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Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability among Americans. The recent US Food and Drug Administration approval of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA, Activase) for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke offers the first proven therapy to reverse or ameliorate stroke symptoms. rt-PA is thought to restore circulation in the patient with acute ischemic stroke by dissolving an occluding thrombus or embolus. A basic understanding of cerebral circulation and the mechanism by which stroke compromises brain tissue is fundamental to appreciating this new therapy. The importance of prompt stroke diagnosis and treatment cannot be underestimated.  相似文献   

Insect cell lines in culture are used for a variety of studies. In this laboratory imaginal disc cell lines have been established from primary cultures from third instar larvae, and used for a number of experiments. The effect of ageing on the morphology and physiology of Drosophila cell lines has received very little attention, although problems of genotypic or phenotypic changes in cell lines with age are recognized in other areas of animal cell culture. We tested our cell line Cl8+ for any difference in growth, morphology and response to 20-hydroxyecdysone (20HE) at different ages (passage numbers). The cells were found to multiply faster, adhere less firmly to the substrate and to lose the tendency to aggregate at higher passages. The response to 20HE in terms of cell numbers and induction of beta-galactosidase was similar at all passage numbers but morphological changes in hormone-treated cells were less obvious in the higher passages. Cell lines are likely to vary in the extent of ageing effects but workers are advised to be aware of the possibilities. We suggest the effects of age on cell lines should be established, and passage numbers noted in experimental reports.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the involvement of p53 in ionizing radiation-induced excision and recombination repair. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Shuttle vector pZ189 containing radiation-induced single strand breaks plus base damage (ocDNA), ultraviolet-radiation damage (uvDNA), or a restriction enzyme-produced double strand break (linDNA) were processed in unirradiated or irradiated p53wt and p53mut lymphoblasts. Mutation frequencies in the supF-tRNA target gene and survival of plasmids processed in p53wt and p53mut hosts were compared. RESULTS: Mutation frequencies of oc-, uv- or linDNA were similar after processing in unirradiated p53wt and p53mut hosts. However, the mutation frequency of ocDNA and uvDNA decreased 50% when processed in irradiated p53wt hosts but was unaltered in irradiated p53mut hosts. In contrast, linDNA mutation frequencies varied similarly whether processed in irradiated p53wt or p53mut hosts: mutation frequency decreased twofold when linDNA was transfected immediately after host irradiation but increased twofold when transfection was delayed by 2h. Double strand break rejoining capacity, determined by the ratio of the number of progenies from linDNA to that from undamaged pZ189, differed both qualitatively and quantitatively in irradiated p53wt and p53mut hosts. CONCLUSIONS: These studies show induction of DNA repair in mammalian cells by ionizing radiation and indicate the involvement of p53 in the modulation of excision repair fidelity and double strand break rejoining capacity.  相似文献   

