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无纺织物单向受拉时孔径变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现有反滤设计中保土准则使用土工织物未受拉时的等效孔径,但平面单向拉伸会导致该值变化,影响土工织物反滤性能。采用动力水筛法对三种无纺土工织物单向受拉时等效孔径变化进行测定。无纺织物被单向张拉至3%、5%和10%的平面应变,随着拉应变的增加,三种针刺无纺土工织物等效孔径减小。推求了无纺织物单向张拉时的等效孔径计算公式,对于较厚无纺织物,公式计算值和测试值较吻合,但对于较薄无纺织物,二值有一定差异。  相似文献   

佘巍  唐晓武 《岩土工程学报》2012,34(8):1522-1526
现有反滤设计中保土准则使用土工织物未受拉时的等效孔径,但平面单向拉伸会导致该值变化,变大则不满足保土准则,变小则不满足透水准则及淤堵准则。有纺织物孔径由孔径分布曲线和特征孔径反映,采用数字图像分析法对两种有纺土工织物单向受拉时孔径变化进行精确测定。有纺织物被单向张拉至3%,6%,9%和12%的平面应变,随着拉应变的增加,两种有纺土工织物开孔面积率增大;孔径分布曲线向孔径大的方向移动;3种特征孔径值(O30,O50和O95)增大,其变化率都与拉应变呈近似线性关系,且小孔径部分相对于大孔径部分随拉伸应变的增长而增大较快。  相似文献   

为研究单向拉伸对土工织物反滤性能的影响,选取两种条膜机织有纺织物和两种短纤针刺无纺织物,将不同拉应变下的织物与非连续级配土组成反滤系统,利用梯度比渗透仪测试系统反滤参数随拉应变的变化。根据反滤设计的透水、保土和防淤堵3个准则,分析拉应变对透水率、漏土量、梯度比等各参数的影响。试验结果表明:随着拉应变增加,有纺织物透水及防淤堵性能增强,保土性能减弱;无纺织物则相反,透水及防淤堵性能减弱,保土性能增强;同种土工织物厚度越大,拉应变对其反滤性能影响越大。  相似文献   

The influence of uniaxial tensile strain on the pore size distribution and filtration characteristics of geotextiles is studied. An experimental apparatus was designed and used to conduct tests for pore size distribution, flow rate through the geotextiles and the gradient ratio. Four geotextiles made of polypropylene (two heat-bonded nonwoven and two slit film woven) were studied. Throughout the test series, the geotextiles were stretched to maintain 5%, 10% and 20% in-plane uniaxial strains. The strained specimen test results were compared with those from unstrained specimen. The experimental results illustrate the pore size and the mean flow rate through the plain geotextiles increase with the increase in tensile strain. The differences in changed percentages for apparent opening size and flow rate between the two nonwoven geotextiles are much higher than those between the two woven geotextiles. The increase in tensile strain results in reduction in the gradient ratio for the soil–geotextile system. This effect is more pronounced for nonwoven geotextiles. More testing is recommended to gain a deeper understanding into tensile strain effect on various geotextiles.  相似文献   

唐琳  唐晓武  王艳  白彬 《岩土工程学报》2016,38(8):1535-1540
有纺土工织物的孔径特征是反滤设计的重要指标。工程中有纺织物常处于不等轴双向受拉状态,引起孔径变化,导致织物反滤性能失效。采用数字图像法测试了不等轴双向拉应变下,3种条膜有纺织物的孔径参数变化,包括孔洞长宽比、开孔面积率、等效孔径(O95)等。对比经纬向应变比2∶1,3∶1,4∶1对试验结果的影响,根据孔径特征变化规律,揭示不等轴双向拉伸引起孔径变化的机理。运用图像法试验结果,验证已推导的双向应变下开孔面积率及孔径理论解。试验结果表明:开孔面积率、等效孔径(O95)均随双向拉应变的增大而增大。纬向应变相同时,经纬向应变比越大,孔洞形态(即孔洞长宽比)变化越大,开孔面积率及孔径变化的斜率越大。理论解较好地预测了开孔面积率及孔径的变化率及数值,孔径参数与双向拉应变呈现近似线性关系。但理论解的孔径计算以孔面积为指标,无法考虑应变比造成的孔形态变化对反滤作用的影响。  相似文献   

The consideration of time dependence is essential for the study of deformation and fracturing processes of rock materials, especially for those subjected to strong compressive and tensile stresses. In this paper, the self-developed direct tension device and creep testing machine RLW-2000M are used to conduct the creep tests on red sandstone under uniaxial compressive and tensile stresses. The short-term and long-term creep behaviors of rocks under compressive and tensile stresses are investigated, as well as the long-term strength of rocks. It is shown that, under low-stress levels, the creep curve of sandstone consists of decay and steady creep stages; while under high-stress levels, it presents the accelerated creep stage and creep fracture presents characteristics of brittle materials. The relationship between tensile stress and time under uniaxial tension is also put forward. Finally, a nonlinear viscoelastoplastic creep model is used to describe the creep behaviors of rocks under uniaxial compressive and tensile stresses.  相似文献   

不同掺砾量下砾石土抗拉强度试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
砾石土的抗拉强度是土心墙堆石坝抵抗拉裂破坏的重要指标之一。基于自主研制的单向拉伸试验模具,对不同掺砾量下的砾石土进行了系列的单向拉伸试验。在此基础上得到了以下结论:在本文的试验参数范围内,砾石土的抗拉强度随着含水率的增大而减小,随着干密度的增大而增大;分别给出了各掺砾量下土样抗拉强度与其最优含水率及最大干密度的关系表达式;对于处于各自最优含水率和最大干密度下的砾石土,掺砾量从0%增加到50%时,试样的抗拉强度从122.6 kPa减小到了49.8 kPa,且两者呈线性递减关系;试样的峰值拉应变和极限拉应变均随着掺砾量的增加而线性递减;对不同掺砾量土样的断裂能分析发现,随着掺砾量的增加,土样的抗拉能力不断减弱;在略高于最优含水率及处于最大干密度时砾石土试样的综合抗拉能力最强。相关试验成果可为实际土石坝心墙抗裂设计提供参照。  相似文献   

The basic pore unit model is extended to predict the strained pore size characteristics of woven slit-film geotextiles subjected to unequal biaxial tensile strains. The strained per cent open area (POA) and analytical pore size are expressed as functions of the weft strain and the warp strain to weft strain ratio. The influence of the biaxial tensile strain on pore size characteristics is evaluated in three woven slit-film polypropylene geotextile samples using image analysis under the warp strain to weft strain ratios of 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is shown that the experimental POA and O95 increased significantly with increasing strain at different warp strain to weft strain ratios, and the PSD curves moved toward the direction of large open sizes. The analytical models of POA and pore size can accurately predict the increasing trend of POA and O95. Moreover, unequal biaxial tensile strains can significantly change the shape of the pores, which may influence the results of the pore size obtained by indirect methods. A larger warp strain to weft strain ratio can lead to a larger change in the pore shape when the length to width ratios of initial pores are close to 1.  相似文献   

黄土拉张破裂特性试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过单轴拉伸试验,分析了地裂缝发育区原状黄土与重塑黄土的拉张破裂特性。研究表明,黄土的抗拉强度及极限拉应变均很小,抗拉强度一般仅有几到十几kPa,极限拉应变仅千分之几;含水率与干密度是影响黄土抗拉强度的两个重要因素,它们与抗拉强度之间分别满足递减的负指数关系与递增的指数关系。因此,黄土本身的弱抗拉特性是导致黄土地区地裂缝等地质灾害较为发育的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

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