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Full core analysis of typical power reactors generally performed uses few group diffusion theory, it is necessary to generate beforehand, using a lattice code, the required few group cross-sections and diffusion coefficients associated with each region in the core.

For the ACR™ (Advanced CANDU Reactor), the problem is more complex because these reactors contain vertical reactivity devices that are located between two horizontal fuel bundles. The usual calculation scheme relies in this case on a 2D fuel cell calculation to generate the few group fuel properties and on a 3D supercell calculation for the analysis of the reactivity devices present in the core. Because of its complexity, the supercell calculations have usually been performed using simplified fuel geometries. The development of new geometry features in DRAGON and the availability of faster computers have made it possible to improve the 2D cell and 3D supercell models by using explicitly 3D assemblies of clusters to simulate the reactivity devices in CANDU reactors, including the ACR. These studies will thus improve the fine reactor core results by generating more accurate and appropriate reactor databases.

In this paper, we will review the lattice-cell/supercell calculation procedure using the code DRAGON by introducing a new supercell model. The use of such an explicit 3D geometry implies a very fine spatial mesh discretization that can generate a large number of regions leading to problems that cannot be solved by the collision probability (CP) method. The method of characteristics (MoC) is then the only alternative for such cases. A comparison of results using these two methods will also be presented for 3D models with a coarse mesh discretization.  相似文献   

AECL is studying advanced reactor designs where natural convection is an important design feature in heat removal processes. The use of a flashing-driven, natural-circulation system to remove moderator heat is being considered. Experiments and code simulations have shown that a flashing-driven system is feasible at normal operating power, but is prone to flow instabilities at low powers. Vapor flashing at superheated conditions and the presence of nucleation sites were found to be important for stable operation over the whole power range. A development concept for CANDU® is to increase the primary coolant pressure and temperature to supercritical conditions. With a natural-convection-driven primary flow, the large variations in fluid properties near the critical point introduce the potential for flow instabilities. Analyses have shown that flow instabilities can occur under certain conditions. Experimental and analytical results on the flashing system are described. The experiments and initial analytical results for the supercritical concept are discussed.  相似文献   

钍燃料的利用对于缓解核燃料资源短缺具有重要意义,坎杜型反应堆(Canadian Deuterium Uranium,CANDU)在堆芯布置、中子利用效率及先进燃料循环方面具有较高的灵活性,使得其在CANDU反应堆中引入钍燃料循环更具现实意义。CANDU型反应堆中钍基燃料应用关键基础技术研究是加拿大与我国正在开展的合作课题,其中开发自主的CANDU堆堆芯热工水力设计和安全分析程序是钍基燃料应用必不可少的设计工作之一。本文针对CANDU型反应堆热传输系统结构特点,采用FORTRAN程序设计语言开发了适用于CANDU型反应堆热传输系统的热工水力瞬态分析程序CANTHAC(CANDU Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Code)。利用CANTHAC对钍基先进CANDU堆(Thorium-based Advanced CANDU Reactor,TACR)进行了瞬态分析,计算工况包括满功率稳态、无保护蒸汽发生器(Steam Generator,SG)二次侧给水温度降低事故及完全失流事故。其中,满功率稳态计算结果与清华大学设计的钍基先进CANDU堆TACR设计值吻合较好,相对误差不超过2%,在可接受范围内;无保护SG二次侧给水温度降低事故及完全失流事故在计算条件下所得的燃料温度及系统压力等关键热工水力参数均在安全限值内,满足安全准则要求。程序为模块化编程,便于移植和改进,具有一定的通用性,为进一步研究工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Coolant void reactivity (CVR) is an important factor in reactor accident analysis. Here we study the adjustments of CVR at beginning of burnup cycle (BOC) and keff at end of burnup cycle (EOC) for a 2D Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) lattice using the optimization and adjoint sensitivity techniques. The sensitivity coefficients are evaluated using the perturbation theory based on the integral neutron transport equations. The neutron and flux importance transport solutions are obtained by the method of cyclic characteristics (MOCC). Three sets of parameters for CVR-BOC and keff-EOC adjustments are studied: (1) Dysprosium density in the central pin with Uranium enrichment in the outer fuel rings, (2) Dysprosium density and Uranium enrichment both in the central pin, and (3) the same parameters as in the first case but the objective is to obtain a negative checkerboard CVR-BOC (CBCVR-BOC). To approximate the EOC sensitivity coefficient, we perform constant-power burnup/depletion calculations using a slightly perturbed nuclear library and the unperturbed neutron fluxes to estimate the variation of nuclide densities at EOC. Our aim is to achieve a desired negative CVR-BOC of −2 mk and keff-EOC of 0.900 for the first two cases, and a CBCVR-BOC of −2 mk and keff-EOC of 0.900 for the last case. Sensitivity analyses of CVR and eigenvalue are also included in our study.  相似文献   

