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Blindness to response-compatible stimuli is the finding that targets are identified less accurately when presented during the planning or execution of a congruent response (e.g., right arrow presented during a right keypress) versus an incongruent response (e.g., right arrow presented during a left keypress). Accounts of this effect suggest the planning and execution of a response are critical to its observation. Five experiments investigated whether a blindness effect would be observed in the absence of a planned response. Results suggest that a planned response is not necessary to observe a content-specific blindness effect and that the blindness effect may actually comprise both an action-related component and a symbolic component that is distinct from the action-planning system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines the time course of a deficit in identifying a stimulus sharing a compatible feature with a response that is executed in parallel ("blindness to response-compatible stimuli," J. Müsseler & B. Hommel, 1997a). In 5 experiments, participants performed a timed response, and the presentation point of time of a to-be-identified stimulus was varied in respect to response execution. A blindness effect was observed when the stimulus was presented between response cue offset and response execution. In contrast, the identification of a stimulus presented before the response cue or after response execution was not affected by stimulus-response compatibility—a finding that rules out a retention-based explanation. These results support an explanation that states that the perceptual processing of a stimulus feature is impaired as long as the shared perception–action feature code is integrated into the representation of a to-be-executed response. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several theories of task switching assume that basic task processes such as stimulus identification and response selection do not contribute to task-switch costs. This conclusion is mainly based on the finding that stimulus-identification manipulations have no influence on the size of the switch cost. The present study tested the influence of response-selection manipulations on the size of the switch cost. The authors manipulated the difficulty of response selection by using a semantically based response-side effect that is associated with numerical-judgement tasks, namely the Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect. The authors observed a SNARC effect and a switch cost, but no interaction between the two: the task-switch cost did not differ between SNARC-compatible and -incompatible responses. The authors conclude that response selection does not contribute to the switch cost on the current trial, which provides further support for the idea that basic task processes and task-switch processes are separate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

R. F. Bornstein (1994) questioned whether subliminal mere exposure effects might generalize to structurally related stimuli, thereby providing evidence for the existence of implicit learning. Two experiments examined this claim using letter string stimuli constructed according to the rules of an artificial grammar. Experiment 1 demonstrated that brief, masked exposure to grammatical strings impaired recognition but failed to produce a mere exposure effect on novel structurally related strings seen at test. Experiment 2 replicated this result but also demonstrated that a reliable mere exposure effect could be obtained, provided the same grammatical strings were presented at test. The results suggest that the structural relationship between training and test items prevents the mere exposure effect when participants are unaware of the exposure status of stimuli, and therefore provide no evidence for the existence of implicit learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The study of element-level stimulus–response compatibility (SRC) has predominantly focused on spatial and symbolic relationships and has involved measures of response time and (dichotomous) error rate. This article explores a new form of SRC that is observed when duration is the relevant feature of both the stimulus and the response, using a more extensive analysis of performance accuracy and variability. The results indicate that element-level SRC generalizes to situations involving time as the relevant dimension of stimuli and responses. Evidence of this was found in all of the extracted measures of performance; however, temporal SRC was shown to have independent effects on when and how accurately a response was made. Implications for SRC research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Withholding an action plan in memory for later execution can delay execution of another action, if the actions share a similar (compatible) action feature (i.e., response hand). This phenomenon, termed compatibility interference (CI), was found for identity-based actions that do not require visual guidance. The authors examined whether CI can generalize to both identity-based and location-based actions that require visual guidance. Participants withheld a planned action based on the identity of a stimulus and then immediately executed a visually guided action (touch response) to a 2nd stimulus based on its color identity (Experiment 1), its spatial location (Experiment 2), or an intrinsic spatial location within an object (Experiment 3). Results showed CI for both left- and right-hand responses in Experiment 1. However, CI occurred for left- but not right-hand responses in Experiment 2 and 3. This suggests that CI can generalize to visually guided actions under cognitive control but not to actions that invoke automatic visual-control mechanisms where the left hemisphere may play a special role (C. Gonzalez, T. Ganel, & M. Goodale, 2006). The code occupation account for CI (G. Stoet & B. Hommel, 2002) is also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

2 experimental hypotheses were tested: (1) Significant positive relationships exist between the complexity of S's perceptions of people and the complexity of their perceptions of inkblots relative to the determinants used; and (2) Significant positive relationships exist between the complexity of S's perceptions of people and their perceptions of inkblots relative to the context elicited. A measure of cognitive complexity was derived from a concept-formation sorting task originally devised by Kelly. A modified Rorschach technique was used to measure cognitive complexity in the non-personal stimulus realm. Ss consisted of 40 college males. Significant relationships in the predicted direction were found for both hypotheses. Of the various Rorschach determinant categories, only M correlated significantly with the measure of complexity of perceptions of others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a series of 5 experiments, the allocation of attention prior to the execution of saccade sequences was examined by using a dual-task paradigm. In the primary task, participants were required to execute a sequence of 2 endogenous saccades. The secondary task was a forced-choice letter identification task. During the programming of the saccade sequences, letters were briefly presented at the saccade goals and at no-saccade locations. The results showed that performance was better for letters presented at any of the saccade goals than for letters presented at any of the no-saccade locations. The results support a spatial model that assumes that prior to the execution of a saccade sequence, attention is allocated in parallel to all saccade goals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine whether spatial stimulus-response compatibility effects are caused by automatic response activation by stimulus properties or by