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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of oral propylene glycol (PG) administration on ketosis resolution and milk yield in cows diagnosed with subclinical ketosis (SCK). Cows from 4 freestall dairy herds (2 in New York and 2 in Wisconsin) were each tested 6 times for SCK from 3 to 16 d in milk on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Subclinical ketosis was defined as a β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration of 1.2 to 2.9 mM/L, and clinical ketosis was defined as ≥3.0 mM/L. Cows with SCK were randomized to the treatment group (oral PG) or control group (no PG); treatment cows were drenched with 300 mL of PG once daily from the day they tested 1.2 to 2.9 mM/L until the day they tested <1.2 mM/L. Outcomes evaluated for all farms included time from SCK until BHBA test <1.2 mM/L or until BHBA test ≥3.0 mM/L. Individual milk weights for the first 30 d of lactation were evaluated for the 3 farms monitoring daily milk. Semiparametric proportional hazards models were used to evaluate time to event outcomes; repeated-measures ANOVA was used to assess milk weights. A total of 741 of 1,717 (43.2%) eligible enrolled cows had at least one BHBA test of 1.2 to 2.9 mM/L. Of these, 372 were assigned to the treatment group and 369 to the control group. Based on hazard ratios, PG-treated cows were 1.50 times more likely (95% confidence interval = 1.26 to 1.79) to resolve their SCK and 0.54 times less likely (95% confidence interval = 0.34 to 0.86) to develop clinical ketosis than control cows. Across the 3 herds measuring individual milk weights, treated cows produced 0.23 kg more milk per milking in the first 30 d of lactation than control cows, for a total difference of 0.69 kg/cow per day. After identification of a treatment by herd interaction, stratification by herd showed that treated cows produced more milk per milking on farm A (0.44 kg) and farm B (0.53 kg) in the first 30 d of lactation than control cows, for a total difference of 1.34 and 1.59 kg/d, respectively; milk production did not differ (0.02 kg per milking) between the 2 groups on farm D. These results show the positive effects of oral PG administration in fresh cows with SCK by helping to resolve SCK and preventing clinical ketosis. In addition, oral PG improves milk yield during early lactation in cows diagnosed with SCK.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that subclinical ketosis (SCK) is associated with an increased risk of developing various diseases, reproductive disorders, and changes in milk production. The present work aims at producing an overview between this disorder and theses outcomes. A meta-analysis of the literature, including 131 different models from 23 papers, or a review when the literature was scarce was conducted. For each outcome, the odds ratio (OR), relative risk, or hazard ratio was presented for various moderators to reduce heterogeneity among the studies. The raw change in milk production associated with SCK was estimated and adjusted, taking into consideration the outcomes known to interact with milk production during the peripartum period. The results showed that 2 main categories of moderators had a significant effect on the adjusted risk. First, the adjustment made by defining SCK as (1) β-hydroxybutyrate concentration >1.4 mM, (2) nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration >0.4 mM prepartum, or (3) NEFA concentration >1.0 mM postpartum corrected the underestimated risk (despite low significance). This is because several trials reported the relevant risks using lower thresholds for the β-hydroxybutyrate or NEFA values. Using a low threshold leads to lower risk of disease compared with using a high threshold. Second, the correction produced using the polyfactorial terms corrected the overestimation of risk because many trials reported only univariable models. The relative risk or OR (95% confidence interval) related to abomasal displacement, clinical ketosis, early culling and death, metritis, placental retention, clinical mastitis, lameness, and a doubling of the SCC in cases with SCK were 3.33 (2.60–4.25), 5.38 (3.27–8.83), 1.92 (1.60–2.30), 1.75 (1.54–2.01), 1.52 (1.20–1.93), 1.61 (1.24–2.09), 2.01(1.64–2.44), and 1.42 (1.26–1.60), respectively. The precision level of the estimate depended on the outcome. The direct mean ± standard deviation of the 305-d milk losses associated with SCK were 251 ± 73 kg after adjusting for abomasal displacement, clinical ketosis, metritis, and placental retention. The OR (95% confidence interval) for first service calving risk in cases of SCK was 0.67 (0.53–0.83). The calving-to-first-service interval was 8 d longer and the calving-to-conception interval was 16 to 22 d longer in cows with SCK. The relationships among the different reproductive indicators were quantified in only 1 or 2 trials. The present work highlights the need to conduct further studies on the associations between SCK and the risks of diseases, changes in milk production, and reproductive parameters.  相似文献   

