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PET和SPECT是现代核医学最高水平的影像技术,GATE是专用于PET和SPECT的蒙特卡罗仿真工具。研究以西门子公司的PET扫描仪ECAT EXACT HR+和PET/CT Biograph2为原型,分别使用GATE实现其系统的完整仿真。依据NEMA 2001标准,对仿真系统的空间分辨率、散射分数和灵敏度分别进行测试与评估。测试结果表明,仿真系统性能参数和实验结果之间具有良好的一致性。  相似文献   

与kV级X射线成像相比,MV级电子射野影像系统(EPID)成像质量较差,图像模糊,影响患者图像定位和摆位验证的精确性。本文结合Monte Carlo模拟计算的方法,在不改变治疗靶的现有MV级EPID系统中,提出增加滤过板进行康普顿散射线的滤过,通过Monte Carlo模拟、Matlab作图、临床实验,得出在6 MV级EPID系统中,增加1层2 mm厚铜材料的滤过板,有助于成像质量的改善。  相似文献   

利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)内部延迟链,对正电子发射断层成像(PET)系统中高精度时间数字转换(TDC)进行研究。采用粗时间和精细时间相结合的方式测量时间,粗时间利用时钟计数器实现,精细时间利用FPGA延迟链实现。测试时间测量的微分非线性和积分非线性,并在双探头PET实验平台上通过时间符合,对系统总体时间分辨进行测试。实验结果表明,TDC时间分辨达79.3ps,微分非线性为-0.2LSB/0.2LSB,积分非线性为-0.2LSB/0.3LSB,双探头PET实验系统总体时间分辨达2.1ns,可满足PET系统对时间测量的要求。  相似文献   

对于通过准直方式成像的γ相机,因其闪烁体、位置灵敏光电倍增管(PSPMT)光阴极均具有一定的厚度,以及通过重心法计算位置的方式等原因,造成了γ相机在不对所成图像进行修正的情况下,这些γ图像向中心压缩,即出现边沿压缩效应。为减少和修正边沿压缩效应,本文设计了一套刻度系统。该系统采用逐点扫描探测器表面的办法,获得平板型探测器有效区域内所扫点位置与探测器响应位置的原始信息,得到进入探测器的光子的真实位置与γ相机电路输出信息之间的关系映射,形成用于还原每个进入γ相机有效区域内γ光子的实际位置的查找表,从而有效解决了γ相机成像时无法避免的边沿压缩效应造成的图像畸变。该系统在刻度过程中无需人工干预,自动生成位置查找表,为γ相机小孔成像的图像还原或编码孔成像的图像重建提供了必要条件。  相似文献   

鲁向  赵书俊  李素晓  张雷 《核技术》2005,28(12):943-946
保持各个光电倍增管的增益一致性对正电子发射断层成像(PET)的质量至为重要。事件的响应输出取决于光电倍增管对于事件发生位置的光收集效率和事件的能量。光电倍增管对于某位置的光收集效率与光电倍增管对此位置所张的立体角成正比。当光电倍增管增益漂移后,通过计算出的各个管子的输出信号比值的变化完成对增益的自动调整,结果证明方法是有效的。  相似文献   

在天然辐射环境下,无法找到仅含单一天然放射性系列的近似无限大地层用于获取航空γ谱仪的响应谱,这是导致无法利用最小二乘法解析航空γ能谱的关键问题所在。本文基于介质互换原理、地层模块化与分能区多次模拟的思想,通过构建Monte Carlo组合模型,从而获得了含不同放射性物质的任意形状地层上空航空γ谱仪的响应谱。依据航空γ能谱测点上γ辐射来源与石家庄动态带分析,建立了一套可靠的最小二乘法航空γ能谱解析模型。通过对野外10 km测线分析发现,当地层含量大于4×10~(-6)时,该方法与标准方法分析结果相当。同时该方法为人工放射性核素响应谱的剥离提供参考。  相似文献   

理论计算了三种不同规格BGO晶体对于^137Cs0.662MeVγ射线的探测效率,并用GEANT4进行了Monte Carlo模拟,计算值与实验中光电倍增管测得的值进行了比较,给出了不同规格晶体对γ射线探测效率的区别,三者趋势基本一致。最后用^133Ba、^22Na、^137Cs和^60Co源测量了BGO探测元的能量线性,三种晶体对^137Cs0.662MeVγ射线的能量分辨分别为18.12%、18.08%和18.12%。  相似文献   

提出了γ射线透射散射法测量油水气含量的方法,用Monte Carlo模拟软件包Geant4模拟了放射源能量、散射探测位置、透射准直孔直径、窗材料和气含量等对透射散射传输系数和灵敏度的影响,根据模拟结果设计了油水气含量测量装置,表明Monte Carlo模拟方法能够为系统优化设计提供理论指导.  相似文献   

