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现有的二维裁剪算法大部分是针对直线与多边形进行的,很少有人对圆弧的裁剪算法进行研究,因此,该文研究了圆弧的裁剪算法,其基本思想是应用包围盒技术将圆弧包裹起来再对圆弧进行快速判断和裁剪。  相似文献   

基于包围盒编码的三维线段裁剪新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新型包围盒,该包围盒由12个45。面组成,且包容原裁剪窗体,则落在包围盒外的线段必然在裁剪窗体之外;同时引入三维到二维投影,进行二次编码舍弃窗外线段;最后通过基于包围盒编码分区的几何变换完成裁剪过程.常规包围盒一次编码、新型包围盒二次编码、基于编码分区的几何变换求交这三个步骤构成了基于包围盒编码的三维线段裁剪新算法,实验结果表明,文中算法提高了裁剪效率并具有很好的稳定性。  相似文献   

在平面设计工作中,为了解决前景图像与背景画布大小的不匹配问题,设计师通常需要对背景图像进行裁剪,但已有的裁剪方法没有考虑到用户对裁剪后视觉效果的主观体验.为此,本文提出了一种基于视觉感知的平面设计背景图像裁剪方法,首先基于全卷积神经网络训练平面设计数据集,建立视觉显著性预测模型,对图像进行视觉显著性预测;然后基于眼动跟踪技术,利用获得的眼动跟踪数据来识别图像的重要区域;最后将上述两步的结果进行融合,得到建议裁剪区域.实验结果表明,该方法的图像裁剪结果比已有方法更能吸引用户的视觉注意,具有更好的主观体验,且裁剪效果在平均重叠率和边界位移误差等指标上均有一定提升,验证了该方法在具体平面设计工作中的有效性与实用性.  相似文献   

提出一种新的基于图像的绘制方法——边界光场.该方法基于3D全光函数的思想,并使之与场景几何相结合.该方法克服了已有的IBR漫游系统的一些缺陷,利用自适应的的全光采样模式,根据场景复杂度或用户要求组织采样数据,降低了场景数据量;由于场景几何的参与,纠正了较大的深度变形;新的采样数据组织模式去除了对漫游范围的限制.文中方法可有效地应用于虚拟或真实场景漫游系统中.  相似文献   

高度复杂的三维场景通常包含几千万甚至上亿个三角形和丰富的纹理,大大超过了目前图形硬件的处理能力。传统基于几何的绘制系统通过牺牲画面质量来实现场景的快速绘制。与此不同,基于图像的绘制技术利用逼真的图像序列来生成高质量的目标画面。研究面向虚拟场景的IBR(Image-Based Rendering)技术来克服现有方法的不足,提出以深度全景视频DPV作为场景表示的基本单元,通过多段深度全景视频组成的深度全景视频网络来表示虚拟场景的漫游区域,它允许视点在漫游平面的封闭区域内连续运动。绘制算法根据目标视点参数计算深度全景视频环中对目标图像有贡献的候选区域,综合利用GPU的强大处理能力和浮点格式的绘制目标,以及多幅深度图像混合绘制技术对候选区域进行绘制来生成目标图像。实验结果表明,深度全景视频绘制技术可实现大规模虚拟场景高质量实时绘制。  相似文献   

基于图像绘制的虚拟环境构建与漫游技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
虚拟现实是一个重要目标是用计算机构建逼真的视觉世界,使参与者漫游虚拟世界。传统上,其实现是用3D图形学进行几何建模和绘制,但有诸多不足,而基于图像绘制的实现虚拟实现系统的新方法,它克服了3D图形方法的缺点,本文提出了一个实现基于图像绘制的虚拟环境的构建与漫游系统框架模型。  相似文献   

蔡兴泉  苏志同  李晋宏 《计算机仿真》2009,26(9):199-202,238
大规模地形的绘制技术一直是国内外虚拟现实领域的研究热点。为快速实时绘制,又保持真实性,提出一种基于三角带模板的大规模地形实时仿真方法。可用在战场环境仿真、飞行仿真、3D游戏等仿真系统中。先进行地形数据预处理,将地形分成若干相等的小块,并且计算每个小块的包围盒,然后根据地形块的大小确定一族三角带模板。实时绘制时,根据包围盒的屏幕投影误差因子选择合适的三角带模板,用三角带模板快速绘制地形块。采用扫描视锥体投影三角形裁剪方法剔除不需要绘制的地形块,并且采用添加阴影平面的方法消除地形裂缝。最后,在Puget Sound地形数据上进行了实验并进行了分析。实验证明,方法是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

