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This experiment evaluated the reproductive performance, herd exit dynamics, and lactation performance of dairy cows managed with a voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 60 or 88 d. Secondary objectives were evaluating VWP effect on cyclicity status, uterine health, systemic inflammation, and body condition score (BCS) before first service. Lactating Holstein cows from 3 commercial farms in New York State cows were blocked by parity group and total milk yield in their previous lactation and then randomly assigned to VWP of 60 (VWP60; n = 1,352) or 88 (VWP88; n = 1,359) days in milk (DIM). All cows received the Double-Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-7 d-PGF-3 d-GnRH-7 d-GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH-16 to 20 h-timed artificial insemination; TAI) for synchronization of ovulation and TAI. For second and greater artificial insemination (AI), cows received AI after detection of estrus or the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH-16 to 20 h-TAI) initiated 32 ± 3 d after AI for cows not re-inseminated at detected estrus. Cyclicity status (progesterone concentration), uterine health (vaginal discharge and uterine cytology), BCS, and systemic inflammation (haptoglobin concentration) were evaluated at baseline (33 ± 3 DIM for both treatments), beginning of the Double-Ovsynch protocol, and 10 d before TAI. Effects of treatments were assessed with multivariable statistical methods relevant for each outcome variable. Extending duration of VWP from 60 to 88 DIM increased pregnancies per AI (P/AI) to first service (VWP60 = 41%; VWP88 = 47%). Nonetheless, the greatest benefit of extending VWP on first-service P/AI was for primiparous cows (VWP60 = 46%; VWP88 = 55%), as P/AI did not differ within the multiparous cow group (VWP60 = 36%; VWP88 = 40%). Physiological status more conducive to pregnancy—characterized by improved uterine health, greater BCS, reduced systemic inflammation, and to a lesser extent more time to resume ovarian cyclicity—explained the increment in P/AI to first service. Our data also indicated that despite having greater P/AI to first service, cows with the longer VWP had delayed time to pregnancy during lactation (hazard ratio = 0.72; 95% confidence interval 0.69–0.98) and greater risk of leaving the herd, particularly for multiparous cows (hazard ratio = 1.34; 95% confidence interval 1.23–1.47). This shift in pregnancy timing led to an overall extension of the lactation length (+13 d), which resulted in greater total milk yield per lactation (+491 kg) but not greater milk yield per day of lactation. In conclusion, data from this experiment highlight the importance of considering the complex interactions between reproductive performance, herd exit dynamics, and lactation performance as well as the effects of parity at the time of defining the duration of the VWP for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the reproductive performance and herd exit dynamics of dairy cows managed for first service with programs varying in method of submission for insemination and voluntary waiting period (VWP) duration. Holstein cows from a commercial farm in New York were randomly allocated to receive timed artificial insemination (TAI) after the Double-Ovsynch protocol (GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 3 d later GnRH, 7 d later GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 56 h later GnRH, and 16 to 18 h later TAI) at 60 ± 3 d in milk (DIM) (DO60 = 458), TAI after Double-Ovsynch at 88 ± 3 DIM (DO88 = 462), or a combination of AI at detected estrus (starting at 50 ± 3 d in milk) and TAI with the Presynch-Ovsynch protocol (PGF, 14 d later PGF, 12 d later GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 56 h later GnRH, and 16 to 18 h later TAI; PSOv = 450). Subsequent artificial insemination (AI) services were conducted at detected estrus or the Ovsynch protocol (32 ± 3 d after AI GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 56 h later GnRH, and 16 to 18 h later TAI) for cows not reinseminated at detected estrus. In a subgroup of cows, cyclicity (based on progesterone concentration), uterine health (vaginal discharge and uterine cytology), and BCS were evaluated at baseline (DO60 and DO88 = 33 ± 3 DIM; PSOv = 34 ± 3 DIM), beginning of the synchronization protocol (DO60 = 33 ± 3 DIM; DO88 = 61 ± 3 DIM; PSOv = 34 ± 3 DIM), and within ?5 (PSOv) or ?10 d (DO) of the VWP end (DO60 = 50 ± 3 DIM; DO88 = 78 ± 3 DIM; PSOv = 45 ± 3 DIM). Effects of treatments were assessed with multivariable statistical methods relevant for each outcome variable. Cows in the DO88 treatment had delayed time to pregnancy during lactation (DO60 vs. DO88 hazard ratio = 1.53, 95% confidence interval = 1.32 to 1.78; PSOv vs. DO88 hazard ratio = 1.37, 95% confidence interval = 1.19 to 1.61) and, within multiparous cows, the DO88 and PSOv treatments had greater risk of leaving the herd than cows in the DO60 treatment (DO88 vs. DO60 hazard ratio = 1.49, 95% confidence interval = 1.11 to 2.00; PSOv vs. DO60 hazard ratio = 1.39, 95% confidence interval = 1.03 to 1.85). Cows in the DO88 treatment had improved uterine health, greater BCS, and reduced incidence of anovulation than cows in DO60 and PSOv; however, overall pregnancy per AI 39 ± 3 d after AI was similar for the 3 treatment groups. In summary, reproductive management strategies that led to similar average DIM to the first service (~60 d) through a combination of AI at estrus with TAI (PSOv) or all TAI (DO60) resulted in reduced time to pregnancy after calving when compared with an all TAI program (DO88) with a VWP of 88 d. Within the multiparous cow group, those that received all TAI with a VWP duration of 60 d were less likely to leave the herd than cows in the other treatments.  相似文献   

