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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is presumed to be a T-cell mediated chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system. Investigators previously demonstrated increased IFN-gamma (pro-inflammatory) and IL-10 (counterregulatory anti-inflammatory) in MS. The balance of pro-inflammatory and counterregulatory anti-inflammatory cytokines may be important in the stabilization of disease activity. Purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from patients with clinically definite, stable relapsing MS (RRMS) were stimulated by anti-CD3 mAb or Con A for 48 hours and cytokine supernatants analysed for production of IL-2, IL-6, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha (potential pro-inflammatory) and IL-4, IL-10, and TGF-beta (potential counterregulatory anti-inflammatory). Con A activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proinflammatory cytokine IL-2 secretion, CD4+ T cell IL-6 secretion, CD4+ and CD8+ T cell TNF-alpha secretion and CD8+ T cell IFN-gamma secretion was decreased significantly in RRMS subjects compared to controls. CD3 activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cell IL-6 secretion and CD4+ T cell TNF-alpha secretion was significantly decreased in MS subjects compared to controls. In contrast, there was increased CD3-induced IFN-gamma in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and counterregulatory anti-inflammatory CD3-induced IL-10 secretion in CD4+ T cells in RRMS compared to controls. These data suggest that an equilibrium of a pro-inflammatory (IFN-gamma) and a counterregulatory anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokine may define stable clinically definite early RRMS.  相似文献   

Our previous studies in iron-loaded rat heart cells showed that in vitro iron loading results in peroxidative injury, manifested in a marked decrease in rate and amplitude of heart cell contractility and rhythmicity, which is correctable by treatment with deferoxamine (DF). In the present studies we explored the role of mitochondrial damage in myocardial iron toxicity. Iron loading by 24-hour incubation with 0.36 mmol/L ferric ammonium citrate resulted in a decrease in the activity of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex I+III) to 35.3%+/-11.2% of the value in untreated controls; of succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex II+III) to 57.4%+/-3.1%; and of succinate dehydrogenase to 63.5%+/-12.6% (p < 0.001 in all cases). The decrease in activity of other mitochondrial enzymes, including NADH-ferricyanide reductase, succinate ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex II), cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV), and ubiquinol cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III), was less impressive and ranged from 71.5%+/-15.8% to 91.5%+/-14.6% of controls. That the observed loss of respiratory enzyme activity was a specific effect of iron toxicity was clearly demonstrated by the complete restoration of enzyme activities by in vitro iron chelation therapy. Sequential treatment with iron and doxorubicin caused a loss of complex I+III and complex II+III activity that was greater than that seen with either agent alone but was only partially correctable by DF treatment. Alterations in cellular adenosine triphosphate measurements paralleled very closely the changes observed in respiratory complex activity. These findings demonstrate for the first time the impairment of cardiac mitochondrial respiratory enzyme activity caused by iron loading at conditions formerly shown to produce severe abnormalities in contractility and rhythmicity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Controversy exists as to whether natural killer (NK)1.1+ cells additionally support cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation. We have previously demonstrated that mice generate a strong in vitro xenospecific CTL response in local popliteal lymph nodes (LN) to footpad immunizations with large numbers of human tumor cells. METHODS: In vivo depletion of various LN subsets using cytotoxic monoclonal antibodies was used to determine their relative importance in stimulating xenospecific CD8+ CTL responses to human Jurkat tumor cells. Depletion of functional NK cells in vivo was evidenced by the relative lack of NK1.1+ cells and NK activity in the spleens and LN of anti-NK1.1 monoclonal antibody-treated mice. CONCLUSION: Depletion of LN subsets indicated that CD4+ T cells were critical in generating an effective xenospecific CD8+ CTL response, but also suggested that NK1.1+ cells play a significant additional accessory role in the development of mouse anti-human xenospecific CTL.  相似文献   