Cotransfer of a therapeutic gene together with the human MDR1 gene provides an opportunity to increase the number of transduced marrow cells, expressing the therapeutic gene, by in vivo selection for MDR1. We have used an Lg-MDR1-IRES-neo (LgMIN) retroviral vector, containing MDR1 and neo genes, separated by the EMCV IRES. Human HeLa or canine CTAC cells, transduced with GALV env pseudotyped LgMIN at an MOI of less than 0.01 to ensure 1 proviral copy/genome, were selected with either G418 for neo expression or colchicine for MDR1 expression. The titer determined on HeLa cells with G418 selection was eight-fold higher than that with colchicine selection. In contrast, the same viral supernatant exhibited only a 1.4-fold difference between neo- and MDR1-based viral titer values for CTAC cells. The transduced HeLa cells, with one intact proviral copy per genome, exhibited a 55-fold higher resistance to G418 but only a 4-fold higher resistance to colchicine and a 2-fold higher resistance to Taxol compared with nontransduced cells. About 23% of the transduced cell population did not express vector-derived P-glycoprotein (P-gp) as detected by anti-human P-gp MAb MRK-16. This could explain the difference in viral titers obtained on CTAC cells but not that obtained on HeLa cells. The vector-mediated increase in expression of P-gp was about 20-fold higher in CTAC cells as compared with HeLa cells. These results indicated suppression of expression of vector-derived MDR1 in HeLa cells, in contrast with CTAC cells. To investigate further the possible reasons for this difference, genomic DNA was isolated from the G418-resistant individual colonies of infected cells and analyzed by PCR for full-length proviral MDR1. For transduced CTAC and HeLa cells, selected at a G418 concentration of 1 mg/ml, PCR detected aberrant forms of MDR1 in 17 to 25% of colonies tested. The aberrant forms consisted of MDR1 genes with 2- and 0.7-kb deletions. DNA sequencing across the 2-kb and the 0.7-kb deletion junction suggests cryptic splicing in the producer cell line as the origin of these deletions. The 2-kb deletion corresponds to MDR1 mRNA cryptic splicing via donor (codon 113) and acceptor (codon 773). The 0.7-kb deletion corresponds to splicing via the same donor and a different acceptor (codon 344). When transduced HeLa cells were selected at a higher concentration of G418 (3 mg/ml), the aberrant forms were detected at an increased frequency of about 50% of colonies tested. These results indicate that vector-derived MDR1 is a poor selective marker in HeLa cells but not in CTAC cells and that deletions, which inactivated the MDR1 gene in a bicistronic Mo-MuLV vector, may provide an advantage for expression of the second transgene in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) and glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) play an important role in the protection of cells against toxic effects of many electrophilic drugs and chemicals. Modulation of cellular GSH and/or GST activity levels provides a potentially useful approach to sensitizing tumor cells to electrophilic anti-cancer drugs. In this study, we describe the interactions of four representative alkylating agents (AAs), melphalan, 4-hydroperoxy-cyclophosphamide (4HC), an an activated form of cyclophosphamide, 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU), and cisplatin, with GSH and GST in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Depletion of cellular GSH pools by approximately 80% by treatment of the cells with the GSH synthesis inhibitor buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) sensitized the tumor cells to each AA to a different extent, with dose-modifying factors of 2.39, 2.21, 1.64, and 1.27 observed for melphalan, 4HC, cisplatin, and BCNU, respectively. Treatment of the cells with the GST inhibitor ethacrynic acid (EA) failed to show any significant effects on the cytotoxicity of these AAs. However, EA did potentiate the cytotoxicity of melphalan when given in combination with BSO, an effect that may be due to a more complete depletion of cellular GSH levels by the combined modulator treatment. Following a 1-hr exposure to cytotoxic-equivalent concentrations of these AAs, GSH levels decreased substantially in the case of 4HC and BCNU, but increased by 30-50% in the case of cisplatin and melphalan. BSO pretreatment largely blocked this effect of cisplatin and melphalan on cellular GSH, while it further enhanced the GSH-depleting activity of both 4HC and BCNU. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that (a) GSH affects the cytotoxicity of different AAs to different extents, (b) basal GST expression in MCF-7 cells does not play a major role in AA metabolism, (c) EA can potentiate the enhancing effect of BSO on melphalan cytotoxicity in MCF-7 cells, and (d) depletion of cellular GSH by pretreatment with BCNU or cyclophosphamide may correspond to a useful strategy for enhancing the anti-tumor activity of other AAs given in a sequential combination.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the size of human oocytes at collection from unstimulated ovaries is related to their ability to resume meiosis and undergo maturation in vitro. DESIGN: A comparative study of oocyte diameter at collection. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Northwestern University Medical School. PATIENTS: Women age 25 to 39 years of age undergoing gynecological procedures yielding oophorectomy specimens. INTERVENTION: Oocytes obtained from ovarian tissue were cultured in Ham's F-10 and fetal bovine serum for 72 hours and observed two times per day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The oocytes ability to resume meiosis and complete maturation based on their diameter at collection. RESULTS: Chi-squared analysis revealed a significant difference in oocytes measuring 86 to 105 microns versus those measuring 106 to 125 microns. CONCLUSION: The unstimulated human oocyte appears to have a size-dependent ability to resume meiosis and complete maturation.  相似文献   