Associations of herd milk production and management variables to a return-over-feed (ROF) herd profit index were examined among 95 dairy farms. The ROF index is derived from 2 important determinants of profit on dairy farms: milk income and feed cost. All producers were participants in the Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) ROF program in Ontario, Canada during 2002. Nutrition, housing, health, and other management data were collected through a phone survey of herd managers. Herd milk production, milk component percentages, and somatic cell count data were obtained from the Ontario DHI database. The linear regression model accounting for significant variation in ROF with highest R2 (0.66) included standardized milk production, milk protein percentage, milk fat percentage, and use of monensin in lactating cow rations. A 1-kg increase in standardized milk production (kg/d per cow) or a 0.1 percentage unit increase in milk protein was associated with $0.35/d per cow or $0.26/d per cow increase, respectively, in the ROF of the dairy herd. However, a 0.1 percentage unit increase in milk fat was associated with a $0.10/d per cow decrease in ROF, probably because of a negative association of milk fat with milk yield. Use of monensin in lactating cow rations was associated with a $0.39/d per cow increase in ROF. In a separate model (R2 = 0.27) that examined management factors independent of production variables, herds using 3 times daily milking had a $1.25/d per cow higher ROF vs. herds using twice daily, whereas use of an Escherichia coli mastitis vaccine was associated with $0.59/d per cow higher ROF. Production-related variables accounted for more variation in the ROF index than management variables, and the latter, e.g., use of monensin, only marginally increased R2 of production-based regression models.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7764-7772
Mycoplasma bovis is an important pathogen causing pneumonia, mastitis, and arthritis in cattle, leading to reduced animal welfare and economic losses worldwide. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the prevalence of M. bovis in bulk tank milk (BTM) and herd characteristics associated with a positive antibody test result in Swedish dairy herds. Bulk tank milk samples from all Swedish dairy herds (n = 3,144) were collected and analyzed with ID Screen antibody ELISA and PCR. Information on herd characteristics was collected from the national Dairy Herd Improvement database. To identify herd characteristics associated with the presence of antibodies in BTM, logistic regression was used in 4 different models. The apparent herd-level prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies in BTM was 4.8%, with large regional differences ranging from 0 to 20%. None of the BTM samples was positive by PCR. All the antibody-positive herds were situated in the south of Sweden. The logistic regression model showed that larger herds had higher odds of detectable antibodies in BTM (herd size >120 cows, odds ratio = 8.8). An association was also found between antibodies in BTM and both a higher late calf mortality (2–6 mo) and a higher young stock mortality (6–15 mo). This study showed a clear regional difference in the apparent prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies. The relatively low prevalence of M. bovis in Sweden is a strong motivator for the cattle industry to take steps to prevent further spread of the infection. It is essential that the M. bovis status of free herds be known, and the regional differences shown in this study suggest that testing is highly recommended when live cattle from high-prevalence areas are being introduced into herds. We do not recommend using PCR on BTM to detect infected herds, owing to the low detection frequency in this study.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(6):5410-5419
Mycoplasma bovis is a serious disease of cattle worldwide; mastitis, pneumonia, and arthritis are particularly important clinical presentations in dairy herds. Mycoplasma bovis was first identified in Ireland in 1994, and the reporting of Mycoplasma-associated disease has substantially increased over the last 5 years. Despite the presumed endemic nature of M. bovis in Ireland, there is a paucity of data on the prevalence of infection, and the effect of this disease on the dairy industry. The aim of this observational study was to estimate apparent herd prevalence for M. bovis in Irish dairy herds using routinely collected bulk milk surveillance samples and to assess risk factors for herd seropositivity. In autumn 2018, 1,500 herds out of the 16,858 herds that submitted bulk tank milk (BTM) samples to the Department of Agriculture testing laboratory for routine surveillance were randomly selected for further testing. A final data set of 1,313 sampled herds with a BTM ELISA result were used for the analysis. Testing was conducted using an indirect ELISA kit (ID Screen Mycoplasma bovis). Herd-level risk factors were used as explanatory variables to determine potential risk factors