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A synthetic approach to the problem of the adhesive contact of axisymmetric elastic bodies is proposed. A convenient and general formulation is thus obtained, which is shown to yield directly most of the useful models. In particular, the roles of the shape of the indenter on the one hand, and of the nature of the attractive interactions on the other hand are clearly separated. By nature, this approach can also be used in the case where the bodies are in interaction but not in contact. This results in a consistent treatment of long-range interactions and contact properties.  相似文献   

A synthetic approach to the problem of the adhesive contact of axisymmetric elastic bodies is proposed. A convenient and general formulation is thus obtained, which is shown to yield directly most of the useful models. In particular, the roles of the shape of the indenter on the one hand, and of the nature of the attractive interactions on the other hand are clearly separated. By nature, this approach can also be used in the case where the bodies are in interaction but not in contact. This results in a consistent treatment of long-range interactions and contact properties.  相似文献   

A thin circular film clamped at the periphery is adhered to the planar surface of a rigid cylindrical punch. An external tensile load is applied to the punch, causing the film to delaminate from the substrate and the circular contact edge to contract. The film spontaneously separates from the punch, or pulls off, when the contact radius reduces to a range between 0.1758 and 0.3651 of the film radius, depending on the magnitude of the residual membrane stress. The mechanical delamination process is derived by a thermodynamic energy balance based on a coupled interfacial adhesion and residual membrane stress. The theoretical model has significant implications in nanoforce measurement, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) comprising active moveable films, and biological cell adhesion.  相似文献   

An equilibrium theory of adhesion between an axisymmetric flat punch and a thin flexible membrane fixed at its circumference is derived. When the pulling force on the punch exceeds a “pull-off” threshold, a spontaneous delamination occurs at a finite radius leading to a complete separation between the adherends. Experiments on a simple materials system supported the analysis.  相似文献   

An equilibrium theory of adhesion between an axisymmetric flat punch and a thin flexible membrane fixed at its circumference is derived. When the pulling force on the punch exceeds a “pull-off” threshold, a spontaneous delamination occurs at a finite radius leading to a complete separation between the adherends. Experiments on a simple materials system supported the analysis.  相似文献   

Adhesion between a rigid flat cylindrical punch and an elastic layer has been investigated. FE analysis was employed to determine the layer stiffness. Linear elastic fracture mechanics was then used to determine the energy release rate, Ga, per unit of bonded area for a circular debond propagating inwards from the edge of the punch. The calculations showed a strong effect of Poisson's ratio for thin layers, small departures from complete incompressibility causing large reductions in stiffness and hence in detachment force. Experiments were performed with an aluminum punch adhered to a rubber layer using a rubber-based adhesive. The ratio of punch radius to layer thickness was varied over the range 0.07 to 3.3. Detachment forces were measured and compared with calculated values. Reasonable agreement was obtained for thick layers but not for thin ones, possibly because of a change in the mode of failure.  相似文献   

Adhesion between a rigid flat cylindrical punch and an elastic layer has been investigated. FE analysis was employed to determine the layer stiffness. Linear elastic fracture mechanics was then used to determine the energy release rate, Ga, per unit of bonded area for a circular debond propagating inwards from the edge of the punch. The calculations showed a strong effect of Poisson's ratio for thin layers, small departures from complete incompressibility causing large reductions in stiffness and hence in detachment force. Experiments were performed with an aluminum punch adhered to a rubber layer using a rubber-based adhesive. The ratio of punch radius to layer thickness was varied over the range 0.07 to 3.3. Detachment forces were measured and compared with calculated values. Reasonable agreement was obtained for thick layers but not for thin ones, possibly because of a change in the mode of failure.  相似文献   

The adhesion between a single polystyrene bead (radius, 27 μm) and a flat silica surface has been measured with an atomic force microscope as a function of two variables: (a) The maximum applied load and, (b) the loading time at a constant maximum applied load. Analysis of the results indicates significant plastic deformation of the bead under the action of the load forces. There is also evidence for time-dependent viscoelastic effects as a load is exerted on the bead. The contact zone of the polystyrene bead used for these experiments was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The microscope images revealed a surface covered in small polymer beads with a radius of only 115 nm. In the contact zone these beads had undergone substantial and permanent deformation as a function of the applied load. Basic geometric analysis reveals that the large sphere is not contacting the flat surface under any load. The results presented here indicate the value of being able to measure adhesion using an atomic force microscope. The importance of being able to characterise the contact zone accurately is also highlighted.  相似文献   

The adhesion between a single polystyrene bead (radius, 27 μm) and a flat silica surface has been measured with an atomic force microscope as a function of two variables: (a) The maximum applied load and, (b) the loading time at a constant maximum applied load. Analysis of the results indicates significant plastic deformation of the bead under the action of the load forces. There is also evidence for time-dependent viscoelastic effects as a load is exerted on the bead. The contact zone of the polystyrene bead used for these experiments was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The microscope images revealed a surface covered in small polymer beads with a radius of only 115 nm. In the contact zone these beads had undergone substantial and permanent deformation as a function of the applied load. Basic geometric analysis reveals that the large sphere is not contacting the flat surface under any load. The results presented here indicate the value of being able to measure adhesion using an atomic force microscope. The importance of being able to characterise the contact zone accurately is also highlighted.  相似文献   