The voluntary waiting period (VWP) is defined as the time between parturition and the time at which the cow is first eligible for insemination. Determining the optimal VWP from field data is difficult and unlikely to happen. Therefore, a Monte-Carlo dynamic-stochastic simulation model was created to calculate the economic effects of different VWP. The model is dynamic and uses time steps of 1 wk to simulate the reproductive cycle (ovulation, estrous detection, and conception), the occurrence of postpartum disorders, and the lactation curve. Inputs of the model were chosen to reflect the situation of Dutch dairy cows. In the model, we initially created a cow of a randomly selected breed, parity, month of calving, calf status of last calving, and expected 305-d milk yield. The randomly varied variables were based upon relevant distributions and adjusted for cow statuses. The lactation curve was modeled by Wood's function. The economic input values in the analysis included: cost of milk production (€0.07 to €0.20 per kg), calf price (€35 to €150 per calf), AI cost (€7 to €24 per AI), calving management cost (€137 to €167 per calving), and culling cost, expressed as the retention pay-off (€118 to €1,117). A partial budget approach was used to calculate the economic effect of varying the VWP from 7 to 15 wk postpartum, using a VWP of 6 wk as reference. Per iteration, the VWP with either the lowest economic loss or the maximum profit was determined as the optimal VWP. The optimal VWP of most cows (90%) was less than 10 wk. On average, every VWP longer than 6 wk gave economic losses. Longer VWP were in particular optimal for the first parity of breeds other than Holstein-Friesian, cows calving in winter with low milk production, high milk persistency, delayed peak milk yield time, a delayed time of first ovulation, or occurrence of a postpartum disorder, and while costs of milk production are low and costs for AI are high.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic performance of dairy cows managed with a voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 60 or 88 d. A secondary objective was estimating variation in cash flow under different input pricing scenarios through stochastic Monte Carlo simulations. Lactating Holstein cows from 3 commercial farms were blocked by parity group and total milk yield in their previous lactation and then randomly assigned to a VWP of 60 (VWP60; n = 1,352) or 88 d (VWP88; n = 1,359). All cows received timed-artificial insemination (TAI) for first service after synchronization of ovulation with the Double-Ovsynch protocol. For second and greater services, cows received artificial insemination (AI) after detection of estrus or the Ovsynch protocol initiated 32 ± 3 d after AI. Two analyses were performed: (1) cash flow per cow for the calving interval of the experimental lactation and (2) cash flow per slot occupied by each cow enrolled in the experiment for an 18-mo period after calving in the experimental lactation. Extending the VWP from 60 to 88 d delayed time to pregnancy during lactation (~20 d) and increased the risk of leaving the herd for multiparous cows (hazard ratio = 1.21). As a result, a smaller proportion of multiparous cows calved again and had a subsequent lactation (?6%). The shift in time to pregnancy combined with the herd exit dynamics resulted in longer lactation length for primiparous (22 d) but not multiparous cows. Longer lactations led to greater milk income over feed cost and a tendency for greater cash flow during the experimental lactation for primiparous but not multiparous cows in the VWP88 group. On the other hand, profitability per slot for the 18-mo period was numerically greater ($68 slot/18 mo) for primiparous cows but numerically reduced (?$85 slot/18 mo) for multiparous cows in the VWP88 treatment. For primiparous cows most of the difference in cash flow was explained by replacement cost, whereas for multiparous cows it was mostly explained by differences in replacement cost and income over feed cost. Under variable input pricing conditions generated through stochastic simulations, the longer VWP treatment always increased cash flow per 18 mo for primiparous and reduced cash flow for multiparous cows. In conclusion, extending the duration of the VWP from 60 to 88 d numerically increased profitability of primiparous cows and reduced profitability of multiparous cows. Such an effect depended mostly on the herd replacement dynamics and milk production efficiency.  相似文献   

Objectives were to evaluate the effects of inseminating cows observed in estrus following a PGF-based presynchronization protocol on reproductive and lactation performance. Weekly, Holstein cows (260 primiparous and 379 multiparous) were balanced by parity, body condition score at 3 d in milk (DIM), and previous lactation milk yield (multiparous cows) and assigned randomly to either of 2 reproductive programs. All cows received 2 injections of PGF at 35 and 49 DIM and a controlled internal drug release insert containing progesterone from 42 to 49 DIM. Cows assigned to the short voluntary waiting period (SVWP) treatment were inseminated if observed in estrus after the second injection of PGF of the presynchronization protocol, and those not inseminated were submitted to a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol (GnRH 62 DIM, PGF 69 DIM, GnRH 71 DIM, and TAI 72 DIM), whereas cows assigned to the long voluntary waiting period (LVWP) were all submitted to the TAI protocol and were TAI at 72 DIM. Plasma progesterone was determined at 35, 49, and 62 DIM for evaluation of interval from parturition to resumption of cyclicity. Pregnancy was diagnosed weekly at 32 and 60 d after first AI and at 42 d after subsequent inseminations. Percentage of SVWP cows inseminated in estrus was 58.9% and the interval from parturition to first AI was shorter for SVWP cows (64.7 ± 0.4 vs. 74.2 ± 0.5 DIM). Cows cyclic by 49 and 62 DIM were more likely to be inseminated in estrus than those anovular by 62 DIM (67.9, 61.0, and 32.8%, respectively) and cyclic cows by 49 and 62 DIM had shorter interval from parturition to first AI than anovular cows (62.6 ± 0.7, 63.1 ± 1.2, and 70.1 ± 1.1 DIM). Treatment did not affect pregnancy per AI after first postpartum AI or the rate at which cows became pregnant. Cows that resumed cyclicity by 49 DIM had greater pregnancy per AI than cows still anovular by 62 DIM and became pregnant at a faster rate than cows that resumed cyclicity by 62 DIM and those still anovular by 62 DIM. Inseminating cows that displayed estrus after the presynchronization protocol did not affect reproductive performance compared with submission of 100% of cows to a TAI protocol.