Thermal characteristics of the reference DUPIC fuel has been studied for its feasibility of loading in the CANDU reactor. Half of the DUPIC fuel bundle has been modeled for a subchannel analysis of the ASSERT-IV Code which was developed by AECL. From the calculated mixture enthalpy, equilibrium quality and void fraction distributions in subchannels of the fuel bundle, it is found that the gravity effect may be pronounced in the DUPIC fuel bundle when compared with the standard CANDU fuel bundle. The asymmetric distribution of the coolant in the fuel bundle is known to be undesirable since the minimum critical heat flux ratio can be reduced for a given value of the channel flow rate. On the other hand, the central region of the DUPIC fuel bundle has been found to be cooled more efficiently than that of the standard fuel bundle in the subcooled and the local boiling regimes due to the fuel geometry and the fuel element power changes. Based upon the subchannel modeling used in this study, the location of minimum critical heat flux ratio in the DUPIC fuel bundle turned out to be very similar to that of the standard fuel when the equivalent values of channel power and channel flow rate are used. From the calculated mixture enthalpy distribution at the exit of the fuel channel, it is found that the subchannel-wise mixture enthalpy and void fraction peaks are located in the peripheral region of the DUPIC fuel bundle while those are located in the central region of the standard CANDU fuel bundle. Reduced values of the channel flow rates were used to study the effect of channel flow rate variation. The effect of the channel flow reduction on different thermal-hydraulic parameters have been discussed. This study shows that the subchannel analysis for the horizontal flow is very informative in developing new fuel for the CANDU reactor.  相似文献   

The conceptual design of the advanced high-temperature reactor (AHTR) has recently been proposed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, with the intention to provide and alternative energy source for very high temperature applications. In the present study, we focused on the analyses of the reactivity coefficients of the AHTR core fueled with two types of fuel: enriched uranium and plutonium from the reprocessing of light water reactors irradiated fuel. More precisely, we investigated the influence of the outer graphite reflectors on the multiplication factor of the core, the fuel and moderator temperature reactivity coefficients and the void reactivity coefficient for five different molten salts: NaF, BeF2, LiF, ZrF4 and Li2BeF4 eutectic. In order to better illustrate the behavior of the previous parameters for different core configurations, we evaluated the moderating ratio of the molten salts and the absorption rate of the key fuel nuclides, which, of course, are driven by the neutron spectrum. The results show that the fuel and moderator temperature reactivity coefficients are always negative, whereas the void reactivity coefficient can be set negative provided that the fuel to moderator ratio is optimized (the core is undermoderated) and the moderating ratio of the coolant is large.  相似文献   

Romania as UE member got new challenges for its nuclear industry. Romania operates since 1996 a CANDU nuclear power reactor and since 2007 the second CANDU unit. In EU are operated mainly PWR reactors, so, ours have to meet UE standards. Safety analysis guidelines require to model nuclear reactors severe accidents.Starting from previous studies, a CANDU degraded core thermal hydraulic model was developed. The initiating event is a LOCA, with simultaneous loss of moderator cooling and the loss of emergency core cooling system (ECCS). This type of accident is likely to modify the reactor geometry and will lead to a severe accident development. When the coolant temperature inside a pressure tube reaches 1000 °C, a contact between pressure tube and calandria tube occurs and the decay heat is transferred to the moderator. Due to the lack of cooling, the moderator, eventually, begins to boil and is expelled, through the calandria vessel relief ducts, into the containment. Therefore the calandria tubes (fuel channels) uncover, then disintegrate and fall down to the calandria vessel bottom. All the quantity of calandria moderator is vaporized and expelled, the debris will heat up and eventually boil. The heat accumulated in the molten debris will be transferred through the calandria vessel wall to the shield tank water, which surrounds the calandria vessel. The thermal hydraulics phenomena described above are modeled, analyzed and compared with the existing data.  相似文献   