associated with positive herd status (reflecting past or current exposure to M. bovis). A total of 588 of the 1,313 BTM samples were positive to M. bovis, providing an apparent herd prevalence of 0.45 (95% CI: 0.42, 0.47) in Irish dairy herds in autumn 2018. Multivariable analysis was conducted using logistic regression. The final model identified herd size, the number of neighboring farms, in-degree and county as statistically significant risk factors for herd BTM seropositivity to M. bovis. The results suggest a high apparent herd prevalence of seropositivity to M. bovis, and evidence that M. bovis infection is now endemic in the Irish dairy sector. In addition, risk factors identified are closely aligned to what we would expect of an infectious disease. Awareness raising and education about this important disease is warranted given the widespread nature of exposure and likely infection in Irish herds. Further work on the validation of diagnostic tests for herd-level diagnosis should be undertaken as a matter of priority.  相似文献   

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease is caused by a Culicoides-borne Orbivirus. In cattle, the disease is characterized by reduced milk production and mortality. Recent outbreaks of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) in North Africa, Israel, and Turkey increase the risk of its invasion into central and northern Europe. An outbreak of EHDV in Israel during the fall of 2006 enabled an assessment of the consequent production losses to the dairy cattle industry. Reduction in milk production and involuntary culling were modeled using a 4-yr database of monthly milk and mortality records from 48 affected and 63 unaffected herds. These indices were compared between periods of outbreak and no outbreak and assessed for various levels and exposure onset. Geospatial kriging interpolation of serological results from 127 herds was used to assess the total outbreak losses for the dairy cattle industry in Israel. Herds affected during the first, second, and third month of the outbreak (September-November) experienced an average loss of 207 (95% CI = 154-261), 137 (63-211), and 52 (27-76) kg of milk/milking cow, respectively, during the outbreak period. An average excess mortality and involuntary culling of 1.47/100 cows was documented in herds affected in September. High correlation was observed between EHDV seroprevalence and milk loss; average milk loss for herds with seropositivity of 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and 76 to 100% was 84, 133, and 204 kg of milk/milking cow, respectively. A 1.42% (0.91-1.93%) increase in mortality was observed in herds with seroprevalence above 50%. Losses for the dairy cattle industry interpolated from these data were estimated at US$2,491,000 (US$1,591,000-3,391,000), an average loss of US$26.5/cow in the Israeli dairy cattle. This equals 0.55% of the average total value production of a dairy cow in Israel. This is the first study to estimate the production losses caused by EHDV or any bluetongue-like disease.  相似文献   

Lameness is one of the most important welfare and productivity concerns in the dairy industry. Our objectives were to obtain producers' estimates of its prevalence and their perceptions of lameness, and to investigate how producers monitor lameness in tiestall (TS), freestall with milking parlor (FS), and automated milking system (AMS) herds. Forty focal cows per farm in 237 Canadian dairy herds were scored for lameness by trained researchers. On the same day, the producers completed a questionnaire. Mean herd-level prevalence of lameness estimated by producers was 9.0% (±0.9%; ±SE), whereas the researchers observed a mean prevalence of 22.2% (±0.9%). Correlation between producer- and researcher-estimated lameness prevalence was low (r = 0.19) and mean researcher prevalence was 1.6, 1.8, and 4.1 times higher in AMS, FS, and TS farms, respectively. A total of 48% of producers thought lameness was a moderate or major problem in their herds (TS = 34%; AMS =53%; FS = 59%). One third of producers considered lameness the highest ranked health problem they were trying to control, whereas two-thirds of producers (TS = 43%; AMS = 63%; FS = 71%) stated that they had made management changes to deal with lameness in the past 2 yr. Almost all producers (98%) stated they routinely check cows to identify new cases of lameness; however, 40% of producers did not keep records of lameness (AMS = 24%; FS = 23%; TS = 60%). A majority (69%) of producers treated lame cows themselves immediately after detection, whereas 13% relied on hoof-trimmer or veterinarians to plan treatment. Producers are aware of lameness as an issue in dairy herds and almost all monitor lameness as part of their daily routine. However, producers underestimate lameness prevalence, which highlights that lameness detection continues to be difficult in in all housing systems, especially in TS herds. Training to improve detection, record keeping, identification of farm-specific risk factors, and treatment planning for lame cows is likely to help decrease lameness prevalence.  相似文献   