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare cash flow and parameters of economic performance for dairy cows submitted to the first service using a combination of insemination at detected estrus and timed AI (TAI) in cows synchronized with the Presynch-Ovsynch (PSOv) protocol versus all TAI after synchronization of ovulation with the Double-Ovsynch (DO) protocol with different durations of the voluntary waiting period. A secondary objective was to calculate the variation in cash flow under different input pricing scenarios through stochastic Monte Carlo simulation. Lactating Holstein cows from a commercial dairy farm were randomly assigned to 3 first-service management programs. Cows in the PSOv treatment (n = 450) received first service through a combination of insemination at detected estrus after a voluntary waiting period of 50 d in milk (DIM; i.e., after second PGF treatment of the protocol) and TAI at 72 ± 3 DIM. Cows in the DO60 (n = 458) and DO88 (n = 462) treatments received first service by TAI at 60 ± 3 and 88 ± 3 DIM, respectively. Individual cow cash flow was calculated for the calving interval after enrollment and for an 18-mo period after calving. Cash flow was the aggregation of daily income over feed cost, replacement cost, calf value, recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment cost, reproductive cost, and other operating expenses. All analyses were conducted separately for primiparous and multiparous cows. Continuous, binomial, and time to event outcomes were analyzed using ANOVA, logistic regression, and Cox's proportional hazard regression in SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Treatments affected the dynamics of pregnancy creation, which affected time to pregnancy during lactation. As a result, we observed differences in the proportion of nonpregnant cows at the end of lactation, herd exit dynamics, lactation length, calving interval, and proportion of cows that calved again. Some of these effects varied by parity, affecting the direction and magnitude of treatment differences within parity group. For primiparous cows, maximum cash flow differences per slot for the 18-mo period were in the range of $26 (PSOv > DO60) to $29 (DO88 > DO60) but did not differ statistically. For multiparous cows, maximum cash flow differences per slot for the 18-mo period were in the range of $122 (PSOv > DO88) to $155 (DO60 > DO88) but did not differ statistically. Despite the substantial differences in cash flow (in particular for multiparous cows) caused by the effect of treatments on reproductive performance, herd exit dynamics, and calving interval, large variability in overall cash flow among individual cows and compensation between multiple outcomes resulted in lack of statistical differences in cash flow. Outcomes from the stochastic analysis indicated that similar trends for differences between treatments would be observed under varying scenarios for economic input values. In conclusion, we did not detect statistically significant cash flow differences between the PSOv, DO60, and DO88 treatments, but numerical trends and stochastic simulation indicated that the DO88 and PSOv treatments were more economically favorable than the DO60 treatment for primiparous cows. For multiparous cows, the DO60 and PSOv treatments were more economically favorable than the DO88 treatment.  相似文献   

Voluntary waiting period and adoption of synchronized breeding (ovulation synchronization followed by timed artificial insemination) were characterized from 33 million services of Holsteins and Jerseys in Dairy Herd Improvement herds. Calving month, calving year, and parity had large effects on days to first service for both breeds. Holstein cows that calved during March and April were bred later than those that calved during other months (February and March for Jerseys), whereas cows that calved during September and October were bred earlier. First-parity cows had longer days to first service than did second-parity cows. Herd-year voluntary waiting period was measured as the days postpartum by which 10% of cows had received a first insemination. Median days to reach 10% of cows bred were 55.5 d. Over 65% of herds had 10% of cows inseminated by 60 d postpartum, the voluntary waiting period assumed for national evaluations for daughter pregnancy rate. Herd-years with synchronized breeding at first insemination were identified through χ2 analysis based on deviation of observed frequency of first inseminations by day of the week from an expected equal frequency and by the maximum percentage of cows inseminated on a particular day of the week. Herds that were identified as having synchronized breeding had fewer days to first service (17.0), more services (0.16/cow), and fewer days open (9.1) than did herds that were classified as having traditional estrus detection. Synchronized herds also had a standard deviation for days to first service that was only 38% as large as that for herds that bred on observed estrus. Adoption of synchronized breeding for first services steadily increased from 1.9% of herd-years (2% of cows) for 1996 to 19.9% of herd-years (34.9% of cows) for 2005. Procedures for genetic evaluation of daughter pregnancy rate should be examined to determine if herd regimen for reproductive management affects results.