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项目地点:巴西里约热内卢项目类型:建筑(教育)开工日期:2006年初一个用于学校建筑的小型能源设计项目,包括自然通风装置、能够防御太阳直接辐射的自然照明装置以及屋顶花园。该项目获2005年豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛拉丁美洲区银奖  相似文献   

巴西里约热内卢低能耗大学传媒中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Indoor air quality is a relatively new research area in Brazil, and year by year is gaining the attention of researchers from many areas, including microbiology and chemistry. In the present work, 59 air samples were collected, using an Andersen sampler of six stages, in different points of Rio de Janeiro city, in Brazil. Colony counts of actinomycetes, bacteria and fungi were performed, showing that the actinomycetes, despite being less numerous, have a high concentration, around 90%, in the three last stages of the Andersen sampler. The occurrence of actinomycetes in the analyzed indoor environments was, on average, 11 CFU/m3, reaching maximum values of 127 CFU/m3. Sixty strains of actinomycetes were isolated from these samples and separated in six morphological groups. One strain of each group was used in some taxonomic tests, including the diaminopimelic acid analysis (DAP) and morphological tests. The results obtained indicated that the six strains belong to the Streptomyces genus. Although the conditions recommended by the Brazilian legislation were used, the Nocardia group and the thermophilic actinomycetes were not found in this study. However, depending on the species, the Streptomyces can also be considered pathogenic agents. The present results emphasize the need for special care with the indoor air quality.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine variations in blood lead levels during pregnancy and the influence of physiological anemia during this period on these findings. An exploratory study was made of a cohort of 38 pregnant women whose blood was tested for lead level and erythrocyte counts at different stages of pregnancy. The values obtained for lead were adjusted to take account of the erythrocyte count values, in order to control the influence of pregnancy-related physiological anemia on blood lead levels. A statistically significant increase in blood lead levels at a 5% level was observed between the first and third trimester. The median blood lead levels for the first, second and third trimester were 5.1 microg/dl, 5.9 microg/dl, and 8.25 microg/dl, respectively (Kruskal-Wallis=11.9, P<0.002). Statistical significance was also shown for raw data, when blood lead levels were not adjusted to erythrocyte count values. The median blood lead levels observed in this latter situation were 5.55 microg/dl, 5.65 microg/dl and 7.3 microg/dl, respectively (Kruskal-Wallis=8.3, P<0.02). It is concluded that there was a significant increase in blood lead concentration during pregnancy in this group of women.  相似文献   

里约热内卢为举办2016年奥林匹克运动会而进行了此次国际建筑竞赛.由于项目位于柯东杜巴岛的城市海湾,不可避免地要考虑飞机降落及将垂直结构作为城市的地标,因此设计中太阳城之塔将很自然地迎接来自世界各地前来观看奥运会的人们.  相似文献   

里约热内卢为举办2016年奥林匹克运动会而进行了此次国际建筑竞赛。由于项目位于柯东杜巴岛的城市海湾,不可避免地要考虑飞机降落及将垂直结构作为城市的地标,因此设计中太阳城之塔将很自然地迎接来自世界各地前来观看奥运会的人们。设计概念设计旨在探讨是否应该重新考虑地标建筑的概念,它可否不必造价昂贵,  相似文献   

Imageability of places, cities and countries is strongly influenced by tourist and political portraits in the media. As human cognition relies on inferential perception and contrasting categories, marketing strategies exploit partial truths and conflicting city images to direct public perceptions. This article addresses the relationship between international perception, image building and urban design in the case of Brazil and the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. Their contrasting images as exploited by the international media expose only partial truths. In fact, these images represent complementary development contradictions that co-exist in any major city today.  相似文献   