Acrolein is a highly electrophilic alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde to which humans are exposed in various situations. Acrolein reacts rapidly with and depletes cellular glutathione (GSH), and is toxic to various types of cells. In the current study, the ability of acrolein to alter proliferation of A549 cells was found to be dependent on cell density as well as total cell number. Thus, 'doses' must be expressed per cell rather than as a concentration, and all related studies need to be performed by plating a constant number of cells. A549 cells were plated at various densities and treated with acrolein after 48 h. Acrolein doses up to 47 fmol/cell at the time of treatment did not cause cell lethality. However, growth of A549 cells (as shown by thymidine incorporation, alamarBlue and total protein) was inhibited at acrolein levels > 34 fmol/cell in 6-well plates seeded at 5000 cells/cm2 48 h prior to treatment. Cellular GSH levels were decreased 34% by 2 h at acrolein levels of 6.7 fmol/cell and by 65% at 47 fmol/cell. Recovery of GSH was rapid at 6.7-47 fmol/cell acrolein, returning to control levels or above by 12 h post-treatment. These data show a strong correlation between cellular GSH and proliferation. The apparent conflict with a previous study of Ramu et al., suggesting that sublethal concentrations (up to 10 microM) of acrolein inhibited the proliferation of A549 cells without a decline in total cellular GSH, arose because, while the acrolein concentration was the same in cells used for proliferation and GSH assays, GSH measurements were done in cells plated at a higher density, resulting in a much lower acrolein dose per cell. Interestingly, very low dose levels of acrolein with cells seeded at low densities stimulated cell growth despite an initial decline in GSH content. Preliminary studies with the stress genes hsp70 and gadd153 suggest that acrolein at 35 fmol/cell does not stimulate formation of their mRNA beyond the level stimulated by a 2 h incubation in serum-free medium but may actually delay or decrease the induced expression. The mechanism(s) of the inhibitory and mitogenic effects of acrolein remains to be determined, but could be due to changes in gene expression induced by this electrophile, perhaps mediated by changes in GSH.  相似文献   

Physiological levels of shear stress reduce endothelial cell turnover and exert a potent antiatherosclerotic effect. Here we demonstrate that oxidative stress-induced apoptosis of human endothelial cells was inhibited by shear stress exposure (15 dynes/cm2). Incubation with H2O2 (200 mumol/L) for 18 hours induced apoptosis of human umbilical venous endothelial cells as demonstrated by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific for histone-associated DNA fragments and visual analysis of fluorescence-stained nuclei. Shear stress-mediated inhibition of apoptosis was partially prevented by pharmacological inhibition of glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis with buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) or nitric oxide (NO) synthase with NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (LNMA), whereas inhibition of catalase by aminotriazol did not affect the inhibitory action of shear stress. Combined inhibition of NO synthase and GSH biosynthesis completely reversed the protective effect of shear stress, suggesting that both NO synthase and the GSH redox cycle system are involved in the apoptosis-suppressing effect of shear stress. Similar results were obtained when apoptosis was stimulated by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha). To gain further insights into the interference of shear stress with apoptosis signal transduction, we measured caspase-3-like activity, a cysteine protease that has been shown to play a predominant role in the cell death effector pathway. Indeed, shear stress prevented the activation of caspase-3-like activity induced by H202 or TNF alpha. The inhibitory effect of shear stress was prevented by LNMA and BSO, suggesting that the reduction of oxidative flux by shear stress prevents the activation of caspase-like proteases and thereby inhibits apoptotic cell death in human endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C) is used to treat leukemias, with complete remission induced by combination chemotherapy in approximately 70% of cases of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Ara-CTP acts as a competitive inhibitor of DNA polymerase and may also be incorporated into DNA. Accumulation of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) induced by Ara-C may indicate disruption of DNA synthesis in susceptible leukemia cells. A procedure has been developed for the quantification of Ara-CTP and dNTPs from small samples of leukaemia cells from patients (4 x 10(7) cells) activated with concanavalin A (10 micrograms/ml, 48 hr) and grown in the presence of [32P]orthophosphate (1.1 microM, 9 x 10(6) Ci/mol, 16 hr). The susceptibilities to Ara-C of the human leukemia cell lines CCRF-CEM (IC50 = 6.30 nM), CCRF-HSB-2 (IC50 = 10.4 nM) and MOLT-4 (IC50 = 10.0 nM) may be correlated with their abilities to accumulate high concentrations of Ara-CTP (> 1000 amol/cell) with increases of between 1.3- and 3.4-fold in dATP, dGTP and dTTP for the four cell lines, while dCTP decreased between 0.23- and 0.78-fold. By contrast, an Ara-C-resistant derivative of HL-60 cells (IC50 = 400 nM) accumulated only low concentrations of Ara-CTP (71 amol/cell) without significant changes in dNTPs. High concentrations of Ara-CTP in leukemia cells induce accumulations of dATP, dGTP and dTTP due to inhibition of DNA synthesis, and depletion of dCTP. This imbalance in the pools of the four dNTPs could lead to genetic miscoding and cell death.  相似文献   

