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The main goal of this paper is to study the finite groups whose lattices of fuzzy subgroups are distributive. We obtain a characterization of these groups which is similar to a well-known result of group theory.  相似文献   

Multiplication Distributivity of Proper and Improper Intervals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The arithmetic on an extended set of proper and improper intervals presents algebraic completion of the conventional interval arithmetic allowing thus efficient solution of some interval algebraic problems. In this paper we summarize and present all distributive relations, known by now, on multiplication and addition of generalized (proper and improper) intervals.  相似文献   

This paper studies maximality and totality of stable functions in the category of stable bifinite domains. We present three main results as follows,o
  1. (1)every maximum-preserving function is a maximal element in the stable function spaces;
  2. (2)a maximal stable function f : DE is maximum-preserving if D is maximum-separable and E is completely separable; and
  3. (3)a stable bifinite domain D is maximum-separable if and only if for any locally distributive stable bifinite domain E, each maximal stable function f : DE is maximum-preserving.

一类论域函数的全性与极大性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈仪香 《计算机学报》2001,24(7):680-684
该文研究L-论域上稳定函数的全性与极大性,由于全函数在计算机科学与技术中是不多见的,因此作者从降低函数全性的要求出发,转而要求函数是关于一类元素是全的,即将这类元素仍然映射成该类元素,另一方面,论域中元素间的序关系反映了元素包含信息多少的关系,因此包含尽可能多信息的元素,即极大元素是重要的一类元素,该文引入了极大类全函数,即将极大元映射成极大元的函数,重点研究极大类稳定全函数,同时关注稳定映射关于稳定序的极大性,即极大稳定函数,结果表明在一类的L-论域上,极大类稳定全函数与极大稳定函数是一致的。  相似文献   

The open problem recalled by Klement in the Linz2000 closing session, related to distributivity and conditional distributivity of a uninorm and a continuous t-conorm, is solved for the most usual known classes of uninorms. From the obtained results, it is deduced that distributivity and conditional distributivity are equivalent for these cases. It is remarkable that solutions appear involving not only strict t-conorms but also ordinal sums of the maximum with a strict t-conorm. Conversely, the distributivity of a t-conorm over a uninorm is also studied leading only to already known solutions. Moreover, the dual case of distributivity and conditional distributivity involving uninorms and continuous t-norms is also solved, proving again the equivalence of both kinds of distributivities.  相似文献   

Critical evaluations and thermodynamic modeling of the Ag-(Ca, Li, and Zn) and Ca-(In, Li) binary systems are presented. Thermodynamic optimization of the Ag–Li binary system was carried out in the present work at first. Thermodynamic re-optimizations of the Ag–Ca, Ag–Zn, Ca–In and Ca–Li binary systems were carried out in the present work, which presents improvements in comparison with previous works. The Modified Quasichemical Model in the Pair Approximation (MQMPA) was used for the liquid solution; this model is particularly suited for liquid which exhibits a high degree of short-range order. The intermetallic compounds are modeled with the Compound Energy Formalism (CEF), and terminal solid solutions are modeled with Bragg–Williams model (BWM) with sub-regular solution approximation. All available and reliable experimental data are reproduced within experimental error limits. A self-consistent thermodynamic database was constructed for the Ag–(Ca, Li, and Zn) and Ca–(In, Li) binary systems, which as a part of the thermodynamic database of the Mg–X (X: Ag, Ca, In, Li, Na, Sn, Sr, and Zn) multi-component system shall facilitate the development of Mg alloys for practical industrial purposes.  相似文献   

分析和阐述我国目前装修市场发展状况,从其形成的根源上论述工匠素质的提高对装修业的发展起到的重要影响。  相似文献   

分别研究了有限域GF(2m)中自然基和对偶基下比特并行乘法器的设计方法与实现手段;在分析有限域乘法运算法则的基础上,用Matlab简化其复杂而消耗资源的部分,得到形式简单的组合逻辑,并用VHDL语言分别设计了有限域GF(2m)中自然基和对偶基下比特并行乘法器,之后在QuartusⅡ编译环境下,分别对自然基下常系数乘法器和对偶基下乘法器进行编译,最后用仿真软件ModelSim进行仿真;仿真结果表明,该乘法器结构规则,易于实现,消耗资源少,性能良好,为实现RS(255,223)编译码奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Field Association (FA) Terms—words or phrases that serve to identify document fields are effective in document classification, similar file retrieval and passage retrieval. But the problem lies in the lack of an effective method to extract and select relevant FA Terms to build a comprehensive dictionary of FA Terms. This paper presents a new method to extract, select and rank FA Terms from domain-specific corpora using part-of-speech (POS) pattern rules, corpora comparison and modified tf-idf weighting. Experimental evaluation on 21 fields using 306 MB of domain-specific corpora obtained from English Wikipedia dumps selected up to 2,517 FA Terms (single and compound) per field at precision and recall of 74–97 and 65–98. This is better than the traditional methods. The FA Terms dictionary constructed using this method achieved an average accuracy of 97.6% in identifying the fields of 10,077 test documents collected from Wikipedia, Reuters RCV1 corpus and 20 Newsgroup data set.  相似文献   

We prove that any simplification order over arbitrary terms is an extension of an order by weight, by considering a related monadic term algebra called the spine. We show that any total ground-stable simplification order on the spine lifts to an order on the full term algebra. Conversely, under certain restrictions, a simplification ordering on the term algebra defines a weight function on the spine, which in turn can be lifted to a weight order on the original ground terms which contains the original order. We investigate the Knuth–Bendix and polynomial orders in this light. We provide a general framework for ordering terms by counting embedded patterns, which gives rise to many new orderings. We examine the recursive path order in this context.  相似文献   

