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The influence of high intensity ultrasound on the rheological characteristics of guar, xanthan, and pectin dispersions was investigated. Guar 1%, xanthan 1% and pectin 2% (w/v) dispersions were sonicated at varying intensity levels of 3.7, 6.3, 8.1, and 10.1 W/cm2 for 5 min at 25oC. Significant differences were observed in the rheological characteristics of each sonicated hydrocolloid dispersion studied. Sonication affected the consistency index (k), flow behaviour index (n) and complex power law constants (a and b). No recovery was observed in the structure breakdown after a 24-h storage period. Changes in the rheological properties of guar and pectin dispersions were significantly higher than that of xanthan dispersions.  相似文献   

The steady and dynamic shear rheological properties of rice starches dispersed in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution (90% DMSO‐10% water) were evaluated at various concentrations (7, 8, 9 and 10%, w/w). Rice starch dispersions in DMSO solution at 25°C showed a shear‐thinning flow behavior (n=0.44–0.60) and their consistency index (K) and apparent viscosity (ηa,100) increased with the increase in concentration. The apparent viscosity over the temperature range of 25–70°C obeyed the Arrhenius temperature relationship, indicating that the magnitudes of activation energy (Ea) were in the range of 11.7–12.7 kJ/mol. The Carreau model provided better fit on the shear rate‐apparent viscosity data than the Cross model. Dynamic frequency sweep test showed that both storage modulus (G′) and loss modulus (G′′) of rice starch dispersions increased with the increase in concentration. G′′ showed a higher dependence on frequency (ω) compared to G′ due to the higher G′′ slopes. All rice starch dispersions showed the plateau of G′ at high frequencies. Intrinsic viscosity of rice starch dispersions in DMSO was 104.1 mL/g.  相似文献   

Soymilk was prepared from boiled and unboiled comminuted suspensions of dehulled soybean and water using pressurized homogenization (one pass and two pass). Particle size showed significant differences between soymilks homogenized by one pass and two pass. Apparent viscosities and total solid contents showed significant differences between boiled and unboiled treatments. Soymilks exhibited pseudoplastic and thixotropic behavior and Arrhenius model was fitted to express temperature dependence of apparent viscosity. Microscopic images showed hydrated, separated, uniformly distributed, and homogeneous particles in boiled two-pass soymilk as they were disrupted easily and it was selected as the best treatment for processing soymilk containing all of the soybean solids.  相似文献   

Soybean Protein Dispersions at Acid pH. Thermal and Rheological Properties   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The influence of pH, protein concentration, and ionic strength, on rheological properties of thermally treated acidic soy protein dispersions, was studied. Structural changes due to pH effect and thermal treatment were analized. DSC-thermograms at pH 3.5 showed a shoulder at 74.11±0.16°C that could be attributed to both β-conglycinin and the hexameric form of glycinin; and a peak at 81.88±0.29°C corresponding to 11S dodecameric form. At pH 2.75 one endotherm corresponded to denaturation of β-conglycinin. The acidic dispersions presented pseudoplastic behavior withapp values higher than those at pH 8.0. At pH 3.50 the ±app was higher than at pH 2.75.The maximum viscoelasticiy was obtained with addition of 0.1 and 0.25M NaCl in the dispersions of pH 3.50 and 2.75, respectively. The increase in viscoelasticity was enhanced by the formation of 11S native fraction dimers.  相似文献   

本文研究了五种壁材分子结构及其流变学特性。以喷雾干燥制备微胶囊的五种常用壁材变性淀粉、阿拉伯胶、明胶、大豆分离蛋白和羧甲基纤维素为研究对象,采用凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC)测定壁材的分子量分布;傅里叶变换红外光谱法(FT-IR)分析不同壁材的特征基团和蛋白类壁材的二级结构;旋转流变仪研究壁材的表观黏度、动态模量和蠕变柔量。研究结果表明:五种壁材溶液均呈现剪切稀化现象,随着温度的上升壁材溶液的表观黏度逐渐下降;壁材的弹性模量G'和黏性模量G'均随着振荡频率的增大而增大;相同时间下,壁材的蠕变柔量J(t)大小为:变性淀粉阿拉伯胶明胶羧甲基纤维素大豆分离蛋白;壁材分子量越大,表观黏度就越大;同一数量级分子量的壁材,分子量分布越宽,非牛顿"剪切稀化"现象越明显;分子结构越刚性,极性越大,表观黏度也越大。  相似文献   