Cysteine string proteins (CSPs) are synaptic vesicle proteins thought to be involved in neurotransmitter release. To obtain more information about the function of these proteins motor nerve terminals of wild type and CSP null mutant Drosophila larvae were depolarized and excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were recorded with an extracellular electrode at 16-18 degrees C. At this temperature the amplitude of average EPSCs was reduced and the time constant of the exponential fit of the current decay was increased in CSP null mutant compared to wild type larvae. The number of quanta released per pulse was not different but the time course of release was distributed differently in CSP null mutant and wild type larvae. In measurements of the latency of quantal EPSCs the probability of release after a pulse reached a lower peak value and the decay after the peak was delayed in CSP null mutant compared to wild type larvae. In addition facilitation in response to twin-pulse stimulation was slightly increased at low levels of release in CSP null mutant larvae. It is concluded that CSPs are involved in neurotransmitter release and help to synchronise evoked release at nerve terminals.  相似文献   

Conducted a study with 24 physically disabled college students to test R. R. Carkhuff's (see PA, Vol. 44:16766) model of psychopathology, which suggests a positive relationship between a person's human relations skills and indices of psychological adjustment. Support for the model was evidenced by a significant correlation (p  相似文献   

When prostaglandin A1 was incubated with a Tris/saline suspension of washed human red blood cells, a substantial amount was converted to polar metabolites. These were purified by solvent extraction, XAD-2 column, and cellulose thin layer chromatography and characterized by chromatography, amino acid analysis, and mass spectrometry. The polar metabolites were a mixture of two glutathione conjugates of prostaglandin A1. The first (approximately 40%) was identical with the product of the nonenzymic reaction of glutathione with prostaglandin A1. The second (approximately 60%) was formed from the first by reduction of the 9-keto group of the prostaglandin moiety. The latter compound was also prepared synthetically by treating the glutathione conjugate of prostaglandin A1 with sodium borohydride.  相似文献   

