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始终相信星空的壮观,天文的美丽,绝不仅仅是高深的理论,枯燥的数字,为宣扬天文的艺术美,不懈追求,尽力探索,总是会沉醉于落日云霞的辉煌,流连于星汉灿烂的夜空,企盼有朝一日,走遍大江南北,能将无穷尽的星空美景,与世间秀水山川,融为一体,成为一个独特的天文艺术影廊,将星空的美,尽情挥洒。  相似文献   

福啦啦 《微型计算机》2011,(11):104-109
有这么一个国家,孔子是它们的,西施是它们的,李时珍是它们的,端午节是它们的,甲骨文是它们的,活字印刷术是它们的,中医是它们的,汉字是它们的,针灸是它们的,风水是它们的,亚洲是它们的,地球是它们的,火星是它们的,全宇宙都是它们的……这个国家,叫做韩国。  相似文献   

Java是一种简单的,面象对象的,分布式的,解释的,键壮的,安全的,结构的,中立的,可移植的,性能很优异的多线程的,动态的语言。该文用JAVA实现拟合二次函数,随机选取六组数据,求解相关系数矩阵的值,带入数据求出真值,最后对结果进行验证,结果显示达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

计算器是当今社会较常见的电子产品之一。随着科学技术发展的日新日异,计算器已经在生活中无处不在。它大大降低了数字计算的难度,提高了计算的准确度和精确度,奠定了其它科学发展研究的基础。Java是一种简单的,面象对象的,分布式的,解释的,键壮的,安全的,结构的,中立的,可移植的,性能很优异的多线程的,动态的语言。该文基于AWT组,设计了GUI界面的计算器应用程序,完成简单的算术运算。通过设计,达到了预期功能效果。  相似文献   

正工作的繁忙,城市的喧哗,生活的紧压,总会让我们不经意间忘记享受,忘记享受音乐,忘记音乐带来的快乐,忘记音乐给生活带来的意义。人生就像一场不知道终点的赛跑,一味的狂跑只会错过沿途美丽的风景,适时的放慢脚步,美丽的风景就会陪伴左右,悄悄的关上车门,将繁杂的世俗拒之门外,播放喜爱的音乐,这时,终点其实已经在你眼前,用自己喜欢的声音为到达终点而欢呼,用音乐取悦自己的耳朵,用音乐缓解生活的压力,假如你  相似文献   

到年终团聚时。每年这个时候,全国各地的影友,免不了参加大大小小的摄影年会,网站的,摄协的,杂志的,还有各种摄影组织摄影团体的。颁奖,合影,回顾,展望,联欢,鼓掌,起哄,拍美女,抽大奖……年年岁岁花相似,又  相似文献   

期盼,在春风里;梦想,在夏日里;思念,在飒飒秋风中;融融的冬日里,喜庆的节日中,为我们的亲人,友人,爱人送去一份美好的祝愿。虽然只是一句轻柔的祝福,却是我们的心语,祝福你的生活盛满了青春,盛满了希望,更蛊满了活力;虽然只是一张小小的贺卡,却牵着我们的情谊,悄然而至的卡片,浮现出美丽而甜蜜的回忆。朋友,让我们将双手放在胸前,轻轻地闭上眼睛,共同祈祷——丰富的昨天,美丽的今天,希望的明天,编织成你我,更美好的一年!通过网络贺卡送出我们的祝福,既时尚又快捷,在这一期的“凭窗侃网”栏目中,我们为朋友推荐六个比较有代表性的贺卡网站,每一个贺卡网站都是求同存异,各具特色,在我们发送贺卡的时候便可以有所选择,有所侧重。  相似文献   

旅行,是一种果敢,放下的是眼前,拥抱的是世界;摄影,是一种激情,四溢的是情绪,张扬的是个性。旅行,是一种凝望,看到的是风景,领略的是世相;摄影,是一种审视,感悟的是内心,体味的是永恒。旅行,是一种修行,丈量的是心路,捡起的是空无;摄影,是一种回归,走出的是爱恨,唤回的是本真。旅行,近摄影,却不等于!本期采访翟东风、梁子两位人文旅行摄影家有感。  相似文献   

近年来,我国空间信息产业经受了前所未有的考验,同时也迎来了历史赋予我们的巨大机遇与挑战。东方泰坦作为业界知名的3S(RS/GIS/GPS)空间信息软件产品及行业解决方案提供者,获得了市场一定的认可,即便在全球经济危机的影响下仍然保有稳定的市场份额和强大的生命力。其相关产品已经在教育,科研,环保,铁路,交通,民航,电力,水利,航空航天,测绘,公安,国防,国土资源调查,城市规划,土地规划利用,林业资源管理,地下管网管理,  相似文献   