中低温固化环氧胶膜SY-70的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过选择合适的促进剂及其用量,确定了中低温固化环氧胶膜SY-70的固化体系。所研制的胶膜可在75℃下初步固化,120℃完全固化,并具有良好的力学性能、耐老化性能和贮存性能。  相似文献   

The axisymmetric Laplace equation is solved numerically to extract contact-angle data for a flat liquid/vapor interface contacting a submerged hemispherical solid. The liquid/vapor interface is treated as a membrane, with a membrane tension equal to the surface energy of the liquid. By measuring the vertical displacement of the membrane and the projected contact area the membrane makes with the hemisphere, the contact angle and correspondingly the driving force for motion of the contact line can be measured. We show that characteristic receding and advancing contact angles can be obtained by measuring the contact radii formed upon initial contact between the interface and hemisphere and final contact just prior to detachment of the interface, respectively. Use of the technique is illustrated with a model experiment involving the contact of an air/water interface with a poly(methyl methacrylate) surface.  相似文献   

The axisymmetric Laplace equation is solved numerically to extract contact-angle data for a flat liquid/vapor interface contacting a submerged hemispherical solid. The liquid/vapor interface is treated as a membrane, with a membrane tension equal to the surface energy of the liquid. By measuring the vertical displacement of the membrane and the projected contact area the membrane makes with the hemisphere, the contact angle and correspondingly the driving force for motion of the contact line can be measured. We show that characteristic receding and advancing contact angles can be obtained by measuring the contact radii formed upon initial contact between the interface and hemisphere and final contact just prior to detachment of the interface, respectively. Use of the technique is illustrated with a model experiment involving the contact of an air/water interface with a poly(methyl methacrylate) surface.  相似文献   

In this paper, discussion is made on the strength of joints combining adhesives with bolts. The stress distributions in adhesives and the variation in bolt axial force are analyzed when an external load is applied to the combination joint. The joint consists of two hollow cylinders clamped by a bolt and a nut with an initial clamping force after they are joined by an adhesive. The analytical result is almost consistent with the experimental result, therefore the strength of the combination joints can be estimated. The strength of the combination joint is greater than that of the adhesive joint. In addition the variation in bolt axial force in the combination joint is less that that in the bolted joint. The characteristics and the availability of combination joints are made clear.  相似文献   

This study investigates the change in surface acoustic wave (SAW) phase velocity due to the change in adhesion of a SU-8 thin film using an Aluminum Nitride (AlN)/Silicon (Si) SAW sensor. The variation in the stress field at the SU-8/AlN interface at different levels of SU-8 adhesion is also investigated and correlated to the change in SAW phase velocity. A theoretical model is developed to determine the change in wave dispersion profile due to the change in adhesion of the SU-8 film on the surface of the AlN/Si sensor. The interface of the SU-8/AlN layers is represented by a layer of massless springs with interface stiffness K (N/m3). The results illustrate that as the adhesion of the SU-8 film weakens on the surface of the AlN/Si SAW sensor the velocity dispersion profiles fluctuate. The calculated stress field at the SU-8/AlN interface also fluctuates because the weakened interface cannot sustain the increased stress due to the confinement of the wave near the interface. Therefore, the mode of wave propagation varies between the perfect bond case where the SU-8 layer is perfectly bonded to the AlN/Si surface and when the SU-8 is completely de-bonded. Four SAW sensor designs operating in the frequency range of 84–208 MHz are developed to measure the shift in the center frequency values and the corresponding change in SAW phase velocities due to the change in adhesion of the SU-8 layer. The adhesion of the SU-8 film on the surface of the AlN/Si SAW sensor is changed by using different adhesion layers. The adhesion layers used are a gold film and an omnicoat coated gold film. Omnicoat is an adhesion promoter used to improve the adhesion of SU-8. The results illustrate that as the adhesion of the SU-8 film improves for the sensors with omnicoat the wave velocity shifts to a lower value. The wave velocity values are fitted with the wave dispersion profiles for different values of the interface spring stiffness K. The interface spring stiffness values for the SAW sensors with omnicoat coated gold and gold films are 8.1×109 N/m3 and 7.95×109 N/m3, respectively. The use of omnicoat improves the adhesion of the SU-8 film and corresponds to a higher interface spring stiffness value. The stress and displacement fields generated in the SU-8 layer for different values of the interface spring stiffness K are plotted. The results illustrate that as the adhesion of the SU-8 layer improves the stress transmitted to the SU-8 layer increases and the wave is more confined in the SU-8 layer, which justifies the drop in wave velocity since the Rayleigh wave velocity in SU-8 is much lower in comparison to AlN and Silicon; 1166, 5600, 5000 m/s, respectively.  相似文献   

