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This study investigated the factors affecting circulating progesterone (P4) concentrations in cows with similar genetic merit for milk production traits, but with extremes of good (Fert+) or poor (Fert−) genetic merit for fertility traits. Study 1: 28 cows were enrolled in an ovulation synchronization protocol at 61 ± 13 (±standard deviation) days postpartum, and data are presented for 13 Fert+ and 9 Fert− cows that remained in the study. Progesterone concentrations were determined from d 0 to 9 (d 0 = estrus) and on d 7, corpus luteum (CL) volume and blood flow area (BFA) were measured by B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, respectively. Cows were administered PGF2α on d 7 in the p.m. and d 8 in the a.m. to regress the CL, and 2 controlled internal drug release devices were inserted per vaginum on d 8 in the a.m. Liver biopsies were collected on d 9 and hepatic mRNA abundance of genes involved in P4 catabolism was determined. On d 10, the controlled internal drug release inserts were removed and frequent blood samples were collected to measure the rate of decline in circulating P4. The Fert+ cows tended to have greater dry matter intake compared with Fert− cows (+0.79 kg of dry matter/d), but similar milk production (29.82 kg/d). After synchronized ovulation, the rate of increase in circulating P4 concentrations was greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. No effect of genotype on CL volume was detected, but BFA was 42% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. The Fert− cows had greater mRNA abundance of cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily A (CYP3A) compared with Fert+ cows, but the mRNA abundance of aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C1 (AKR1C1), AKR1C3, AKR1C4, and cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C (CYP2C) were similar. The half-life and metabolic clearance rate of P4 were similar in Fert+ cows and Fert− cows. Study 2: 23 cows were enrolled in an ovulation synchronization protocol at 55 ± 7 (±standard deviation) d postpartum, and data are presented for 13 Fert+ and 8 Fert− cows that remained in the study. On d 4, 7, 10, and 13 (d 0 = estrus), CL volume and BFA were measured as in study 1. Progesterone concentrations were measured from d 1 to 13. Corpus luteum volume was 41% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows but no effect of genotype on BFA was detected. Mean circulating P4 concentrations were 79% greater in Fert+ cows compared with Fert− cows. Milk yield was similar in both genotypes. The results indicate that greater circulating P4 concentrations were primarily due to greater CL P4 synthetic capacity rather than differences in P4 clearance in this lactating cow genetic model of fertility. 相似文献
Kennedy J Dillon P Delaby L Faverdin P Stakelum G Rath M 《Journal of dairy science》2003,86(2):610-621
A total of 48 high genetic merit (HM) and 48 medium merit (MM) cows, each given a low (LC), medium (MC), or high (HC) level of concentrate supplementation, were used in a split-plot design experiment, which was run in three consecutive years, to evaluate animal production responses. Individual cow intakes were estimated twice each year while at pasture; measurement period 1 (MP1) was in May/June, and measurement period 2 (MP2) was in early September, corresponding on average to d 110 and 200 of lactation, respectively. In MP1, cows were offered 0 (LC), 3 (MC), and 6 kg (HC), whereas in MP2 the levels were 0 (LC), 0 (MC), and 4 kg (HC) of concentrate daily. Genotype had a significant effect on all milk production parameters in MP1 and MP2. The HM cows had the highest yield of milk, fat, protein, and lactose, whereas the MM cows had the highest milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations. The HM cows had significantly higher grass dry matter intake (GDMI) estimates. In MP1, the average responses, per kg concentrate dry matter, was +1.10 kg of milk, +0.038 kg of protein, +0.032 kg of fat. The corresponding values in MP2 were +0.94 kg of milk, +0.037 kg of protein, and +0.025 kg of fat. The response to concentrate was linear and independent of preexperimental milk yield. In MP1, the partial regression coefficients relating daily GDMI to an increase in 1 kg of preexperimental milk yield (PMY), preexperimental BW (PBW), and concentrate intake (CI) were 0.123, 0.006, and -0.54, respectively, whereas the corresponding values in MP2 were 0.190,0.007, and-0.444, respectively. This study indicates that with high yielding dairy cows, on gras only GDMI of 17 kg of supporting milk yield of 30-kg/d is achievable. In this scenario, concentrate supplementation will result in lower substitution rates, and higher milk yield response than previously published with lower yielding cows. 相似文献
Genetic and environmental parameters for milk production, udder health, and fertility traits in Mexican Holstein cows 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
H.H. Montaldo H. Castillo-Juárez E.G. Cienfuegos-Rivas 《Journal of dairy science》2010,93(5):2168-2175
