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1 Intracellular recordings were made from smooth muscle cells of the mouse vas deferens. Excitatory junction potentials (e.j.ps) were evoked by stimulation of the intramural nerves. 2 Normorphine (50 nM-5muM) depressed the amplitude of the e.j.p. The ED50 was 430 nM. The latency of the e.j.p. and the resting membrane potential of the smooth muscle cells were unaffected by normorphine. 3 The depression of the e.j.p. by narcotic analgesic drugs was stereospecific. 4 Naloxone (100 nM) completely reversed the depression of the e.j.p. produced by normorphine (1 muM). Naloxone (100 nM) alone did not alter the amplitude of the e.j.p. 5 Normorphine (1 muM) did not prevent the depolarization of the smooth muscle cells produced by exogenous noradrenaline (10 muM). 6 It is concluded that narcotic analgesic drugs act directly upon the transmitter release sites to reduce the amount of noradrenaline liberated by each nerve impulse.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig)-producing cells in mucosal tissues represent quantitatively the most important humoral immune system of the body. All exocrine tissue sites contain immunocytes (B-cell blasts and plasma cells) that mainly synthesize dimers and larger polymers of IgA (collectively called pIgA) with incorporated J chain. Such pIgA is actively transported to external secretions as secretory IgA (SIgA) by the polymeric Ig receptor (pIgR), a transmembrane epithelial glycoprotein also called the secretory component (SC). The same transport mechanism includes pentameric IgM to generate SIgM. Although the most active SIgA system occurs in the gut, secretory immunity also operates in the female genital tract, with considerable pIgA production in the cervical mucosa and fallopian tubes. The origin of these local IgA immunocytes remains undefined. In mice, both lymphoid tissue in the large bowel (GALT) and nasopharynx (NALT) have been suggested as inductive sites for B cells homing to the urogenital tract. It is well established that integrin alpha 4 beta 7 is used by primed lymphoid cells to enter the intestinal lamina propria through interactions with mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule (MAdCAM)-1 expressed on venule endothelium. However, alpha 4 beta 7 does not appear to be an important homing molecule in the airways, and the same might be true for the urogenital tract; this could explain that high levels of IgA antibodies occur in cervicovaginal secretions of mice after nasal immunization. The endometrium can likewise perform pIgR-mediated external translocation of pIgA that in this tissue appears to be mainly derived from serum, partly under hormonal regulation. In addition, paracellular diffusion of serum-derived and locally produced IgG through epithelia is an important part of humoral immunity in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

Surgical biopsies are often the bedrock of contemporary medical care--the foundation upon which many subsequent and important medical decisions are based. The methods described herein have been found to be very reliable and to produce diagnostic material of high quality. Although some clinics have been reluctant to rely on FNA cytopathologic diagnoses, always insisting on traditional biopsies for histopathologic study, we have relied on both biopsy methods for more than 15 years. The diagnostic accuracy of both methods is greatly improved by attention to technical detail and adherence to an established protocol. Neither method is exclusively applicable in all clinical settings.  相似文献   

The impact of common congenital anomalies of the female genital tract is hugely variable. Some anomalies are asymptomatic chance findings requiring no intervention. Others have a major impact on the potential for sexual activity and fertility. A good knowledge of basic embryology is important to understand the pathogenesis and clinical features of these anomalies. All gynaecologists should be aware of these conditions and possible clinical presentations. Whilst some conditions, such as imperforate hymen require a simple surgical intervention, other more complex anomalies need careful assessment and accurate pre-operative assessment to optimise the long-term outcomes. The contribution of uterine anomalies to subfertility is poorly understood and the role of uterine surgery needs further research.  相似文献   