椭圆的线性化裁剪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于多步法绘制理论和Brensenham算法,提出了一种新的椭圆裁剪算法。此法的主要思想是,根据给定的椭圆长短半轴参数a、b,首先在1/4椭圆弧上线性化生成两个多步数目的数组Ara[]和Arb[],然后考虑到各种裁剪需要,根据两数组的数据并结合椭圆的对称性计算出相应的椭圆裁剪数据,最后再绘出所求的裁剪图形。  相似文献   

针对大规模地形数据访问量大、场景渲染消耗内存大、实时渲染效率低的问题,提出了一种基于四叉树分割的连续LOD(层次细节)地形绘制方案,实现了多分辨率地形的快速绘制.视见体裁剪算法判断次数少,并结合四叉树分割过程,快速地对地形数据进行裁剪.采用与视点和地形粗糙度相关的分割评价系统,在预处理阶段对地形粗糙度误差进行计算,提升了地形实时绘制的速度:同时对分割标志位按位存储,使得内存占有率大幅减少.通过分割低分辨率节点边的方式,消除了节点间裂缝.算法运行效果良好,在普通PC机上即可达到较高的帧频率和较好的漫游效果.  相似文献   

基于图像的绘制技术不仅可以弥补传统基于几何绘制技术的不足。而且能给出更丰富的图像显示。基于实际应用出发,提出并实现了一种球面全景图的漫游算法。通过重投影球面全景图的可视部分到视平面上,可以生成虚拟场景在不同视线方向上的透视视图。针对直接使用重投影不能满足实时绘制的问题,提出了基于查找表的优化策略。  相似文献   

Much of the visualization research has focused on improving the rendering quality and speed, and enhancing the perceptibility of features in the data. Recently, significant emphasis has been placed on focus+context (F+C) techniques (e.g., fisheye views and magnification lens) for data exploration in addition to viewing transformation and hierarchical navigation. However, most of the existing data exploration techniques rely on the manipulation of viewing attributes of the rendering system or optical attributes of the data objects, with users being passive viewers. In this paper, we propose a more active approach to data exploration, which attempts to mimic how we would explore data if we were able to hold it and interact with it in our hands. This involves allowing the users to physically or actively manipulate the geometry of a data object. While this approach has been traditionally used in applications, such as surgical simulation, where the original geometry of the data objects is well understood by the users, there are several challenges when this approach is generalized for applications, such as flow and information visualization, where there is no common perception as to the normal or natural geometry of a data object. We introduce a taxonomy and a set of transformations especially for illustrative deformation of general data exploration. We present combined geometric or optical illustration operators for focus+context visualization, and examine the best means for preventing the deformed context from being misperceived. We demonstrated the feasibility of this generalization with examples of flow, information and video visualization.  相似文献   

Current practice in particle visualization renders particle position data directly onto the screen as points or glyphs. Using a camera placed at a fixed position, particle motions can be visualized by rendering trajectories or by animations. Applying such direct techniques to large, time dependent particle data sets often results in cluttered images in which the dynamic properties of the underlying system are difficult to interpret. In this case study we take an alternative approach to the visualization of ion motions. Instead of rendering ion position data directly, we first extract meaningful motion information from the ion position data and then map this information onto geometric primitives. Our goal is to produce high-level visualizations that reflect the physicists' way of thinking about ion dynamics. Parameterized geometric icons are defined to encode motion information of clusters of related ions. In addition, a parameterized camera control mechanism is used to analyze relative instead of only absolute ion motions. We apply the techniques to simulations of Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS) experiments. The data produced by such simulations can amount to 5 10(4) ions and 10(5) timesteps. This paper discusses the requirements, design and informal evaluation of the implemented system.  相似文献   

Rate-Distortion Optimized Interactive Light Field Streaming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High-quality, photorealistic image-based rendering datasets are typically too large to download entirely before viewing, even when compressed. It is more suitable to instead stream the required image data to a remote user who can start interacting with the dataset immediately. This paper presents an interactive light field streaming system and proposes packet scheduling for transmitting the encoded image data in a rate-distortion optimized manner. An interactive light field streaming system must have low user latency. The system presented in this paper predicts the future user viewing trajectory to mitigate the effects of the low-latency constraints. Experimental results show that view prediction can improve performance, and that this improvement is limited by the prediction accuracy. The proposed packet scheduling algorithm considers network conditions and rate-distortion cost, knowledge of sent and received images, and the distortion for a set of images, to optimize the rendered image quality for the remote user. Rate-distortion optimized scheduling can be implemented either at the receiver or the sender. It is shown that this rate-distortion optimized packet scheduling can significantly improve performance over a heuristic scheduling approach. Experimental results also show that the encoding prediction dependency structure affects streaming performance both through the compression efficiency of the encoding and also through any decoding dependencies that may be introduced  相似文献   