The cow's uterus sustains bacterial contamination and active inflammation after calving as part of the normal physiological process of uterine involution. Although the definition, incidence, and risk factors for postpartum uterine diseases (PUD) have been documented in annual calving systems with high-producing cows on total mixed ration, the literature contains little information for other production systems. The objective of this study was to quantify the incidence risk and factors associated with metritis, clinical endometritis, and cytological endometritis in high-altitude tropical dairy herds in a pasture-based system. A total of 248 cows from 5 commercial dairy herds in northern Antioquia, Colombia, were enrolled in this prospective observational longitudinal cohort study. Data collection and PUD diagnosis were performed at d 0, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, and 52 (±1) after parturition. Between 60 and 70 d, cows were systematically enrolled in a synchronization protocol, and herds were visited monthly for pregnancy diagnosis until 180 ±15 d. The multivariable logistic regression model of variables associated with PUD occurrence included (a) parity, season of calving, transition diet, and body condition score at calving; (b) blood calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium concentrations, and milk urea nitrogen, β-hydroxybutyrate and fat-to-protein ratio; and (c) dystocia, retained placenta, and delayed uterine involution. The incidences of puerperal metritis, clinical metritis (MET), clinical endometritis (CE), and cytological endometritis (CYTO) were 2.8, 25, 29, and 26%, respectively. Retained placenta and dystocia were associated with MET, and MET was associated with CE. Low blood calcium concentration at calving was associated with CYTO. Overall, 51.2% of the cows suffered at least 1 category of PUD during the first 60 d postpartum (DPP). However, cows also suffered from different consecutive clinical events of PUD (MET, CE, and CYTO) during the follow-up period (0 to 180 ±15 DPP). These events could be grouped into 4 types (which were referred to as “clinical patterns”) based on interactions between MET, CE, and CYTO.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate sources of variation of milk composition and technological characteristics routinely collected in field conditions in the Italian dairy industry. A total of 40,896 bulk milk records from 620 herds and 10 regions across Italy were analyzed. Composition traits were fat, protein, and casein percentages, urea content, and somatic cell score; and technological characteristics were rennet coagulation time, curd firming time, curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition to milk, and titratable acidity. Data of herd bulk milks were analyzed using a model that included fixed effects of region, herd nested within region, and season of milk analysis. An average good milk quality was reported in the dairy industry (especially concerning fat, protein, and casein percentages), and moderate to high correlations between composition and technological traits were observed. All factors included in the statistical model were significant in explaining the variation of the studied traits except for region effect in the analysis of casein and somatic cell score. Northeast and central-southern Italian regions showed the best performance for composition and technological features, respectively. Traits varied greatly across regions, which could reflect differences in herd management and strategies. Overall, less suitable milk for dairy processing was observed in summer. Results of the present study suggested that a constant monitoring of technological traits in the dairy industry is necessary to improve production quality at herd level and it may be a way to segregate milk according to its processing characteristics.  相似文献   

A one-year survey on clinical mastitis was conducted on 50 randomly selected commercial Flemish dairy herds to estimate the pathogen-specific incidence rate of clinical mastitis (IRCM). The severity of the cases and the potential associations with herd hygiene were studied. Participating producers sampled 845 cases and 692 dairy cows. The mean and median IRCM was estimated at 7.4 and 5.3 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk, respectively. A large between-herd variation was observed (range of 0–21.3). In general, the IRCM was lower in heifers compared with multiparous cows (2.9 vs. 11.0 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk). However, the overall IRCM in the first week after calving was higher in heifers compared with cows (43.4 vs. 31.6 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk). Streptococcus uberis (18.2% of the cases) and Escherichia coli (15.5%) were the most frequently isolated pathogens and no growth was observed in 19.9% of the cases. The majority of the cases (63.1%) were mild (only clots in milk). Moderate (hard quarter without general signs) and severe symptoms (systemic illness) were observed in 29.9 and 7.0% of the cases, respectively. Isolation of E. coli (vs. any other culture result) was more likely in moderate and severe cases compared with mild cases. Overall IRCM and E. coli IRCM were higher in dirty compared with clean herds based on udder hygiene scores (9.0 and 1.7 vs. 6.0 and 0.6 quarter cases per 10,000 cow-days at risk, respectively). This study broadens the knowledge on clinical mastitis in Flemish dairy herds and underlines the high risk of CM in early-lactation heifers, the role of the so-called environmental pathogens, and herd hygiene.  相似文献   