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in the number of 21-d opportunity periods required to achieve pregnancy after the voluntary waiting period (VWP) had passed was examined using 44,901 lactation records of 29,422 lactating Holstein cows on 61 large commercial dairy farms in the United States. Cows were allowed a maximum of 8 opportunity periods, and the cumulative percentages of cows that became pregnant by the end of the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth opportunity periods were 19, 29, 37, 43, and 47%, respectively. In addition, 38% of records were censored because of culling or failure to achieve pregnancy after 8 opportunity periods. Mean days open was 128 d for complete records, whereas mean days to last service was 148 d for censored records. An ordinal censored threshold model was developed, in which duration of the VWP was estimated simultaneously with prediction of sire breeding values. The posterior mean of intraherd-year heritability for the number of 21-d opportunity periods required to achieve pregnancy was 0.06, with a posterior standard deviation of 0.01. Posterior means for duration of the VWP ranged from 28 to 74 d postpartum among the 116 herd-parity classes represented in the study, whereas farmer-reported survey values for duration of the VWP ranged from 30 to 78 d postpartum. Sires’ predicted transmitting abilities were computed, assuming an unknown VWP (i.e., estimated from the data), a VWP fixed at 60 d postpartum, or a VWP fixed at farmer survey values. Correlations among sire predicted transmitting abilities from different models were ≥0.98, although some reranking occurred among top sires. In summary, the proposed model for genetic evaluation of female fertility can accommodate heterogeneity in duration of the VWP between herds, as well as heterogeneity that may arise within herds owing to management practices such as intentional delay of first insemination in high-producing cows or cows with poor body condition, and it can also accommodate censored records for nonpregnant cows.  相似文献   

A 9-wk trial was conducted to study the performance of 24 Holstein cows during the transition period (3 wk prepartum to 6 wk postpartum). Cows were assigned to either a control or liquid-flavored (0.52 mL/kg of feed) total mixed ration in a randomized complete block design. The diets contained corn silage, alfalfa haylage, cottonseed, and a grain mix based on ground corn and soybean meal. Cows were fed to ensure 10% orts, and the diet provided (on a dry matter basis) 13% crude protein, 32% acid detergent fiber, 44% neutral detergent fiber, and 1.54 Mcal/kg of NEL prepartum and 17.5% crude protein, 30% acid detergent fiber, 40% neutral detergent fiber, and 1.57 Mcal/kg of NEL postpartum. An additional 2.3 kg of alfalfa hay was fed during the first 5 d postpartum. Weekly means of dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield, milk protein, milk fat, SNF, somatic cell counts, and body weight (BW) were analyzed using a repeated measures procedure. There was no effect of treatment on these variables, and least squares means were 16.9 and 15.7 kg/d for DMI, 38 and 35.3 kg/d for milk yield, 3.10 and 3.11% for milk protein, 3.69 and 3.74% for milk fat, 8.37 and 8.16% for SNF, 1.99 x 10(5) and 4.33 x 10(5) for somatic cell count, and 631 and 651 kg for BW for cows fed control and flavored diets, respectively. Individual cow daily DMI data were fitted to an exponential model describing pre- and postpartum feed consumption [DMI = a - b x e(-c x t), where DMI was measured in kg, a = asymptotic DMI, b = potential fractional increase in DMI, c = fractional rate of increase in DMI, and t = days prior to calving or days in milk]. Fractional rates of increase in DMI were similar: 0.139 and 0.123/d for control and flavored diets, respectively. Data for both groups were separately analyzed using multiple regression with 3.5% fat-corrected milk as the dependent variable and BW and DMI as independent variables. More BW was mobilized per unit increase in 3.5% fat-corrected milk in cows fed the control than in cows fed the flavored diet. Cows fed the control diet tended to be in more negative energy balance during early lactation than cows fed the flavored diet. It was concluded that feeding flavor improved energy balance of cows in early lactation and may reduce the risk of health or reproductive problems.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the effect of providing additional prepartum concentrate on the occurrence and severity of ruminal acidosis (RA) and lactational performance during the periparturient period in primiparous cows; and 2) to characterize the occurrence and severity of RA during the periparturient period. We hypothesized that providing additional concentrate prepartum would reduce postpartum RA. Fourteen ruminally cannulated Holstein heifers were paired by expected calving date and body condition score. The heifers were assigned to 1 of 2 prepartum feeding regimens: 1) a control treatment consisting of a far-off diet (forage:concentrate, F:C = 80:20) fed from d −60 to d −25 and a close-up diet (F:C = 54:46) fed from d −24 until parturition; or 2) a high-concentrate (HC) feeding program consisting of 4 prepartum diets, HC-1 (F:C = 68:32) fed from d −60 to d −43, HC-2 (F:C = 60:40) fed from d −42 to d −25, HC-3 (F:C = 52:48) fed from d −24 to d −13, and HC-4 (F:C = 46:54) fed from d −12 until parturition. All cows received the same lactation diet postpartum. Ruminal pH was measured continuously from d −5 to d +5, and for 3 consecutive days starting on d +17 ± 1.2, d +37 ± 1.4, and d +58 ± 1.5 relative to parturition using an indwelling ruminal pH system. Ruminal acidosis was considered to occur when ruminal pH was <5.8 (total RA). Ruminal acidosis was further partitioned into: 1) mild RA (5.8 > ruminal pH > 5.5), 2) moderate RA (5.5 > ruminal pH > 5.2), and 3) acute RA (ruminal pH < 5.2). Feeding additional concentrate prepartum did not reduce postpartum RA. In fact, cows fed the HC treatment had more daily episodes of acute RA than cows fed the control treatment. Day relative to parturition affected the occurrence and severity of RA; RA increased following parturition and was sustained thereafter. The DM intake during the last 5 d of gestation was lower for cows fed the HC treatment compared with cows fed the control treatment, but lactational performance was not affected. We conclude that, under the conditions imposed, feeding additional concentrate prepartum does not reduce postpartum RA. Furthermore, the incidence and severity of RA increases immediately postpartum, emphasizing the need to develop and implement feeding strategies that reduce this risk.