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综合分析了我国氯处理与氯液化的技术现状,重点阐述了氯处理过程中的氯气冷却、干燥、输送和氯气液化的技术进展及其发展对策、建议.  相似文献   

Devices for monitoring solvent vapour levels are reviewed and the results of a comprehensive survey of solvent vapour levels (from solvent-based adhesives and other solvent-based preparations) in shoe factories are presented. Data on the efficiency of vapour extraction devices are also reported.  相似文献   

我公司不断探寻新型低成本可替代原料。粉煤灰为粉状物料且水分较高,容易堵下料口,造成下料困难,经过多次实验发现,煤矸石与湿粉煤灰成分相近,其为块状物料,易于输送,价格较湿粉煤灰更为低廉,具有较高的资源替代性。煤矸石可替代现有的铝质校正材料湿粉煤灰进行生料配料。使用煤矸石配料能减少煤的配入量,使系统实物煤耗降低约0.5 kg/t;煤矸石到厂价格较湿粉煤灰价格便宜20元/t左右,可有效降低生料配料成本,具有较好的经济效益。煤矸石中硫含量较高且波动较大,可能造成烧成系统结皮、尾气硫超标等,使用时应加强煅烧工艺控制,并做好硫排放控制措施。  相似文献   

Cyclic voltammetric and galvanostatic experiments have been carried out with both synthetic and commercial bleach solutions with a view to regenerating the same. Maximum efficiency could be achieved if the oxidation is carried out below an anodic potential of 0·80 V vs SCE. The data obtained in galvanostatic experiments with RCE confirm the results of the earlier technique.  相似文献   

L. Chávez-Guerrero  M. Hinojosa 《Fuel》2010,89(12):4049-4052
In the mezcal industry, the xerophyte Agave salmiana is used to produce mezcal, and neither the plant nor its residues have been studied before as an alternative source of fuel. Bagasse and wasted fibers samples from alcoholic beverage production were collected in order to find out their properties as fuel. Another sample consists in pyrolyzed bagasse at 450 °C to produce carbon. DSC results revealed differences in the heat of combustion values, where pyrolyzed bagasse (19.36 MJ/kg) had a higher value than bagasse (9.55 MJ/kg) or the fiber (8.4 MJ/kg). SEM images showed the morphological changes in the fibers after their processing. TGA analysis showed the presence of different alcohols impregnated on the bagasse, which allows for an increase in heat of combustion. With these preliminary results it can be seen that it is possible to use the byproducts generated by the alcoholic beverage production as an alternative source of fuel.  相似文献   

纤维织物在我国胶鞋工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵敏 《中国橡胶》2006,22(6):23-26
胶鞋是橡胶工业最早的产品之一,也是我国橡胶工业中起源最早、历史最久的传统产品。我国自1917年广东出现第一家胶鞋厂到1997年已成为世界上最大的胶鞋生产国和出口国,胶鞋花式品种累计已达千余种。据国家统计局统计,2002年胶鞋总产量已达9.59亿双,民间根据内销和出品量估计实际上应为15亿双左右。胶鞋按材料可分为布面胶鞋、胶面胶鞋和橡塑鞋三类。布面胶鞋鞋帮取材于纺织物,配上围条、大底、中底和前包头等胶制部件;胶面胶鞋整个统面取材于覆贴胶面的棉毛针织物,具有不渗漏的功能;橡塑鞋底材采用纯胶或橡塑共混物、热塑性弹性体,帮材采用…  相似文献   

In response to the June 1986 time limit the conversion of mercury (M-process) cells to ion exchange membrane (IM-process) cells is now well advanced in the Japanese chlor-alkali industry. In parallel with this, many asbestos diaphragm cell (D-process) plants have also been converted to the membrane process (DI-process). These successive conversions are indicative of an acknowledgement of the economies inherent in the IM-process as a result of technical improvements. This article gives an account of the recent developments and progress of the IM-process in Japan.  相似文献   