The purpose was to determine the effect of oral propylene glycol (PG) administration in fresh cows diagnosed with subclinical ketosis (SCK). Measured outcomes were development of displaced abomasum (DA) and removal from herd in the first 30 d in milk (DIM), conception to first service, and time to conception within 150 DIM. Cows from 4 freestall dairy herds (2 in New York and 2 in Wisconsin) were each tested 6 times for SCK from 3 to 16 DIM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays using the Precision Xtra meter (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL). Subclinical ketosis was defined as a blood β-hydroxybutyrate concentration of 1.2 to 2.9 mmol/L. Cows with SCK were randomized to treatment group (oral PG) or untreated control group (no PG); treatment cows were orally drenched with 300 mL of PG once daily from the day they tested 1.2 to 2.9 mmol/L until the day they tested <1.2 mmol/L. Mixed effects multivariable Poisson regression was used to assess the effect of PG on DA, removal from herd, and conception to first service; a semiparametric proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the days-to-conception outcome. A total of 741 of 1,717 (43.2%) eligible enrolled cows had at least 1 β-hydroxybutyrate test of 1.2 to 2.9 mmol/L. Of these, 372 were assigned to the PG treatment group and 369 to the control group. Thirty-nine cows (5.3%) developed a DA after testing positive for SCK and 30 cows (4.0%) died or were sold within the first 30 DIM. Based on risk ratios, control cows were 1.6 times more likely [95% confidence interval (CI)=1.3 to 2.0] to develop a DA and 2.1 times more likely (95% CI=1.2 to 3.6) to die or be sold than cows treated with PG. In addition, PG-treated cows were 1.3 times more likely (risk ratio 95% CI=1.1 to 1.5) to conceive at first insemination than control cows in 3 of the herds. No difference was observed in days to conception within 150 DIM between treatment groups (hazard ratio for PG cows=1.1, 95% CI=0.8 to 1.4), with a median time to conception of 100 d (95% CI=93 to 111) and 104 d (95% CI=95 to 114) for PG-treated and control cows, respectively. These results show that intensive detection of SCK, followed by treatment of positive cows with oral PG decreased the risk of developing a DA or leaving the herd within the first 30 DIM and increased the risk of conception to first service.  相似文献   

In this study, 3 commonly used tests to diagnose ketosis were evaluated with a latent class model to avoid the assumption of an available perfect test. The 3 tests were the KetoLac BHB (Sanwa Kagaku Kenkyusho Co. Ltd., Nagoya, Japan) test strip that tests milk for β-hydroxybutyrate, the KetoStix (Bayer Diagnostics Europe Ltd., Dublin, Ireland) test strip that tests urine for acetoacetate, and the fat-to-protein percentage ratio (FPR) in milk. A total of 8,902 cows were included in the analysis. The cows were considered to be a random sample from the population of Danish dairy cattle under intensive management, thus representing a natural spectrum of ketosis as a disease. All cows had a recorded FPR between 7 and 21 d postpartum. The KetoLac BHB recordings were available from 2,257 cows and 6,645 cows had a KetoStix recording. The recordings were analyzed with a modified Hui-Walter model, in a Bayesian framework. The specificity of the KetoLac BHB test and the KetoStix test were both high [0.99 (0.97-0.99)], whereas the specificity of FPR was somewhat lower [0.79 (0.77-0.81)]. The best sensitivity was for the KetoStix test [0.78 (0.55-0.98)], followed by the FPR [0.63 (0.58-0.71)] and KetoLac BHB test [0.58 (0.35-0.93)].  相似文献   

Mastitis is a worldwide problem in dairy cows and results in reduced milk production, the culling of cows, and other economic losses. Bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) over 200,000 cells/mL often indicates underlying subclinical mastitis in dairy herds. Several preventative measures that can be implemented to help improve the incidence of mastitis exist, but surveys find these practices not fully adopted by producers. The goal of this research was to analyze the farm and operator characteristics associated with BTSCC in dairy herds by analyzing a survey of dairy producers in the southeastern United States. We examined this region because it has experienced a decline in the number of dairy farms, dairy cows, and milk production over the past 2 decades. The southeast region is also associated with higher BTSCC levels than the national