacteriological study of high vaginal flora, cervical flora and flora of amniotic fluid, in search of probable causes or factors leading to PROM. The incidence was found to be 3.16% in the age group of 20-25 years without any relation to parity; and the duration of gestation was 38 to 40 weeks in most of the cases. The histological study revealed: (a) Focally denuded amniotic epithelium, focally separated amniotic epithelium from chorion layer, lesser density of focal squamoid change of the epithelium and thicker chorion layer probably indicating focal immaturity of the chorio-amnion, (b) lesser thickness of collagen layer, focal hydropic degeneration and mild cellular infiltrate, (c) presence of focal hyaline degeneration and focal calcification of chorio-amnion. Microbial culture revealed: (a) Higher rate of positive culture in high vaginal swab, cervical swab and amniotic fluid showing presence predominantly of Esch coli, Strept haemolyticus, klebseilla species, Staph aureus, Strept non-haemolyticus, proteus species and pseudomonas species against that of positive cultures in the control cases, (b) no anaerobic bacteria from high vaginal swab, cervical swab or from amniotic fluid. It was presumed that focal immaturity of chorio-amnion or focal irregularity in the chorio-amnion at the microscopical level, focal degeneration of collagen superadded with bacterial infection, however mild, could be the factors leading to weakness in the tensile strength of chorio-amnion, again leading to PROM, in the face of stress factors of foetal origin.  相似文献   

Many studies have attempted to identify histologic features that aid in the distinction of atypical hyperplasia (AH) from hyperplasia without atypia and well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma, but few have evaluated the reproducibility of these diagnoses. Five pathologists independently reviewed 100 endometrial biopsy and curettage specimens chosen to represent the entire spectrum of proliferative lesions of the endometrium, including proliferative endometrium (PEM), hyperplasia without atypia, AH, and well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma. Slides were reviewed twice for diagnosis, with an intervening evaluation of a checklist of histologic features. Intraobserver and interobserver agreement were assessed using the kappa statistic. Intraobserver kappa values ranged from 0.67 to 0.89 (76% to 89% agreement). Interobserver kappa values by diagnostic category were: proliferative endometrium: 0.86; hyperplasia without atypia: 0.60; AH: 0.47; well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma: 0.83; with a kappa value of 0.69 for all cases combined. Associations between the selected histologic features and the given diagnoses for each pathologist were analyzed using multiple logistic regressions to identify features that were useful for distinguishing among diagnostic categories. Histologic features determined by univariable and multivariable analyses that were found to be most associated with distinguishing diagnostic categories were: proliferative endometrium versus hyperplasia without atypia: gland crowding (univariable, multivariable), and gland branching (univariable); hyperplasia without atypia versus AH: presence of nucleoli (univariable, multivariable), nuclear enlargement (univariable), vesicular chromatin change (univariable), nuclear pleomorphism (univariable), chromatin irregularities (univariable), and loss of polarity (univariable); hyperplasia without atypia versus carcinoma: glandular confluence/complex cribriform pattern (univariable, multivariable), stromal alteration (univariable, multivariable), and necrosis (univariable). In summary, interobserver agreement was good but was lowest for AH. Only the presence of nucleoli was strongly associated with distinction of AH from hyperplasia without atypia. Individual pathologists use additional features to diagnose atypia, but these features are not consistently associated with that diagnosis. Cribriform architectural pattern and stromal alteration were associated with the distinction of well-differentiated endometrioid carcinoma from AH.  相似文献   