The IPR-R1 TRIGA is a research nuclear reactor managed and located at the Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) a research institute of the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). It is mainly used to radioisotopes production, scientific experiments, training of nuclear engineers for research and nuclear power plant reactor operation, experiments with materials and minerals and neutron activation analysis. In this work, criticality calculation and reactivity changes are presented and discussed using two modelings of the IPR-R1 TRIGA in the MCNP5 code. The first model (Model 1) analyzes the criticality over the reactor. On the other hand, the second model (Model 2) includes the possibility of radial and axial neutron flux evaluation with different operation conditions. The calculated results are compared with experimental data in different situations. For the two models, the standard deviation and relative error presented values of around 4.9 × 10?4. Both models present good agreement with respect to the experimental data. The goal is to validate the models that could be used to determine the neutron flux profiles to optimize the irradiation conditions, as well as to study reactivity insertion experiments and also to evaluate the fuel composition.  相似文献   

介绍了秦山CANDU6机组因考虑到CANDU9设计的新技术,对主控制室所作的设计改进。主要是大屏幕显示器和配套的电站显示系统,优化的CRT报警系统和美学设计改进。  相似文献   

In modern CANDU nuclear generating stations, pressure tubes of cold-worked Zr-2.5Nb material are used in the reactor core to contain the fuel bundles and the heavy water (D2O) coolant. The pressure tubes operate at an internal pressure of 10 MPa and temperatures ranging from 250°C at the inlet to 310°C at the outlet. Over the expected 30 year lifetime of these tubes, they would be subjected to a total fluence of 3×1026 n m−2. In addition, these tubes gradually pick up deuterium as a result of a slow corrosion process. When the hydrogen plus deuterium concentration in the tubes exceeds the hydrogen/deuterium solvus, the tubes are susceptible to a crack initiation and propagation process called delayed hydride cracking (DHC). If undetected, such a cracking mechanism could lead to unstable rupture of the pressure tube. The service life of the pressure tubes is determined, in part, by changes in the probability for the rupture of a tube. This probability is made up of the probability for crack initiation by DHC multiplied by the sum of the probabilities of break-before-leak and leak-before-break (LBB). A probabilistic model, BLOOM, is described which makes it possible to estimate the cumulative probabilities of break-before-leak and LBB. The probability of break-before-leak depends on the crack length at first leak detection and the critical crack length. The probability of a LBB depends on the shut-down scenario used. The probabilistic approach is described in relation to an example of a possible shut-down scenario. Key physical input parameters into this analysis are pressure tube mechanical properties, such as the crack length at first coolant leakage, the DHC velocity and the critical crack length. Since none of these parameters are known precisely, either because they depend on material properties, which vary within and between pressure tubes, and/or because of measurement errors, they are given in terms of their means and standard deviations at the different temperatures and pressures defined by the shut-down scenario.  相似文献   

The strong non-uniformity of the fission power production density in the CANDU fuel bundle could have been mitigated to a great degree. A satisfactory power flattening has been achieved through an appropriately evaluated method by varying the composition of the LWR spent fuel/ThO2 mixture in a CANDU fuel bundle in radial direction and keeping fuel rod dimensions unchanged. This will help also to greatly simplify fuel rod fabrication and allow a higher degree of quality assurance standardization.Three different bundle fuel charges are investigated: (1) the reference case, uniformly fueled with natural UO2, (2) a bundle uniformly fueled with LWR spent fuel, and (3) a bundle fueled with variable mixed fuel composition in radial direction leading to a flat power profile (100% LWR spent fuel in the central rod, 80% LWR + 20% ThO2 in the second row, 60% LWR + 40% ThO2 in the third row and finally 40% LWR + 60% ThO2 in the peripheral fourth row).Burn-up grades for these three different bundle types are calculated as 7700, 27,300, and 10,000 MW.D/MT until reaching a lowest bundle criticality limit of k = 1.06. The corresponding plant operation periods are 170, 660, and 240 days, respectively.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2006,33(11-12):975-983
Coolant void reactivity is a very important safety parameter in CANDU reactor analysis. Here we evaluate the coolant void reactivity in a 2 × 2 heterogeneous assembly of CANDU cells using the code DRAGON. Since the current version of DRAGON can only treat the coolant void reactivity for a single CANDU cell, an approximate model for the geometry must be considered to perform assembly calculations in a 2 × 2 pattern. The model we propose consists of replacing the annular fuel pins by equivalent square fuel pins. The equivalence between annular fuel pins and square fuel pins is brought about by homogenizing the fuel plus its sheath and subsequently conserving the reaction rates between the two geometries using a SPH equivalence procedure. The approximate CANDU cells constructed using square pins were used to perform the transport calculations in 2 × 2 assembly patterns. In addition, the model was used to evaluate coolant void reactivity in 2 × 2 checkerboard voiding patterns. These calculations reflect more accurately the actual voiding situation being studied. This helps in assessing the effects due to the coupling of neutrons born in one cell to those born in the neighbouring cells.  相似文献   