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance of dairy cows fed two concentrations of phosphorus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary P concentrations of 0.37 (recommended) or 0.57% (excess; dry matter basis) on reproductive performance. At calving, Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 dietary treatments (n = 134 for 0.37% P and n = 133 for 0.57% P). Cows were fitted with a radiotelemetric transmitter (50 d in milk [DIM]) to record mounting activity during estrus and bred to natural estrus from 50 to 100 DIM, then to synchronized estrus (Ovsynch protocol) after 100 DIM. Weekly ultrasonography was performed from 50 DIM until pregnancy was diagnosed (-30 d after artificial insemination). Pregnancy was confirmed approximately 60 d after artificial insemination (artificial insemination). Weekly blood samples were analyzed for progesterone concentrations. Days to first increase (>1 ng/ml) in progesterone, days to first estrus detected by radiotelemetry, days to first service detected by herd personnel, and conception rate at first service did not differ between the recommended and excess P groups, respectively. Similarly, conception rate at 30 d, days open, pregnancies lost from 30 to 60 d, multiple ovulation rate, and the incidence of anovulatory condition at 71 DIM did not differ between these groups. The mean duration of estrus was 8.7 +/- 0.5 and 8.7 +/- 0.7 h, and the average number of mounts per estrus was 7.4 +/- 0.5 and 7.8 +/- 0.5 for a total mounting time during estrus of 25.8 +/- 1.8 and 24.5 +/- 1.6 s for cows fed the recommended and excess P diet, respectively. Phosphorus treatment had no detectable effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The objective of this observational study was to evaluate the association of estrous expression within 40 days in milk (DIM) using a neck-mounted automated activity monitor (Heatime Pro; SCR Engineers Ltd.) with reproductive performance in lactating Holstein cows. A total of 2,077 cows (614 primiparous cows and 1,463 multiparous cows) from 5 commercial dairy farms were included in the statistical analyses. Activity data from the first 7 d after calving were excluded. An estrus event was defined as an activity change index ≥35 for more than 2 h. Cows were classified according to the number of estrus events from d 7 until d 40 postpartum into 3 categories: (1) no estrus event (Estrus0); (2) one estrus event (Estrus1), and (3) 2 or more estrus events (Estrus2). Generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze continuous and categorical data. Shared frailty models were used for time to event data. Overall, 52.7% of cows had no estrus event detected by an automated activity monitor system from d 7 until d 40 postpartum. Herd level prevalence of Estrus0 ranged from 37.5 to 58.4%. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 40 postpartum affected estrous duration and estrous intensity at first artificial insemination (AI). Cows in Estrus0 had the shortest duration (13.2 ± 0.33 h) compared with cows in Estrus1 (13.8 ± 0.36 h) and Estrus2 (14.8 ± 0.41 h). Cows in Estrus2 had a longer estrous duration at first postpartum AI compared with cows in Estrus1. Among Estrus0 cows, 46.2% had an estrus event with high intensity at first postpartum AI. Among cows in Estrus1 and Estrus2, 50.8 and 53.8% had an estrus event with high intensity at first postpartum AI, respectively. There was a significant difference between Estrus2 and Estrus0 and a tendency between Estrus0 and Estrus1. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. For Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2 cows, pregnancy per AI was 29.4, 30.9, and 37.8%, respectively. There was a significant difference between Estrus0 and Estrus2 and Estrus1 and Estrus2. There was no difference between Estrus0 and Estrus1. Estrous expression from d 7 until d 40 postpartum affected time to first AI and time to pregnancy. Compared with Estrus0 cows, cows in Estrus1 [hazard risk (HR) = 1.74] and Estrus2 (HR = 1.77) had an increased hazard of being inseminated within 100 DIM. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. Median DIM to first AI were 70, 59, and 58 for cows in Estrus0, Estrus1, and Estrus2, respectively. Compared with Estrus0 cows, cows in Estrus1 (HR = 1.28) and Estrus2 (HR = 1.33) had an increased hazard of becoming pregnant within 200 DIM. There was no difference between Estrus1 and Estrus2. Median DIM to pregnancy were 127, 112, and 103 for Estrus0 cows, Estrus1 and Estrus2, respectively. In conclusion, cows with no estrous expression from 7 to 40 DIM had reduced estrous expression at first AI and inferior reproductive performance compared with cows that displayed estrous activity.