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A systematic study has been made of the effectiveness of planar specular reflectors for solar energy collectors. Two daily averaged indices of performance were used. One, the area ratio, indicates the amount by which the reflector extends the effective receiver area. The other is the enhancement factor, which is used to compare the energy received by an augmented collector with that by a reference collector at optimum tilt. A reflector can be mounted either above or below a flat-plate collector. Both combinations are evaluated fully, by varying separately the angular position and dimensions of the reflector and of the collector. The principal parameters are identified and the main characteristics summarised as a series of performance curves. These curves provide an easy method for determining optimum reflector geometries. Use of the performance curves may be extended to obtain the configuration of the two reflectors in a trough concentrator. This also allows the single-reflector system to be compared directly with the trough concentrator. Evidence is presented which shows the advantages of an asymmetrical trough configuration over a symmetrical concentrator. 相似文献
The results are presented of a theoretical study on the performance of a flat-plate type solar collector in which a selectively transmitting honeycomb panel is mounted between the absorbing flat plate and the outer glass cover. An analytic study of the natural convection process in such panels has shown that, under certain conditions, natural convection losses can be suppressed. Further, the honeycomb significantly reduces the radiation heat losses from the absorber. If the honeycomb cell walls are sufficiently thin, heat losses by conduction directly through the honeycomb wall material need not be important, and a high transmittance to solar radiation can be achieved. Efficiency curves for this type of collector are given and compared with those of a more convectional design. Higher efficiencies in the 200 to 300 deg F plate-temperature range are predicted. The importance of the honeycomb wall thickness in the overall efficiency is pointed out. 相似文献
A simulation study has been conducted of the influence of cover design on the thermal performance of flat-plate solar collectors for use at temperatures of 150°C. Detailed results are presented of the effects of changes in cover materials, cover surface treatments, cover system configuration and absorber plate surface treatments on both the instantaneous efficiency and the long term solar contribution of flat-plate collectors. For the simulation conditions, it is shown that flat-plate collectors consisting of a single high transmittance cover, a convection suppressing device such as a honeycomb and a selective absorber surface yield long term solar contributions comparable to those of evacuated tubular collectors, whereas other configurations simulated (single and multiple cover systems) are significantly inferior. 相似文献
A dynamic method for testing solar flat-plate collectors under unsteady weather conditions has been validated through detailed experiments and compared with two established standards: the ASHRAE 93–86 standard for steady state testing and the British standard BS 6757 for transient testing. The new method is based on a lumped capacity model derived from a general energy balance of the collector under actual conditions. The characteristic parameters are estimated using the standard methods for unconditional non-linear optimisation. Extensive experiments have been carried out under a wide range of operating and environmental conditions. Four different collectors commercially available in the market have been tested at the same location and using the same experimental rig. The results on the basis of the new method are very close to those obtained from the ASHRAE standard. The average values of FR( τα) e and FRUL by the new method are within ±3% of the steady state values. The results of the BS 6757 method are within ±2% for FR( τα) e but those of FRUL are about 12% lower than the ASHRAE values. On average, the difference between the theoretical predictions for the outlet temperature by the new method and the corresponding experimental measurements are about ±0.3°C, while the predictions by the British standard under the same conditions are about 2°C lower than measured values. The percentage deviations of predictions for the temperature rise based on the two methods, averaged over a day, are about ±8% and ±36% respectively. The new dynamic method requires less time for experimentation, one day's test is enough to give accurate estimation of the collector parameters. The method does not impose any restriction on the variation of weather or operating parameters and, therefore, has a quite general applicability. 相似文献
An experimental and theoretical study of the effects of free convection superimposed on forced flow in inclined tubes is made. The theoretical analysis considered fully developed laminar flow under uniform heat flux and constant pressure gradient. Solutions for velocity and temperature equations have been obtained by perturbation analysis, in terms of power series of Rayleigh number. Nusselt number has been evaluated on bulk temperature difference basis and a maximum value of it appears to lie between 20 deg and 60 deg of tube inclination. An experimental study was done for 45 deg tube inclination and also for vertical position. 相似文献
In this study, a new method is proposed for determining the thermal performance parameters of a flat-plate water heating collector. A parametric identification principle is applied to a mathematical model of the collector operating in a real system. The advantages of the method are that it does not need a sophisticated testing system, it avoids the problem of regulating the inlet fluid temperature (which must be held constant during the tests in the standard procedures) and a cloudless sky is not essential. Solar radiation of 600 W m −2 was chosen as a threshold to start experiments. Applied to a flat-plate collector with a single-glazed cover, the proposed method gave satisfactory results for the determination of its thermal performance coefficients. To verify the adequacy of the present method, it was used to predict the outlet fluid temperature. The results indicate a satisfactory agreement between predicted and measured values with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 and an error of 0.4%. We propose that performance results will be presented as a technical sheet showing collector features and accompanied with a curve giving the correlation between estimated and measured output temperature of the collector fluid. 相似文献
In this work a thermal performance analysis of the solar drying process is presented. It describes semi-empirical models for the thermal characterization of an experimental indirect solar dryer device. A procedure for designing drying equipment, which takes into account the varying operating conditions given by the variations of the environmental conditions is also presented. On the other hand, a simplified method to design solar collectors based on the determination of minimum entropy generation during the thermal conversion of solar energy, is described. Finally, the results of the preliminary design of the solar dryer are presented using the thermal analysis procedure and the method derived from the Second law of thermodynamics. 相似文献