VECW:一个虚拟环境的构造和漫游系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
如何真实地在计算机中表达现实世界是计算机图形学的一个重要研究方向。基于几何造型的图像绘制混合是一种很有应用前景的方法。文中在实现前人提出的从建筑物照片中提取建筑物的几模型和相应纹理映射的算法的基础上,给出了一个虚拟环境的构造和漫游系统,简称VECW。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a fast visualization technique for volumetric data, which is based on a recent non-photorealistic rendering technique. Our new approach enables alternative insights into 3D data sets (compared to traditional approaches such as direct volume rendering or iso-surface rendering). Object contours, which usually are characterized by locally high gradient values, are visualized regardless of their density values. Cumbersome tuning of transfer functions, as usually needed for setting up DVR views is avoided. Instead, a small number of parameters is available to adjust the non-photorealistic display. Based on the magnitude of local gradient information as well as on the angle between viewing direction and gradient vector, data values are mapped to visual properties (color, opacity), which then are combined to form the rendered image (MIP is proposed as the default compositing stragtegy here). Due to the fast implementation of this alternative rendering approach, it is possible to interactively investigate the 3D data, and quickly learn about internal structures. Several further extensions of our new approach, such as level lines are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

A toolkit developed to visualize cardiac electrophysiology is discussed. The geometric models that play a crucial role in the analysis, manipulation, and visualization of cardiac bioelectric data and the two separate data visualization systems developed for quick, flexible viewing of spatially distributed data and for displaying selected frames of data or preparing presentation-quality images are discussed. The first data visualization system, Map 3D, is based on Silicon Graphics' GL graphics library and designed to run on SGI and IBM workstations. The second set of programs is based on ray-traced rendering and distributed computing  相似文献   

Historically, rendering system development has been mainly focused on improving the numerical accuracy of the rendering algorithms and their runtime efficiency. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the correctness not of the algorithms themselves, but of their implementation. Specifically, we show that by combining static type checking and generic programming, rendering system and shader development can take advantage of compile‐time checking to perform dimensional analysis, i.e. to enforce the correctness of physical dimensions and units in light transport, and geometric space analysis, i.e. to ensure that geometric computations respect the spaces in which points, vectors and normals were defined. We demonstrate our methods by implementing a CPU path tracer and a GPU renderer which previews direct illumination. While we build on prior work to develop our implementations, the main contribution of our work is to show that dimensional analysis and geometric space checking can be successfully integrated into the development of rendering systems and shaders.  相似文献   

Automatic Lighting Design using a Perceptual Quality Metric   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lighting has a crucial impact on the appearance of 3D objects and on the ability of an image to communicate information about a 3D scene to a human observer. This paper presents a new automatic lighting design approach for comprehensible rendering of 3D objects. Given a geometric model of a 3D object or scene, the material properties of the surfaces in the model, and the desired viewing parameters, our approach automatically determines the values of various lighting parameters by optimizing a perception-based image quality objective function. This objective function is designed to quantify the extent to which an image of a 3D scene succeeds in communicating scene information, such as the 3D shapes of the objects, fine geometric details, and the spatial relationships between the objects.
Our results demonstrate that the proposed approach is an effective lighting design tool, suitable for users without expertise or knowledge in visual perception or in lighting design.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is presented for comparing geometric and image-based simplification methods. Geometric simplification reduces the number of polygons in the virtual object and image-based simplification replaces the object with an image. Our model integrates and extrapolates existing accuracy estimates, enabling the comparison of different simplification methods in order to choose the most efficient method in a given situation. The model compares data transfer and rendering load of the methods. Byte size and expected lifetime of simplifications are calculated as a function of the desired visual quality and the position and movement of the viewer. An example result is that, in typical viewing and rendering conditions and for objects with a radius in the order of one meter, imposter techniques can be used at viewing distances above 15 meters. Below that, simplified polygon objects are required and, below one meter distance, the full-resolution virtual object has to be rendered. An electronic version of the model is available on the web.  相似文献   

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