通过对不同温度不同浓度不同颗粒大小下的带肉胡萝卜汁进行研究,初步探索出浓度、温度及肉泥颗粒大小对胡萝卜汁表观粘度的影响。发现带肉胡萝卜汁的粘度随浓度的增大而增大;随温度升高而下降;内含平均粒度为111μm,133μm和166μm的果肉的胡萝卜汁的粘度比含其它粒度的大。  相似文献   

The effect of particle properties on the rheological behaviour of carrot-derived suspensions was investigated systematically. Hereto, a range of relatively monodisperse suspensions, with varying average particle sizes (~73, 176, 262 and 369 μm) and pulp contents (from 30 to 65 wt.%), was prepared by the reconstitution of carrot tissue particles in water. Suspensions with average particle size of ~73 μm consisted of cell fragments, whereas suspensions with larger particle sizes contained mainly cell clusters of which the cell number increased with increasing particle size. The rheological characteristics showed that the carrot-derived suspensions have a non-Newtonian behaviour with a yield stress, depending on particle concentration, size and type. The network structure of all suspensions could be described as a weak gel. Increase in yield stress and storage modulus with particle concentration could be fitted to a power law model. A unique linear relation was found between the yield stress and the plateau modulus, independent of the particle size and type. Particle concentration, size and type appeared to be key structural parameters controlling the rheology of these carrot-derived suspensions. When comparing the rheological behaviour of the reconstituted suspensions with the original carrot purée of similar average diameter and pulp content, the network structure (measured as yield stress or storage modulus) in carrot purée was weaker, which may be attributed to the broader particle size distribution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Apparent viscosity and frequency sweep (G′, G″) data for sodium caseinate dispersions with concentrations of approximately 18% to 40% w/w were obtained at 20 °C; colloidal glass behavior was exhibited by dispersions with concentration ≥23% w/w. The high concentrations were obtained by mixing frozen powdered buffer with sodium caseinate in boiling liquid nitrogen, and allowing the mixtures to thaw and hydrate at 4 °C. The low-temperature G′−G″ crossover seen in temperature scans between 60 and 5 °C was thought to indicate gelation. Temperature scans from 5 to 90 °C revealed gradual decrease in G′ followed by plateau values. In contrast, G″ decreased gradually and did not reach plateau values. Increase in hydrophobicity of the sodium caseinate or a decrease in the effective volume fraction of its aggregates may have contributed to these phenomena. The gelation and end of softening temperatures of the dispersions increased with the concentration of sodium caseinate. From an Eldridge–Ferry plot, the enthalpy of softening was estimated to be 29.6 kJ mol−1. Practical Application: The results of this study should be useful for creating new products with high concentrations of sodium caseinate.  相似文献   

研究不同粒径的胡萝卜膳食纤维的理化性质及其对淀粉糊化的影响。利用行星式球磨仪制备平均粒径分别为332.5(G1),142.3(G2),65.64(G3),26.36(G4),9.51(G5)和2.04μm(G6)的胡萝卜纤维,对其进行热重、流变学性质、孔径、分层稳定性分析,并利用RVA研究其对淀粉糊化性质的影响。结果表明,粒径减小能显著增大膳食纤维比表面积,增加其孔体积,同时提高膳食纤维的悬浮稳定性,降低其表观黏度;此外,膳食纤维的添加显著影响淀粉的糊化性质,随着膳食纤维添加比例增大,衰减值下降,淀粉更难糊化,而减小膳食纤维粒径,其峰值黏度降低。  相似文献   

