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Double diffusion convection in a cavity with a hot square obstacle inside is simulated using the lattice Boltzmann method. The results are presented for the Rayleigh numbers 104,105 and 106, the Lewis numbers 0.1, 2 and 10 and aspect ratio A (obstacle height/cavity height) of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 for a range of buoyancy number N=0 to?4 with the effect of opposing flow. The results indicate that for|N|b 1, the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers decrease as buoyancy ratio increases, while for|N|N 1, they increase with|N|. As the Lewis number increases, higher buoyan-cy ratio is required to overcome the thermal effects and the minimum value of the Nusselt and Sherwood num-bers occur at higher buoyancy ratios. The increase in the Rayleigh or Lewis number results in the formation of the multi-cell flow in the enclosure and the vortices wil vanish as|N|increases.  相似文献   

Considering interaction forces (gravity and buoyancy force, drag force, interaction potential force, and Brownian force) between nanoparticles and a base fluid, a two-phase Lattice Boltzmann model for natural convection of nanofluid is developed in this work. It is applied to investigate the natural convection in a square enclosure (the left wall is kept at a high constant temperature (TH), and the top wall is kept at a low constant temperature (TC)) filled with Al2O3/H2O nanofluid. This model is validated by comparing numerical results with published results, and a satisfactory agreement is shown between them. The effects of different nanoparticle fractions and Rayleigh numbers on natural convection heat transfer of nanofluid are investigated. It is found that the average Nusselt number of the enclosure increases with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction and increases more rapidly at a high Rayleigh number. Also, the effects of forces on nanoparticle volume fraction distribution in the square enclosure are studied in this paper. It is found that the driving force of the temperature difference has the biggest effect on nanoparticle volume fraction distribution. In addition, the effects of interaction forces on flow and heat transfer are investigated. It is found that Brownian force, interaction potential force, and gravity-buoyancy force have positive effects on the enhancement of natural convective heat transfer, while drag force has a negative effect.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, nineteen-velocity (D3Q19) Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) model was developed to sim-ulate the fluid flow of a laminar square jet in cross flows based on the single relaxation time algorithm. The code was validated by the mathematic solution of the Poiseuille flow in a square channel, and was further validated with a previous well studied empirical correlation for the central trajectory of a jet in cross flows. The developed LBM model was found to be able to capture the dominant vortex, i.e. the Counter-rotating Vortex Pair (CVP) and the upright wake vortex. Results show that the incoming fluid in the cross flow channel was entrained into the leeside of the jet fluid, which contributes to the blending of the jet. That the spread width of the transverse jet decreases with the velocity ratio. A layer-organized entrainment pattern was found indicating that the incoming fluid at the lower position is firstly entrained into the leeside of the jet, and followed by the incoming fluid at the upper position.  相似文献   

A lattice Boltzmann model is developed by coupling the density (D2Q9) and the temperature distribution functions with 9-speed to simulate the convection heat transfer utilizing Al2O3-water nanofluids in a square cavity. This model is validated by comparing numerical simulation and experimental results over a wide range of Rayleigh numbers. Numerical results show a satisfactory agreement between them. The effects of Rayleigh number and nanoparticle volume fraction on natural convection heat transfer of nanofluid are investigated in this study. Numerical results indicate that the flow and heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3-water nanofluid in the square cavity are more sensitive to viscosity than to thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

This work presents some comments concerning the paper entitled ‘Lattice Boltzmann simulation of alumina-water nanofluid in a square cavity’ by Yurong He, Cong Qi, Yanwei Hu, Bin Qin, Fengchen Li and Yulong Ding which was published in Nanoscale Research Letters in 2011. The comments are related to the numerical parameters and the computed results of average Nusselt number.  相似文献   