Genetic and phenotypic parameters for Mexican Holstein cows were estimated for first- to third-parity cows with records from 1998 to 2003 (n = 2,971-15,927) for 305-d mature equivalent milk production (MEM), fat production (MEF), and protein production (MEP), somatic cell score (SCS), subsequent calving interval (CAI), and age at first calving (AFC). Genetic parameters were obtained by average information matrix-REML methodology using 6-trait (first-parity data) and 5-trait (second- and third-parity data) animal models. Heritability estimates for production traits were between 0.17 ± 0.02 and 0.23 ± 0.02 for first- and second-parity cows and between 0.12 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.03 for third-parity cows. Heritability estimates for SCS were similar for all parities (0.10 ± 0.02 to 0.11 ± 0.03). For CAI, estimates of heritability were 0.01 ± 0.05 for third-parity cows and 0.02 ± 0.02 for second-parity cows. The heritability for AFC was moderate (0.28 ± 0.03). No unfavorable estimates of correlations were found among MEM, MEF, MEP, CAI, and SCS. Estimates of environmental and phenotypic correlations were large and positive among production traits; favorable between SCS and CAI; slightly favorable between MEM, MEF, and MEP and SCS, between AFC and SCS, and between SCS and CAI; and small but unfavorable between production traits and CAI. Estimates of genetic variation and heritability indicate that selection would result in genetic improvement of production traits, AFC, and SCS. Estimates of both heritability and genetic variation for CAI were small, which indicates that genetic improvement would be difficult. 相似文献
Gulay MS Hayen MJ Liboni M Belloso TI Wilcox CJ Head HH 《Journal of dairy science》2004,87(4):948-960
The objectives of this experiment were to determine whether low doses of bovine somatotropin (bST) during the transition period and early lactation period improved dry matter intake (DMI), body weight (BW), or body condition score (BCS); provoked positive changes in concentrations of somatotropin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and Ca; or improved milk yield (MY) response without obvious adverse effects on health status. Eighty-four multiparous Holstein cows completed treatments arranged in a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial design that included prepartum and postpartum bST, dry period (30 d dry, 30 d dry + estradiol cypionate, and 60 d dry), and prepartum anionic or cationic diets. Biweekly injections of bST began at 21 +/- 3 d before expected calving date through 42 +/- 2 d postpartum (control = 0 vs. bST = 10.2 mg of bST/d; POSILAC). At 56 +/- 2 d in milk, all cows were injected with a full dose of bST (500 mg of bST/14 d; POSILAC). During the prepartum period and during the first 28 d postpartum, no differences in mean BW, BCS, or DMI were detected between the bST treatment group and the control group. During the first 10 wk of lactation, cows in the bST treatment group had greater mean MY and 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield and lower SCC than did cows in the control group. When cows received a full dose of bST, an increase in milk production through wk 21 was maintained better by cows in the bST group. Mean concentrations of somatotropin, IGF-I, and insulin differed during the overall prepartum period (d -21 to -1). During the postpartum period (d 1 to 28), cows in the bST group had greater mean concentrations of somatotropin and IGF-I in plasma. Concentrations of Ca around calving did not differ because of bST treatment. Results suggest that changes in concentrations of blood measures provoked by injections of bST during the transition period and early lactation period resulted in improved metabolic status and production of the cows without apparent positive or negative effects on calving or health. 相似文献
Ghrelin is an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor and a potent orexigenic agent in human and rodent studies, but there is limited information about its effect in dairy cows. Twelve low genetic merit and 9 high genetic merit Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in peak lactation that were offered unrestricted access to fresh pasture were used to determine whether genetic selection for milk production resulted in an associated increase in plasma ghrelin concentration in grazing dairy cows. Blood samples were taken prior to the a.m. milking (i.e., baseline) and following 2 h of grazing after the a.m. milking on 2 consecutive wk during peak lactation. Milk production and dry matter intake were greater in high genetic merit cows compared with low genetic merit cows. Plasma ghrelin and growth hormone concentrations were elevated in high genetic merit cows pre- and postgrazing, and there was no significant interaction between genetic merit and time of sampling. Genetic merit did not affect the plasma nonesterified fatty acid or glucose concentration, but the plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones measured were diminished 2 h after feeding. Data indicate an increase in plasma ghrelin associated with genetic selection for milk production, and an associated increase in dry matter intake. 相似文献
Genetic relationship between culling, milk production, fertility, and health traits in Norwegian red cows 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