Solutions of trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) in different organic solvents are commonly employed in the footwear industry to improve the adhesion of SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) rubber soles to polyurethane adhesive. To avoid the use of organic solvents in the chlorinating solutions, several water-based chlorinating treatments were investigated in this study: (i) inorganic chlorine compounds (HCl-acidified sodium hypochlorite solution; free active chlorine (FAC) = 47.8 g/l); (ii) organic chlorine donors (aqueous solution of 3 wt% TCI/H2O, and ethanol solutions of 3 wt% HD (1,3-dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoine), or NCS (N-chlorosuccinimide); (iii) organic chlorine donor salts (aqueous solutions containing 3 wt% DCI (sodium dichloro isocyanurate), CB (chloramine B, N-chloro-sodium-phenylsulphenamide), or CT (chloramine T, N-chloro-sodium-p-toluenesulphenamide). The surface modifications produced by treatment of SBS rubber with the aqueous chlorinating agents were compared with those obtained by using the current solvent-based chlorinating treatment (3 wt% TCI/MEK). The FAC concentration and the chlorine stability in the solutions were determined by iodine titration, and the SBS rubber surface pH was determined with a flat pH probe. The surface modifications on the SBS rubber were analyzed by ATR-IR spectroscopy, XPS, contact-angle measurements and SEM. The adhesion properties were evaluated by T-peel strength tests on treated SBS rubber/waterborne polyurethane adhesive/roughened leather joints. The failed surfaces obtained after peel tests were analyzed by ATR-IR spectroscopy to precisely assess the locus of failure of the adhesive joints. The nature of the modifications produced on the SBS rubber surface depended on the chlorinating system used, the SBS rubber surface pH value, and the free active chlorine concentration of the chlorinating solution. The most effective chlorinating agents were TCI/H2O and HD/EtOH, but they were not stable over time due to quick chlorine evolution. Treatment with NaClO/HCl and DCI/H2O provided acceptable adhesive strength values although there was fast chlorine evolution in the NaClO/HCl solution; the free active chlorine concentration in the DCI/H2O solution was stable for at least 4 days after preparation. Finally, the treatment with NCS/EtOH, CB/H2O and CT/H2O did not chemically modify the SBS rubber surface, so the adhesion to polyurethane adhesive was not improved.  相似文献   

陆涛  苏艳丽 《中国氯碱》2002,(12):34-35
通过对氯气处理系统发生爆炸事故的原因分析,提出整改措施并加强管理。  相似文献   

A new water-based chemical treatment based on sodium dichloroisocyanurate (DCI) solutions for rubber soles of different natures is reported in this study. Different concentrations (1-5 wt%) of DCI and two rubber formulations (vulcanized styrene-butadiene rubber, R2; thermoplastic rubber, TR) were considered. The effects produced by treatment of the rubber soles with DCI were compared with the standard halogenation method using trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCI) solutions in an organic solvent (ethyl acetate). The effects of chlorination on the rubber surfaces were studied using contact angle measurements, ATR-IR spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The adhesion strength was obtained from T-peel strength tests on canvas/PUD adhesive/treated rubber joints. The adhesive used throughout this study was a water-based polyurethane dispersion (PUD). The surface treatment with aqueous DCI solutions modified the surface chemistry of both the TR and R2 rubbers, creating C—Cl moieties on the surface and removing the zinc stearate from the R2 rubber surface. The use of a low DCI concentration in water was less effective in modifying the TR rubber, but was sufficient to obtain good T-peel strength values for the R2 rubber joints. On the other hand, heterogeneities and cracks were created on the rubber surface (mainly on the R2 rubber surface), which may contribute to an increase in the mechanical interlocking with the adhesive. A noticeable increase in the T-peel strength and a cohesive failure in the rubber for the joints produced with TR rubber were obtained when the rubber was treated with aqueous DCI solutions. For the canvas/PUD adhesive/chlorinated R2 rubber joint, the failure was located in a thin surface layer on the canvas. Finally, the surface treatment with TCI in ethyl acetate produced a more significant surface modification on both the TR and the R2 rubber, creating deeper roughness on the R2 rubber surface. Consequently, higher peel strength values were obtained using TCI solutions in ethyl acetate. Furthermore, the T-peel strength values were high in all joints produced with TR rubber treated with either TCI solution in ethyl acetate or aqueous DCI solution.  相似文献   