In this study, the Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method is applied for computer simulation of suspension flow in Couette systems. Typical aspects of Couette flow such as wall effects and non-zero Reynolds numbers can be studied well with the LB method because of its time-dependent character. Couette flow of single, two and multi-particle systems was studied, where two-dimensional (2D) systems were compared with three-dimensional (3D) systems.Computations on multi-particle 3D suspensions, for instance to assess the viscosity or shear-induced diffusivity, were found to be very intensive. This was only partly a consequence of the 3D system size. The critical particle grid size, necessary for accurate results, was found to be relatively large, increasing the system to impractical sizes.It is however demonstrated that it is possible to carry out computer simulations on 2D suspensions and use relatively simple, linear scaling relations to translate these results to 3D suspensions, in this way avoiding intensive computations. By doing so, the LB method is shown to be well-suited for study of suspension flow in Couette systems, particularly for aspects as particle layering near solid walls, hydrodynamic particle interactions and viscous stresses at non-zero Reynolds numbers, which cannot be easily solved with alternative methods. It also opens the way to employ the LB method for other unexplored aspects, such as particle polydispersity and high Reynolds number flow, with large relevance to practical processing of suspensions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical study of the thermal performance of fins mounted on the bottom wall of a horizontal channel and cooled with either pure water or an Al2O3-water nanofluid. The bottom wall of the channel is heated at a constant temperature and cooled by mixed convection of laminar flow at a relatively low temperature. The results of the numerical simulation indicate that the heat transfer rate of fins is significantly affected by the Reynolds number (Re) and the thermal conductivity of the fins. The influence of the solid volume fraction on the increase of heat transfer is more noticeable at higher values of the Re.  相似文献   

The single-screw extruder is commonly used in polymer processing where the performance of the mixing section is significant in determining the quality of the final product. It is therefore of great interest to simulate the flow field in a single-screw extruder. In this paper simulations of non-Newtonian fluids in a single-screw extruder are performed using the lattice Boltzmann model.  相似文献   

Saline aquifers are chosen for geological storage of greenhouse gas CO2 because of their storage potential. In almost all cases of practical interest, CO2 is present on top of the liquid and CO2 dissolution leads to a small increase in the density of the aqueous phase. This situation results in the creation of negative buoyancy force for downward density-driven natural convection and consequently enhances CO2 sequestration. In order to study CO2 injection at pore-level, an isothermal Lattice Boltzmann Model (LBM)with two distribution functions is adopted to simulate density-driven natural convection in porous media with irregular geometry obtained by image treatment. The present analysis showed that after the onset of natural convection instability, the brine with a high CO2 concentration infringed into the underlying unaffected brine, in favor of the migration of CO2 into the pore structure. With low Rayleigh numbers, the instantaneous mass flux and total dissolved CO2 mass are very close to that derived from penetration theory (diffusion only), but the fluxes are significantly enhanced with high Ra number. The simulated results show that as the time increases, some chaotic and recirculation zones in the flow appear obviously, which promotes the renewal of interfacial liquid, and hence enhances dissolution of CO2 into brine. This study is focused on the scale of a few pores, but shows implications in enhanced oil/gas recovery with CO2 sequestration in aquifers.  相似文献   

The two-phase flows in microchannels have many advantages in heat and mass transfer compared to single-phase flows. In particular, segmented flows such as bubbly and slug flows are often used in microfluidic devices. In the present study, experiments and Lattice Boltzmann simulations were carried out to study the gas-liquid flow in microchannels under various conditions. Two types of mixer geometries were used, including the cross-shape and the converging shape channels. The bubble shape, bubble size, and formation mechanism were investigated for different flow rates and different mixer geometries. The simulation results and the experimental results were compared based on dimensionless numbers, and good agreement was found in general. Different flow regimes with different bubble shapes were found depending on the Capillary number of the flow. The simulation data confirmed that the breakup was induced by the pressure difference in the two phases for small Capillary numbers. The geometry of the mixing section was also observed to have an impact on the size of the gas and liquid slugs.  相似文献   

A lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) model based on the Cahn–Hilliard diffuse interface approach is used to investigate the dynamics of a bubble rising in a vertical and inclined square channel with large density and viscosity ratios. Deformation parameter Δ, film thickness δ, and terminal velocity Ut of the bubble are interrelated quantities which depend on non-dimensional numbers such as Bond number Bo, Morton number Mo, and ratio between bubble diameter and channel width k as it was reported by previous experimental studies. As k is increased, higher Δ and smaller δ are exhibited. This finding is independent of the value of Bo and Mo. In addition, a relationship was established between δ and Δ with non-dimensional numbers such as Capillary number Ca and Weber number We. An evaluation was performed for inclined channels to relate the Froude number Fr with the inclination angle θ, where in each case there is a critical value of θ which corresponds to the highest value of Fr, consequently highest Ut. This finding is consistent with previous simulation and experimental results. Moreover, a relation was established between the critical value of θ and Ca and Bo. This three-dimensional study was performed using a range of Bo (1<Bo<12), Mo (10−4<Mo<103) and the inclination of the channel is varied from 0 to 75°.  相似文献   

田园  赖萍  兰珂  胡攀峰 《广州化工》2010,38(1):30-32
Lattice Boltzmann方法是近十年来发展起来的基于介观层次上的新算法,是一个崭新的求解流体系统偏微分方程的行之有效且效率比较高的数值计算方法,以其为物理现象建模的手段,在很多领域得到了应用,尤其在化工领域中具有复杂边界和复杂流场的模拟中取得巨大成功,如湍流、多孔介质流、化学反应流、燃烧模拟、结晶过程、磁流体等等。采用LB方法中的D2Q9模型,采用BGK碰撞模型及BounceBack边界条件数值模拟流体在顶盖驱动中的流动现象,给出流场的流线和等压线图,计算结果表明该方法运用到顶盖驱动流动计算中,所得结果与基准解吻合良好。  相似文献   

This work assess the effectiveness of the pulsating flow regime for the enhancement of heat and mass transfer in double diffusive problems by studying a two-dimensional, heated, lid cavity. The research characterizes the influence of pulsating parameters such as temporal frequency, wave number and amplitude in the process. Results show that the pulsating regime enhances heat/mass transfer within a square cavity up to a 14%/38% respectively with respect to the non-pulsating case, due to the promotion of additional shear stress fields. As Richardson number, Brownian diffusion or the solute/thermal buoyancy ratio increase or the cavity becomes narrower, heat/mass transfer increases.  相似文献   

颗粒的主动运动对传质过程有重要影响.以表面恒浓度的二维球形颗粒为研究对象,采用耦合传质的格子Boltzmann方法(LBM)模拟了颗粒在自旋和振动两种情况下的相间传质过程.选择浸入运动边界法和非平衡态外推法处理运动颗粒边界,研究了颗粒自旋速度、颗粒振幅及振动频率对传质过程的影响.结果表明,中等雷诺数的自旋颗粒绕流中,随...  相似文献   

地下岩石孔隙中小颗粒的运移和沉积会使得储层渗透性能降低,影响石油开发。为了探究悬浮颗粒在多孔介质中的流动过程,采用格子Boltzmann方法对三维多孔介质内流体和颗粒的运动过程进行了数值模拟,采用有限体积颗粒法构建多孔介质中骨架颗粒和悬浮颗粒。通过Half-Way反弹格式实现流体与颗粒间的相互作用,考虑孔隙结构、入口流速、孔隙率和颗粒直径对颗粒流动特性的影响,探究颗粒的运移和沉积规律。结果表明,入口速度对不同孔隙结构下颗粒的运动作用显著。随着入口速度增大,颗粒与颗粒、孔隙壁面以及流体之间的动量和能量交换作用增强,缩短了颗粒的运移路径,颗粒沉积率逐渐变小,颗粒拟温度增大。孔隙率的下降强化了颗粒间的碰撞,孔隙率由0.581降低至0.400,使得颗粒拟温度提升至9倍。颗粒拟温度随颗粒直径的增加而增加。但随着孔隙率增加,颗粒轴向速度增加,颗粒最高轴向速度可达入口流速的11倍,而颗粒接触力降低。  相似文献   