Commercial hard red spring, hard red winter, soft white and durum wheat brans were used to investigate the effect of wheat bran particle size on the rheological properties of doughs. Wheat brans were first coarsely ground and passed through a bran finisher to remove additional endosperm and aleurone layers. These processes increased total dietary fibre content and decreased starch content of the wheat bran samples. Three particle size distributions, for each wheat bran class, were obtained by further grinding (not by sifting) of the bran samples by different experimental mills. Coarse bran can retain significantly more water than medium or fine bran as measured by a centrifuge method, but bran particle size had no significant effect on dough water absorption. Addition of wheat bran into bread dough systems increased dough water absorption rate, reduced mixing time and decreased dough mixing tolerance as measured by farinograph. Fine particle size wheat bran decreased dough mixing tolerance and reduced mixing time compared to coarse bran. Dough containing fine particle size bran exhibited more strength than dough containing coarse bran after a 180-min rest period as measured by the extensigraph. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

带肉胡萝卜汁的流变特性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
本文研究了不同温度、浓度和不同均质压力处理的带肉胡萝卜汁的流变特性,发现带肉胡萝卜汁的表观粘度随果肉浓度的增大而增大:随温度的升高而减小;而随着均质压力的增大则出现先增大后减小的规律。  相似文献   

Pretreatment is important for achieving high-value utilization of biomass. This study is conducted to evaluate the destruction of the Moso bamboo cell wall via hydrothermal pretreatment at different temperatures and pH values. Compositional and morphological analyses and subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of the solid fractions indicate that the destruction of the cell wall, instead of the degradation or removal of hemicellulose and lignin, or the configuration transition of the cellulose crystal structure, is the most critical aspect for improving bioconversion efficiency. Although only an 8%-10% weight loss is incurred and similar crystalline indexes are achieved after mild hydrothermal treatments, the recovery of glucose is doubled, whereas the recovery of xylose from pretreated samples is approximately 35%.  相似文献   

利用挤压喷雾技术改善胡萝卜渣中可溶性膳食纤维(SDF)含量。在单因素试验基础上进行正交试验,优化挤压条件,并对比挤压前后胡萝卜渣的物理、化学性质。实验结果表明:挤压喷雾技术的最佳工艺条件为模孔直径4 mm,温度180℃,转速175 r/min。可使SDF含量由原料的16.8%增加至27.3%,而其他营养成分含量基本不发生变化。挤压后胡萝卜渣的持水性、持油力、水溶性、膨胀性分别提高了11%,34%,8.2%,61%。电镜扫描图看出胡萝卜渣挤压后发生热降解,结构变得疏松多孔。差示扫描量热(DSC)试验结果表明:挤压处理前后的胡萝卜渣在25℃~200℃之间,结构稳定。红外光谱扫描观察到挤压前后胡萝卜渣膳食纤维的化学结构没有发生变化。  相似文献   

The particle size distribution of a tomato concentrate was determined by wet sieving. Wet sieve fractions were then investigated by microscopy and a method based on laser diffraction. Both methods showed that the size of many particles was considerably larger (up to two to three times) than the diameter of the pores through which they have passed during wet sieving. This was explained by the deformability of the tomato cell wall. Effects of particle size distribution on rheological properties were studied by standardizing wet sieve fractions (dry matter, pH). Highest values for yield stress and apparent viscosity were found for the 90–125 and 125–180 μm wet sieve fractions.  相似文献   

This study compared the dynamic rheological properties of natural peanut butter with commercial peanut butter at 25°C. The natural peanut butter was produced using ultra-high speed grinding (?20,000 rpm) at different grinding times (2–5 min) from peanuts of China and India. Multimodal particle size distribution was observed for all the samples. The linear viscoelastic region obtained from stress sweep test of the peanut butter produced at 2–3 min fell within the linear viscoelastic region of commercial peanut butter of 0.1–11 Pa. Longer grinding time (3.5–5 min) produced a shorter and lower linear viscoelastic region of 0.03–3 Pa. The storage modulus, G′ is an increasing function of particle size distribution. All peanut butter samples exhibited elastic properties.  相似文献   