Eleven patients, 13 to 76 (mean, 40) years of age, had granulocytic sarcoma of the female genital tract (FGT) (ovary, seven cases; vagina, three cases; cervix, one case). In nine cases, the FGT involvement was the initial clinical presentation of the disease, and in the other two cases, the FGT involvement was discovered during a relapse of acute myeloid leukemia. The tumors ranged from 0.5 to 14 (mean, 7.5) cm in greatest dimension. Two ovarian tumors were bilateral, and three were green. Microscopic examination revealed a predominantly diffuse pattern of growth, but cords and pseudoacinar spaces were also present focally in several cases. Sclerosis was seen in five tumors and was prominent in one. Prominent myeloid differentiation was readily recognizable on routinely stained sections in three cases, whereas the neoplastic cells in the other cases were primitive with only rare eosinophilic myelocytes. All 11 tumors were positive for chloroacetate esterase, nine of nine were strongly and diffusely positive for lysozyme, eight of eight for myeloperoxidase, seven of seven for CD68, and six of six for CD43. Examination of bone marrow or peripheral blood performed after the diagnosis of FGT involvement revealed acute myeloid leukemia in three of five cases. Two of these patients died of disease, 1 and 16 months after the initial diagnosis, and the third, who received chemotherapy, is alive and free of disease 8 months after the initial diagnosis. One of the two patients with negative bone marrow had recurrent granulocytic sarcoma 30 months after diagnosis and died of sepsis 1 month later; no residual disease was noted at autopsy. The other patient is alive and free of disease 18 months after the diagnosis. One of the four remaining patients with primary FGT involvement who did not have a bone marrow biopsy died of leukemia 24 months later; no follow-up information is available for the other three patients. One of the two patients with a prior diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia was alive with disease 26 months later; follow-up is not available for the second patient. The diagnosis was often difficult in these cases, the most common problem being distinction from malignant lymphoma, but carcinoma, granulosa cell tumor, and, rarely, other tumors were considered. Immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical staining were useful in establishing the diagnosis, although suspicion of the diagnosis on examination of routinely stained sections was of paramount importance.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological and immunohistochemical profile of 17 cases of angiomyofibroblastoma (AMF) arising in the genital tract of females is reported. The lesions usually presented as painless masses and were located in the superficial vulvar region (15 cases), canal of Nuck (one case), and perineum (one case) in women ranging in age from 38 to 60 years (median, 46 years). The tumors were well delineated and ranged in size from 2 to 8 cm in greatest dimension. Microscopically, they were composed of spindled and epithelioid mesenchymal cells arranged in cords and nests preferentially arrayed around numerous small to medium-sized vessels. Mitotic activity ranged from 0 to 7 mitoses per 50 high-power fields (HPF) with no abnormal mitotic figures. Minimal nuclear atypia was appreciated. Intralesional fat was present in 12 cases and in two of these cases constituted most of the tumor (lipomatous variant of AMF). Tumor cells expressed vimentin (five of five cases), estrogen receptor protein (six of six cases), progesterone receptor protein (five of six cases), desmin (six of eight cases), CD34 (one of six cases), and smooth muscle actin (one of seven cases). None of the eight women with follow-up of up to 25 years (mean, 7.8 years) after simple excision developed a recurrence. This study confirms the benign nature of AMF, broadens its morphological spectrum to include a lipomatous variant, and proposes an origin from a perivascular stem cell that is capable of myofibroblastic and fatty differentiation.  相似文献   

Plasma prostaglandin F (PGF) was measured by a radioimmunoassay method in 24 subjects with tumours of the female genital tract. Levels in the tumour group ranged from 25 pg/ml to 134 pg/ml and were almost all greater than the values observed in a control group of 41 healthy women who had a mean (+/-SD) level of 21 (+/-3.4)pg/ml. There was a relationship between plasma PGF levels and the stage of the disease. Patients with resectable tumours showed a fall in PGF levels postoperatively and those with disseminated malignancy demonstrated increasing levels as the disease progressed. Plasma PGF may provide a clinical prognostic marker in the management of patients with malignant tumours.  相似文献   

The presence of a fatty liver often complicates the interpretation of abdominal computed tomography (CT). Abnormalities in or adjacent to the liver, including dilated bile ducts, liver masses and subphrenic collections, may be masked by the fatty liver. Furthermore, normal structures may simulate pathological conditions. Five cases are presented to illustrate some of these diagnostic pitfalls.  相似文献   