The mechanism of protective immunity and immunologic resistance against intracellular pathogens is believed to involve the activation of Ag-specific T cells. The T cells involved in protection/resistance to Leishmania can be studied using localized American cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) as a model, because the disease is often self-healing. Our study was undertaken to identify specific T cell populations that had accumulated in LCL lesions on the basis of TCR V beta gene usage. RNA was derived from skin lesions and blood of eight LCL patients, as well as from purified CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from the lesions and blood of three patients. After synthesis of cDNA, V beta gene usage was assessed by polymerase chain reaction. In all eight patients, several V beta gene families were overrepresented in lesions compared to blood. More importantly, the TCR V beta repertoires of both lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets were skewed compared to the repertoire of the respective subsets in the blood of the same donor. The overrepresented V beta s in the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets from lesions were in most instances disparate, particularly with the V beta 6 TCR skewed in the lesional CD8+ subset. Not only were the TCR repertoires of the overrepresented V beta in the lesional CD4+ and CD8+ subsets generally distinct, but the cytokine mRNA expressed by these subsets were also discrete. Strikingly, the CD4+ subset was characterized by IFN-gamma mRNA expression and the CD8+ subset by IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA expression. These data indicate that the pathogenesis of human leishmaniasis may be explained by the balance of CD4+ type 1 and CD8+ type 2 T cells, which probably recognize distinct sets of Ag.  相似文献   

Polyclonal, mucosa-seeking memory/effector CD4+ T cells containing a large fraction of blasts activated in situ accumulate in the gut lamina propria of severe-combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice developing colitis after CD4+ T cell transplantation. CD4+ T cells isolated from different repopulated lymphoid tissues of transplanted SCID mice proliferate in vitro in the presence of interleukin (IL)-2 + IL-7. CD3 ligation enhances this cytokine-supported proliferation in CD4+ T cells from the spleen and the mesenteric lymph node of transplanted SCID mice; CD3 ligation suppresses the cytokine-supported proliferation in CD4+ T cells from the gut lamina propria in a cell density- and dose-dependent manner. Almost all CD4+ T cells from repopulated lymphoid tissues of transplanted SCID mice express CD95 (Fas) on the cell surface, and a large fraction of CD4+ T cells from the gut lamina propria of transplanted SCID mice express the Fas ligand on the surface. Gut lamina propria CD4+ T cells show Fas-dependent cytotoxicity. A large fraction of gut lamina propria CD4+ T cells that infiltrate the inflamed colon in transplanted SCID mice are activated in situ and many CD4+ T cells are apoptotic. Hence, a large fraction of colitis-inducing CD4+ T cells undergo activation-induced cell death in situ and can damage other cells through Fas-dependent cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The role of T lymphocytes in susceptibility to Pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal infection was studied in inbred C57Bl/6 (B6) beta2-microglobulin+/+ (beta2m+/+) and beta2m-/- knockout (KO) mice on a B6 genetic background. The corneas of both B6 and KO mice perforated by 7 days postinfection (p.i.). Histopathology revealed a similar inflammatory response characterized by an infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes by 24 h p.i. in both groups of mice. CD4+ and CD8+ (latter absent in KO) T cells were present in cornea by 3 days p.i., and by 5 days, IL-2R-positive cells were positively immunostained. Corneas of B6 beta2m+/+ mice depleted of CD4+ T cells and infected with P. aeruginosa did not perforate at 7 days p.i. vs mice depleted of CD8+ T cells or treated with an irrelevant mAb. Neutralization of IFN-gamma before infecting B6 mice prevented corneal perforation and was associated with a lower delayed-type hypersensitivity than in B6 mice similarly treated with an irrelevant mAb. These data provide evidence that a CD4+ T cell (Th1)-dominated response following P. aeruginosa corneal infection is associated with genetic susceptibility and corneal perforation in inbred B6 mice.  相似文献   

The value of high affinity-specific reagents in immunology is exemplified by the use of mAbs. Recent in vitro selection methods suggested that oligonucleotides may provide a useful alternative, especially where Abs have been insufficient thus far. We used a systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) procedure to derive high affinity oligonucleotide ligands (aptamers) recognizing CD4. These RNase-resistant aptamers bound with high affinity and specificity as demonstrated using BIAcore (Stevenage, U.K.) technology. They also bound native CD4 on rat lymphocytes and specifically interfered with labeling by high affinity mAbs. All aptamers recognized the same binding site in the CDR2-like region in domain 1 of CD4. The applicability of these aptamers for immunologic studies was clearly demonstrated by their ability to block a fully allogeneic MLR in a CD4-specific manner. The high affinity and stability of aptamers point to their value in the analysis and functional manipulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

