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New active natural foci of the tick-borne encephalitis, West Nile, California serologic group (CSG) and Batai viruses have been identified as a result of comprehensive virologic and serologic investigations in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. These observations were confirmed by the results of these pathogens study and identification of the corresponding antigens in natural biological substrates and in the blood of ill people. Several human pathogenetic viruses, including Inko, Snow hoc hare with CSG and Crimean hemorrhagic fever were found for the first time in the forest-steppe zone. Viruses populations circulating there are heterogeneous according to their genetic properties. New data concerning their ecology were obtained. A close etiological relation between the acute seasonal febrile diseases and the above mentioned arboviruses was found. Arboviral infections from 23.6% of the total amount of spring-summer-autumn febrile diseases. The West Nile fever (53.1%) is the leading arboviral infection in the forest-steppe zone. A quarter of all arboviral infections is represented by tick-borne encephalitis. Diagnostic preparations have been made and the available methods of laboratory diagnostics of the arboviral infections have been improved.  相似文献   

Ileal duplication cysts within a giant omphalocele are very rare. Only a few cases have been reported in the English literature (4). We report one case of giant omphalocele, which included a huge ileal duplication cyst, detected by prenatal US, and diagnosed at surgery after birth. This case illustrates the diagnostic and therapeutic problems occurring during pregnancy and the neonatal period.  相似文献   

A national study, with participation of 82 paediatricians, was carried out on 9472 children over medium observation periods of between 3.13 and 5.46 years with evaluation of the history of measles, incidence of complications and details of vaccination procedure performed. The protection rate of primary vaccination with live vaccine was 0.89, with split vaccine (3 times) 0.67 and after a combination of split vaccine (3 times) with live vaccine (9 to 12 months later) 0.94. Complications due to measles in unvaccinated children were found in 5.9% of cases. Measles complications after failure of vaccination were found in 2.9% and 2.8% of children vaccinated with live or split vaccine, respectively. No such complications were observed in children vaccinated with a combination of split and live vaccines.  相似文献   

Artery grafts appear to have no significant advantages over vein grafts in experimental models. Research in preservation of artery grafts continues, and holds possibilities of creating stored grafts that can be used clinically. Clinical use of artery grafts in microsurgery is limited to anecdotal use of arteries harvested from damaged body parts in emergencies and use of branched grafts from the subscapular system in elective arterial reconstruction. These clinical uses have never been analyzed, and their reliability and advantages remain undefined.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Colorectal malignancies are less common in developing than developed nations because of lower per capita income and higher dietary fiber consumption. This clinicopathologic study attempts to determine changes in the pattern of these neoplasms in Ibadan, Nigeria, during the last two decades. METHODS: The present study is based on the clinical Cancer Registry records and gross and morphologic surgical pathology findings of 526 patients with histologically verified malignant colorectal neoplasms received in the Department of Pathology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, between 1971 and 1990. RESULTS: Colonic malignancies increased by 81 percent, whereas rectal malignancies decreased 16.1 percent in frequency (P < 0.05). The modal ages were 55 to 60 years and 45 to 50 years for colonic and rectal neoplasms, respectively, in contrast to reported peak occurrence in the seventh decade among Caucasians. Colonic neoplasms were predominantly right-sided (34.3 percent cecal), abdominal mass and pain being major clinical manifestations. This differs from the pattern in American Negroes, among whom colonic carcinomas are predominantly left-sided, dyschezia being an important presentation. As in most other studies, adenocarcinomas were the predominant neoplasms. CONCLUSIONS: Further work is required to determine prognostically significant features of colorectal cancer in our environment.  相似文献   

Recently the awareness of the issues surrounding male rape has received increased attention by both mental health workers and the general public following the introduction of the Sexual Offences Act 1994, and the recent case at the Old Bailey where a historical breakthrough was made in June 1995 following the first conviction for male rape under the new law. However, most of this attention has not resulted in many clinical breakthroughs in helping male rape survivors overcome the post-assault impact. Little is known about the prevalence, types of assault, consequences facing survivors and therapeutic options. Some evidence is being reported that male rape survivors develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following the assault. It has long been recognized that this is the case with female rape survivors, but to date there have been no significant UK prevalence studies which have examined this relationship. This paper discusses some of the issues surrounding male rape by focusing on the possible effects of the recent legal change on the clinical area.  相似文献   

This project was designed to study rates of infection in udders of cows exposed to an Escherichia coli broth culture at milking time. Forty Holstein cows of varied stages of lactation were divided randomly into three treatment and one control group of ten cows each. The treatment groups were exposed for 3 wk to an Escherichia coli broth of 10(9) colony forming units per ml at milking time by either 1) dipping teat ends in broth before milking, 2) spraying the udder and leaving it dripping wet during milking, or 3) dipping teat ends in broth after milking. Eleven of 30 treated cows became infected in one or more quarters; all control cows remained uninfected. The infection rate of the three Escherichia coli-treated groups was higher than the controls. However, there was no difference among treated groups. Exposure to the broth culture of Escherichia coli increased the infection rate, but the time at which the udder was exposed to the organisms was unimportant. All infections were of the same type with the same O and H group antigens as the Escherichia coli broth.  相似文献   