金荷仙  刘晓明 《中国园林》2009,25(12):31-33
2009年10月21-23日,第46届国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)大会在巴西里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)的索菲特大酒店顺利召开.此次大会由巴西风景园林师协会(ABAP)和IFLA共同主办,目的是加强世界不同领域、不同地区风景园林师之间的交流,同时促进巴西风景园林事业的发展与繁荣.大会主题为“绿色基础设施:高效能的风景园林(Green Infrastructure:High-Performance Landscapes)”,主要关注2个方面的问题:一是设计过程的可持续性,二是设计成果和信息的交流.来自中国、美国、英国、巴西等国家和地区的风景园林师、学者及相关从业人员、政府与国际组织成员以及学生共642人参加了会议(图1).  相似文献   

In July 2014, the oldest slum in Rio de Janeiro, Morro da Providência (“Providence Hill”), received a cable car meant to facilitate up- and downhill commuting for residents of this hilltop community adjacent to downtown. Socioeconomic indicators suggest that this community was an ideal recipient of such a project, which facilitated mobility to center-city transit and potential employment. Yet the resulting impact on the adjacent built environment may have negatively impacted small-business vitality and development opportunities for residents of the community. Using social indicators and urban design analysis, this paper examines the distributional and design implications of these choices and proposes improvements.  相似文献   

The study on the thermal performance of the air-conditioned buildings of the new research centre of the Brazilian Petroleum Company, in the tropical climate of Rio de Janeiro, was part of a bigger research and consultancy project involving environmental issues. The architectural design was the subject of a national competition in 2004, encompassing over 100,000 m2. According to the design brief, out of the 10 buildings of the new research centre, 7 have to be either completely or partially air-conditioned, due to specific occupation requirements. The challenge for better thermal performance was related to systems’ energy efficiency, to the introduction of natural ventilation and to the notion of adaptive comfort, which were verified with the support of thermal dynamic simulations. At the early stages of the assessments, the potential for natural ventilation in the working spaces considering the mixed-mode strategy achieved 30% of occupation hours. However, the development of the design project led to fully air-conditioned working spaces, due to users’ references regarding the conventional culture of the office environment. Nevertheless, the overall architectural approach in accordance to the climatic conditions still showed a contribution to the buildings’ energy efficiency.  相似文献   

谢维荪 《园林》2005,(2):4-5
该园位于风景秀丽的巴西海滨城市里约热内卢中部,占地141公顷。1808年由当时摄政的John王子创建,1822年对公众开放。  相似文献   

The association of bacteriophages and animal viruses with solids has been demonstrated to have a protective effect, resulting in enhanced survival in natural waters and resistance to inactivation by chlorine. In this study, attempts were made to differentiate solid-associated viruses and freely suspended viruses in secondarily treated sewage by the retention of sewage solids on membrane filters treated with fetal calf serum to prevent adsorption of freely suspended virus. Solid-associated viruses collected on membrane filters were eluted with pH 11.5, 0.05 M glycine buffer. The percentage of the total coliphage and animal virus associated with solids in secondarily treated sewage discharges ranged from < 1.0 to 24% and 3 to 100%, respectively. The largest quantity of solid-associated coliphage was attached to particles greater than 8.0 μm and less than 0.65 μm in size. Tapwater, lake water and estuarine water were all capable of eluting solid-associated coliphages. Elution of coliphages in marine water appeared to be related to the salinity of the water. Coliphages eluted from sewage solids in seawater could readsorb to naturally occurring marine sediment.  相似文献   

Surface sediments of the Guanabara Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) were analyzed by a sequential extraction procedure for Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn and Fe, determining their distribution among five geochemical phases and in the nitric acid extractable phase. Bioavailable phases and non-bioavailable phases have been determined in six transects in the bay to define the significant level of pollution due to sediment metal contamination. A multiple correlation showed limited responsibility of Mn and Fe oxides and humic acids in the adsorption process, which allowed discrimination among the different processes and suggested the strong influence of the hydrogen sulfide present in the highly reduced bay bottom environment. The authors suggest the need to avoid disturbing bottom sediment by dredging or by artificial bottom aeration which could result in a rapid worsening of the environment due to the accelerated formation of more soluble oxygenated metal compounds making the toxic metals much more available to the benthic fauna and to the bay biota in general.  相似文献   

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