average. Dairy farms in Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia were surveyed. Producers were asked questions about the BTSCC at which they take action to address BTSCC, the information sources they use to learn about and manage BTSCC, farm structure and management characteristics, and attitudinal variables associated with profitability, managerial control, and planning horizon. Least squares regression was used to determine how these factors were associated with BTSCC levels across the 7-state region. Concern over mastitis, financial consequences of mastitis, and increased previous-year BTSCC were associated with higher current BTSCC levels. Obtaining information about mastitis from veterinarians and extension personnel, taking action against mastitis at a BTSCC less than 300,000 cells/mL, and perceived ability to control processes and mastitis incidence were associated with reduced BTSCC. We found average BTSCC was lower in North Carolina and Virginia. These results suggest that proactive producers (i.e., those that perceive they can control BTSCC and seek information from reliable sources), were more likely to report lower BTSCC. As a result, it may be possible to achieve improved milk quality, evident from lowered BTSCC, across the region.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(5):3421-3435
Staphylococcus aureus is a major mastitis pathogen in dairy cattle worldwide, responsible for substantial economic losses. Environmental factors, milking routine, and good maintenance of milking equipment have been described as important factors to prevent intramammary infections (IMI). Staphylococcus aureus IMI can be widespread within the farm or the infection can be limited to few animals. Several studies have reported that Staph. aureus genotypes differ in their ability to spread within a herd. In particular, Staph. aureus belonging to ribosomal spacer PCR genotype B (GTB)/clonal complex 8 (CC8) is associated with high within-herd prevalence of IMI, whereas other genotypes are generally associated with individual cow disease. The adlb gene seems to be strictly related to Staph. aureus GTB/CC8, and is a potential marker of contagiousness. We investigated Staph. aureus IMI prevalence in 60 herds in northern Italy. In the same farms, we assessed specific indicators linked to milking management (e.g., teat condition score and udder hygiene score) and additional milking risk factors for IMI spread. Ribosomal spacer-PCR and adlb-targeted PCR were performed on 262 Staph. aureus isolates, of which 77 underwent multilocus sequence typing. In most of the herds (90%), a predominant genotype was identified, especially Staph. aureus CC8 (30%). In 19 of 60 herds, the predominant circulating Staph. aureus was adlb-positive and the observed IMI prevalence was relevant. Moreover, the adlb gene was detected only in genotypes of CC8 and CC97. Statistical analysis showed a strong association between the prevalence of Staph. aureus IMI, the specific CCs, and carriage of adlb, with the predominant circulating CC and presence of the gene alone explaining the total variation. Interestingly, the difference in the odds ratio obtained in the models for CC8 and CC97 suggests that it is carriage of the adlb gene, rather than the circulation of these CCs per se, that leads to higher within-herd prevalence of Staph. aureus. In addition, the model showed that environmental and milking management factors had no or minimal effect on Staph. aureus IMI prevalence. In conclusion, the circulation of adlb-positive Staph. aureus strains within a herd has a strong effect on the prevalence of IMI. Thus, adlb can be proposed as a genetic marker of contagiousness for Staph. aureus IMI in cattle. However, further analyses using whole-genome sequencing are required to understand the role of genes other than adlb that may be involved in the mechanisms of contagiousness of Staph. aureus strains associated with high prevalence of IMI.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5636-5658
In this scoping review, we characterized the literature reporting on the testing of bulk milk samples to detect microorganisms other than bacteria that can cause diseases in dairy cattle, including viruses, helminths, algae, and protozoa. A search strategy was completed by screening databases, conference proceedings, animal health agency websites, disease surveillance program websites, and handbooks of cattle-related diagnostic tests for potentially relevant articles. Two reviewers independently screened articles in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; original studies reporting on the testing of farm-level, unprocessed bulk milk samples for presence of pathogens or specific antibodies against agents other than bacteria that can cause diseases in cows were retained. From all studies, we used spreadsheets to extract relevant information, including pathogen screened, test used, and country of origin of bulk milk samples. Additionally, for studies reporting sufficient data to estimate test characteristics, we extracted detailed