The reactivity effect of coolant voiding in CANDU-type fuel lattices has been calculated with different methods using the code system. The known positive void reactivity coefficient of the original lattice was correctly obtained. A modified fuel bundle containing dysprosium and slightly enriched uranium to eliminate the positive reactivity effect was also calculated. Owing to the increased heterogeneity of this modified fuel the one-dimensional cylindrical calculation with XSDRN proved to be inadequate. Code options allowing bundle geometry were successfully used for the calculation of the strongly space dependent flux and spectrum changes which determine the void reactivity.  相似文献   

An equipment environmental qualification is required to guarantee the safety function of safety related systems, structures and components during the harsh conditions which occur as a consequence of an accident. The first step of an environmental qualification program is to identify the events causing the harsh environmental conditions and to determine the environmental conditions. This paper shows a systematic approach to generate the containment pressure and temperature envelopes which will be used for an equipment environmental qualification. These envelopes are generated by two steps, the generation of mass and energy release data and an analysis of the containment pressure and temperature. Finally, the containment pressure and temperature envelopes which cover all the transients with a margin are determined for the large break loss of coolant accident and the main steam line break.  相似文献   

For stable operation of a power reactor, the power coefficient (PC) of the nuclear reactor should be less than or equal to zero. In the CANDU reactor loaded with the recovered uranium (RU) which has a uranium enrichment of ∼0.9 wt% U235, the PC is estimated to be clearly positive over a wide power range of interest, owing to the generic positive coolant temperature coefficient (CTC) and weak fuel temperature coefficient (FTC) in the CANDU reactor. In order to improve the PC of the CANDU reactor without seriously compromising the economy, introduction of the burnable poison (BP) has been proposed in this work and a physics study has been performed to find the optimal BP material and its optimal loading scheme for the CANDU reactor loaded with the CANFLEX-RU fuel. Four potential BPs (Dy, Er, Eu, and Hf) were evaluated to find the optimal BP and various loading options of the selected BP were evaluated to determine the optimal loading scheme of the BP. From the viewpoint of the achievable fuel discharge burnup, it was found that Er is evaluated to be the best BP and the BP should be loaded within the central two fuel rings because the BP loading on the inner ring is more effective for reducing the CTC. The discharge burnup of the Er-loaded CANFLEX-RU fuel was 38% higher than that of the standard natural uranium (NU) fuel. The fuel discharge burnup can be increased further if the fuel enrichment is increased. It is shown that the discharge burnup of 1.0 wt%-enriched uranium fuel is 1.7 times higher than that of the NU fuel. This study has shown that the use of the BP is feasible to render the PC of the CANDU reactor negative, even though the slight reduction of the fuel burnup is inevitable, and thus the reactor safety can be greatly improved by the use of the BP in the CANDU reactor.  相似文献   

A mathematical treatment has been developed to describe the activity levels of 129I as a function of time in the primary heat transport system during constant power operation and for a reactor shutdown situation. The model accounts for a release of fission-product iodine from defective fuel rods and tramp uranium contamination on in-core surfaces. The physical transport constants of the model are derived from a coolant activity analysis of the short-lived radioiodine species. An estimate of 3×10−9 has been determined for the coolant activity ratio of 129I/131I in a CANDU Nuclear Generating Station (NGS), which is in reasonable agreement with that observed in the primary coolant and for plant test resin columns from pressurized and boiling water reactor plants. The model has been further applied to a CANDU NGS, by fitting it to the observed short-lived iodine and long-lived cesium data, to yield a coolant activity ratio of ∼2×10−8 for 129I/137Cs. This ratio can be used to estimate the levels of 129I in reactor waste based on a measurement of the activity of 137Cs.  相似文献   

