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An adjustment of the standard method of converting measured RMS characteristics of the nonlinear coil into instantaneous characteristics has been suggested. A model of the nonlinear coil, obtained in this way, is used for predicting the prechaotic bifurcation points of a ferroresonant circuit. Slight improvements over the standard method are verified by the experimental results. The cause of the disagreement between the simulation and the measurement is identified.  相似文献   

桥臂短路故障是模块化多电平换流器型高压直流输电(MMC-HVDC)系统中的严重故障。在换流器不闭锁和闭锁这2种情况下对桥臂短路故障的暂态特性进行分析:针对换流器不闭锁的情况,对两端换流器的桥臂电气量暂态特性进行较为全面的阐述,重点分析了桥臂短路电流的组成;针对换流器的闭锁情况,建立了桥臂短路电流通路的电路模型,推导了桥臂短路电流的解析表达式,分析了系统交直流侧电压电流的动态变化过程并给出了桥臂短路故障的保护配置方案。基于PSCAD/EMTDC搭建双端MMC-HVDC仿真模型,仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性和保护配置的有效性。对桥臂短路故障暂态特性进行分析可为MMCHVDC系统换流器保护区的保护配置方案提供参考。  相似文献   

混合式高压直流断路器(DC Circuit Breaker, DCCB)的本质是分断故障电流。分断暂态过程中的电气参数是决定断路器分断性能的核心所在。在分析DCCB拓扑结构的基础上,将断路器分断暂态过程划分为三个阶段。通过建立带DCCB的直流电网故障等效电路和断路器分断各暂态阶段的系统级等效电路,来分析分断过程中断路器自身的暂态特性。将断路器自身参数与直流系统参数联合起来,分别对断路器的两次换流过程进行详细分析。建立了断路器分断电流、暂态电压和开断时间的数学模型,推导断路器分断全过程中的分断电流以及最大暂态电压的计算表达式,并分析了断路器参数对分断性能的影响情况。利用PSCAD/EMTDC软件,搭建系统级混合式DCCB仿真模型,验证了所建立的断路器暂态模型的正确性及参数选取对断路器开断性能的影响。  相似文献   

为确保含四绕组变压器的变电站保护整定可靠性,需研究精细化的四绕组变压器暂态模型及其短路计算等值电路。分析常规变压器等值电路的不足,推导了修正的耦合漏感等值电路,根据三相三柱式四绕组变压器的拓扑结构,运用对偶性原理建立了基于耦合漏感的四绕组变压器电路-磁路暂态模型;利用漏磁路的互阻抗远小于漏阻抗的特点,推导了用于短路计算的四绕组变压器简化等值电路以及零序阻抗。根据某地220 k V变电站实例进行仿真计算,结果表明所提出的四绕组变压器暂态模型及短路计算方法能够更准确地计算含四绕组变压器变电站的短路电流。  相似文献   

介绍了750kV断路器控制回路的现状、存在的问题以及实现原理,并进行了分析比较,提出改进方法。改进后的回路原理不变,强化了控制回路的功能,增强了可靠性。改进后的回路保障了一次设备和电网的安全稳定运行。  相似文献   

新能源汇集系统交流短路故障后产生的非工频暂态过电压可能导致新能源机组大规模脱网甚至损毁,这已成为制约新能源汇集系统送电极限的决定性因素。基于华北地区典型新能源汇集系统构建算例系统,分析短路故障下的暂态过电压形态特征,阐明易产生暂态过电压的系统参数条件,建立数学模型进行定量研究,利用RLC电路的全响应理论解释产生暂态过电压的本质原因。分析结果表明,短路故障清除后新能源汇集系统的电路固有谐振过程是导致暂态过电压的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文指出了变压器T型等效电路在分析铁磁谐振变压器时的局限性。提出了π型等效电路模型。描述了从给定的电磁器件的磁路获取等效电路的方法。在π型的等效电路中,电子元件的特性与给定电磁器件的特性具有一一对应的关系。仿真试验证明了此方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Matlab语言在电路暂态分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Matlab是可视化的面向科学与工程计算的大型优秀科技应用软件 ,语句简练 ,功能强大 ,简单实用 ,用途广泛 ,它为广大科技工作者提供了一个简便实用的计算工具 ,可大大提高计算效率 ,缩短编程时间 ,在电路计算中有广泛的应用前景。通过一个具体算例探索其在电路暂态分析和计算方面的应用  相似文献   

In a previous paper (S.K. Chakravarthy, Nonlinear oscillations due to spurious energisation of transformers, Proc IEE, EPA, Vol. 145, No. 6, Nov. 1998, 585–592) we have demonstrated the nature of oscillations that can occur in a spuriously energised transformer. The system, in that case, was a third order nonlinear (non-autonomous) ode from which bifurcation equations were determined by the method of multiple scales. The computational difficulty became awesome when analysing oscillations due to spurious energisation of power transformers. The order of the system increased from a third order to a fourth order system in this case. We further demonstrated that nonlinear interaction in power system involves dynamic phenomena of widely different speeds. Using the ‘brute force’ of simulation to search the phase space for the attractors of the system is not feasible. In this paper, we hence study higher order nonlinear systems by an approach similar to the method of perturbations. We propose to use numerical simulation as the basic tool for assessing the effect of perturbations and have coined the term ‘simulated perturbation’. In this approach, the starting point is the conservative autonomous system for which all possible oscillatory modes can be determined. We then introduce other variables in the equations one parameter at a time and then, study the changes in the nature of the oscillations. As we shall show, the method allows one to study a complex nonlinear ode with relative ease and yet obtain a feel for the factors behind the behaviour observed.  相似文献   