information about herd eligibility, testing protocol, and herd-level infection definition. A total of 8,829 records were identified, from which 1,592 were retained and assessed for eligibility, and 306 were included. Bovine viral diarrhea virus, Fasciola hepatica, Ostertagia ostertagi, and bovine herpesvirus 1 were the most frequently screened agents, reported from 107, 45, 45, and 33 studies, respectively. Sensitivity of bulk milk ELISA to detect herds with animals infected by bovine herpesvirus 1 ranged from 2 to 100%, and was affected mostly by antigen selection, cut-off adopted, herd vaccination status, and seroprevalence of lactating cows. Bulk milk ELISA had very high specificity to detect herds free of bovine leukemia virus, and varying sensitivity to detect herds with infected animals, which depended on the within-herd seroprevalence of lactating cattle. As for bovine viral diarrhea virus, in general, the sensitivity of bulk milk ELISA was moderate to high (>80%) when infection status was defined based on presence of persistently infected cattle or a high proportion of seropositive lactating cattle. Nevertheless, bulk milk ELISA was not able to distinguish infected and noninfected herds based on presence of seropositive unvaccinated weanlings. The PCR or quantitative PCR protocols employed had very low sensitivities (<40%) and very high specificities (>95%) to classify bovine viral diarrhea virus infection status of dairy herds. Sensitivity and specificity of bulk milk ELISA to classify herds with regards to presence of F. hepatica- or O. ostertagi-parasitized cattle were generally high and driven mostly by the definition of herd infection status. Conversely, bulk milk ELISA demonstrated varying characteristics to detect herds with or without Dictyocaulus viviparus-parasitized cattle, depending primarily on the antigen selected and presence of cattle with clinical signs of lungworm infection.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Chlamydophila spp. was determined in a cross-sectional study carried out in 2007 using 100 randomly selected dairy herds in the western part of Germany. Ten dairy cows per herd were sampled in herds with fewer than 100 cows; in bigger herds, 10% of the cows were sampled. For the detection of Chlamydophila spp., vaginal swabs from early lactating dairy cows were analyzed using an established highly sensitive genus-specific real-time PCR. In consideration of the discontinuous shedding of the pathogen, a herd was classified as positive if at least 1 animal per herd tested positive for Chlamydophila spp. By use of these methods and definitions, 61% of the dairy herds and 13.5% of the cows were detected as PCR-positive for Chlamydophila spp., which is indicative for ongoing infections. To compare herd health and herd performance between herds testing positive or negative and to identify risk factors for the presence of Chlamydophila spp., a questionnaire was designed to evaluate farm characteristics and management practices. In addition, the performance recordings of the state dairy recording organization were used for these purposes. Milk yield, number of lactations, and calving to first-service interval were lower in herds testing positive for Chlamydophila spp. compared with negative herds. For all these variables, there was no interaction between Chlamydophila status and lactation number. Replacement of animals from outside sources, use of breeding bulls, lack of separate calving pens, and low scores for cleanliness of beddings, walkways, and cows were identified as the main risk factors for Chlamydophila spp.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of concentrate-to-forage ratio in dairy cow rations on milk-fat composition, with a specific focus on the structure of milk fat globules (MFG). Twenty-four Holstein cows, 153 d in milk, were assigned to 2 dietary treatments in a crossover design study. Treatments were (1) high-concentrate (65%), low-forage (35%; HCLF) diet and (2) low-concentrate (35%), high-forage (65%; LCHF) diet. The mean diameter of the MFG; plasma concentrations of insulin, glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids (FA); and the composition and concentrations of milk FA and polar lipids were determined. Concentrations of insulin were 56% higher, and those of nonesterified FA 46% lower, in the HCLF than in the LCHF diet. The milk yield was 8.5 kg/d higher and yields of fat, protein, and lactose were 180, 350, and 403 g/d higher, respectively, in the HCLF versus LCHF diet. Milk FA composition differed between treatments, with 1.5 and 1.0 percentage units higher saturated and polyunsaturated FA concentrations, respectively, in the HCLF versus LCHF diet. Mean MFG diameter tended to be smaller (0.2 μm) in the HCLF diet than in the LCHF diet, associated with increased daily phospholipids yield (34%), lower phosphatidylserine and higher phosphatidylcholine concentrations. In conclusion, the decreased milk and fat yields in the LCHF diet were associated with remodeling of the MFG membrane and with the secretion of larger MFG. Membrane remodeling of the mammary epithelium membranes seems to play a role in regulating MFG size.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4474-4489
