“The integration of agriculture, forestry, and recreation”. Report of the thirteenth discussion meeting of the Institute of Foresters of Great Britain. 30 March to 1 April 1973. Oxford University Press. 1973. £1.50. pp89. 相似文献
A Tour of the Lakes in Cumberland. John Ruskin's Diary for 1830. James S. Dearden, (Ed.), with an Introduction by Van Akin Burd. Scolar Press, Aldershot, 1990.
The Landscape Vision of Paul Nash, Roger Cardinal. Reaktion Books, London, 1989. £9,95 paperback ISBN 0948462 02 7
M G R Cannell & M D Hooper, The Greenhouse Effect and Terrestrial Ecosystems of the UK London, HMSO, 1990. 56pp. £4.95
Amenity In Action, The Civic Trust Handbook of Community Initiatives compiled & edited by Deirdre Genet, Societies Development Officer, The Civic Trust (1989), (supported by the Shell Better Britain Campaign)
Sue Minter The Greatest Glass House: The rainforests recreated HMSO, 1990. £25.00 相似文献
LAND SHAPE by Caroline Tisdall.
A review of The Land: Twentieth Century Landscape Photographs at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London and The Land published by Gordon Fraser (hardcover £6.00 softcover £2,75).
Courtesy The Guardian (November 28th, 1975). 相似文献
THE ECOLOGY OF URBAN HABITATS by 0. L. Gilbert, Chapman & Hall, London, 1989, 369pp, 0-412-28270-4, £35.00.
DIRECTORY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: ORGANISATIONS IN BRITAIN AND IRELAND 1986-7, Michael J. C. Barker, ed., London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. Second edition, pp. xviii + 278, £18.99, PB, ISBN 0-7102-0961-4.
THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT: A SOURCEBOOK FOR THE 1990s, Gerald Dawe, ed., Birmingham: Centre for Urban Ecology, 1990, pp. 636, £55.00, PB, ISBN 0-907272-07-X.
PLANTS IN THE LANDSCAPE (2nd Edn.), by Philip L. Carpenter and Theodore D. Walker, W. H. Freeman, New York and Oxford, 1990, 401 pp., ISBN 0-7167-1808-1, £29.95 HB.
SPORTS GEOGRAPHY by John Bale, E. & F. N. Spon, 1989, 0-419-14390-4, £16.95 PB.
THE POLITICS OF PARK DESIGN: A HISTORY OF URBAN PARKS IN AMERICA by Galen Cranz, ISBN 0 262 53084 8, 347pp, London: M.I.T. Press, 1989, £11.25, P.B. 相似文献
THE WILD SIDE OF TOWN, Chris Baines, BBC and Elm Tree Books, 1986, 192 pp, £6.95 (P/B), £10.95 (H/B).
LANDSCAPE PLANNING by Tom Turner, Hutchinson Educational, 1987, 212 pp, £27.50.
AGRICULTURE: PEOPLE AND POLICIES, Cox, G., Lowe, P., Winter, M. (Eds.), London: Allen and Unwin, 1986, £18.00. 相似文献
THE WILD SIDE OF TOWN, Chris Baines, BBC and Elm Tree Books, 1986, 192 pp, £6.95 (P/B), £10.95 (H/B).
LANDSCAPE PLANNING by Tom Turner, Hutchinson Educational, 1987, 212 pp, £27.50.
AGRICULTURE: PEOPLE AND POLICIES, Cox, G., Lowe, P., Winter, M. (Eds.), London: Allen and Unwin, 1986, £18.00. 相似文献
The Aesthetics of Landscape by Steven C. Bourassa, London & New York: Belhaven, 1991, 168pp., £32.00, ISBN 1-85293-071-3
Countryside Recreation in a Changing Society by Carolyn Harrison, 1991, London, The TMS Partnership, 186pp, £16 PB.
The Child in the Country by Colin Ward, London, Bedford Square, 1990, ISBN 0-7199-1290-3, 208pp., £7.95 PB.
An Historical Geography of England and Wales edited by R.A. Dodgshon & R.A. Butlin, Second edition 1990, Sidcup, Kent, Harcourt Brace Jovanich Ltd., ISBN 0-12-219254-0, 590pp., £21.95 PB.
Britain 1740-1950: an historical geography by Richard Lawton & Colin G. Pooley, 1992, Sevenoaks, Edward Arnold, ISBN 0-7131-6550-2, 338pp., £14.99 PB 相似文献
Andrew W. Gilg, (Department of Geography), University of Exeter
Published by David and Charles. 255 pp.
Countryside Commission for Scotland 1978 (100 ppBibl.) 相似文献