The influence of ageing on phenotype and function of CD4+ T cells was studied by comparing young (19-28 years of age) and aged (75-84 years of age) donors that were selected using the SENIEUR protocol to exclude underlying disease. An age-related increase was observed in the relative number of memory cells, not only on the basis of a decreased CD45RA and increased CD45RO expression, but also on the basis of a decrease in the fraction of CD27+CD4+ T cells. Our observation that the absolute number of CD45RO+CD4+ T cells was increased, while absolute numbers of CD27-CD4+ T cells remained unchanged in aged donors, indicates that the latter subset does not merely reflect the size of the CD45RO+CD4+ T cell pool. The increased fraction of memory cells in the aged was functionally reflected in an increased IL-4 production and T cell proliferation, when cells were activated with the combination of anti-CD2 and anti-CD28, whereas IL-2 production was comparable between both groups. No differences were observed with respect to proliferative T cell responses or IL-2 production using plate-bound anti-CD3 or phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The observation that IL-4 production correlated with the fraction of memory cells in young donors but not in aged donors suggests different functional characteristics of this subset in aged donors.  相似文献   

The CD2 glycoprotein has been implicated in both positive and negative regulation of T-cell mitogenesis. To study the involvement of CD2 in T-lymphocyte development and immune responses, we have analyzed two lines of CD2-null mice, each expressing a distinct class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T-cell receptor (TCR). In both situations, the absence of CD2 appeared to promote the positive selection of cells in a manner that is similar to that which occurs in the absence of CD5. Consistent with this, compound homozygotes that lacked both CD2 and CD5 showed evidence of enhanced positive selection even in the absence of a transgenic TCR. Despite the observed enhancement of positive selection, the lack of CD2 was associated with defects in proliferative responses and interferon-gamma production when transgenic thymocytes and mature T lymphocytes were stimulated with the appropriate antigens. These findings raise the possibility that impaired sensitivity to selecting ligands in the thymus may provide a selective advantage that improves the efficiency of positive selection for certain TCRs. Furthermore, the results highlight the potential for a differential role for CD2 in thymocyte selection and T-cell immune responses.  相似文献   

The TCR confers immunity by the specific recognition of foreign Ag peptides in the context of self-MHC molecules. The mechanisms controlling TCR selection and repertoire generation are not clearly understood and seem to occur in an apparently random, (self) Ag-driven manner. To address the question to what extent the TCR repertoire is randomly shaped or genetically predetermined, we have analyzed the alpha beta TCR repertoire of the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of monozygotic twins by using the polymerase chain reaction technique with TCR V region gene family-specific oligonucleotide primers. Our studies demonstrate that there is high concordance in the overall patterns of V gene usage within a pair of twins, particularly in V beta usage (mean V beta CD4+ R2 = 0.869 and CD8+ R2 = 0.833) and to a lesser extent V alpha usage (mean V alpha CD4+ R2 = 0.621 and CD8+ R2 = 0.627); whereas the patterns between unrelated individuals show more variability. This study has also demonstrated that the V alpha and V beta genes are not randomly used within the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. We observed significant preferential skewing of several V alpha or V beta gene families to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subset in the majority of individuals analyzed (p-value range = 0.0476 to < 0.001). In particular, V alpha 11, 17, 22, and V beta 3, 9, 12, 18 were skewed to the CD4+ subset; whereas V alpha 2, 6, 12, 15, 20 and V beta 7, 14, 17 were skewed to the CD8+ subset. Furthermore, a number of the V genes showed patterns of skewing consistent only within a pair of twins. In three pairs of twins, V beta 2 was skewed to the CD4+ subset, whereas the fourth pair used almost equal frequencies of V beta 2 in both subsets. This observation was made for the V beta 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19 and V alpha 7, 16, 18, 21 families. Finally, the ratio of the relative V gene usage frequency that could be observed within an individual was conserved within the sets of twins; for instance, the relative amount of V beta 2 to that of V beta 3 was higher in both individuals of one set of twins, whereas it was lower in all of the other three sets. Together these observations suggest that the predominant influence shaping the TCR repertoire is genetically predetermined, of which, HLA-predicted selection mechanisms exerted during thymic maturation might be contributing factors.  相似文献   