First-lactation records on 836,452 daughters of 3,064 Norwegian Red sires were used to examine associations between culling in first lactation and 305-d protein yield, susceptibility to clinical mastitis, lactation mean somatic cell score (SCS), nonreturn rate within 56 d in heifers and primiparous cows, and interval from calving to first insemination. A Bayesian multivariate threshold-linear model was used for analysis. Posterior mean of heritability of liability to culling of primiparous cows was 0.04. The posterior means of the genetic correlations between culling and the other traits were −0.41 to 305-d protein yield, 0.20 to lactation mean SCS, 0.36 to clinical mastitis, 0.15 to interval from calving to first insemination, −0.11 to 56-d nonreturn as heifer, and −0.04 to 56-d nonreturn as primiparous cow. As much as 66% of the genetic variation in culling was explained by genetic variation in protein yield, clinical mastitis, interval of calving to first insemination, and 56-d nonreturn in heifers, whereas contribution from the SCS and 56-d nonreturn as primiparous cow was negligible, after taking the other traits into account. This implies that for breeds selected for a broad breeding goal, including functional traits such as health and fertility, most of the genetic variation in culling will probably be covered by other traits in the breeding goal. However, in populations where data on health and fertility is scarce or not available at all, selection against early culling may be useful in indirect selection for improved health and fertility. Regression of average sire posterior mean on birth-year of the sire indicate a genetic change equivalent to an annual decrease of the probability of culling in first-lactation Norwegian Red cattle by 0.2 percentage units. This genetic improvement is most likely a result of simultaneous selection for improved milk yield, health, and fertility over the last decades. 相似文献
S.G. Moore S.B. Cummins S. Mamo P. Lonergan T. Fair S.T. Butler 《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(5):4651-4661
The hypothesis of this study was that cows with good genetic merit for fertility traits (Fert+) would produce oocytes and embryos of greater quality than cows with poor genetic merit for fertility traits (Fert?) and that mRNA expression of candidate genes would reflect the observed differences in quality. The aim of the study, therefore, was to determine the effect of genetic merit for fertility traits on morphological classification and mRNA abundance of key genes in immature oocytes and cumulus cells following ovum pick-up and in embryos following superovulation, artificial insemination (AI), and uterine flushing. In experiment 1, 17 Fert+ and 11 Fert? cows, ranging from 54 to 84 d in milk, were submitted to ovum pick-up on 4 occasions during a 2-wk period. Recovered cumulus–oocyte complexes (COC) were morphologically graded. Oocytes and cumulus cells were separated, and mRNA abundance of genes associated with oocyte developmental competence was measured. There was no effect of genotype on the distribution of COC grades or on the mRNA abundance of the candidate genes in grade 1 COC. In experiment 2, 20 Fert+ and 19 Fert? cows, ranging from 71 to 189 d in milk, were submitted to superovulation and AI. The uteri of cows that responded to the superovulation protocol (17 Fert+ and 16 Fert? cows) were nonsurgically flushed 7 d postovulation. Recovered embryos were morphologically graded, and mRNA abundance of genes associated with embryo development was measured in grade 1 blastocysts. The response to the superovulation protocol was assessed by counting the number of codominant follicles on the day of AI, which was similar for both genotypes (22.0 ± 9.7 and 19.8 ± 8.2 for Fert+ and Fert? cows, respectively). There was no effect of genotype on the proportion of transferable embryos recovered or on the mRNA abundance of the candidate genes tested in the grade 1 blastocysts. Of the total embryos classified as blastocysts, however, the Fert+ cows tended to have a greater proportion of grade 1 blastocysts compared with Fert? cows (90% vs. 64%, respectively). In conclusion, genetic merit for fertility traits had a no effect on mRNA abundance of the candidate genes that were examined in immature oocytes and cumulus cells and in embryos recovered after superovulation. The observed differences in morphological blastocyst quality following superovulation would suggest that the superior reproductive performance of Fert+ cows could arise during the later stages of embryo development from d 7 until maternal recognition of pregnancy. 相似文献
Effect of a short dry period on milk yield and content,colostrum quality,fertility, and metabolic status of Holstein cows 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We evaluated the effect of shortening the dry period (DP) on milk and energy-corrected milk (ECM) yields, milk components, colostrum quality, metabolic status, and reproductive parameters. Primiparous (n = 372) and multiparous (n = 400) Israeli Holstein cows from 5 commercial dairy herds were subjected to a 60-d or 40-d DP. Cows within each herd were paired according to milk production, age, days in milk, and expected calving. Analysis of the data from all cows, irrespective of age, revealed significant differences in milk and ECM yields that favored the 60-d DP, with a prominent effect in 2 of 5 examined herds. In primiparous cows, milk and ECM yields were similar between groups in 4 of 5 farms. In multiparous cows undergoing a 60-d (vs. 40-d) DP, milk and ECM yields were higher in 3 herds. These differences could not be explained by milk and ECM yields in cows diagnosed with metritis, ketosis, and mastitis (defined by a somatic cell count threshold of 250,000 cell/mL), distribution of infected and noninfected cows, or new infections during DP and after calving. Including the milk and ECM yields from an average of 19.55 d from the previous lactation revealed higher milk and ECM yields for 40-d (vs. 60-d) DP cows in all herds. Analyzing 2 consecutive lactations revealed similar milk and