This paper criticises the notion that long-range dependence is an important contributor to the queuing behaviour of real Internet traffic. The idea is questioned in two different ways. Firstly, a class of models used to simulate Internet traffic is shown to have important theoretical flaws. It is shown that this behaviour is inconsistent with the behaviour of real traffic traces. Secondly, the notion that long-range correlations significantly affects the queuing performance of traffic is investigated by destroying those correlations in real traffic traces (by reordering). It is shown that the longer ranges of correlations are not important to mean queue length except in one case with an extremely high load.  相似文献   

Measuring the strength of dependence between two sets of random variables lies at the heart of many statistical problems, in particular, feature selection for pattern recognition. We believe that there are some basic desirable criteria for a measure of dependence not satisfied by many commonly employed measures, such as the correlation coefficient, Briefly stated, a measure of dependence should: (1) be model-free and invariant under monotone transformations of the marginals; (2) fully differentiate different levels of dependence; (3) be applicable to both continuous and categorical distributions; (4) should not have the dependence of X on Y be necessarily the same as the dependence of Y on X; (5) be readily estimated from data; and (6) be straightforwardly extended to multivariate distributions. The new measure of dependence introduced in this paper, called the coefficient of intrinsic dependence(CID), satisfies these criteria. The main motivating idea is that Y is strongly (weakly, resp.) dependent on X if and only if the conditional distribution of Y given X is significantly (mildly, resp.) different from the marginal distribution of Y. We measure the difference by the normalized integrated square difference distance so that the full range of dependence can be adequately reflected in the interval [0, 1]. The paper treats estimation of the CID, provides simulations and comparisons, and applies the CID to gene prediction and cancer classification based on gene-expression measurements from microarrays.  相似文献   

The life and career of George Nikolaos Saridis are recounted by some of his former Ph.D. students.  相似文献   

In the literature on optimal regular volume sampling, the Body‐Centered Cubic (BCC) lattice has been proven to be optimal for sampling spherically band‐limited signals above the Nyquist limit. On the other hand, if the sampling frequency is below the Nyquist limit, the Face‐Centered Cubic (FCC) lattice was demonstrated to be optimal in reducing the prealiasing effect. In this paper, we confirm that the FCC lattice is indeed optimal in this sense in a certain interval of the sampling frequency. By theoretically estimating the prealiasing error in a realistic range of the sampling frequency, we show that in other frequency intervals, the BCC lattice and even the traditional Cartesian Cubic (CC) lattice are expected to minimize the prealiasing. The BCC lattice is superior over the FCC lattice if the sampling frequency is not significantly below the Nyquist limit. Interestingly, if the original signal is drastically undersampled, the CC lattice is expected to provide the lowest prealiasing error. Additionally, we give a comprehensible clarification that the sampling efficiency of the FCC lattice is lower than that of the BCC lattice. Although this is a well‐known fact, the exact percentage has been erroneously reported in the literature. Furthermore, for the sake of an unbiased comparison, we propose to rotate the Marschner‐Lobb test signal such that an undue advantage is not given to either lattice.  相似文献   

If the values of a multivariate function f(x 1,x 2,??,x N ) are given at only a finite number of points in the space of its arguments and an interpolation which employs continuous functions is considered standard multivariate routines may become cumbersome as the dimensionality grows. This urges us to develop a divide-and-conquer algorithm which approximates the function. The given multivariate data are partitioned into low-variate data. This approach is called High Dimensional Model Representation (HDMR). However, the method in its current form is not applicable to problems having huge volumes of data. With the increasing dimension number and the number of the corresponding nodes, the volume of data in question reaches such a high level that it is beyond the capacity of any individual PC because huge volume of data requires much higher RAM capacity. Another aspect is that the structure of equalities used in the calculation of HDMR terms varies according to the dimension number of the problem. The number of loops in the algorithm increases with the increasing dimension number. In this work, as a first step, the equations used are modified in such a way that their structure does not depend on the dimension number. With the newly obtained equalities, the method becomes appropriate for parallelization. Due to the parallelization, the RAM problem arising from problems with high volume of data is solved. Finally, the performance of the parallelized method is analyzed.  相似文献   

论文提出一种智能装载机标准数据库的总体设计。详细分析、讨论了标准数据库的结构,数据优化、确认,特征值的分析、提取。同时,对于标准数据库的处理技术进行了分析与实现。  相似文献   

Internet的普及,使网络管理已经成为计算机网络不可缺少的一个重要部分。网络管理作为一种特殊的应用领域,研究其体系结构可以使设计人员在较高的抽象层次分析管理功能,有着重要的理论和实践意义,而且对于管理协议和服务的设计有一定的指导意义。通常,认为网络管理体系结构有两大类,一类是集中式体系结构,采用单一的管理系统监控整个网络,以平台为中心(platform-centered),即应用与数据及监控的设备是分离的。另一类是非集中式体系结构,包括层次的和分布式的,采用相对独立的自治管理,缩短轮询间隔,具有较高的扩展性和柔性。分布对象技术、流动代理概念和技术以及面向对象的分析和设计方法的广泛应用,使得分布网络管理体系结构己经成为主流的体系结构。随着新技术的出现,新的术语也涌现出来。近几年,Agent、Delegator、Broker和Proxy出现在很多应用中,尤其是网络管理领域,本文在这一领域范围,结合实际应用研究对这四个术语进行辨析。  相似文献   

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