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In mobile wireless networks, dynamic allocation of resources such as transmit powers, bit-rates, and antenna beams based on the channel state information of mobile users is known to be the general strategy to explore the time-varying nature of the mobile environment. This paper looks at the problem of optimal resource allocation in wireless networks from different information-theoretic points of view and under the assumption that the channel state is completely known at the transmitter and the receiver. In particular, the fading multiple-access channel (MAC) and the fading broadcast channel (BC) with additive Gaussian noise and multiple transmit and receive antennas are focused. The fading MAC is considered first and a complete characterization of its capacity region and power region are provided under various power and rate constraints. The derived results can be considered as nontrivial extensions of the work done by Tse and Hanly from the case of single transmit and receive antenna to the more general scenario with multiple transmit and receive antennas. Efficient numerical algorithms are proposed, which demonstrate the usefulness of the convex optimization techniques in characterizing the capacity and power regions. Analogous results are also obtained for the fading BC thanks to the duality theory between the Gaussian MAC and the Gaussian BC.  相似文献   

Rate Regions for Relay Broadcast Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A partially cooperative relay broadcast channel (RBC) is a three-node network with one source node and two destination nodes (destinations 1 and 2) where destination 1 can act as a relay to assist destination 2. Inner and outer bounds on the capacity region of the discrete memoryless partially cooperative RBC are obtained. When the relay function is disabled, the inner bound reduces to an inner bound on the capacity region of broadcast channels that includes an inner bound of Marton, and GePfand and Pinsker. The outer bound reduces to a new outer bound on the capacity region of broadcast channels that generalizes an outer bound of Marton to include a common message, and that generalizes an outer bound of GePfand and Pinsker to apply to general discrete memoryless broadcast channels. The proof for the outer bound simplifies the proof of GePfand and Pinsker that was based on a recursive approach. Four classes of RBCs are studied in detail. For the partially cooperative RBC with degraded message sets, inner and outer bounds are obtained. For the semideterministic partially cooperative RBC and the orthogonal partially cooperative RBC, the capacity regions are established. For the parallel partially cooperative RBC with unmatched degraded subchannels, the capacity region is established for the case of degraded message sets. The capacity is also established when the source node has only a private message for destination 2, i.e., the channel reduces to a parallel relay channel with unmatched degraded subchannels.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of communicating over the general discrete memoryless broadcast channel (DMBC) with partially cooperating receivers. In our setup, receivers are able to exchange messages over noiseless conference links of finite capacities, prior to decoding the messages sent from the transmitter. In this paper, we formulate the general problem of broadcast with cooperation. We first find the capacity region for the case where the BC is physically degraded. Then, we give achievability results for the general broadcast channel, for both the two independent messages case and the single common message case  相似文献   

We study information-theoretic security for discrete memoryless interference and broadcast channels with independent confidential messages sent to two receivers. Confidential messages are transmitted to their respective receivers while ensuring mutual information-theoretic secrecy. That is, each receiver is kept in total ignorance with respect to the message intended for the other receiver. The secrecy level is measured by the equivocation rate at the eavesdropping receiver. In this paper, we present inner and outer bounds on secrecy capacity regions for these two communication systems. The derived outer bounds have an identical mutual information expression that applies to both channel models. The difference is in the input distributions over which the expression is optimized. The inner bound rate regions are achieved by random binning techniques. For the broadcast channel, a double-binning coding scheme allows for both joint encoding and preserving of confidentiality. Furthermore, we show that, for a special case of the interference channel, referred to as the switch channel, derived bounds meet. Finally, we describe several transmission schemes for Gaussian interference channels and derive their achievable rate regions while ensuring mutual information-theoretic secrecy. An encoding scheme in which transmitters dedicate some of their power to create artificial noise is proposed and shown to outperform both time-sharing and simple multiplexed transmission of the confidential messages.  相似文献   

This paper studies capacity bounds for discrete memoryless broadcast channels with confidential messages. Two private messages as well as a common message are transmitted; the common message is to be decoded by both receivers, while each private message is only for its intended receiver. In addition, each private message is to be kept secret from the unintended receiver where secrecy is measured by equivocation. Both inner and outer bounds are proposed to the rate equivocation region for broadcast channels with confidential messages. The proposed inner bound generalizes Csiszar and Korner's rate equivocation region for broadcast channels with a single confidential message, Liu 's achievable rate region for broadcast channels with perfect secrecy, Marton's and Gel'fand-Pinsker's achievable rate region for general broadcast channels. The proposed outer bounds, together with the inner bound, help establish the rate equivocation region of several classes of discrete memoryless broadcast channels with confidential messages, including the less noisy, deterministic, and semideterministic broadcast channels. Furthermore, specializing to the general broadcast channel by removing the confidentiality constraint, the proposed outer bounds reduce to new capacity outer bounds for the discrete memory broadcast channel.  相似文献   