ECM yields between groups in 4 out of 5 herds. In 1 herd, yields were higher in the 40-d compared with the 60-d DP group. One week after calving, the nonesterified fatty acid concentrations of 40-d DP cows were significantly lower than those of 60-d DP cows, indicating better postpartum energy balance. Colostrum quality, measured as IgG concentration, did not differ between the 2 DP groups. Cows assigned to 40-d DP had better reproductive performance, as reflected by fewer days to first insemination, a lower proportion with >90 d to first insemination, and fewer days to pregnancy. With respect to primiparous cows, a short DP increased conception rate after first artificial insemination and decreased the proportion of nonpregnant cows after 150 d in milk. In light of these findings, we suggest that a short DP be applied for its economic and physiological benefits. This is highly relevant to dairy herds located in regions such as Israel, Spain, and Florida that suffer from reduced milk production during the hot season. 相似文献
Dry matter intake (DMI) and feed efficiency are economically relevant traits. Simultaneous selection for low DMI and high milk yield might improve feed efficiency, but bears the risk of aggravating the negative energy balance and related health problems in early lactation. Lactation stage-specific selection might provide a possibility to optimize the trajectory of DMI across days in milk (DIM), but requires in-depth knowledge about genetic parameters within and across lactation stages. Within the current study, daily heritabilities and genetic correlations between DMI records from different lactation stages were estimated using random regression models based on 910 primiparous Holstein cows. The heritability estimates from DIM 11 to 180 follow a slightly parabolic curve varying from 0.26 (DIM 121) to 0.37 (DIM 11 and 180). Genetic correlations estimated between DIM 11, 30, 80, 130, and 180 were all positive, ranging from 0.29 (DIM 11 and 180) to 0.97 (DIM 11 and 30; i.e., the correlations are inversely related to the length of the interval between compared DIM). Deregressed estimated breeding values for the same lactation days were used as phenotypes in sequential genome-wide association studies using 681 cows drawn from the study population and genotyped for the Illumina SNP50 BeadChip (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA). A total of 21 SNP on 10 chromosomes exceeded the chromosome-wise significance threshold for at least 1 analyzed DIM, pointing to some interesting candidate genes directly involved in the regulation of feed intake. Association signals were restricted to certain lactation stages, thus supporting the genetic correlations. Partitioning the explained variance onto chromosomes revealed a large contribution of Bos taurus autosome 7 not harboring any associated marker in the current study. The results contribute to the knowledge about the genetic architecture of the complex phenotype DMI and might provide valuable information for future selection efforts. 相似文献
Hesam A. Seifi Julianna M. Huzzey M.A. Khan Daniel M. Weary Marina A.G. von Keyserlingk 《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(3):3008-3017
This study evaluated feed intake, milk yield, and subclinical ketosis in dairy cows in early lactation fed 2 different diets postpartum. Cows are typically offered a high-energy ration immediately after calving. We compared a conventional high-energy total mixed ration (TMR) with a transition ration that contained chopped straw. We predicted that adding chopped straw would increase dry matter intake, milk production, and indicators of energy metabolism during the first 3 wk of lactation compared to cows fed a conventional high-energy TMR. We also predicted that carryover effects would be likely for at least 2 wk after treatment ended. A total of 68 mixed-age Holstein cows were enrolled in the study 3 wk before their expected calving. All cows were managed on a single high-forage diet during the dry period. At calving, cows were allocated to 1 of the 2 diets: half to the conventional high-energy TMR (CTMR; n = 34; net energy for lactation = 1.61 Mcal/kg; neutral detergent fiber = 31.7%), and the other half to a high-forage TMR containing chopped wheat straw, equivalent to 4.27% dry matter (STMR; n = 34; net energy for lactation = 1.59 Mcal/kg; neutral detergent fiber = 33.7%) for 3 wk after calving. Cows on STMR were then shifted to CTMR for the next 2 wk to study short-term residual effects on the performance of cows. Treatments were balanced for parity, body condition score, and body weight. Feed intake was measured daily from 2 wk before to 5 wk after calving using automatic feed bins. Blood was sampled twice weekly from 2 wk before to 5 wk after calving, and β-hydroxybutyrate and glucose were measured in serum samples. Subclinical ketosis was identified using a threshold of β-hydroxybutyrate ≥1.0 mmol/L in wk 1 after calving and ≥1.2 mmol/L in wk 2 to 5 after calving. Cows were milked twice daily, and weekly samples (composite samples of morning and afternoon milkings) were analyzed to determine total solids, fat, protein, lactose, and somatic cell count. Data were analyzed in 2 separate periods: the treatment phase (wk +1, +2, and +3) and the post-treatment phase (wk +4 and +5). The addition of straw to the TMR negatively affected the dry matter intake of STMR cows during wk 2 and 3 of lactation. Daily milk yield during the first 5 wk of lactation was lower in STMR cows than in CTMR cows. Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate were higher in CTMR cows than in STMR cows during wk 1, but this effect was reversed during wk 2 and 3 of lactation. By 21 d in milk, STMR cows had a greater risk of developing subclinical ketosis than CTMR cows. Adding chopped wheat straw to the TMR during the first 21 d after calving lowered dry matter intake and provided no metabolic or production benefits to lactating dairy cattle. 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to develop and validate a model for predicting dry matter intake (DMI) of Holsteins during the prefresh transition period. The original database (ODB) for model development was established by compiling parity, body condition score (BCS), and DMI data during the final 3 wk of gestation from 366 Holsteins fed 24 different diets that were used in eight experiments conducted at three universities. For model validation, a validation database (VDB) was established by compiling data from 333 prefresh transition Holsteins fed 25 different diets that were used in eight experiments conducted at five universities. Dry matter intake during the prefresh transition period was fitted to an exponential function: DMI(t) = a + pe(kt), where DMI(t) = DMI as a percentage of body weight (BW) at time t, a = asymptotic intercept at time--infinity, p = change in intake (kg) from the asymptotic intercept until parturition, k = rate constant influencing the shape of the curve, and t = day relative to parturition expressed as days pregnant--280. The model developed from the ODB predicted DMI of heifers in the VDB with satisfactory accuracy and precision. However, this was not true for cows, probably due to differences in BCS of cows and diets fed to cows from the two data sets. When a subset of cows was selected from each data set that had similar BCS (> 4.0) and were fed similar diets, accuracy and precision of the model predicting DMI was improved. Finally, both databases were combined to develop final models for predicting DMI of heifers and cows. Proposed models for predicting mean daily DMI of heifers and cows during the prefresh transition period were DMI(t) = 1.713-0.688e(0.344t) (R2 = 0.96) and DMI(t) = 1.979-0.756e(0.154t) (R2 = 0.97), respectively. Adjustment factors for animal and dietary factors were generated to demonstrate the plausibility of adaptive fitting of the prediction. The regression coefficients of prediction models (a, p, and k) were affected by BCS and dietary organic macronutrient concentrations. 相似文献
Cummins SB Lonergan P Evans AC Berry DP Evans RD Butler ST 《Journal of dairy science》2012,95(3):1310-1322
The objective of the present study was to characterize the phenotypic performance of cows with similar proportions of Holstein genetics, similar genetic merit for milk production traits, but with good (Fert+) or poor (Fert-) genetic merit for fertility traits. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that cows with a negative estimated breeding value for calving interval would have superior fertility performance and would have detectable differences in body reserve mobilization and circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones and metabolites compared with cows that had a positive estimated breeding value for calving interval. For the duration of the study, cows were managed identically as a single herd in a typical grass-based, spring-calving production system. A total of 80 lactation records were available from 26 Fert+ and 26 Fert- cows over 2 consecutive years (2008 and 2009). During yr 1, cows were monitored during a 20-wk breeding season to evaluate reproductive performance. Milk production, body condition score (scale 1 to 5), body weight, grass dry matter intake, energy balance, and metabolic hormone and metabolite data were collected during both years. The Fert+ cows had greater daily milk yield (19.5 vs. 18.7 kg/d), shorter interval from calving to conception (85.6 vs. 113.8 d), and fewer services per cow (1.78 vs. 2.83). No difference between groups in grass dry matter intake, energy balance, or body weight was observed. The Fert+ cows maintained greater BCS during mid (2.84 vs. 2.74 units) and late lactation (2.82 vs. 2.73 units). Circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I were greater throughout the gestation-lactation cycle in Fert+ cows (148.3 vs. 128.2 ng/mL). The Fert+ cows also had greater circulating concentrations of insulin during the first 4 wk of lactation (1.71 vs. 1.24 μIU/mL). Analysis of records from national herd data verified the association between genetic merit for fertility traits and phenotypic reproductive performance; Fert+ cows (n = 2,436) required 11.1 d less to recalve than did Fert- cows (n = 1,388), and the percentage of cows that successfully calved for the second time within 365 and 400 d of the first calving was 8 and 13% greater for Fert+ compared with Fert- cows, respectively. These results demonstrate that genetic merit for fertility traits had a pronounced effect on reproductive efficiency, BCS profiles, and circulating concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I. 相似文献
Anderson Veronese Odinei Marques Rafael Moreira Anna L. Belli Rafael S. Bisinotto Todd R. Bilby Francisco Peñagaricano Ricardo C. Chebel 《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6624-6638
