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以高层建筑竖井自然排烟为研究对象,利用FDS软件对竖井自然排烟进行模拟,研究外界风对自然排烟的影响.模拟结果表明:当排烟口处于迎风面时,竖井自然排烟受到的影响最大;当竖井顶部四面开启排烟口时,自然排烟受室外风的影响最小.由模拟可见,通过合理设计竖井结构,高层建筑竖井自然排烟是可行的.  相似文献   

设有空中花园的高层住宅建筑自然通风的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨洁  涂光备  易伟雄 《暖通空调》2004,34(3):1-5,37
对设有空中花园的建筑群内流场进行了数值模拟,分析了来流方向、建筑物间距、建筑物高度及空中花园体积等因素对建筑物自然通风的影响。模拟结果表明,在上游建筑物上设置空中花园可以改善下游建筑物的自然通风效果;在第1排建筑物上设置空中花园和在前2排建筑物上设置空中花园,对下游建筑物自然通风的影响没有明显区别。  相似文献   

Based on studies conducted by the Division of Building Research, the authors analyzed the most important factors that determine expectation of life loss from smoke in high-rise buildings. Note: This paper was presented at the National Fire Protection Association’s First European Fire Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, October 15–17, 1973.  相似文献   

分析了高层建筑暖通工程设计的现状,针对设计中存在的问题,从强化暖通设计中的质量标准、提升暖通系统设计的可靠性、合理设计空调设施等方面,阐述了高层建筑暖通工程的设计要点及方法,并总结了其质量保证措施,以进一步提升我国高层建筑暖通设计水平。  相似文献   

Natural ventilation, which is in line with the concepts of sustainability and green energy, is widely acknowledged nowadays. Prevailing winds in urban areas are unavoidably modified by the increasing number of closely placed high-rise buildings that significantly modify the natural ventilation behaviour. This paper explores the effects of building interference on natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques. The cross-ventilation rate (temporal-average volumetric airflow rate) of hypothetical apartments in a building cluster under isothermal conditions was examined using the standard two-equation k − ? turbulence model. The sensitivity of ventilation rate to wind direction, building separation and building disposition (building shift) was studied. Placing buildings farther away from one another substantially promoted the ventilation rate, cancelling the unfavourable interference eventually when the building separation was about five times the building width (the optimum separation). The characteristic flow pattern leading to this behaviour was revealed. With the adoption of building disposition, the optimum separation could be reduced to three times the building width. In addition, the airflow rates could be doubled with suitable shifts. Building disposition is therefore one of the feasible solutions to improve the natural ventilation performance in our crowded environment.  相似文献   

对超高层建筑物可利用自然能源的类型、计算方法、设计标准等进行了探讨。通过国内外案例调查分析,研究了针对资源能源的利用,超高层建筑外形与内部结构设计与可持续性问题。研究成果对于提高超高层建筑物自然能源利用、融合外部生态环境、增加超高层建筑物自然能源利用率、提高超高层建筑物设计的美学观、增加高层建筑物的经济利用价值具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

介绍了现有的自然通风模拟软件,分析了其共性和差异.以国家游泳中心为例,详细介绍了自然通风模拟技术的应用.国家游泳中心采用机械辅助自然通风方式,在节能设计中利用了建筑环境集成模拟软件Visualesp-r,以建筑物综合能耗为目标函数,模拟确定了最优通风模式.模拟预测的结果与现场实测结果非常吻合.  相似文献   

介绍了"东方之门"建筑的动态测力试验的方法和结果,并通过测点风压系数积分程序计算得到整体的平均风荷载,与风洞天平测力的结果进行比较,发现两者之间吻合得比较好。分析了邻近建筑和群楼干扰时,在某些风向角下出现的比较明显的"遮挡效应"和"狭管现象"。  相似文献   

为研究建筑外表面竖向外伸肋板对高层建筑气动力的影响,试验中采用了1个未设置肋板的参考模型和4个不同肋板布置形式的研究模型,通过模型测压风洞试验,获得了不同风向角下各模型的表面风压,进而对比分析了各模型的基底弯矩系数和层风力系数。试验结果表明:在所有试验模型中,外伸宽度d(d=7.5%D,D为模型长度)较小且靠近建筑边缘(b=15%B,b为肋板与模型边缘距离,B为模型宽度)的竖向肋板可以有效降低横风向脉动层风力系数,最大降幅为40.17%;竖向肋板可以有效降低基底弯矩系数的极值,顺风向和横风向的基底弯矩系数极值最大降幅分别为28.64%和39.02%。通过对比横风向气动基底弯矩功率谱密度发现,无肋板参考模型与加肋板模型的功率谱密度接近,说明竖向肋板的作用并非改变横风向脉动风荷载的能量分布,而是降低其强度;通过研究基底弯矩的相平面轨迹发现,当竖向肋板外伸宽度较小时,顺风向和横风向基底弯矩相关性随着竖向肋板外伸宽度的增大而增强。总体上,通过合理的竖向肋板布置能够取得较为显著的气动优化效果。  相似文献   

郑兴华  巩宁峰 《暖通空调》2006,36(5):84-86,104
结合规范,归纳了高层民用建筑地下室通风排烟系统设计的几种常见形式,并分析了各系统的优缺点。  相似文献   