We sought to identify factors that discriminate between women with a lower genital tract infection and women with a lower genital tract infection and endometritis. This study enrolled women at risk for or having a lower genital tract infection with Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae and measured behavioral and clinical factors. Women were identified through contact tracing of male partners, presentation with cervicitis, or presentation with symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease and classified as (1) having a lower genital tract infection without endometritis, (2) having a lower genital tract infection with endometritis, (3) having no lower genital tract infection with endometritis, and (4) having neither a lower genital tract infection nor endometritis. The primary comparison was between women having a lower genital tract infection without endometritis to women having a lower genital tract infection and endometritis. Women with a lower genital tract infection and endometritis were older and reported a history of more sexually transmitted diseases (70.0% vs. 56.7%), abdominal pain (82.2% vs. 60.0%), and use of barrier methods of contraception (28.9% vs. 8.6%) than women with a lower genital tract infection alone. The regression model found that women with a lower genital tract infection and endometritis were 7.1 times (95% CI = 2.2-23.0) more likely to report abdominal pain and 4.6 times (95% CI = 1.5-14.9) more likely to use barrier methods of contraception than women with a lower genital tract infection alone. These results suggest that behavioral factors, in addition to symptoms, can be used to identify women with and without upper genital tract involvement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of "human papillomavirus (HPV) effect" and intraepithelial neoplasia in the lower female genital tract in one community with a prospective study. STUDY DESIGN: In a family practice setting, colposcopy was offered to all women presenting for a routine cervical cytologic smear. Directed biopsies were taken from areas staining abnormally with acetic acid or iodine. RESULTS: This study of 224 women showed a high incidence of HPV effect in the lower genital tract (68%), including 18% on the vulva. The age distribution suggests a coital influence. A five-year review showed persistence of HPV effect on the vulva or vagina in only one patient. One other woman developed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1. CONCLUSION: HPV effect is common in the lower genital tract of women under the age of 30 years. Colposcopic study suggested that HPV effect on the vulva and vagina is transient. The relatively high incidence of HPV effect on the vulva may explain why cervical HPV and CIN generally appear only after coitarche, as a consequence of physical transfer. This may help explain why women with a single lifetime sexual partner are not exempt from the risk of cervical cancer or its precursors.  相似文献   

Semi-quantitative and qualitative bacterial assessment of the vaginal and cervical flora of a total of 202 women was carried out over a period of six months to determine the bacterial flora in three groups of women and changes caused by prior use of antibiotics. The number was made up of 32 healthy volunteers, 80 women with gynaecological problems and 90 women with gynaecological infections who had had antibiotic treatment prior to this study. Standard methods were used for the investigations. Five main genera of anaerobic bacteria were isolated from all patients. They included, the Bacteroides spp., Prevotella spp., Porphyromonas spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. and Clostridium spp. Five non-sporing gram negative anaerobic bacteria constituted the bulk of the flora including Prevotella bivia, P. disiens, P. melanogenica, P. asaccharolytica and B. fragilis. The predominant flora was P. bivia occurring in 61 pc of cervical swab specimens of the 80 women with proven gynaecological infections who had not used antibiotics and accounting for 27 pc of the total number of Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria isolated. Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis were the most frequently encountered aerobic bacteria. The semi-quantitative counts of the different bacterial species in the patient group were significantly higher than in the control group of healthy individuals (p < 0,025). Similarly, prior antibiotic administration significantly reduced the population and quantitative count of the anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on single-unit activity in the subpostremal division of the nucleus tractus solitarii were investigated by extracellular recording in rat brain slices. The spontaneous firing rate of 54.8% of the recorded neurons was significantly changed after bath applications of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Putative nutrition-related neurons responding to a moderate increase in glucose concentration were selectively sensitive to delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. The delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-sensitive neurons were depressed by clonidine and are therefore likely to be adrenergic or noradrenergic. These observations suggest that some catecholaminergic, glucose-responsive neurons in the subpostremal nucleus tractus solitarii might mediate the influence of cannabinoids on feeding behaviour. Furthermore, most delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol-sensitive neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii showed opposite responses to delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and the 5-HT3 receptor agonist 1-phenylbiguanide, and might therefore be involved in the nausea-reducing effects of cannabinoids.  相似文献   

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