Genetic selection of dairy cattle in the United States has included reproductive traits (daughter pregnancy rate, DPR; heifer conception rate, HCR), which is believed to have partly contributed to halting the decline in reproductive performance. The objectives of the current study were to evaluate the association among genomic merit for DPR (GDPR) and HCR (GHCR) with estrous characteristics measured by an automated device. Holstein heifers (n = 1,005) were genotyped at 2 mo of age and were classified into quartiles (Q1 = lowest, Q4 = highest) according to the GDPR and GHCR values of the study population. At 10 to 11 mo of age, heifers were fitted with a collar that recorded activity and rumination and determined the occurrence of estrus according to changes in activity and rumination compared with the individual's baseline values. Estrous characteristics of spontaneous estruses (SPE) and PGF2α-synchronized estruses (PGSE) were recorded. Heifers had their estrous cycle synchronized with PGF2α and following detection of estrus received either artificial insemination or embryo transfer according to the herd's genetic selection program. Heifers in Q2 (17.7 ± 0.3 h) of GHCR tended to have longer SPE than heifers in Q4 (16.7 ± 0.3 h). The interaction between GDPR and GHCR was associated with the likelihood of activity peak (0 = no estrus, 100 = maximum activity) ≥80 at SPE because, among heifers in Q3 and Q4 of GHCR, those in Q1 of GDPR were less likely to have an activity peak ≥80. Heifers in Q1 and Q2 of GDPR had reduced hazard of estrus within 7 d of the first PGF2α treatment compared with heifers in Q4 of GDPR. Heifers in Q1 (16.1 ± 0.4 h) of GDPR had shorter PGSE than heifers in Q2 (17.6 ± 0.4 h) and Q4 (17.4 ± 0.4 h) and tended to have shorter PGSE than heifers in Q3 (17.4 ± 0.4 h). Rumination nadir on the day of PGSE was greater for heifers in Q1 (?30.1 ± 0.9 min/d) of GDPR compared with heifers in Q4 (?33.7 ± 0.9 min/d). Among heifers receiving only artificial insemination, those in Q1 of GHCR (adjusted hazard ratio = 0.65; 95% confidence interval = 0.48–0.88) became pregnant at a slower rate than heifers in Q4. Genomic merit for HCR was negatively associated with SPE but tended to be positively associated with hazard of pregnancy, whereas GDPR was positively associated with PGSE and hazard of estrus. Selection of dairy cattle for DPR and HCR may improve reproductive performance through different pathways, namely estrous characteristics and pregnancy establishment. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to estimate the heritability of a number of traditional and endocrine fertility traits in addition to d-56 predicted milk yield (MY56), and the genetic and phenotypic correlations between these traits. Various fixed effects such as season, year, herd, lactation number, diet, percentage Holstein (PCH) of the cow, and occurrence of uterine infection (UI), dystocia (DYS), and retained placenta (RP) were also investigated. Data collected for 1212 lactations of 1080 postpartum (PP) Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in eight commercial farms between 1996 and 1999 included thrice weekly milk progesterone samples, calving and insemination dates, various reproductive health records, monthly/bimonthly production records, three-generation pedigrees, and PCH information. Genetic models were fitted to the data to obtain heritabilitites and correlations using ASREML. Estimates of heritability for interval to commencement of luteal activity PP (lnCLA), length of the first luteal phase PP (lnLutI) and occurrence of persistent CL type I (PCLI) were 0.16, 0.17, and 0.13, respectively. Heritabilities for pregnancy to first service (PFS), interval to first service (IFS), and MY56 were 0.14, 0.13, and 0.50, respectively. Genetic regressions of lnCLA and lnLutI on PTA of the sire for milk, fat, and protein yields, and PIN95 were investigated. Regressions of lnCLA were positive and significant on fat yield, while regressions of lnLutI on both protein yield and PIN95 were negative and significant. Genetic correlations of endocrine fertility traits (lnCLA, lnLutI, and PCLI) with MY56 were high (0.36, P < 0.05; -0.51, P < 0.05; and -0.31, P < 0.1, respectively). Percentage Holstein of the cows had no significant effect on any of the fertility parameters monitored. This work emphasizes the strong genetic correlation of fertility with production traits and, therefore, highlights the urgent requirement for selective breeding for fertility in the United Kingdom. The high heritability of endocrine fertility traits stress their potential value for inclusion in a selection index to improve fertility. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to characterize the estrous cycle of cows with similar proportions of Holstein genetics, similar genetic merit for milk production traits, but with good (Fert+) or poor (Fert-) genetic merit for fertility traits. In total, 37 lactating cows were enrolled on a protocol to synchronize estrus. Nineteen Fert+ and 12 Fert- cows that successfully ovulated a dominant follicle and established a corpus luteum underwent daily transrectal ultrasonography. Blood sampling was carried out at 8-h intervals from d 0 to 6 and from d 15 to ovulation, and once daily from d 7 to 15. Blood samples were analyzed for progesterone, estradiol, follicle stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. Estrus behavior was recorded using neck activity collars and mounting pads. The Fert+ cows tended to have fewer follicular waves (2.2 vs. 2.7) and had a shorter estrous cycle (21.0 vs. 25.1 d) than Fert- cows. We observed no effect of genotype on day of first-wave emergence or day of first-wave dominant follicle peak