During T cell activation, CD4 and CD8 form a 'bridge' between the T cell receptor (TCR) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and class I molecules, respectively. Due to this intimate association, CD4 and CD8 are now termed co-receptors and considered an integral part of this multimolecular complex. In addition, interest in CD4 has been heightened by the discovery that it is, in part, the receptor for HIV. Although CD4 and CD8 appear to perform similar immune functions, they are structurally diverse suggesting that their mode of interaction with the TCR and MHC molecules may differ. This review will focus primarily on a series of studies which have attempted to map the residues which mediate CD4:MHC class II interaction. These data will be evaluated in light of our current understanding of CD8:MHC class I, and CD4:TCR interactions. In addition, a model to explain the structural and functional differences between CD4 and CD8 will be presented. Finally, the potential effect of these multiple interactions on T cell function will be discussed.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the role of CD4+ T cells in regulating immune responses, orchestrating both the amplification and deletion of immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. These two functions, which represent only an apparent contradiction, appear to be two faces of the same process of regulation. In fact, because the immune response, once activated, needs to be carefully controlled or switched off when the antigenic stimulus is eliminated, the immune system has developed several strategies either to regulate clonal amplification or to avoid useless expansion of activated cells. In particular, we have reported many data demonstrating that CD4+ T cells may be indicated as the regulatory element in the activation as well as the deletion of CD8+ T cells. New data are also reported on the ability of anergic CD4+ T cells to suppress CD8+ T-cell activation through induction of apoptosis, and on the need for CD8+ T cells for antigen recognition in inducing cell death in CD4+ T cells. Moreover, the central role of CD4+ T cells in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been widely described.  相似文献   

Engagement of alpha-beta T cell receptors (TCRs) induces many events in the T cells bearing them. The proteins that transduce these signals to the inside of cells are the TCR-associated CD3 polypeptides and zeta-zeta or zeta-eta dimers. Previous experiments using knockout (KO) mice that lacked zeta (zeta KO) showed that zeta is required for good surface expression of TCRs on almost all T cells and for normal T cell development. Surprisingly, however, in zeta KO mice, a subset of T cells in the gut of both zeta KO and normal mice bore nearly normal levels of TCR on its surface. This was because zeta was replaced by the Fc epsilon RI gamma (FcR gamma). These cells were relatively nonreactive to stimuli via their TCRs. In addition, a previous report showed that zeta replacement by the FcR gamma chain also might occur on T cells in mice bearing tumors long term. Again, these T cells were nonreactive. To understand the consequences of zeta substitution by FcR gamma for T cell development and function in vivo, we produced zeta KO mice expressing FcR gamma in all of their T cells (FcR gamma TG zeta KO mice). In these mice, TCR expression on immature thymocytes was only slightly reduced compared with controls, and thymocyte selection occurred normally and gave rise to functional, mature T cells. Therefore, the nonreactivity of the FcR gamma + lymphocytes in the gut or in tumor-bearing mice must be caused by some other phenomenon. Unexpectedly, the TCR levels of mature T cells in FcR gamma TG zeta KO mice were lower than those of controls. This was particularly true for the CD4+ T cells. We conclude that FcR gamma can replace the functions of zeta in T cell development in vivo but that TCR/CD3 complexes associated with FcR gamma rather than zeta are less well expressed on cells. Also, these results revealed a difference in the regulation of expression of the TCR/CD3 complex on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that loss of uninfected T cells in HIV infection occurs because of lymphocyte activation resulting in cell death by apoptosis. To address the question of whether cross-linking of CD4/HIV gp120 complexes by antibodies were sufficient to induce T cell depletion in vivo, we developed an animal model of continuous interaction between human CD4 (hCD4), gp120 and anti-gp120 antibodies in the absence of other viral factors. Double-transgenic mice have been generated in which T cells express on their membrane hCD4 and secrete HIV gp120. Although these mice have hCD4/gp120 complexes present on the surface of T cells, they do not show gross immunological abnormalities, and they are able to produce anti-gp120 antibodies following immunization with denaturated gp120. However, double-transgenic mice with antibodies to gp120, when immunized with tetanus toxoid, mount an IgG response that is significantly lower than that of double-transgenic mice without antibodies to gp120. Furthermore, the presence of anti-gp120 antibodies leads to CD4+ T cell depletion and immunodeficiency in the absence of HIV infection. Thus, the antibody response to gp120 can lead to CD4+ T cell attrition in vivo.  相似文献   