Only a few reports of adenomatoid odontogenic tumour (AOT) in Africans have been published. Clinical, histological and radiographic features as well as treatment results of thirteen new cases of AOT seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan were reviewed. This lesion constituted 12.1% of odontogenic tumours. This study shows a male: female ratio of 1.2:1. This contrasts with the reported male: female ratio of 1:3 in the United States, Britain, Sri Lanka and Japan. The higher male incidence may be peculiar to Nigeria. Although the peak incidence was in the second decade of life, four patients were over 20 years of age. The mean age was 23.2 years for all patients. None of the patients presented with recurrence on follow up.  相似文献   

Stress distributions at the meniscofemoral joint were analysed and the applicability of nonlinear interface elements in a finite element model (FEM) were tested. Centred and 70% off-centre load cases with a complete, a partially removed or a totally removed medial meniscus were evaluated in two dimensions. Interface width was assumed to increase linearly from almost zero to 1 mm at the inner and outer border of the femoral condyles. Maximum interface forces were found at the centre of the condyles, decreasing to zero at the peripherical and intercondylar femoral border. Simulation data concerning a removed medial meniscus or medial 70% off-centre load with complete meniscus indicated higher medial contact forces in the first case. A decrease in the elastic modulus of the articular surface tissues caused two small force transfer peaks (femoral centre and intercondylar border), which were strongly influenced by the predefined gap width.  相似文献   

At the Laboratory of Experimental Surgery, Institute of Haematology in Warsaw 13 dogs received homografts of venous patches stored at low temperatures to fill defects in the wall of the lower caval vein. Venous patches were prepared from segments of femoral veins and were placed in 1.41 M DSMO and stored at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The authors describe the methods of obtaining venous patches, the technique of freezing and defreezing of grafts, and details of operations. Full healing in of grafts took about 15 days. The results of histological examinations of grafts obtained during planned autopsies between 12 and 29 days after application of the graft are discussed.  相似文献   

The vapor pressures of sulfur in equilibrium with various compositions within the Cu?Fe?S system were measured by a molecular absorption technique. Measurements were made as functions of temperature for the single phase compositions CuFeS1.62, CuFeS1.70, CuFeS1.80 and CuFeS1.90, for the two-phase fields bornite+chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite+chalcopyrite, and for the three-phase field chalcopyrite+bornite+pyrite. Statistical mechanical equations are derived and used to evaluate the data. Chalcopyrite highly deficient in sulfur behaves similarly to an ideal mixture of Cu2S and FeS with a random distribution of the constituent cations. Calculated values are given for the Gibbs energy of formation of chalcopyrite at 973 K for compositions CuFeS1.62 to CuFeS2, and the entropies and Gibbs energies of formation for CuFeS2(s) from 800 to 1000 K. Standard entropies, enthalpies, and energies are derived: S0 CUFeS 2 (298)=32 e.u., ΔH0 CuFeS 2,f(298)=?42,116 cal, ΔG0 CuFeS 2 f (298)=?42,800 cal.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study of invasive infections due to group A Streptococcus (GAS) in Stockholm during 1987 to 1995, the average incidence per 100,000 residents per year was 2.3, varying between 3.7 per 100,000 (in 1988) and 1.3 per 100,000 (in 1993). Incidence was 1.8 in the age group of 0-4 years but otherwise increased by age, from 0.48 in the age group of 5-14 years to 6.1 among those over 65 years of age. A review of 151 invasive episodes occurring in 1983-1995 showed cyclic increases of infections due to T1M1-serotype strains during 1986-1990 and 1993-1995. The T1M1 serotype accounted for 27 (20%) of 135 available GAS strains. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) developed in 19 (13%) of the 151 episodes. The case fatality rate was 11% overall but 47% among patients with STSS. In a multivariate logistic regression model, STSS was associated with a history of alcohol abuse (odds ratio [OR], 6.3; P = .004) and infection with a T1M1 strain (OR, 6.7; P = .007). Case fatality was associated with age (OR, 14.5; P = .08), immunosuppression (OR, 4.7; P = .02), and STSS (OR, 21.5; P < .0001) but not with T1M1 infection. Hypotension was significantly associated with a fatal outcome, regardless of whether STSS developed (P < .0001).  相似文献   

1,284 immoral persons and 1,161 healthy controls, from seven areas of China, were detected for the antibodies to Ureaplasma urealyticum (Uu), Mycoplasma hominis (Mh), and Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) by indirect hemoagglutination (IHA). The results showed that: (1) in the immoral persons, the positive rates of antibody was the highest in Uu (25.47%), higher in Ct (18.22%), and lower in Mh (8.80%); (2) the levels of antibody to Mh, Uu, and Ct were significantly higher in the immoral persons than in the healthy controls; and (3) the immoral persons were commonly complicated with infections caused by Uu and Ct. It was indicated that the immoral persons were risk population of Mycoplasma and/or Chlamydial veneral diseases, and it must be noted for us controlling veneral diseases.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of melatonin on the immune response in aged mice in an in vitro model system. Spleen cells were removed from 2 month old, 11 month old, and 19 month old C57/BL6 male mice and incubated with melatonin concentrations ranging from 50 to 5000 ng melatonin/ml. All age groups demonstrated increased ability to proliferation in response to mitogenic stimulation when melatonin and mitogen were added at the same time, and we demonstrated that 11 month old and 19 month old mice exhibited a greater increase in proliferation response than the young 2 month old mice. We further examined whether this increased responsiveness was due to increased levels of IL-2 and found that while there was a significant age-dependent difference in the levels of IL-2 in the different age groups, melatonin had no effect on IL-2 levels in any age groups despite the fact that proliferation increased in all groups. The underlying mechanism of melatonin action is being investigated further.  相似文献   

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