diameter, but the peak diameter of the first-wave dominant follicle tended to be larger in Fert- cows. During the first 13 d of the cycle, Fert+ cows developed a corpus luteum that was 16% larger than that in Fert- cows. Circulating progesterone concentrations were 34% greater in Fert+ than in Fert- cows (5.15 vs. 3.84ng/mL, respectively) from d 5 to 13. During the final follicular wave, the interval from preovulatory follicle emergence to ovulation and the interval from preovulatory follicle dominance to ovulation were similar in both genotypes. Maximum preovulatory follicle diameter was larger in Fert+ than Fert- cows (17.9 vs. 16.8mm, respectively); however, circulating concentrations of estradiol were not different between genotypes. A greater proportion of Fert- cows ovulated to a silent heat than Fert+ cows (22 vs. 2%, respectively). Of cows that showed behavioral estrus, Fert+ cows had 41% greater mean activity count; however, no difference was seen in mounting behavior between genotypes. These results demonstrate, for the first time, that genetic merit for fertility has pronounced effects on corpus luteum development, progesterone concentration, preovulatory follicle diameter, and behavioral estrus. 相似文献
Anderson Veronese Odinei Marques Francisco Peñagaricano Rafael S. Bisinotto Ky G. Pohler Todd R. Bilby Ricardo C. Chebel 《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(7):6639-6648
Fertility traits were recently added to the evaluation of genetic merit, allowing for the selection of Holstein cattle with improved reproductive performance. In the current study, we investigated the associations among genomic merit for daughter pregnancy rate (GDPR) and heifer conception rate (GHCR) and physiological responses during proestrus and diestrus. Holstein heifers (n = 99) were classified based on GDPR [high = 3.26 ± 0.76 (1.6 to 5.3), n = 48; low = ?0.17 ± 0.75 (?1.8 to 1.0), n = 51] and GHCR [high = 2.75 ± 0.77 (1.5 to 5.5), n = 49; low = 0.06 ± 0.67 (?2.1 to 1.2), n = 50]. Heifers were fitted with an automated estrous detection device, were treated with PGF2α for synchronization of estrus, and received either artificial insemination or embryo transfer at detected estrus. Blood was sampled at the time of PGF2α treatment, within 24 h of the onset of estrus (d 0), and on d 7, 14, 19 ± 2, 28, and 35. Blood samples from all heifers were analyzed for concentrations of estradiol (d 0) and progesterone (on the day of PGF2α treatment and d 0, 7, and 14). Blood samples from heifers pregnant on d 38 ± 3 were analyzed for concentrations of progesterone (d 0, 7, 14, 19 ± 2, 28, and 35), pregnancy-specific protein B (d 19 ± 2, 28, and 35), and insulin-like growth factor 1 (d 0, 7, 14, 19 ± 2, 28, and 35). Expression of mRNA for interferon-stimulated gene 15 in peripheral leukocytes isolated from blood collected on d 19 ± 2 was determined. Ovaries were scanned by ultrasound daily from d 0 to 4 or until ovulation was detected. Heifers with low GHCR tended to be less likely to be detected in estrus (78.0 vs. 91.8%). Estradiol concentration on d 0 was greater for heifers with high GDPR (4.53 ± 0.23 vs. 3.79 ± 0.23 pg/mL). The ovulatory follicle was larger for heifers with high GDPR (16.28 ± 0.33 vs. 14.55 ± 0.35 mm), whereas heifers with high GHCR tended to have smaller ovulatory follicles (15.00 ± 0.31 vs. 15.83 ± 0.37 mm). Heifers with high GDPR tended to be more likely to ovulate within 96 h of the onset of estrus (90.7 vs. 75.0%). Among heifers pregnant on d 38 ± 3, GDPR and GHCR were not associated with mRNA expression for interferon-stimulated gene 15. Heifers with high GDPR had greater concentration of pregnancy-specific protein B from d 28 to 35 (3.03 ± 0.15 vs. 2.48 ± 0.1 ng/mL). Heifers with high GHCR tended to have greater insulin-like growth factor 1 concentration from d 7 to 35 (108.0 ± 3.2 vs. 97.7 ± 4.2 ng/mL). Our results suggest that selection for Holstein cattle for GDPR may have positive effects on reproductive performance through changes in ovarian follicle development and steroidogenesis. Although selection of Holstein cattle for GHCR may negatively affect estrous expression by affecting ovarian follicle growth, selection for GHCR may improve reproductive performance by altering the somatotropic axis. 相似文献
Effects of dry period length on metabolic status,fertility, udder health,and colostrum production in 2 cow breeds 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Shortening the dry period improves postpartum energy balance, which has potential positive effects on metabolic health. This concept has been mainly studied in Holstein cows. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a short dry period of 4 wk, compared with a standard dry period of 8 wk, on the metabolic status, progesterone profiles, health, and colostrum quality of dairy cows of 2 breeds, Swedish Red (SR) and Swedish Holstein (SH), not treated with antibiotics at dry off. The IgG uptake in calves was also studied to reflect the colostrum quality when shortening the dry period. Cows of both SH and SR were blocked by breed and parity and then randomly allocated to a short dry period of 4 wk (4W, n = 43) or a conventional dry period of 8 wk (8W, n = 34). Blood samples were collected wk ?8, ?4, ?2, ?1 and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12 relative to calving. Prepartum, cows with a 4-wk dry period had higher concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and lower concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 and insulin