A joint study on the technical feasibility of using 0.9% slightly enriched uranium (SEU) fuel in the Embalse CANDU reactor was performed by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A. (NASA). The feasibility study focused on the following technical areas: reactor physics and fuel management, fuel performance, and safety. Part of the safety assessment involved detailed thermalhydraulics analyses of three accident scenarios for a full core of SEU fuel bundles: (i) slow loss-of-reactivity control (LORC) event, (ii) large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA) with emergency core cooling system (ECCS) available, and (iii) end-fitting failure. Other accident scenarios possibly encountered during the demonstration irradiation exercise or transition core have also been examined. It is concluded that introducing SEU fuel into the Embalse CANDU reactor is feasible. Clear advantages (e.g., fuel cost saving, increase in fuel exit burnup, and reduction in spent fuel volume) have been identified. The reduction in maximum bundle powers and the shift of the maximum bundle-power location to the inlet of the channel for the SEU fuel improve operating and safety margins. These margins are higher with the CANFLEX SEU fuel than the 37-element SEU fuel, due to lower linear powers and improved thermalhydraulic design.  相似文献   

Large quantities of plutonium have been accumulated in the nuclear waste of civilian LWRs and CANDU reactors. Reactor grade plutonium and heavy water moderator can give a good combination with respect to neutron economy. On the other hand, TRISO type fuel can withstand very high fuel burn-up levels. The paper investigates the prospects of utilization of TRISO fuel made of reactor grade plutonium in CANDU reactors. TRISO fuels particles are imbedded body-centered cubic (BCC) in a graphite matrix with a volume fraction of 68%. The fuel compacts conform to the dimensions of CANDU fuel compacts are inserted in rods with zircolay cladding.In the first phase of investigations, five new mixed fuel have been selected for CANDU reactors composed of 4% RG-PuO2 + 96% ThO2; 6% RG-PuO2 + 94% ThO2; 10% RG-PuO2 + 90% ThO2; 20% RG-PuO2 + 80% ThO2; 30% RG-PuO2 + 70% ThO2. Initial reactor criticality (k∞,0 values) for the modes , , , and are calculated as 1.4294, 1.5035, 1.5678, 1.6249, and 1.6535, respectively. Corresponding operation lifetimes are ∼0.65, 1.1, 1.9, 3.5, and 4.8 years and with burn ups of ∼30 000, 60 000, 100 000, 200 000 and 290 000 MW d/tonne, respectively. The higher initial plutonium charge is the higher burn ups can be achieved.In the second phase, a graphical-numerical power flattening procedure has been applied with radially variable mixed fuel composition in the fuel bundle. Mixed fuel fractions leading to quasi-constant power production are found in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th row to be as 100% PuO2, 80/20% PuO2/ThO2, 60/40% PuO2/ThO2, and 40/60% PuO2/ThO2, respectively. Higher plutonium amount in the flattened case increases reactor operation lifetime to >8 years and the burn up to 580 000 MW d/tonne.Power flattening in the bundle leads to higher power plant factor and quasi-uniform fuel utilization, reduces thermal and material stresses, and avoids local thermal peaks. Extended burn-up grade implies drastic reduction of the nuclear waste material per unit energy output for final waste disposal.  相似文献   

The trip setpoints for the reactor protection system of a 65-MWt advanced integral reactor have been analyzed through sensitivity evaluations by using the Transients and Setpoint Simulation/System-integrated Modular Reactor code. In the analysis, an inadvertent control rod withdrawal event has been considered as an initiating event because this event results in the worst consequences from the viewpoint of the minimum critical heat flux ratio and its consequences are considerably affected by the trip setpoints. Sensitivity evaluations have been performed by changing the trip setpoints for the ceiling of a variable overpower trip (VOPT) function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function. Analysis results show that a VOPT function is an effective means to satisfy the acceptance criteria as the control rod rapidly withdraws: on the other hand, a high pressurizer pressure trip function is an essential measure to preserve the safety margin in the case of a slow withdrawal of the control rod because a reactor trip by a VOPT function does not occur in this case. It is also shown that the adoptions of 122.2% of the rated core power and 16.25 MPa as the trip setpoint for the ceiling of a VOPT function and the pressure of a high pressurizer pressure trip function are good selections to satisfy the acceptance criteria.  相似文献   

用MCNP程序对清华大学试验核反应堆一号堆芯进行了建模,计算了正常棒位下的Keff值,计算结果与参考值吻合较好;提出了用MCNP进行反应堆堆芯建模的一般步骤和方法,此步骤和方法对研究其他各种反应堆堆芯的建模具有参考价值.  相似文献   

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