MIMO Broadcast Channels With Finite-Rate Feedback   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Multiple transmit antennas in a downlink channel can provide tremendous capacity (i.e., multiplexing) gains, even when receivers have only single antennas. However, receiver and transmitter channel state information is generally required. In this correspondence, a system where each receiver has perfect channel knowledge, but the transmitter only receives quantized information regarding the channel instantiation is analyzed. The well-known zero-forcing transmission technique is considered, and simple expressions for the throughput degradation due to finite-rate feedback are derived. A key finding is that the feedback rate per mobile must be increased linearly with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) (in decibels) in order to achieve the full multiplexing gain. This is in sharp contrast to point-to-point multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, in which it is not necessary to increase the feedback rate as a function of the SNR  相似文献   

We consider the problem of minimizing upper bounds and maximizing lower bounds on information rates of stationary and ergodic discrete-time channels with memory. The channels we consider can have a finite number of states, such as partial response channels, or they can have an infinite state space, such as time-varying fading channels.   相似文献   

Power Control for Fading Cooperative Multiple Access Channels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a fading Gaussian multiple access channel with user cooperation, we obtain the power allocation policies that maximize the average rates achievable by block Markov superposition coding, subject to average power constraints. The optimal policies result in a coding scheme that is simpler than the one for a general multiple access channel with generalized feedback. This simpler coding scheme also leads to the possibility of formulating an otherwise non-concave optimization problem as a concave one. Using the perfect channel state information available at the transmitters to adapt the powers, we demonstrate gains over the achievable rates for existing cooperative systems.  相似文献   

A Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC) with common data is considered. Capacity region when there is no fading is known in an implicit form. We provide an explicit characterization of the capacity region and provide a simpler encoding/decoding scheme than that mentioned in work by Slepian and Wolf. Next, we give a characterization of the ergodic capacity region when there is fading, and both the transmitters and the receiver know the channel perfectly. Then, we characterize the optimum power allocation schemes that achieve arbitrary rate tuples on the boundary of the capacity region. Finally, we provide an iterative method for the numerical computation of the ergodic capacity region and the optimum power control strategies.  相似文献   

 本文研究了在系统和速率一定的条件下有着高斯噪声的衰落MIMO广播信道和功率最小化问题.该问题通常存在于无线通信系统动态资源分配中,是和功率约束下衰落MIMO下行链路和速率最大化的互补问题.首先利用MIMO MAC和MIMO BC的对偶性,将问题描述和转化为凸最优化问题,在此基础上,利用子梯度法和二分法,设计了相应的快速迭代的多用户注水算法,用于计算基站的发射功率.理论分析和数值仿真结果表明,该算法全局有效地收敛于最小的和功率.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the rate control problem in a multihop random access wireless network, with the objective of achieving proportional fairness amongst the end-to-end sessions. The problem is considered in the framework of nonlinear optimization. Compared with its counterpart in a wired network where link capacities are fixed, rate control in a multihop random access network is much more complex and requires joint optimization at both the transport and link layers. This is due to the fact that the attainable throughput on each link in the network is “elastic” and is typically a nonconvex and nonseparable function of the transmission attempt rates. Two cross-layer algorithms, a dual-based algorithm and a penalty-based algorithm, are proposed in this paper to solve the rate control problem in a multihop random access network. Both algorithms can be implemented in a distributed manner, and work at the link layer to adjust link attempt probabilities and at the transport layer to adjust session rates. We prove rigorously that the two proposed algorithms converge to the globally optimal solutions. Simulation results are provided in support of our conclusions.  相似文献   

We investigate resource allocation policies for time-division multiple access (TDMA) over fading channels in the power-limited regime. For frequency-flat block-fading channels and transmitters having full channel state information (CSI), we first minimize power under a weighted sum average rate constraint and show that the optimal rate and time allocation policies can be obtained by a greedy water-filling approach with linear complexity in the number of users. Subsequently, we pursue power minimization under individual average rate constraints and establish that the optimal resource allocation also amounts to a greedy water-filling solution. Our approaches not only provide fundamental power limits when each user can support an infinite-size capacity-achieving codebook (continuous rates), but also yield guidelines for practical designs where users can only support a finite set of adaptive modulation and coding modes (discrete rates).   相似文献   

In this letter, we examine the symbol-error-rate (SER) performance of decode-and-forward (DF) cooperative communications. Our focus is on the scenario in which multiple dual-hop relays are employed and the channel environment is described by Nakagami-m fading. Cooperative diversity is observed from the derived error-rate expressions, and some insight into how channel conditions in the relay nodes affect the SER performance is obtained. In addition, with the knowledge of the partial channel state information (CSI) at the transmitting sides, we derive an optimal power allocation scheme to further enhance the SER performance. Simulation results are finally presented to demonstrate the correctness of our analysis and perception for the considered DF protocol.  相似文献   