than 8W cows. Postpartum, plasma concentration of nonesterified fatty acids was lower, whereas plasma insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 tended to be higher for 4W cows than for 8W cows. Plasma concentration of β-hydroxybutyrate did not differ between dry period lengths. Swedish Holstein cows with a 4W dry period responded with a lower concentration of insulin prepartum than SR and SH on an 8W dry period. The dry period length had no effect on the proportion of disturbed progesterone profiles; disturbed progesterone profiles occurred in 30% of the 4W cows and 47% of the 8W cows. In this trial, only 48.8% of the SR cows had a normal progesterone profile, which differed from the SH where 76.5% had a normal profile. Fertility-related diseases (endometritis, pyometra, anestrus, ovarian cyst) did not differ between the 2 dry period groups: 21% in the 8W group versus 12% in the 4W group, whereas mastitis tended to be more common: 26% of the 4W cows versus 9% of the 8W cows. A short dry period resulted in less colostrum but with a higher content of protein and somatic cell count. Calves were fed colostrum from their dam, and the IgG and total protein in plasma did not differ between calves to mothers with different a dry period length. Shortening the dry period could improve metabolic status in cows of both SH and SR breed postpartum, without compromising the colostrum quality. Health and progesterone profiles were not affected by the dry period length for SH or SR in this study. 相似文献
Genetic relationships between body condition score and reproduction traits in Canadian Holstein and Ayrshire first-parity cows 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationship between body condition score (BCS) and reproduction traits for first-parity Canadian Ayrshire and Holstein cows. Body condition scores were collected by field staff several times over the lactation in herds from Québec, and reproduction records (including both fertility and calving traits) were extracted from the official database used for the Canadian genetic evaluation of those herds. For each breed, six 2-trait animal models were run; they included random regressions that allowed the estimation of genetic correlations between BCS over the lactation and reproduction traits that are measured as a single lactation record. Analyses were undertaken on data from 108 Ayrshire herds and 342 Holstein herds. Average daily heritabilities of BCS were close to 0.13 for both breeds; these relatively low estimates might be explained by the high variability among herds and BCS evaluators. Genetic correlations between BCS and interval fertility traits (days from calving to first service, days from first service to conception, and days open) were negative and ranged between −0.77 and −0.58 for Ayrshire and between −0.31 and −0.03 for Holstein. Genetic correlations between BCS and 56-d nonreturn rate at first insemination were positive and moderate. The trends of these genetic correlations over the lactation suggest that a genetically low BCS in early lactation would increase the number of days that the primiparous cow was not pregnant and would decrease the chances of the primiparous cow to conceive at first service. Genetic correlations between BCS and calving traits were generally the strongest at calving and decreased with increasing days in milk. The correlation between BCS at calving and maternal calving ease was 0.21 for Holstein and 0.31 for Ayrshire and emphasized the relationship between fat cows around calving and dystocia. Genetic correlations between calving traits and BCS during the subsequent lactation were moderate and favorable, indicating that primiparous cows with a genetically high BCS over the lactation would have a greater chance of producing a calf that survived (maternal calf survival) and would transmit the genes that allowed the calf to be born more easily (maternal calving ease) and to survive (direct calving ease). 相似文献
French PD 《Journal of dairy science》2006,89(3):1057-1061
An experiment was conducted using 14 multiparous Holstein and 14 multiparous Jersey cows to determine if dry matter intake (DMI), specifically the decline in prepartum DMI and plasma parameters differed between breeds. Cows were blocked by expected calving date and received a dry cow total mixed ration (15% crude protein and 39% neutral detergent fiber) beginning 30 d before expected calving date. At calving, cows were switched to a lactation total mixed ration (17% crude protein and 33% neutral detergent fiber). Data were collected from d 23 prepartum to d 1 postpartum. Body weight was greater for Holsteins compared with Jerseys, but body condition score did not differ between breeds. Dry matter intake decreased for both Holsteins and Jerseys as parturition approached. The interaction of breed × day prepartum was significant for DMI with the magnitude of depression being greater for Holsteins compared with Jerseys. Plasma glucose and β-hydroxy-butyrate was similar between breeds. Plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were similar for the two breeds up to d 5 prepartum, but greater for Holsteins compared with Jerseys thereafter. The decline in prepartum DMI was positively correlated to plasma NEFA for Holsteins, but not for Jerseys. These results indicate that breed differences exist for the decline in prepartum DMI and plasma NEFA. In addition, these data show an association between prepartum DMI depression and plasma NEFA but do not suggest a causal relationship. 相似文献