计算机技术飞速发展,为人们的生活带来了极大的便利,计算机时代已经全面到来,当今社会是互联网+的时代,计算机被广泛的应用到人们生活的各个领域,但是计算机技术的应用与普及,对于人类生活而言却是一把双刃剑,计算机技术的飞速发展,在为人们的生活提供更多便利条件的同时,计算机漏洞安全也是当今人类社会面临的一个重要问题,计算机病毒会迅速的产生和传播,致使计算机存在漏洞,用户的个人信息泄漏,使得用户的个人信息和财产安全埋下隐患,前几年的熊猫烧香病毒,迅速传播对于社会造成严重损失,因此如何对计算机加强保护,对于计算机漏洞进行检测,是计算机时代发展的重要课题,本文将对于计算机的安全漏洞、计算机漏洞的艰涩技术、计算机漏洞检测技术的应用等三个方面展开讨论,通过对于计算机漏洞安全检测技术的应用,来降低电脑病毒对于计算机的威胁,保证计算机的安全,避免用户个人信息泄露、重要数据资料丢失,从而保证计算机的使用安全,推动计算机技术的发展.  相似文献   

There has been an explosion of interest in health sciences applications of case-based reasoning (CBR), not only in the traditional CBR in medicine domain, but also in bioinformatics, enabling home health-care technologies, CBR integration, and synergies between CBR and knowledge discovery. This special issue features the best papers from the third workshop on CBR in the health sciences, held at ICCBR-05 in Madrid. It is the third in a series of exciting workshops, the first two of which were held at ICCBR-03, in Trondheim, Norway, and at ECCBR-04, in Madrid, Spain. The nine high-quality papers introduced here represent the research and experience of twenty-two authors working in eight different countries on a wide range of problems and projects. These papers illustrate some of the major trends of current research in CBR in the health sciences, and represent overall an excellent sample of the most recent advances of CBR in the health sciences.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to answer the question of whether improvements in the health of the elderly in European countries could compensate for population ageing on the supply side of the labour market. We propose a state-of-health-specific (additive) decomposition of the old-age dependency ratio into an old-age healthy dependency ratio and an old-age unhealthy dependency ratio in order to participate in a discussion of the significance of changes in population health to compensate for the ageing of the labour force. Applying the proposed indicators to the Eurostat's population projection for the years 2010-2050, and assuming there will be equal improvements in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy at birth, we discuss various scenarios concerning future of the European labour force. While improvements in population health are anticipated during the years 2010-2050, the growth in the number of elderly people in Europe may be expected to lead to a rise in both healthy and unhealthy dependency ratios. The healthy dependency ratio is, however, projected to make up the greater part of the old-age dependency ratio. In the European countries in 2006, the value of the old-age dependency ratio was 25. But in the year 2050, with a positive migration balance over the years 2010-2050, there would be 18 elderly people in poor health plus 34 in good health per 100 people in the current working age range of 15-64. In the scenarios developed in this study, we demonstrate that improvements in health and progress in preventing disability will not, by themselves, compensate for the ageing of the workforce. However, coupled with a positive migration balance, at the level and with the age structure assumed in the Eurostat's population projections, these developments could ease the effect of population ageing on the supply side of the European labour market.  相似文献   

在本文中,我们给出了在结构与随机扰动下的动态大系统的稳定性分析,建立了这类大系统的依概率吸引性,依概率一致有界性,依概率大范围渐近稳定性,p吸引性,一致p有界性,和大范围渐近p稳定性的结论。这些结论的假设是由孤立子系统和与其联系的李亚普诺夫函数,受扰系统的结构和作用在子系统上的随机扰动表出的。  相似文献   

In the last quarter century, the interests of the investigators of automata have ranged over many problems, from algorithms for economical and reliable relay-type automata to abstract theory, including problems of representability of events in various automata. Among the many topics of that theory, much attention has recently been devoted to behavior of automata in competitive situations and games. The interest in these topics was stimulated by developments in physiology and psychology, by attempts to explain the development of purposeful behavior in animals and by the desire to simulate behavioral acts. Later, it was found that the results achieved in this field were useful in several complex control problems, in particular, the control of industrial plants, and this led to new problems in the theory. In this paper we shall sketch out an approach to the problem of behavior of automata in various situations (environments).  相似文献   