Objectives of this retrospective cohort study were to determine the association of heat stress (HS) exposure during the periparturient period with production, health, reproduction, and survival during the first 90 d postpartum in dairy cows. A total of 5,722 Holstein cows (2,324 nulliparous and 3,397 parous) were categorized into environmental condition groups based on average temperature-humidity index (THI) exposure as thermoneutral (TN) or HS during the prepartum (PRE) and early postpartum (POST) periods into TN-TN (THI: PRE = 57.9 and POST = 63.7), TN-HS (THI: PRE = 68.2 and POST = 72.0), HS-TN (THI: PRE = 71.4 and POST = 65.6), and HS-HS (THI PRE = 72.2 and POST = 72.7). Nulliparous and parous cows were analyzed separately. In nulliparous cows, exposure to HS during the PRE, POST, or both PRE and POST periods was associated with a 1.7 kg/cow per day reduction in milk yield compared with TN-TN. Postpartum HS was associated with increases of 4.4 percentage points in incidence of retained placenta, 18.1 percentage points in incidence of metritis, and 2.0 percentage points in incidence of mastitis, but a reduction of 5.3 percentage points in pregnancy at first AI, and an increase of 4.5 percentage points in pregnancy loss compared with POST TN. Exposure to HS during PRE and POST periods was associated with increased removal from the herd. In parous cows, exposure to HS during PRE, POST, or both PRE and POST was associated with a 2.4-kg/cow per day reduction in milk yield when compared with TN-TN. There was an interaction between HS exposure PRE and POST and incidence of retained placenta, because POST HS was associated with an increase in incidence of 5.8 percentage points within PRE HS cows, whereas no difference was found within PRE TN cows. Postpartum HS was associated with an increase of 6.3 percentage points in incidence of metritis and tended to be associated with an increase of 1.9 percentage points in mastitis incidence compared with POST TN. There was an interaction between HS exposure PRE and POST and pregnancy per AI because POST HS was associated with reduced pregnancy incidence by 10.6 percentage points within PRE TN cows, whereas no difference was found within PRE HS cows. Removal from the herd increased in cows exposed to HS during the PRE or POST or PRE and POST. These data suggest that POST HS is associated with performance losses to a greater extent than prepartum HS and that nulliparous and parous cows are prompt to losses associated with exposure to HS during the transition period. The results corroborate findings from manipulative experiments that showed improved milk production and reproduction in cows under HS provided with heat abatement but adds insights to the associations between HS and health.  相似文献   

Quarter and cow risk factors associated with the development of clinical mastitis (CM) during lactation were investigated during a 12-mo longitudinal study on 8 commercial Holstein-Friesian dairy farms in the southwest of England. The individual risk factors studied on 1,677 cows included assessments of udder and leg hygiene, teat-end callosity, and hyperkeratosis; body condition score; and measurements of monthly milk quality and yield. Several outcome variables for CM were used for statistical analysis, which included use of generalized linear mixed models. Significant covariates associated with an increased risk of CM were increasing parity, decreasing month of lactation, cows with very dirty udders, and quarters with only very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end. Thin and moderate smooth teat-end callosity scores were not associated with an increased risk for CM. Cows that recorded a somatic cell count >199,000 cells/mL and a milk protein percentage <3.2 at the first milk recording after calving were significantly more likely to develop CM after the first 30 d of lactation. There was no association between cow body condition score and incidence of CM. Of the cases of CM available for culture, 171 (26.7%) were confirmed as being caused by Escherichia coli and 121 (18.9%) confirmed as being caused by Streptococcus uberis. Quarters with moderate and very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end were at significantly increased risk of clinical E. coli mastitis before the next visit. Quarters with very severe hyperkeratosis of the teat-end were significantly more likely to develop clinical Strep. uberis mastitis before the next visit. There were strong trends within the data to suggest an association between very dirty udders (an increased risk of clinical E. coli mastitis) and teat-ends with no callosity ring present (an increased risk of clinical Strep. uberis mastitis). These results highlight the importance of individual quarter- and cow-level risk factors in determining the risk of CM associated with environmental pathogens during lactation.  相似文献   

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