We extend the study of access schemes for packet-switched radio channels as an alternative to conventional wire communications for data transmission among users. Among the various multiple access schemes previously implemented or proposed, ALOHA presents many advantages, especially for a large population of bursty users. However, more than 60% of the ALOHA channel capacity is wasted. In this paper we introduce a separate large carrier-sensing user who "steals" slots which remain unused by the background of ALOHA users. This leads to a new multiple-access scheme: the Mixed ALOHA Carrier Sense (MACS) access scheme, whose performance We analyze. The total channel utilization is significantly increased with MACS, and the delaythroughput performance of both the large user and the background of ALOHA users is shown to be better with MACS than with a "split channel" mode in which the large user and the ALOHA users are each permanently assigned a portion of the channel.  相似文献   

A discrete time multiaccess channel is considered where the outcome of a transmission is either "idle," "success," or "collision," depending on the number of users transmitting simultaneously. Messages involved in a "collision" must be retransmitted. An efficient access allocation policy is developed for the case where infinitely many sources generate traffic in a Poisson manner and can all observe the outcomes of the previous transmissions. Its rate of success is 0.48776. Modifications are presented for the cases where the transmission times depend on the transmission outcomes and where observations are noisy.  相似文献   

We consider a two-way relay network where the Amplify-and-Forward (AF) protocol is adopted by all relays in this paper. The network consists of two multi-antenna source nodes and multiple distributed single-antenna relays. Two opportunistic relaying schemes are proposed to efficiently utilize the antennas of the source nodes and the relay nodes. In the first scheme, the best relay is selected out by a max-min-max criterion before transmitting. After that, at each source, only the antenna with the largest channel gain between itself and the best relay is activated to transmit and receive signals with full power. In the second scheme, assisted by the best relay which is selected by the typical max-min criterion, both source nodes use all their antennas to exchange data, and match filter beamforming techniques are employed at both source nodes. Further analyses show that all schemes can achieve the full diversity order, and the conclusions are not only mathematically demonstrated but numerically illustrated. System performance comparisons are carried out by numerical methods in terms of rate sum and outage probability, respectively. The beamforming assisted scheme can be found to be superior to the antenna selection scheme when accurate Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the transmitters. Otherwise, the latter is very suitable.  相似文献   

Recent information-theoretic results show the optimality of dirty-paper coding (DPC) in achieving the full capacity region of the Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC). This paper presents a DPC based code design for BCs. We consider the case in which there is an individual rate/signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) constraint for each user. For a fixed transmitter power, we choose the linear transmit precoding matrix such that the SINRs at users are uniformly maximized, thus ensuring the best bit-error rate performance. We start with Cover's simplest two-user Gaussian BC and present a coding scheme that operates 1.44 dB from the boundary of the capacity region at the rate of one bit per real sample (b/s) for each user. We then extend the coding strategy to a two-user MIMO Gaussian BC with two transmit antennas at the base-station and develop the first limit-approaching code design using nested turbo codes for DPC. At the rate of 1 b/s for each user, our design operates 1.48 dB from the capacity region boundary. We also consider the performance of our scheme over a slow fading BC. For two transmit antennas, simulation results indicate a performance loss of only 1.4 dB, 1.64 dB and 1.99 dB from the theoretical limit in terms of the total transmission power for the two, three and four user case, respectively.  相似文献   

Two retransmission procedures, the go-back-N(GBN) scheme and the selective repeat (SR) scheme, have been analyzed for data transfer from one transmitter to many receivers. We consider transfer of error-controlled bulk data over a satellite broadcast channel. Two retransmission strategies, the dynamic retransmission group reduction (DRGR) technique and the fixed retransmission group (FRG) technique, are proposed. We study the GBN and SR schemes for both strategies. Analytic expressions are derived for the throughput performance of the GBN scheme and of the SR scheme with infinite resources, while discrete event simulation is used to estimate the throughput of the selective repeat scheme with finite resources. Only the SR scheme using the DRGR technique provides acceptable performance for high-speed bulk data transfer. For the DRGR technique, the throughput falls logarithmically with an increase in the number of receivers. In contrast, the throughput for the FRG technique falls exponentially with an increase in the number of receivers.  相似文献   

无人机(UAV)、非正交多址(NOMA)和反向散射通信(BC)相结合,可以满足热点地区高容量需求,提高通信质量。该文提出一种无人机辅助的NOMA反向散射通信系统最小速率最大化资源分配算法。考虑无人机发射功率、能量收集、反射系数、传输速率以及连续干扰消除(SIC)解码顺序约束,建立基于系统最小速率最大化的资源分配模型。首先利用块坐标下降将原问题分解为无人机发射功率优化、反射系数优化和无人机位置与SIC解码顺序联合优化3个子问题,然后使用反证法给出无人机最优发射功率,再用变量替换法和连续凸逼近将剩余子问题进一步转化为凸优化问题进行求解。仿真结果表明,所提算法在系统和速率与用户公平性之间具有较好折中。  相似文献   

This paper describes the technique of television program switching in direct broadcasting system. Television program switching between transmitting earth stations is performed via satellite applying the uplink transmitter control technique. In order to achieve program switching without signal overlap or break during the switchover, the propagation time from the earth station to the satellite and the time difference between on-the-air station and stand-by station to the satellite should be considered.  相似文献   

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