interference between codes during translation of stimulus into response coordinates. The main evidence against activation has been that in a Simon task with hands crossed, responses are faster at the response location ipsilateral to the stimulus though manipulated by the hand contralateral to the stimulus. The experiments were conducted with hands in standard and in crossed positions and electroencephalogram measures showed coactivation of the motor cortex induced by stimulus position primarily during standard hand positions with visual stimuli. Only in this condition did the Simon effect decay with longer response times. The visual Simon effect appeared to be due to specific mechanisms of visuomotor information transmission that are not responsible for the effects obtained with crossed hands or auditory stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors present a model to account for the miscombination of features when stimuli are presented using the rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) technique (illusory conjunctions in the time domain). It explains the distributions of responses through a mixture of trial outcomes. In some trials, attention is successfully focused on the target, whereas in others, the responses are based on partial information. Two experiments are presented that manipulated the mean processing time of the target-defining dimension and of the to-be-reported dimension, respectively. As predicted, the average origin of the responses is delayed when lengthening the target-defining dimension, whereas it is earlier when lengthening the to-be-reported dimension; in the first case the number of correct responses is dramatically reduced, whereas in the second it does not change. The results, a review of other research, and simulations carried out with a formal version of the model are all in close accordance with the predictions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined how response mapping of features within single- and multiple-feature targets affects decision-based processing and attentional capacity demands. Observers judged the presence or absence of 1 or 2 target features within an object either presented alone or with distractors. Judging the presence of 2 features relative to the less discriminable of these features alone was faster (conjunction benefits) when the task-relevant features differed in discriminability and were consistently mapped to responses. Conjunction benefits were attributed to asynchronous decision priming across attended, task-relevant dimensions. A failure to find conjunction benefits for disjunctive conjunctions was attributed to increased memory demands and variable feature-response mapping for 2- versus single-feature targets. Further, attentional demands were similar between single- and 2-feature targets when response mapping, memory demands, and discriminability of the task-relevant features were equated between targets. Implications of the findings for recent attention models are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors gave 23- and 40-day-old rats doses of the dopamine D? antagonist PD 152255 and tested them on transport response intensity, vertical cling catalepsy duration, and dorsal immobility duration. Administration of PD 152255 resulted in dose-dependent increases in transport response intensity in 40-day-old rats but was without effect in 23-day-old rats. Administration of PD 152255 caused increases in dorsal immobility durations in both 23- and 40-day-old subjects. The drug was without effect on vertical cling catalepsy. Results are discussed with respect to the role of D? receptors in the transport response and the nature of D?-D? receptor interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that rats trained on a two-duration peak procedure in which two modal signals (i.e., tone and houselight) predicted probabilistic reinforcement availability at two times (10 s and 20 s) would respond in a scalar manner at a time between the trained durations in response to the simultaneous compound cue (tone + houselight). In these experiments, we evaluated whether this scalar response pattern would remain with greater relative separation between the anchor durations. Results revealed an effect of the modality–duration relationship, such that scalar responding was seen on compound trials in rats trained that the auditory stimulus signaled the shorter duration, whereas the visual stimulus signaled the longer duration, but not in the reverse condition. In rats showing scalar responding on compound trials, post hoc analyses demonstrated that the peak time of compound responding was most accurately predicted by the reinforcement probability weighted average of anchor peak times. In contrast, rats trained that the visual stimulus signaled the shorter duration, whereas the auditory stimulus signaled the longer duration, responded in a highly rightward skewed manner. In these rats, initiation of responding to the compound stimulus appeared to be controlled by the visual stimulus only, whereas response terminations reflected control by both modal stimuli. These latter data provide evidence of separate determinants of response initiation and termination. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pigeons (Columba livia), gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), and undergraduates (Homo sapiens) learned discrimination tasks involving multiple mutually redundant dimensions. First, pigeons and undergraduates learned conditional discriminations between stimuli composed of three spatially separated dimensions, after first learning to discriminate the individual elements of the stimuli. When subsequently tested with stimuli in which one of the dimensions took an anomalous value, the majority of both species categorized test stimuli by their overall similarity to training stimuli. However some individuals of both species categorized them according to a single dimension. In a second set of experiments, squirrels, pigeons, and undergraduates learned go/no-go discriminations using multiple simultaneous presentations of stimuli composed of three spatially integrated, highly salient dimensions. The tendency to categorize test stimuli including anomalous dimension values unidimensionally was higher than in the first set of experiments and did not differ significantly between species. The authors conclude that unidimensional categorization of multidimensional stimuli is not diagnostic for analytic cognitive processing, and that any differences between human’s and pigeons’ behavior in such tasks are not due to special features of avian visual cognition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individual differences in working-memory (WM) capacity predicted performance on the Stroop task in 5 experiments, indicating the importance of executive control and goal maintenance to selective attention. When the Stroop task encouraged goal neglect by including large numbers of congruent trials (RED presented in red), low WM individuals committed more errors than did high WM individuals on the rare incongruent trials (BLUE in red) that required maintaining access to the "ignore-the-word" goal for accurate responding. In contrast, in tasks with no or few congruent trials, or in high-congruency tasks that followed low-congruency tasks, WM predicted response-time interference. WM was related to latency, not accuracy, in contexts that reinforced the task goal and so minimized the difficulty of actively maintaining it. The data and a literature review suggest that Stroop interference is jointly determined by 2 mechanisms, goal maintenance and competition resolution, and that the dominance of each depends on WM capacity, as well as the task set induced by current and previous contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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