皮蛋加工过程中流变与凝胶特性的变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用流变仪与质构仪测定皮蛋在加工过程中不同时期蛋白与蛋黄流变与凝胶特性,研究其变化规律。流变分析结果表明:皮蛋在腌制期间其蛋白表现为非牛顿假塑性流体特征,其黏度随着剪切速率的增大而降低,表现为剪切稀化流体;蛋黄从非牛顿流体的胀塑性流体逐渐转变为假塑性流体,其黏度随剪切速率的增大而明显降低。质构分析表明:皮蛋加工过程中蛋白凝胶的硬度呈先增大,后减小,再略增大的趋势;弹性呈先增大,再减少,然后保持不变的趋势。蛋黄凝胶的硬度呈先增大后基本保持不变的趋势;弹性则呈先增大,再略有下降的趋势。  相似文献   

动态超高压均质对蛋清蛋白溶液的粒度和流变性影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以10%的蛋清蛋白溶液为研究对象,采用动态超高压均质处理,研究蛋清蛋白溶液平均粒度和流变性的变化。研究表明,10%的蛋清蛋白溶液的平均粒度随着压力的增加而出现明显减小的现象,其经过超高压均质后,由非牛顿流体的胀塑性流体转变为假塑性流体,均质后的蛋清蛋白溶液的表观黏度明显升高。  相似文献   

Shear rate-shear stress data were obtained on tomato concentrates made from juices that were produced using finisher screen openings (FSO): 0.020, 0.027, 0.033, and 0.045 in. In general, the apparent viscosity of the concentrates at a shear rate of 100 set-1 increased with increase in FSO. However, concentrates made from juice using a 0.027 in FSO had the highest apparent viscosity. Magnitudes of yield stress of concentrates increased in direct proportion to FSO. Apparent viscosities of concentrates made by evaporating tomato juice were lower than those obtained either by evaporating the serum or by reverse osmosis concentration of the serum.  相似文献   

Native barley starch, as well as its blends with corn, wheat, and rice starch at different ratios of 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 were examined in terms of morphology, thermal, pasting, rheological, and retrogradation properties. Amylose content varied between 10.9–41.4% in rice, corn, wheat, and barley while it ranged from 18.02–38.40% in blends of barley starch with rice, corn, and wheat. A rapid visco analyzer showed that barley starch and its blends having low amylose content exhibited higher peak viscosity, breakdown, and setback than the high-amylose-containing starches and their blends. Amylose content was found to be negatively correlated with swelling power while it exhibited nonlinear relationship with solubility index. The transmittance of starch suspension stored at 4°C decreased during storage up to 6 days. Barley starch granules were largest (<110 μm) in size followed by wheat (<30 μm), corn (<25μm) and rice (<20μm) starches. Gelatinization temperatures (To, Tp, Tc) and enthalpies of gelatinization (ΔHgel) of starches from different sources also differed significantly. Corn and rice starches showed higher transition temperatures in general than those from wheat and barley; however, they showed higher ΔHgel values. Barley starch showed a higher tendency towards retrogradation than the cereal starches. Barley starch showed highest peak G′, G″ and lower tan Ð than corn, rice and wheat starches during the heating cycle. This study showed that the magnitude of changes in their properties during blending depends on the amylase content and morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate microstructural changes in olive fruit ( Olea europaea L) during debittering with sodium hydroxide solutions. Lye dissolved the epicuticular waxy coating and solubilised the intercellular cement in the middle lamella causing the softening and, in severe treatments, collapse of tissues. This was characterised by less firm pulp texture and smaller amounts of pectic substances. Determination of pectic fractions, during the debittering process, showed that the lye action caused hydrolysis of the insoluble protopectins in the cell walls to soluble form.  相似文献   

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