采用CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture)和MPI (Message-Passing-Interface)在超级计算机Mole-8.5E上实现了格子Boltzmann方法(LBM)多GPU并行算法,通过三维顶盖驱动方腔流算例验证了多GPU并行LBM算法的准确性和有效性,利用该并行算法分别对雷诺数Reτ为300, 600, 1200下的充分发展的方管湍流进行了大规模模拟。研究发现,当计算网格尺寸小于黏性底层厚度(即Δ+<5)时,在壁面附近的相关传递特性统计误差较小,预测精度满足工程应用范围;Reτ为300, 600时,不同网格尺寸Δ+下的模拟结果表明LBM在方管流中心湍流特性统计具有网格弱相关性,Reτ为600时,与DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation)相比,Δ+=1.667, 3.750, 6.250时平均流向速度的平均误差分别是1.357%, 2.994%和4.766%;Reτ分别为300, 600和1200时,对应网格尺寸Δ+分别为0.833, 1.667和3.333时的方管湍流模拟中,成功捕捉到了二次流特性,预测得到的中心面流向速度、脉动均方根速度等的规律与文献基本吻合,进一步验证了单松弛LBM的可靠性,相关计算结果也为理解高Reτ下的方管湍流特性提供了参考。方管湍流的模拟验证了单松弛LBM多GPU并行算法在超大规模网格计算中的潜力,为进一步实现实际工程流动所需更大规模的数值模拟奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Understanding mechanisms of controlling the bacteria growth and degradation of pollutants is critical for effective improvements in water treatment and bioremediation in porous media. In this study, we developed an integrated model of individual-based model and multicomponent lattice Boltzmann method to study interactions of oxygen, bioclogging, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal, and their influence on growth and permeability of microbial biofilms. We found biofilm growth to be very heterogeneous on the surface of the solid matrix and pores. There is a biofilm porosity threshold. Beyond this threshold, the porosity of biofilm has no obvious influence on the flow rate and COD removal. We also studied the influence of initial cell populations, bulk oxygen concentration and biofilm permeability on the flow rate and COD removal. It demonstrated the capability of the present model to investigate biofilm growth, clogging and contaminants degradation in porous media, and its potential applications in water treatment.  相似文献   

李维仲  张晓红  董波  孙涛 《化工学报》2013,64(11):3940-3948
气泡沿斜面运动现象在工业生产中广泛存在,采用格子Boltzmann方法(LBM)研究单个气泡沿倾斜绝热表面的运动过程,考察气泡的初始直径、斜面倾角、Eotvos数(Eo)对气泡的变形和气泡形心与斜面垂直距离的影响,探讨相同初始直径的气泡沿斜面运动的稳定终态速度与倾角和Eo之间的关系。通过模拟得出气泡沿斜面的运动规律:斜面倾角越大,气泡前后端不对称性越大;气泡在上升过程中,形心轨迹与斜面保持平行;当倾角大于45°时,形心与斜面的垂直距离和Eo变化一致,当小于45°时,变化相反;相同初始直径气泡的稳定终态速度随倾角和Eo的增加而增加。  相似文献   

微纳米颗粒受自然对流影响运动沉积特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李琪  戴传山 《化工学报》2012,63(3):800-805
引言固体颗粒在流体内的运动及沉积是大气环境、河床、水文地质等自然界中普遍存在的现象,也在煤燃烧、化工制药、建筑、冶金等许多工业领域中广泛存在,因此,很早就受到关注[1-3]。一般情况下,对不同颗粒度的颗粒运动与沉积应有不同的研究方法,如微纳米颗粒可能需要考虑布朗力,而大颗粒可以忽略,大颗粒可能需要考虑颗粒的形态,  相似文献   

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