Considering ecological and economical issues in the new generation coating industries, the maximum utilization of naturally occurring materials for polymer synthesis can be an obvious option. In the same line, one of the promising candidates for substituting partially, and to some extent totally, petroleum-based raw materials with an equivalent or even enhanced performance properties, is the Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL). This dark brown-colored viscous liquid obtained from shells of the cashew nut can be utilized for a number of polymerization reactions due to its reactive phenolic structure and a meta-substituted unsaturated aliphatic chain. Therefore, a wide variety of resins can be synthesized from CNSL, such as polyesters, phenolic resins, epoxy resins, polyurethanes, acrylics, vinyl, alkyds, etc. The present article discusses the potential of CNSL and its derivatives as an environment friendly alternative for petroleum-based raw materials as far as polymer and coating industries are concerned.  相似文献   

袁飞 《氯碱工业》2014,50(11):14-17
简述了离心式氯压机的工作原理及特点,介绍了该设备在中盐吉兰泰氯碱化工有限公司离子膜烧碱装置氯气输送中的运行情况,探讨了确保离心式氯压机长期运行应具备的工艺条件.  相似文献   

对原有氯气处理系统进行改造,消除了影响氯含水偏高的主要因素,使氯含水稳定控制在0.04%以下。  相似文献   

介绍了氯气含水量高的危害,氯气干燥原理以及控制氯气含水量在正常范围的必要条件。  相似文献   

介绍山西合成橡胶集团有限责任公司氯气处理工艺的改造方法。改造前氯中水含量偏高,设备和管道腐蚀严重,硫酸消耗高;改造效果良好。  相似文献   

Silica fume (SF) is a by-product from the production of ferrosilicon alloy which it can be purified. The surface of SF is treated with bis (3-triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulphide (TESPT) to obtain modified silica fume (mSF) as reinforcing filler. FTIR and TGA results confirmed that TESPT can successfully treated onto the surface of SF. The effect of surface treatment by TESPT and mSF content on the cure characteristics and rubber mechanical properties are investigated; as compared with SF and unfilled natural rubber. Results reveal that, the mSF affects not only fast cure rate, but also improve rubber mechanical properties. Additionally, the mSF and SF are incorporated into the natural rubber to produce rubber damper and then study the rubber product performance such as static spring rate and durability property. The mSF seems effective in improving the stiffness and crack resistance of rubber damper more than SF which is due to enhancing the degree of crosslink density. It can be proved that mSF as alternative reinforcing filler in rubber industry.  相似文献   

The footwear leather waste (FLW) has shown some distinct features of a conventional biomass, among which high concentrations of sulfur and chromium. The paper presents the obtained experimental results from gasification and combustion of FLW performed in a semi-pilot plant (350 kWth). The corrosion tests were carried out with one low carbon steel and three stainless steels at temperature around 500 °C. The obtained corrosion rates for all the tested alloys were significantly lower than those observed on other types of biomass. The presence of chromium oxide and sulfur dioxide in the flue gas was associated with reduction in the corrosion rate.  相似文献   

氯气处理系统停车后爆炸原因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安先义 《氯碱工业》2009,45(8):33-33,37
以平顶山煤业集团开封东大化工集团有限公司发生的一次事故为例,分析了氯气处理系统停车后发生爆炸的原因,并提出了应对这种事故的预防措施。  相似文献   

介绍了电解制氯技术的基本原理,并从极板类型、水温、电流密度及结垢问题等影响因素出发,分析了目前电解制氯技术在工业领域的研究热点及工程应用。指出了电解制氯技术目前存在的问题,展望了电解制氯技术的发展方向,为相关理论研究以及实际应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

将堵漏剂按桥接类堵漏剂、高失水堵漏剂、暂堵型堵漏剂、膨胀类堵漏剂、可固化型堵漏剂和复合材料堵漏剂进行分类,通过对这6类堵漏剂进行比较,评述不同类型堵漏剂承压性、封堵性、耐温性等性质,并对耐温承压性堵漏剂今后的研究提出建议。  相似文献   

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