Sarcomas and related proliferative lesions of the specialized prostatic stroma have been the subject of case reports and, thus, have not been well characterized. We reviewed the clinicopathologic features of 22 cases and studied the immunohistochemical profile of 9. Patient age ranged from 25 to 86 years; mean age was 54 years, and peak incidence was in the 6th and 7th decades. The most common clinical presentation was urinary retention, then abnormal results of digital rectal examination, hematuria or hematospermia, and a palpable rectal mass. The cases were grouped into two categories: prostatic stromal proliferation of uncertain malignant potential (PSPUMP, 18 cases) and prostatic stromal sarcoma (PSS, 4 cases) based on the degree of stromal cellularity and the presence of mitotic figures, necrosis, and stromal overgrowth. Four histologic patterns of PSPUMP were identified: (1) hypercellular stroma with scattered cytologically atypical cells associated with benign glands, (2) hypercellular stroma with minimal cytological atypia associated with benign glands, (3) hypercellular stroma with or without cytologically atypical cells, associated with benign glands in a "leaflike" growth pattern that resembled phyllodes tumors of the mammary gland, and (4) hypercellular stroma without cytologically atypical stromal cells and without glands. Prostatic stromal sarcoma showed greater cellularity, mitoses, necrosis, and stromal overgrowth than PSPUMP and consisted either of stromal elements with benign glands in a pattern that resembled malignant phyllodes tumors of the mammary gland (3 cases) or of purely stromal elements (1 case). Positive immunohistochemical reactions were noted using vimentin in 9 of 9 cases, CD34 in 8 of 8, HHF-35 in 2 of 8, smooth muscle actin in 3 of 9, desmin in 4 of 8, S-100 protein in 0 of 9, estrogen receptor in 1 of 7, and progesterone receptor in 6 of 7. None of the cases classified as PSS were positive for HHF-35, smooth muscle actin, or desmin. Of the 13 patients classified as having PSPUMP who did not undergo definitive local therapy at the time of diagnosis, recurrent signs or symptoms were seen in six (46%), necessitating additional therapy. Distant metastases to lung and bone developed in one patient classified as having PSS. Clinical and pathologic findings in this patient suggested a progression from PSPUMP to PSS. We conclude that sarcomas and related proliferative lesions of the specialized prostatic stroma encompass a spectrum of histologic features and may be grouped into two clinicopathologic categories: PSPUMP and PSS. Based on their distinctive histologic appearance and immunohistochemical profile, PSPUMP and PSS can be differentiated from other mesenchymal lesions of the prostate.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The pathogenesis of leiomyoma likely involves interactions of sex steroids with paracrine growth factors or cytokines resulting in modulation of local immunity. Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) is a chemotactic and activating factor for monocytes and is produced by multiple tumors and has antitumor effects. We investigated the expression of MCP-I in leiomyoma and myometrium as well as the regulatory role of steroid hormones and cytokines on MCP-1 expression and the effect of MCP-1 on the proliferation of leiomyoma cells. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: University medical center. PATIENT(S): Women with (n = 20) or without (n = 11) leiomyoma. INTERVENTION(S): First. MCP-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in myometrium and leiomyoma were measured, and then myometrial and leiomyoma cells in culture were treated with steroid hormones and cytokines. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The MCP-1 mRNA was evaluated by Northern analysis. Immunoreactive MCP-1 in cell cultures was quantified by ELISA. Leiomyoma cell proliferation was assessed with [3H]thymidine incorporation. RESULT(S): The MCP-1 mRNA levels in myometrial samples were 4.7-fold higher than in the leiomyoma samples. Myometrial MCP-1 mRNA levels were 2.4-fold higher in secretory than in proliferative phase samples. The highest MCP-1 levels were observed in samples from women using GnRH analogues. Estradiol and progestins, alone or in combination, resulted in a decrease in MCP-1 protein production. There was an increase in the proliferation of leiomyoma cells treated with anti-MCP-1 neutralizing antibody. CONCLUSION(S): These findings suggest that MCP-1 may have antineoplastic activity in leiomyomata and that sex steroids may be exerting their growth stimulatory effect in leiomyomata through down-regulation of MCP-1.  相似文献   

A case of sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma and its appearance on MRI is presented. The tumor showed a zonal architecture on MRI with a large central core of very low signal intensity and a peripheral rim of intermediate to high signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted spin echo pulse sequences. The core showed decreased cellularity with dense collagen deposition on histologic examination, and the peripheral zone increased cellularity with increased nuclear atypia. The presence of a prominent region of very low signal intensity on T1- and T2- weighted images can be seen with neural tumors, giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath, aggressive fibromatosis, and, in rare instances, with soft tissue sarcomas rich in collagen.  相似文献   

Eight cases of breast myofibroblastomas are reported: two in men and six in post-menopausal women. This study and a review of the 19 published cases permit to define more precisely the particular features of this rare and benign mesenchymal tumour. Good demarcation, lack of necrosis and nuclear atypia argue for the benign nature of the lesion. It is made up of spindle cells (mainles myofibroblasts) which are positive for vimentin and not for S 100 protein or epithelial markers. Alpha-smooth muscle cell actin and desmin labelling are heterogeneous. This immunohistochemical study underlines the variable results of myofibroblasts for smooth muscle markers reflecting different degrees in their differentiation, without resolving the question of their origin. A simple surgical excision is required for this benign lesion. No recurrence has never been observed.  相似文献   

Xanthomas may be associated with benign or malignant lymphoproliferative diseases, often with associated hypergammaglobulinema. In human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) disease, there is a high lymphoproliferative rate despite the immunodeficiency and increased cell death. We report three HIV-1-positive patients with facial papular xanthomatosis eruptions associated with hypergammaglobulinema, and an immunoglobulin A (IgA) gammopathy. Histopathologic features include lipid-laden macrophages, extracellular nuclear dust with phagocytosized nuclear debris, and hyalinization with areas of hyaline necrosis of collagen fibers. These distinctive papular xanthomas may be a marker of HIV-1 disease and of a pattern of immunodysregulation, immunodeficiency, and lymphoid proliferation seen in HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   

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