A method, based on the analysis of heat transfer, is developed for the design of contact dryers in thin film boiling for sludge treatment. An experimental device was built in order to estimate the heat flux density exchanged between a hot metallic plate and the drying sample. This specific device is made of a thick copper plate heated at a temperature above 100°C, on which the sludge is coated. The contact temperature and the heat flux density are estimated using a temperature sensor inside the copper block, and an inverse conduction method (Beck's sequential function specification method). The corresponding drying curve is deduced from an energy balance. Sludge drying was studied on an electrically heated laboratory continuous drum dryer. A simple steady state model of the drum dryer was developed by taking into account the combined effects of internal and external transfers. This model is validated by comparison with drying curves obtained from sampling and simulation. In this case, the relative importance of internal and external heat transfers is highlighted.  相似文献   

Photocurrent-potential curves of an n-TiO2 electrode coated with a thin gold or palladium film are studied in aqueous solutions, together with the change of the potential of the metal film with respect to the solution. It is found that, when the metal-coated n-TiO2 electrode is illuminated under anodic potentials (i.e., in the presence of band bending), the potential of the metal film shifts toward the positive until it reaches the oxygen evolution potential at the metal, with little change of the surface band energies of the n-TiO2 electrode. This implies that the height of the Schottky barrier at the metal/ n-TiO2 contact is considerably increased by illumination, and the photovoltage obtained is much larger than expected from the barrier height in the dark.  相似文献   

Colloidal forces outside the microscopic probe (particle)–substrate adhesion contact area were analyzed theoretically. Equations describing the van der Waals, electrical double layer, and hydrophobic forces were derived for the non-contact area of a probe–substrate system assuming a simple sphere–flat geometry. Two cases were considered: particles freely resting on the substrate surface and particles pulling off the substrate. The results of modeling presented in this communication suggest that the adhesion of fine particles (microscopic and sub-microscopic particles) to flat surfaces can be affected by the forces acting outside the contact area. However, due to increased distance between the particle and substrate during separation, both the van der Waals and electrostatic forces acting outside the contact area are negligibly small compared to the short-range adhesion forces and they do not contribute to the measured pull-off force to any great extent for most systems. On the contrary, our calculations suggest that the long-range hydrophobic forces can contribute to the strength of adhesion between hydrophobic fine particles and hydrophobic substrates.  相似文献   

Dielectrophoresis has been used in the controlled deposition of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with the focus on the alignment of nanotube thin films and their applications in the last decade. In this paper, we extend the research from the selective deposition of SWNT thin films to the alignment of small nanotube bundles and individual nanotubes. Electrodes with “teeth”-like patterns are fabricated to study the influence of the electrode width on the deposition and alignment of SWNTs. The entire fabrication process is compatible with optical lithography-based techniques. Therefore, the fabrication cost is low, and the resulting devices are inexpensive. A series of SWNT solutions is prepared with concentrations ranging from 0.0125 to 0.2 mg/ml. The alignment of SWNT thin films, small bundles, and individual nanotubes is achieved under the optimized experimental conditions. The electrical properties of these samples are characterized; the linear current–voltage plots prove that the aligned SWNTs are mainly metallic nanotubes. The microscopy inspection of the samples demonstrates that the alignment of small nanotube bundles and individual nanotubes can only be achieved using narrow electrodes and low-concentration solutions. Our investigation shows that it is possible to deposit a controlled amount of SWNTs in desirable locations using dielectrophoresis.  相似文献   

In the fabrication of fiber-reinforced plastics materials peel plies are commonly used as an additional layer on top of the laminates to sponge up the surplus resin and to create an activated surface for adhesive bonding or coating by peel ply removal. In theory, the peel ply removal results in a new and uncontaminated fracture surface that is activated by polymer chain scission. The peel ply method is often presented as being a good surface treatment for structural bonding.

In this study carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (Hexcel® 8552/ IM7) were produced by the use of five different peel plies and a release foil made of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE). The peel plies themselves and the surfaces on the CFRP created by peeling were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS), energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and contact angle measurements to characterize the surfaces produced. Furthermore, the bond strength of lap shear and floating roller peel samples was determined with and without additional plasma treatment. For bonding, a room temperature-curing two-component-epoxy adhesive (Hysol® 9395) was used to prove the applicability of different peel plies for structural adhesive bonding under repair conditions.  相似文献   

The film boiling chemical vapor process is an original and rapid synthesis method for ceramic coatings and composites. This work reports the deposition of silica coating from tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) by film boiling chemical vapor process. Experiments were carried out under atmospheric pressure between 900 °C and 1100 °C. Several modifications of the experimental setup were made in order to allow a better thermal monitoring. Silica coatings were fast synthetized: several microns per minute. An activation energy of 209 kJ/mol ± 20 was deduced. The structure and microstructure of the oxide coating were characterized by Optical Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Electron Probe MicroAnalyzer, Fourier-Transform InfraRed spectrometery and X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

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