Acrylonitrile (VCN) or its reactive metabolites irreversibly interact with gastric DNA in vivo and cause DNA damage. The effect of glutathione (GSH) modulation on VCN-induced genotoxicity and unscheduled DNA repair synthesis (UDRS) in DNA of gastric mucosal tissues was investigated. VCN-induced UDRS was determined: in control rats, rats with depleted gastric GSH contents, and rats treated with sulfhydryl compounds. A single oral dose (23 mg/kg) of VCN induced a time- and dose-dependent increase in gastric UDRS and decrease in GSH levels. While maximal UDRS in gastric mucosa was observed 2 h following oral administration of 23 mg/kg VCN, maximal GSH depletion (50% of control) was detected 4 h following treatment. Increasing the VCN dose to 46 mg/kg caused a further decrease in gastric GSH level (27% of control), while UDRS was elevated. Inhibition of VCN oxidation by treatment of the animals with the cytochrome P450 inhibitor, SKF 525-A, prior to VCN administration caused 65% reduction in VCN-induced UDRS. Treatment of rats with the GSH depletor diethylmaleate (DEM) prior to VCN administration caused 167% increase in UDRS in gastric mucosal tissues. Treatment of the animals with the sulfhydryl compounds, cysteine and penicillamine, prior to VCN administration protected against VCN-induced UDRS. The results demonstrated an inverse and highly significant correlation between gastric GSH levels and VCN-induced UDRS (r = -0.873, P < 0.0001). In conclusion, our study indicates that VCN bioactivation and the homeostasis of gastric GSH may play a major, role in the initial processes underlying VCN-induced gastric carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of enzymes involved in the detoxification of a wide range of chemicals including chemical carcinogens. Human cytosolic GSTs are divided into four major classes; alpha, mu, pi and theta. This study was performed to evaluate the influence of age and gender on the GST isoenzyme expression and glutathione (GSH) content in lymphocytes. Blood was collected from 124 healthy controls, which were divided into age groups of 20-40 years (21 females, 20 males), 40-60 years (20 females, 21 males) and 60-80 years (20 females, 22 males). Lymphocytes were isolated by density centrifugation on Histopaque-1077. After homogenization, cytosolic fractions were isolated. Herein, GST isoenzyme levels were determined by densitometrical analysis of western blots after immunodetection with monoclonal antibodies. Total GSH content was determined by high performance liquid chromatography after conjugation with monobromobimane. Spearman rank correlation and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used for statistical evaluation. Lymphocytic GSTmu and pi levels were not correlated with age or gender. GSTalpha was not detectable in lymphocytes. GSH contents were not different in males and females, but decreased with age in both males and females. In age group 60-80, GSH content was significantly lower as compared with age groups 20-40 and 40-60 in both sexes. Since high GSH is an essential factor in the detoxification of many compounds, these data indicate that the detoxification potential of the GSH/GST system in lymphocytes may decrease with age in man.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has recently been shown that humoral antigastric autoreactivities occur in a substantial number of Helicobacter pylori infected patients. AIMS: To analyse the relevance of such antigastric autoantibodies for histological and serological parameters of the infection as well as for the clinical course. METHODS: Gastric biopsy samples and sera from 126 patients with upper abdominal complaints were investigated for evidence of H pylori infection using histology and serology. Autoantibodies against epitopes in human gastric mucosa were detected by immunohistochemical techniques. Histological and clinical findings of all patients were then correlated with the detection of antigastric autoantibodies. RESULTS: H pylori infection was significantly associated with antigastric autoantibodies reactive with the luminal membrane of the foveolar epithelium and with canalicular structures within parietal cells. The presence of the latter autoantibodies was significantly correlated with the severity of body gastritis, gastric mucosa atrophy, elevated fasting gastrin concentrations, and a decreased ratio of serum pepsinogen I:II. Furthermore the presence of anticanalicular autoantibodies was associated with a greater than twofold reduced prevalence for duodenal ulcer. CONCLUSION: The data indicate that antigastric autoantibodies play a role in the pathogenesis and outcome of H pylori gastritis, in particular in the development of gastric mucosal atrophy.  相似文献   

It is shown that the distribution of identical amino acid residues in the primary structure of 83 non-homologous proteins containing about 14 000 amino acids is near to a casual one, i.e. it is determined by the amino acid composition. A characteristic feature of such distribution is an increased probability of a common grouping of amino acid residues.  相似文献   

The threat to human health posed by antibiotic resistance is of growing concern. Many commensal and pathogenic organisms have developed resistance to well established and newer antibiotics. The major selection pressure driving changes in the frequency of antibiotic resistance is the volume of drug use. However, establishing a quantitative relationship between the frequency of resistance and volume of drug use has proved difficult. Using population genetic methods and epidemiological observations, we report an analysis of the influence of the selective pressure imposed by the volume of drug use on temporal changes in resistance. Analytical expressions are derived to delineate key relationships between resistance and drug consumption. The analyses indicate that the time scale for emergence of resistance under a constant selective pressure is typically much shorter than the decay time after cessation or decline in the volume of drug use and that significant reductions in resistance require equally significant reductions in drug consumption. These results highlight the need for early intervention once resistance is detected.  相似文献   

Mutations in the X-linked gene doublecortin, which encodes a protein with no dear structural homologues, are found in pedigrees in which affected females show "double cortex" syndrome (DC; also known as subcortical band heterotopia or laminar heterotopia) and affected males show X-linked lissencephaly. Mutations in doublecortin also cause sporadic DC in females. To determine the incidence of doublecortin mutations in DC, we investigated a cohort of eight pedigrees and 47 sporadic patients with DC for mutations in the doublecortin open reading frame as assessed by single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis. Mutations were identified in each of the eight DC pedigrees (100%), and in 18 of the 47 sporadic DC patients (38%). Identified mutations were of two types, protein truncation mutations and single amino acid substitution mutations. However, pedigrees with DC displayed almost exclusively single amino acid substitution mutations, suggesting that patients with these mutations may have less of a reproductive disadvantage versus those patients with protein truncation mutations. Single amino acid substitution mutations were tightly clustered in two regions of the open reading frame, suggesting that these two regions are critical for the function of the Doublecortin protein.  相似文献   

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