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the individual and combined effect of anovulation and cytological endometritis (CTE) on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. A total of 1,569 cows from 3 data sets were used. In data set 1, 403 Holstein cows from 5 dairies in New York were used. In data set 2, 750 Holstein cows from 2 dairies, one in Florida and one in California were used. In data set 3, 416 dairy cows, 165 Holsteins, 36 Jerseys, and 215 Holstein-Jersey crossbreeds from a grazing dairy in Florida were used. Cyclicity and CTE was determined at 35 ± 3 (data set 2) or 49 ± 3 d in milk (data sets 1 and 3). A variable (VarCycCTE) containing all 4 possible permutations between cyclicity (cyclic = Cyc; anovular = Anov) and CTE (present = CTE; absent = Healthy) was created. In the combined data set (sets 1, 2, and 3), pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) diagnosed at 30 to 38 d after first AI was affected by VarCycCTE, with AnovCTE cows having decreased P/AI compared with CycHealthy cows (21.3 vs. 46.7%), whereas AnovHealthy (37.9%) and CycCTE cows (36.0%) had intermediate P/AI. Pregnancy per artificial insemination for the individual data sets and for pregnancy diagnosed at 63 to 74 d after artificial insemination followed a similar pattern. Pregnancy loss was not affected by VarCycCTE. Hazard of pregnancy up to 300 d in milk was affected by VarCycCTE in the combined data sets 1 and 2, with AnovCTE [hazard ratio (HR) = 0.55], AnovHealthy cows (HR = 0.71), and CycCTE (HR = 0.8) having decreased hazard of pregnancy compared with CycHealthy cows. Median days open were 200, 159, 145, and 121 for AnovCTE, AnovHealthy, CycCTE, and CycHealthy, respectively. Hazard of pregnancy for the individual data sets followed a similar pattern. In summary, both anovulation and CTE were negatively associated with reproductive performance and, when combined, they had an additive negative effect.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare reproductive performance of liquid sex-sorted (SS) semen with that of conventional (CON) semen in lactating dairy cows. Between 2011 and 2013, commercial dairy herds (n = 101, 203, and 253 for 2011, 2012, and 2013, respectively) with predominantly Holstein-Friesian cows were enrolled in a contract mating program to produce surplus heifers for export using liquid SS semen. During the spring mating period, each herd was allocated with liquid SS semen at 50% of its daily requirement and the remaining daily requirement was allocated with CON liquid semen. Sperm for producing SS semen was sorted by Sexing Technologies NZ Ltd. (Hamilton, New Zealand) and then packaged using the liquid semen technology of LIC (Hamilton, New Zealand) at a dose of 1 × 106 sperm. Artificial insemination (AI) with liquid SS semen was carried out between 43 and 46 h after collection. Conventional semen straws contained 1.25 × 106, 1.75 × 106, or 2 × 106 sperm for semen to be used on d 1, 2, or 3 after collection, respectively. Only CON inseminations on the same days as when SS semen was used were included in the comparison. Herd managers biased usage of SS semen toward cows with a longer postpartum interval before the mating start date (64.0 vs. 62.8 d), cows of higher genetic merit (NZ$107.0 vs. NZ$98.4), younger cows (5.1 vs. 5.2 yr), and cows in which they had more confidence of being genuinely in estrus as measured by a lower percentage of short returns between 1 and 17 d (5.3 vs. 7.5%). After adjusting for these factors, the estimated difference in nonreturn rate between AI with SS and CON semen over the 3 seasons was −3.8 percentage points (SS = 70.2% vs. CON = 74.0%; SS/CON = 94.9%). The estimated maximum difference in calving rate per AI between SS and CON semen was −3.1 percentage points for 2011 (SS = 51.2% vs. CON = 54.3%; SS/CON = 94.3%) and −3.0 percentage points for 2012 (SS = 49.7% vs. CON = 52.6%; SS/CON = 94.5%). Calving data for 2013 were not yet available. The percentage of heifer calves born to AI with SS semen was 87.0% for 2011 and 85.8% for 2012, both of which were lower than the expectation of 90% mainly due to misidentification of calf dams in seasonal dairy herds calving on pasture. In summary, results in this report showed that liquid SS semen only required half the dose rate of frozen SS semen to achieve a reproductive performance of over 94% of CON semen in lactating dairy cows. Careful planning and a robust distribution network are required to avoid semen wastage and to maximize the benefit of liquid SS semen.  相似文献   

A database of milk progesterone profiles consisting 497 lactations in 3 dairy herds from northern and western regions of Japan was used to identify the characteristics and associated risk factors for prolonged luteal phase (PLP) and its effects on subsequent reproductive performance in high-producing Holstein cows. Milk samples were collected twice weekly and progesterone concentrations in whole milk were determined by ELISA. Herds were visited monthly and examined by vaginoscopy and transrectal palpation. Resumption of ovarian cyclicity within 35 d postpartum followed by regular cycles was considered normal. Prolonged luteal phase was defined when progesterone concentrations were ≥5 ng/mL for ≥20 d of duration in any cycle postpartum. Delay of first ovulation to 35 to 60 d (delayed first ovulation type I), >60 d (delayed first ovulation type II), a luteal phase of <14 d except in the first cycle (short luteal phase), and the absence of luteal activity >14 d between 2 cycles (cessation of cyclicity) were the other categories of abnormal ovarian resumptions considered. The overall incidence of PLP in the 3 herds was 11.9% and a significantly higher proportion of PLP was observed in the first cycle postpartum compared with the second and third cycles. Approximately 83% of the PLP were 20 to 28 d in duration, and maximum progesterone concentration was significantly higher when PLP lasted >35 d compared with PLP of 20 to 35 d in duration. Higher parity, commencement of luteal activity ≤28 d postpartum, and postpartum complications significantly increased the occurrence of PLP within 90 d postpartum. Cows with PLP showed reduced conception rate to first artificial insemination (AI) and reduced pregnancy proportions within 100, 150, and 210 d postpartum. Based on survival analysis, PLP was associated with a 56% reduction in relative pregnancy rate and a 36% reduction in AI submission rate. Cows that experienced PLP had a longer interval from calving to first AI (74 d) and from calving to pregnancy (141 d) than cows without PLP (53 and 80 d), respectively. In conclusion, 11.9% of lactations had PLP, of which approximately two-thirds were seen in the first cycle postpartum. Most of the PLP were 20 to 28 d in duration. Higher parity, postpartum complications, and early commencement of luteal activity postpartum increased the risk for PLP. Occurrence of PLP adversely affected fertility by reducing pregnancy proportions and extending calving to conception interval.  相似文献   