本文利用瞬态电磁场有限元法计算汽轮发电机空载时发生三相突然短路的绕组电流曲线,然后对电流曲线的数值结果进行分解,拟合,得到电机的瞬态参数,该方法有效地考虑了电机齿槽结构和饱和现象。  相似文献   

The analytical transient response of MOS current mirrors is derived for the case when the input current is a saturating ramp. The closed form solution obtained for the voltages and currents in the circuit is expressed using Airy's functions. The settling time is then calculated using the closed‐form current equation. For the case when the settling time is greater than the transition time of the input current, a closed form solution is obtained. When the settling time is less than the input transition time, a very simple fitting function is found to accurately model the dependence of the settling time on the various parameters in the circuit, including the transition time of the input current. Simulations show excellent agreement of the estimates of the settling time macromodel with LEVEL‐1 SPICE results. For LEVEL‐3 MOSFET models, the error in the macromodel is within 20% of detailed circuit simulation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对高阻接地方式的船舶中压电网,提出一种系统化的暂态短路电流计算方法。考虑同步发电机及异步电动机暂态特性,根据故障点位置,基于分层等效方法将系统中所有发电机和电动机等效为一台发电机。对于等效发电机,考虑系统分布电容,用对称分量法求解三相对称及各种不对称故障的暂态电流。用Simulink仿真结果对比验证了该方法的有效性和精确性。  相似文献   

针对超磁致伸缩致动器由于大电感线圈的存在而使电流上升时间较长,以致于无法满足快速开启需求的问题,分析了致动器等效电路以计算精确的线圈电流,并设计了较为合理的驱动电压波形。从对致动器阻抗的描述精度出发考察3种等效电路,确定了带并联电阻的等效形式最为合理;分析计算了该种等效形式下方波电流输入时的电流表达式,得到不同频率下致动器电流瞬时响应,并通过实验测试了致动器阻抗以及电流瞬时值以验证等效电路的准确性。最后基于该等效电路,借鉴电磁阀的大电压开启方法,分析了合理的电压形式并提出了参数设计方案,计算结果表明,设计电压能在保证较小超调量的同时有效地降低电流调整时间。  相似文献   

Transient responses of a closed‐loop MHD experimental facility from nonpower generation to power generation have been investigated by means of time‐dependent quasi‐one‐dimensional numerical simulations. For the long‐time continuous power generation experiment, the time required to obtain the steady state for the power generation is estimated to be approximately 20 hours. By increasing the electrical input power to the heater as an exponential function of time, the temperature increment of ceramics can be moderated. When the duration of the experiment is around 10 minutes, argon gas temperature at the exit of the heater hardly changes because of the large heat capacity of structure materials. It is found that the fluid disturbances are induced at the instant of the power generation and they propagate as they repeatedly reflect at the sudden change of duct shape. Since all of the induced disturbances attenuate approximately 0.4 second after the power generation, the time scale that the disturbances exist in the facility is estimated to be 1 second at most. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 158(1): 46–52, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20237  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的暂态电路分析与计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
暂态电路的方程由高阶微分程或一阶线性微分方程组描述,用手工方法求解比较困难,以某一实际二阶电路为例,展示了MATLAB语言分析计算暂态电路的全过程,大大提高了计算效率,获得了可视化的计算结果。  相似文献   

电容式电压互感器(CVT)中包含有电容、电感等储能元件,其二次输出电压不能立即响应一次电压的变化。影响CVT暂态过程的因素众多,笔者重点分析了短路相角对其暂态过程的影响。运用MATLAB中的电气系统模块库PSB建立了CVT电磁暂态过程的仿真模型。仿真结果表明不同的短路相角对CVT的暂态过程影响有很大的差别,并给出了在不同短路角情况下其暂态响应的变化规律。同时针对不同的保护算法,分析了暂态过程对其算法准确度的影响,提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

This article presents calculations of tower surge responses and insulator voltages of an actual transmission tower including ground wires and phase wires. The partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method is applied as a simulation tool. Surge responses of the tower and insulator voltages calculated by the PEEC method are compared with electro magnetic transients program (EMTP) simulated results and experimental results collected from the literatures. The results calculated by the PEEC method agree well with the experimetal results, not only amplitudes but also waveshapes. © 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

首先建立对称运行和不对称短路时感应电机的瞬态模型,然后利用磁链守恒原则确定感应电机不对称短路时定、转子电流的初值,并用实例进行数值求解。全文为普通和双笼感应电机不对称短路的瞬态分析建立了理论基础。  相似文献   

40.5kV真空断路器灭弧室内的暂态电场计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算了40.5kV真空断路器开断空载变压器时由复燃和截流引起的暂态过电压.通过离散的傅里叶变换获得暂态过电压的三个主要频率分量,以此作为真空断路器的边界条件,首次对真空断路器灭弧室内的暂态电场采用有限元方法进行了计算.给出了灭弧室内的暂态电场分布,电场强度的最大值、发生时间及典型位置的电场强度随时间变化的曲线.讨论了暂态电场的一些特征,为真空断路器的绝缘设计提供参考.  相似文献   

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