对高层煤气厂房结构的地震控制进行研究,并利用软件对其构建了三维有限元模型。经合理的模型简化,在实验中通过施加两种类型的地震波对比研究了粘滞流体阻尼器对高层煤气厂房结构的减振性能。结果表明,粘滞流体阻尼器对高层框架结构的顶层线位移,角位移和角加速度位移的控制效果比加设钢支撑的效果好,即对结构的水平和扭转振动的抑制产生较积极的影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports a systematic computational study of wind-induced natural ventilation and pollutant transport of re-entrant bays on a total of 30 generic building models of different building heights and with bays of different dimensions. Mean wind flow around each building model and wind-induced flow inside re-entrant bays are computed. To determine the ventilation efficiency of the bay, the computed flow field is used to disperse a scalar pollutant initially occupying the entire bay at a uniform concentration. The subsequent time decay of pollutant concentration inside the bay is studied and the ventilation efficiency is quantified by the retention time. The results show that wind-induced flow inside the bay, especially on the building side face, is complex and highly three-dimensional. Air exchange rates through the roof opening and vertical side opening are analyzed for each bay and their relationship to the ventilation efficiency is discussed. The bays on the building side faces are much worse ventilated than those on the windward or leeward building face. The deeper the side bay, the worse is the air exchange and ventilation. The building height is found to have a governing effect on the ventilation of the windward and leeward re-entrant bays.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2006,38(5):491-501
The design of natural ventilation in buildings is often performed by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques, whose application is gaining popularity. In the present study, Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equation (RANS) approach is applied to wind driven natural ventilation in a cubic building. Two different models are considered, namely the two-equation kɛ model and the Renormalization Group (RNG) theory. The velocity and pressure distribution inside and around the building are determined, as well as the ventilation rate, for three different configurations: cross ventilation, single-sided ventilation with an opening on the windward wall and single-sided ventilation with an opening on the leeward wall. The numerical results are compared with experimental data, showing a good agreement, particularly when using RNG. The discrepancy in the determination of the ventilation rate is reasonable and the flow distribution inside the building is properly described when RNG model is used. However, the kɛ model fails to determine the correct velocity components near the horizontal surfaces. According to these results, the RNG model can be considered a useful tool for the study of wind driven natural ventilation, especially for the assessment of the ventilation rate and of the air distribution inside a room.  相似文献   

The coupling of thermal mass and natural ventilation is important to passive building design. Thermal mass can be classified as external thermal mass and internal thermal mass. Due to great diurnal variation of ambient air temperature and solar radiation intensity, heat transfer through building envelopes, which is called external thermal mass, is a complex and unsteady process. Indoor furniture are internal thermal mass, affecting the indoor air temperature through the process of absorbing and releasing heat. In this paper, a heat balance model coupling the external and internal thermal mass, natural ventilation rate and indoor air temperature for naturally ventilated building is developed. In this model, the inner surface temperature of building envelopes is obtained based on the harmonic response method. The effect of external and internal thermal mass on indoor air temperature for six external walls is discussed of different configurations including lightweight and heavy structures with and without external/internal insulation. Based on this model, a simple tool is developed to estimate the indoor air temperature for certain external and internal thermal mass and to determine the internal thermal mass needed to maintain required indoor air temperature for certain external wall for naturally ventilated building.  相似文献   

施微  高甫生 《暖通空调》2007,37(7):44-49,33
采用场-区模型模拟火灾发生时高层建筑条形走廊内的自然排烟过程,考虑了室外风向、风速、起火房间位置、走廊宽度和外窗尺寸、季节以及内走廊长度等因素对自然排烟过程的影响,对模拟结果进行分析并得出相应结论,结果显示当内走廊长度超过30m时,走廊内采用自然排烟不能保证人员的安全疏散。  相似文献   

高层建筑地下车库通风排烟问题刍议   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
孙延勋 《暖通空调》2000,30(1):18-21
指出多年来高层建筑地下车库排烟设计套用《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(GB50045-95)某些条文的做法不当。强调暖通设计人员应当而且只应当遵照《汽车库、修车库、停车场设计防火规范》(GB50067-97)的有关规定,着重说明了设计数据方面的两项重要变化。探讨了地下车库排烟系统与排风系统完全合一的可能性。  相似文献   

李向阳 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):72-73
针对高层建筑出现的扭转问题,分析了结构扭转产生的原因,探讨了结构扭转的性质,通过对以上两方面的分析探讨,得出了减轻扭转破坏的措施,并介绍了新规范中关于抗扭设计的规定,从而防止扭转效应的产生,减轻结构破坏的程度。  相似文献   

深圳居住建筑夏季自然通风降温实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以深圳市六种布局不同、楼层不同的居住建筑为对象,调查了夏季室内热环境,测试了不同通风工况下围护结构内表面以及室内外温湿度,分析了居住建筑在夏季采用自然通风降温的可行性,比较了持续自然通风与间歇自然通风的优劣以及不同遮阳方式的遮阳效果,提出了采用自然通风降温方式的条件及建筑设计中应改进之处。  相似文献   

李保军 《建筑机械化》2007,28(10):41-42
对混凝土布料机(杆)在高层建筑应用中存在的问题进行了剖析并提出适当的解决办法,对市场上现有的布料机(杆)从性能、价格、操作及维修等方面进行对比,帮助用户进一步了解布料机(杆),以期提高布料机(杆)在高层建筑中的使用率。  相似文献   

王宇 《山西建筑》2010,36(36):175-176
分析了地下建筑的传热特性,建立了壁面动态传热的数学模型,并编制了相应的计算机程序,对地下厂房的热工环境进行了模拟,结果表明:风量、进风温差、热源强度、建筑形状对壁面传热量均有影响,利用这一特性对地下建筑自然通风设计提供了一些意见。  相似文献   

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