The transition period is a demanding phase in the life of dairy cows. Metabolic and infectious disorders frequently occur in the first weeks after calving. To identify cows that are less able to cope with the transition period, physiologic or behavioral signals acquired with sensors might be useful. However, it is not yet clear which signals or combination of signals and which signal properties are most informative with respect to disease severity after calving. Sensor data on activity and behavior measurements as well as rumen and ear temperature data from 22 dairy cows were collected during a period starting 2 wk before expected parturition until 6 wk after parturition. During this period, the health status of each cow was clinically scored daily. A total deficit score (TDS) was calculated based on the clinical assessment, summarizing disease length and intensity for each cow. Different sensor data properties recorded during the period before calving as well as the period after calving were tested as a predictor for TDS using univariate analysis of covariance. To select the model with the best combination of signals and signal properties, we quantified the prediction accuracy for TDS in a multivariate model. Prediction accuracy for TDS increased when sensors were combined, using static and dynamic signal properties. Statistically, the most optimal linear combination of predictors consisted of average eating time, variance of daily ear temperature, and regularity of daily behavior patterns in the dry period. Our research indicates that a combination of static and dynamic sensor data properties could be used as indicators of cow resilience.  相似文献   

Fifty-four multiparous Holsteins were utilized to determine the effect of dietary P on ovarian activity and reproductive performance. Cows were assigned at calving to diets containing 0.35 or 0.47% P. Ovarian activity was monitored 3 times weekly by ultrasonography, beginning 10 d after parturition until the end of a 60-d voluntary waiting period. After this period, cows were synchronized and bred using the Ovsynch protocol. During wk 2 of lactation, the number of small (3 to 5 mm in diameter) and large (>9 mm) follicles was similar between groups, but the number of medium (6 to 9 mm) follicles was lower for 0.35% P than for 0.47% P (1.2 vs. 1.9). Dietary P did not affect the number of days to first postpartum ovulation or the diameter of dominant and ovulating follicles. The multiple ovulation rate and the proportion of cows that were anovulatory or developed follicular cysts did not differ between groups. Dietary P amount did not influence corpus luteum development or blood progesterone concentration during the voluntary waiting period. The first service conception rate and pregnancy loss from 30 to 60 d after breeding were not affected. The overall pregnancy rate during the first 200 d of lactation (60.9 and 60.0%) and the number of services per pregnancy (2.1 and 1.9) did not differ between groups. Serum inorganic P was elevated from 6 to 7 mg/dL during the first 3 mo postpartum as dietary P was increased. Fecal P content measured during the first 16 wk of lactation averaged 0.63 and 0.89%, 29% lower for the 0.35% P group. Mean milk yield during the first 40 wk of lactation did not differ, averaging 40.5 and 39.0 kg/d for the 0.35 and 0.47% P groups, respectively. Overall, varying dietary P from 0.35 to 0.47% did not affect postpartum ovarian activity, reproductive performance, or milk production.  相似文献   

Cows exposed to short day photoperiod during the dry period produce significantly more milk in their subsequent lactation than cows exposed to long days. The mechanism(s) underlying this effect are unknown. Because concentrations of prolactin (PRL) in circulation are consistently affected by changes in photoperiod, we hypothesized that alterations in the prolactin axis and sensitivity of the mammary gland to prolactin signaling may mediate photoperiodic effects in dry cows. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of exposure to different lengths of daylight during the dry period on circulating PRL and PRL receptor (PRL-R) mRNA expression in lymphocytes and mammary tissue during the transition to lactation. Multiparous Holstein cows were dried off 62 d before calving and assigned to long day (16 h light: 8 h dark) or short day photoperiod (8 h light: 16 h dark). During the dry period, PRL and PRL-R mRNA were analyzed biweekly in plasma and lymphocytes, respectively. Expression of PRL-R mRNA was assessed in mammary biopsies during the dry and periparturient periods. Dry matter intake (DMI) was recorded through 21 d of lactation, and milk yield was recorded until 120 d in milk. Short day photoperiod was associated with reduced PRL, whereas milk yield and expression of PRL-R mRNA in lymphocytes and mammary tissue were increased. Cows on short days had higher DMI during the dry period but did not differ in DMI after parturition. These data support the concept that greater responsiveness and sensitivity to PRL during transition to lactation may be associated with an increase in subsequent milk yield.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in the high-yielding dairy cow has severely decreased in the last 40 yr. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of 4 nutritional strategies in improving the reproductive performance of high-yielding dairy cows. It was hypothesized that offering cows a high-starch ration in early lactation would enhance the onset of luteal activity, and that decreasing the severity of negative energy balance in the early postcalving period would improve reproductive parameters. Nutritional regimens aimed at improving fertility were applied to 96 Holstein-Friesian dairy animals. Upon calving, animals were allocated in a balanced manner to one of 4 dietary treatments. Primiparous animals were balanced according to live weight, body condition score and calving date. Multiparous animals were balanced according to parity, previous lactation milk yield, liveweight, body condition score and calving date. Treatment 1 was based on an industry best practice diet (control) to contain 170 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter. Treatment 2 was an individual cow feeding strategy, whereby the energy balance (EB) of individual animals was managed so as to achieve a predetermined target daily EB profile (±10 MJ/d). Treatment 3 was a high-starch/high-fat combination treatment, whereby an insulinogenic (high-starch) diet was offered in early lactation to encourage cyclicity and followed by a lipogenic (low-starch, high-fat) diet to promote embryo development. Treatment 4 was a low-protein diet, containing 140 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter, supplemented with protected methionine at an inclusion level of 40 g per animal per day. The nutritional strategies implemented in this study had no statistically significant effects on cow fertility measures, which included the onset of luteal activity, conception rate, in-calf rate, and the incidence of atypical cycles. The individual cow feeding strategy improved EB in early lactation but had no benefit on conception rate to first insemination. However, conception rate to second insemination, 100-d pregnancy rate (from the commencement of breeding), and overall pregnancy rate tended to be higher in this group. The high-starch/high-fat treatment tended to decrease the proportion of delayed ovulations and increase the proportion of animals cycling by d 50 postcalving. Animals that failed to conceive to first insemination had a significantly longer luteal phase in the first cycle postpartum and a longer inter-ovulatory interval in the second cycle postpartum. With regards to estrous behavior, results indicate that as the size of the sexually active group increased, the intensity of estrus and the expression of mounting or attempting to mount another cow also increased. Furthermore, cows that became pregnant displayed more intense estrous behavior than cows that failed to become pregnant.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):11646-11659
Our aim was to evaluate the effects of a low or high dietary phosphorus (P) concentration during the dry period, followed by either a high or low dietary P concentration during the first 8 wk of lactation, on plasma Ca concentrations, feed intake, and lactational performance of dairy cattle. Sixty pregnant multiparous Holstein Friesian dairy cows were assigned to a randomized block design with repeated measurements and dietary treatments arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial fashion. The experimental diets contained 3.6 (Dry-HP) or 2.2 (Dry-LP) g of P/kg of dry matter (DM) during the dry period, and 3.8 (Lac-HP) or 2.9 (Lac-LP) g of P/kg of DM during 56 d after calving period. In dry cows, plasma Ca concentrations were 3.3% greater when cows were fed 2.2 instead of 3.6 g of P/kg of DM. The proportion of cows being hypocalcemic (plasma Ca concentrations <2 mM) in the first week after calving was lowest with the low-P diets both during the dry period and lactation. Plasma Ca concentrations in wk 1 to 8 after calving were affected by dietary P level in the dry period and in the lactation period, but no interaction between both was present. Feeding Dry-LP instead of Dry-HP diets resulted in 4.1% greater plasma Ca values, and feeding Lac-LP instead of Lac-HP diets resulted in 4.0% greater plasma Ca values. After calving, plasma inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentrations were affected by a 3-way interaction between sampling day after calving, and dietary P levels during the dry period and lactation. From d 1 to d 7 postpartum, cows fed Lac-HP had increased plasma Pi concentrations, and the rate appeared to be greater in cows fed Dry-LP versus Dry-HP. In contrast, plasma Pi concentrations decreased from d 1 to d 7 postpartum in cows fed Lac-LP, and this decrease was at a higher rate for cows fed Dry-HP versus Dry-LP. After d 7, plasma Pi concentrations remained rather constant at 1.5 to 1.6 mM when cows received Lac-HP, whereas with Lac-LP plasma Pi concentrations reached stable levels (i.e., 1.3–1.4 mM) at d 28 after calving. Milk production, DM intake, and milk concentrations of P, Ca, fat, protein, and lactose were not affected by any interaction nor the levels of dietary P. It is concluded that the feeding of diets containing 2.2 g of P/kg of DM during the last 6 wk of the dry period and 2.9 g of P/kg of DM during early lactation increased plasma Ca levels when compared with greater dietary P levels. These low-P diets may be instrumental in preventing hypocalcemia in periparturient cows and do not compromise DM intake and milk production. Current results suggest that P requirements in dairy cows during dry period and early lactation can be fine-tuned toward lower values than recommended by both the National Research Council and the Dutch Central Bureau for Livestock Feeding. Caution however is warranted to extrapolate current findings to entire lactations because long-term effects of feeding low-P diets containing 2.9 of g/kg of DM on production and health needs further investigation.  相似文献   

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