汉语多重关系复句的关系层次分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鲁松  白硕  李素建  刘群 《软件学报》2001,12(7):987-995
汉语多重关系复句的句法分析问题主要由复句中的关系分析和层次分析两部分组成.将多重关系复句中的层次分析作为研究对象.它是针对多种逻辑或并列关系,按照一定层次组成复杂主从关系复句而进行的关系层次分析过程.为了有效地形式化地表示多重关系复句的层次结构,提出了关系层次树的概念,并以此为基础构造文法,采用部分数据驱动的确定性移进-归约算法实现多重关系复句的关系层次分析.通过开放测试对计算机实现的多重关系复句句法分析器进行考察,93.56%的正确率使所提出的分析方法的有效性和正确性得到了充分的验证.  相似文献   


This paper describes some trends and issues in the application of information technology in organisations. Technology trends are outlined in the areas of computing power, telecommunications, networking, software and standards. Some trends in the applications of IT are described with respect to developments in information systems and office automation. Some differences in the likely role of IT in the industrialised and developing countries are discussed. The second half of the paper deals with issues in the management of IT applications in organisations, and issues are identified as being political, organisational and social in nature in addition to technical. A social systems framework is proposed for the analysis of these issues. Some specific IT issues are then discussed involving alternative stakeholder perspectives, the analysis of decision making processes, the process of consultation and communication and the organisational impacts of IT applications.  相似文献   

Considering an infinite number of eigenvalues for time delay systems, it is difficult to determine their stability. We have developed a new approach for the stability test of time delay nonlinear hybrid systems. Construction of Lyapunov functions for hybrid systems is generally a difficult task, but once these functions are found, stability’s analysis of the system is straight-forward. In this paper both delay-independent and delay-dependent stability tests are proposed, based on the construction of appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals. The methodology is based on the sum of squares decomposition of multivariate polynomials and the algorithmic construction is achieved through the use of semidefinite programming. The reduction techniques provide numerical solution of large-scale instances; otherwise they will be computationally infeasible to solve. The introduced method can be used for hybrid systems with linear or nonlinear vector fields. Finally simulation results show the correctness and validity of the designed method. Recommended by Editorial Board member Young Soo Suh under the direction of Editor Jae Weon Choi. The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr. A. Papachristodoulou and Dr. M. Peet for their helpful comments and suggestions. Mohammad Ali Badamchizadeh was born in Tabriz, Iran, in December 1975. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tabriz in 1998 and the M.Sc. degree in Control Engineering from University of Tabriz in 2001. He received the Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering from University of Tabriz in 2007. He is now an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Tabriz. His research interests include Hybrid dynamical systems, Stability of systems, Time delay systems, Robot path planning. Sohrab Khanmohammadi received the B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Sharif University, Iran in 1977 and the M.Sc. degree in Automatic from University Paul Sabatie, France in 1980 and the Ph.D. degree in Automatic from National University, ENSAE, France in 1983. He is now a Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Tabriz. His research interests are Fuzzy control, Artificial Intelligence applications in control and simulation on industrial systems and human behavior. Gasem Alizadeh was born in Tabriz, Iran in 1967. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University, Iran in 1990 and the M.Sc. degree from Khajeh Nasir Toosi University, Iran in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran in 1998. From 1998, he is a Member of University of Tabriz in Iran. His research interests are robust and optimal control, guidance, navigation and adaptive control. Ali Aghagolzadeh was born in Babol, Iran. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1985 from University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1988 from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. He also attended the School of Electrical Engineering at Purdue University in August 1998 where he was also employed as a part-time research assistant and received the Ph.D. degree in 1991. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran. His research interests include digital signal and image processing, image coding and communication, computer vision, and image analysis.  相似文献   

我国的通信技术和计算机网络技术在不断的进步,逐渐的对人民群众的生活方式、工作方式、学习方式有所改变,并且对于中职的计算机专业课教学产生一定的影响。在中职计算机中由教学而生成的主要目的就是,将学生实践能力与计算机理论知识水平提升。可是,在中职的计算机教育过程中,会因为多种多样的原因,促使在教学的过程中不能够拥有较高的效率,学生们不能够消化理论知识,在实践动手能力上也较为缺乏。所以,项目教学法作为创新型的教学模式,应用在中职计算机专业课教学中会拥有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

ERP系统在济钢的成功运行,使其无论在日常运营、资源配置上,还是生产的管理、采购、销售中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。面向客户、面向订单的全过程的产品质量设计,及其在生产过程中的跟踪,提高客户满意度,实现精准、高效、和谐的生产模式上起着决定性作用。  相似文献   

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