T cell repertoire selection processes involve intracellular signaling events generated through the TCR. The CD4 and CD8 coreceptor molecules can act as positive regulators of TCR signal transduction during these developmental processes. In this report, we have used TCR transgenic mice to determine whether TCR signaling can be modulated by the CD8 coreceptor molecule. These mice express on the majority of their T cells a TCR specific for the male (H-Y) Ag presented by the H-2Db MHC class I molecule. We show that CD4-CD8-, but not CD4-CD8+, thymocytes expressing the H-Y TCR responded with high intracellular calcium fluxes to TCR/CD3 stimulation without extensive receptor cross-linking. To examine the effects of CD8 expression on intracellular signaling responses in the CD4-CD8- cells, the H-Y TCR transgenic mice were mated with transgenic mice that constitutively expressed the CD8 alpha molecule on all T cells. The expression of the CD8 alpha alpha homodimer in the CD4-CD8-thymocytes led to impaired intracellular calcium responses and less efficient protein tyrosine phosphorylation of substrates after TCR engagement. In male H-2b H-Y transgenic mice, the majority of thymocytes have been deleted with the surviving cells expressing a high density of the transgenic TCR and exhibiting either a CD4-CD8- or CD4-CD8lo phenotype. It has been postulated that these cells escaped deletion by down-regulating the CD8 molecule. In the H-Y TCR/CD8 alpha double transgenic male mice, the CD4-CD8lo cells were completely eliminated as a result of CD8 alpha expression. However, the CD4-CD8- T cells were not deleted despite normal levels of the CD8 alpha transgene expression. These results suggest that the CD4-CD8- thymocytes may not be susceptible to the same deletional mechanisms as other thymocytes expressing TCR-alpha beta.  相似文献   

Under most circumstances, allelic exclusion at the T cell receptor (TCR)beta locus is tightly regulated. Here, we describe a system in which TCRbeta allelic exclusion is overcome as a result of V(D)J recombination in peripheral CD4+ T cells. In TCRbeta chain transgenic mice, tolerogen-mediated chronic peripheral selection against cells expressing the transgene leads to surface expression of endogenous TCRbeta chains. Peripheral CD4+ T cells reexpress the recombination activating genes, RAG1 and RAG2, and contain signal end intermediates indicative of ongoing V(D)J recombination. The rescue from deletion of mature T cells expressing newly generated TCRbeta chains suggests that receptor revision plays a role in the maintenance of peripheral T cell tolerance.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that human T lymphocytes proliferate in vitro to highly purified human heat-shock protein 60 (Hu.hsp60). The response to this self Ag was confined to the CD45RA+ RO- T cell subset, with minimal responses by adult CD45RA- RO+ T cells. Experiments using keyhole limpet hemocyanin as a prototypic novel Ag, or tetanus toxoid as a recall Ag, were consistent with the notion that CD45RA+ RO- and CD45RA- RO+ T cell subsets can be designated as naive and memory cells, respectively; thus, responses to Hu.hsp60 were confined to the putative naive subset. In contrast, both CD45RA+ RO- and CD45RA- RO+ T cell populations proliferated to bacterial hsp60 from Mycobacterium leprae, Escherichia coli, or Chlamydia trachomatis. However, only CD45RA- RO+ (memory) T cells responded to a mycobacterial hsp60-derived peptide previously defined as a major bacteria-specific epitope. Experiments with cord blood T cells, which are CD45RA+ RO- and can be considered truly naive, showed that the peptide could elicit responses from naive T cells in vitro; cord blood cells also responded to Hu.hsp60. Since bacterial hsp60 Ags contain both conserved and nonconserved epitopes, we speculate that in vivo challenge with bacterial hsp60 will activate T cells capable of seeing either type of epitope, but only those that see nonconserved epitopes maintain the CD45RA- RO+ memory phenotype. However, T cells recognizing conserved epitopes, while not apparently being recruited to the memory pool, may nevertheless play a role in immunoregulation, particularly in the context of inflammation, when expression of Hu.hsp60 is increased.  相似文献   