With the increasing range and scale of applications of solar energy conversion systems a detailed knowledge of the available solar fluxes on surfaces of various tilt and slope aspect is required. The widely used engineering routines for siting and exposing of solar collector arrays may not always be consistent with the maximum available solar energy income. In the present study a computational algorithm is proposed suitable for the calculation of optimum tilt angles of a solar collector, receiving the maximum insolation for given values of direct beam, global and diffuse radiation, and given surface reflectivity. Formulas are derived also for the calculation of optimum tilt angles yielding maximum daily insolation for each month of the year. The dependence of the optimum tilt angle on the diffuse-to-global radiation ratio, as well as on the surface reflectivity is evaluated. 相似文献
The optimal flat-plate collector mass flow rate is determined by maximizing the exergy (available energy) delivery of the collector as the objective function. Collector and storage dynamics are neglected. Although the case where the pumping power loss is ignored results in bang-bang control, the case where this loss is included in the exergy equation results, after some assumptions, in an optimal mass flow rate that is a function of collector parameters, inlet and ambient temperatures and solar heat gain. Daily performance of a typical flat-plate solar collector with optimum mass flow rate is compared with the performance of the same collector using the mass flow rate obtained by maximizing the difference between the collected thermal energy and the required pumping power. 相似文献
平板型太阳集热器结构简单、运行可靠、成本低廉,与真空管集热器相比它还具有承压能力强、吸热面积大等特点,是太阳能与建筑结合最佳选择的集热器类型之一.众所周知,由于太阳能技术的进步和市场产品竞争的激烈,平板集热器产品正面临着严峻的考验.只有依靠不断的技术进步,提高产品性能,才能使平板集热器产品在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地. 相似文献
Optimal operation of a solar collector is investigated in terms of exergy delivery of the collector. Using the Bliss equation for the collector, an approximate exergy equation is derived and, through this equation, the optimal mass flow rate, and optimal inlet and outlet temperatures are obtained. The approximate equation is also compared with the non-linear exergy delivery equation of the collector. 相似文献
We have compared BSE zero testing with ASHRAE outdoor steady-state testing using a verified computer model of a rear-duct air-heating solar collector. The two tests are likely to yield similar results provided that the air inlet temperature is considerably greater than the ambient temperature. 相似文献
This communication presents a critical evaluation of nine dynamic test methods for solar flat-plate collectors. The theoretical basis, the technique of parameter estimation and the test procedure of each method have been reviewed and compared. Extensive experimental studies have been carried out under a wide range of weather and operating conditions. Two commercially available collectors (from two different manufacturers) have been used in the investigation. The tests were carried out at the same location using a common test-rig, measuring transducers and controlling and data-acquiring facilities. The characteristic parameters of the collectors have been obtained on the basis of each procedure and compared with those based on the steady-state ASHRAE 93-86 standard. Further, for the methods which prescribe similar test sequences, the collector parameters have been extracted from the same data sets according to their procedures for providing a direct and very clear comparison between the methods. A sensitivity study has also been carried out in order to examine the effect of uncertainties in measurements on the values of the estimated parameters from different methods. Also investigated is the error propagation wherever applicable. Among the methods evaluated, the new dynamic method (NDM) seems to be quite reliable. The quick dynamic test (QDT) method is the most simple method and could be adopted by manufacturers as an effective tool for the purpose of quality control of their products. From the point of view of theoretical completeness, Perers’ method accounts for almost all effects. 相似文献
The effect of dirt on the transmittance of solar radiation through various inclined glass plates and plastic films, which are used as a transparent cover for flat-plate collectors, has been studied. The dirt correction factor for glass plate inclined at an angle of 45 deg from the horizontal is 0·92, which is significantly different from the value of 0·99 given by Hottel and Woertz[1]. The correction factor is greater for plastic film than it is for glass plate for any inclination. 相似文献
One of the many design variables that affects the heat losses from flat-plate solar collectors is the angle of inclination of the collectors to the horizontal. This is due to the variation in natural convection conductances in spaces between flat plates, with their angle to the horizontal. The top loss heat transfer coefficient is calculated for a series of plate temperatures, ambient temperatures, external convective heat transfer coefficients and plate emittances for angles of inclination from 0 to 90° using the natural convection correlation developed by Hollands et al.[4]. A sky temperature 12°C below ambient temperature is used as the radiant sink temperature and an effective sink temperature for the top losses is defined. Curves are presented showing the variation of the top loss coefficient with temperature and wind speed for two plate emittances at an angle of inclination of 45°. It is shown that the value of the top loss coefficient is insensitive to the effective sink temperature (as found by Duffie and Beckman [5]) and that the effective temperature is determined solely by the wind speed, for a given collector inclination.The top loss coefficient at any angle of inclination is expressed as a ratio of the top loss coefficient at 45°. The results indicate that there is a continual reduction in the top loss coefficient up to an inclination of 90°. The effect this has on the overall collector loss coefficient is illustrated and the change in collector instantaneous efficiency is estimated. 相似文献
A procedure to establish the optimal performance parameters for the minimum entropy generation during the collection of solar energy, is presented. The Entropy Generation Number, Ns, and the criterion for the optimal thermodynamic operation of a collector under nonisothermally, finite-time conditions, are reviewed. The Mass Flow Number, M, corresponding to the optimum flow of working fluid as a function of the solar collection area, is also considered. A general method for the preliminary solar collector design, based on Ns, M and the “Sun–Air” or stagnation temperature, is developed. This last concept is defined as the maximum temperature that the collector reaches at nonflow conditions for given geographic location, geometry and construction materials. The thermodynamic optimization procedure was used to determine the optimal performance parameters of an experimental solar collector. 相似文献