IL-10 is essential for an early phase of diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, but later becomes protective against its development. The mechanism by which IL-10 mediates the pathway to diabetes in these mice is unknown. Herein, we dissected the cellular and costimulation requirements for diabetes in transgenic (tg) NOD mice that expressed IL-10 in their pancreatic islets (IL-10-NOD mice). We found that IL-10 alone did not cause diabetes because the offspring (IL-10-NOD-scid mice) from back-crosses of IL-10-NOD mice with NOD-scid mice had no diabetes. Moreover, these IL-10-NOD-scid mice were free of lymphocytic infiltration. Treatment of IL-10-NOD mice with depleting anti-CD4 mAb or control mAb had no effect on diabetes. Surprisingly, depletion of CD8+ T cells by treatment with the corresponding mAb inhibited diabetes without attenuating insulitis, demonstrating a critical role for CD8+ T cells in the disease process. Interestingly, B cell-deficient IL-10-NOD mice readily developed diabetes with kinetics and incidence similar to those observed in wild-type mice, demonstrating that B lymphocytes as APCs were not required in the disease process. Administration of anti-CD40 ligand (CD40L) mAb did not prevent disease, indicating that CD40/CD40L costimulation is not required for diabetes in IL-10-NOD mice. Immunization of IL-10-NOD mice with CFA or heat-shock protein 65, known to block diabetes in NOD mice, had no effect on their diabetes. We demonstrate that IL-10 contributes early to the pathology of diabetes via a CD8+ T cell pathway, eliminating the requirement for B lymphocytes and CD40-CD40L costimulation. Our findings provide a mechanism for the participation of IL-10 in the early development of diabetes.  相似文献   

Thymectomy of susceptible strains of mice on day 3 of life results in a spectrum of organ-specific autoimmunity that can be prevented by reconstitution of the thymectomized animals early in life with normal adult lymphocytes. The effectors and suppressors of autoimmunity in this model have been convincingly shown to be CD4+ T cells. It has been demonstrated recently that the regulatory CD4+ T cells that prevent disease coexpress CD25. We have further characterized the population of CD4+CD25+ immunoregulatory cells and demonstrated that they can suppress not only the induction of disease post-thymectomy, but can also efficiently suppress disease induced by cloned autoantigen-specific effector cells. Furthermore, the CD4+CD25+ T cells appear to be members of a unique lineage of regulatory T cells, as the induction of CD25 expression on a monospecific population of T cells derived from TCR transgenic SCID mice did not result in suppression of post-thymectomy autoimmunity. In addition, the TCR transgenic SCID mice were highly susceptible to autoimmune disease induced by the cloned line of autoantigen-specific effectors, while normal mice were relatively resistant. The capacity of the cloned line to transfer disease to nu/nu recipients could be inhibited by normal spleen cell populations containing CD4+CD25+ cells and by purified CD4+CD25+ cells. Although the target Ag(s) and mechanism of action of the CD4+CD25+ T cells remain to be determined, it is likely that they also play an important role in modulating other autoimmune diseases that are mediated by activation of "ignorant" self-reactive T cells present in the normal peripheral lymphocyte pool.  相似文献   

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