利用Monte Carlo程序模拟研究了放射治疗过程中污染电子的产生规律及剂量学特性,并进一步研究充氦及安置铅过滤板两种方法减少污染电子的效果.结果表明:污染电子主要来源于加速器机头和空气的散射,并随射野面积和初级光子束能量的增加而增加;充氦能够有效地减少初级光子束与空气反应产生的污染电子;安置铅过滤板能够有效减少机头...  相似文献   

应用蒙特卡罗模拟软件GATE对GeDiscoveryLSPET/CT扫描系统进行模拟,获得三维投影数据,分别采用三维有序子集最大期望值法(3-DOSEM)与三维滤波反投影法(3-DFBP)进行图像重建,从空间分辨率、成像的对比度以及信噪比等方面对3-DOSEM法与3-DFBP法的重建结果进行比较。结果显示,对蒙特卡罗方法模拟获得的三维投影数据,采用3-DOSEM法重建比3-DFBP法重建得到的图像质量好。  相似文献   

In comparison with conventional radiotherapy techniques,12C beam therapy has its significant advantage in cancer treatment because the radiation dose are mostly concentrated near the Bragg peak region and damage to normal tissues along the beam path is thus greatly reduced.In-beam PET provides a way to monitor dose distribution inside human body since several kinds of positron-emitting nuclei are produced through the interaction between 12C beam and body matters.In this work,we study the quantitative relationship between the spatial location of the Bragg peak and the spatial distribution of positrons produced by positron-emitting nuclei.Monte Carlo package GATE is used to simulate the interactions between the incident 12C beam of different energies (337.5,270.0 and 195.0 MeV/u) and various target matters (water,muscle and spine bone).Several data post-processing operations are performed on the simulated positron-emitting nuclei distribution data to mimic the impacts of positron generation and finite spatial resolution of a typical PET imaging system.Simulation results are compared to published experimental data for verification.In all the simulation cases,we fred that 10C and 11C are two dominant positron-emitting nuclei,and there exists a significant correlation between the spatial distributions of deposited energy and positrons.Therefore,we conclude that it is possible to determine the location of Bragg peak with 1 mm accuracy using current PET imaging systems by detecting the falling edge of the positron distribution map in depth direction.  相似文献   

In gamma camera and single-photon emission computerized tomography, the collimator removes most photons. Here, a gamma camera without collimator utilizes a specific arrangement of detectors. Instead of bending beams(like a lens) or directing beams(by parallel hole collimator), changes are created in detectors' field of view(FOV), so that each detector's FOV looks different from others. Simulation proved this theory, with 98 detectors(2 cm 9 1.41 cm) arranged in a zigzag manner for Monte Carlo simulation. A radioactive source with energy of140 ke V was situated on the detectors' faces. Sixty projections, each 3(0 –179) apart, were simulated by Monte Carlo N-Particle(MCNP) 4C code, rotating detectors around a radioactive point. The band containing the radioactive source is clearly visible in each projection.Counts obtained after simulation in different projections were reconstructed, and point source location emerged correctly. Simulation of gamma camera with zigzag arrangement of detectors and MCNP-4C code demonstrated that one could string the space and determine radioactive source by image reconstruction without using collimators, solely through these special detectors' distribution.  相似文献   

溅射粒子能谱特性的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵其yun 《核技术》1991,14(10):584-588

长轴向PET是未来PET的发展方向。本文根据NEMA NU2—2012标准利用蒙特卡罗模拟工具研究了不同轴向长度和不同晶体材料对PET灵敏度和散射分数的影响,并将模拟结果与实验结果进行了比较。结果表明,模拟结果与实验结果符合很好,验证了模拟的可靠性。灵敏度随轴向长度的增加而增加,但这种增加是非线性的,且在某一长度处变化最明显,不同的PET对应的灵敏度变化最明显的轴向长度也不同。灵敏度表现最好的晶体为LuAP,YAP晶体的灵敏度最低。晶体材料和轴向长度对散射分数均没有明显影响。  相似文献   

李贺  张松  卢飞  钟晨  马余刚 《核技术》2016,(7):49-54
时间投影室(Time Projection Chamber,TPC)是在多丝正比室(Multi Wire Proportional Chamber,MWPC)和多丝漂移室(Multi Wire Drift Chamber,MWDC)的基础上发展起来的一种高空间分辨粒子径迹探测器。因其具有很高的位置分辨能力,从而可以获得很好的动量分辨率。在开展兰州重离子储存环外靶实验终端CEE(Cooler-Storage-Ring External-target Experiment)-TPC的建造之前,估算CEE-TPC的动量分辨能力是一项很有必要的工作。基于Geant4和Kalman Filter等模拟程序,对时间投影室探测器测量带电粒子的整个过程进行了蒙特卡罗模拟,给出了CEE-TPC探测不同种类的带电粒子的动量分辨率,并且对影响探测器动量分辨率的因素进行了分析。通过模拟计算,得到了CEE-TPC对?介子、质子和氘核的典型动量分辨率在5%左右,能够较好地鉴别这三种粒子,为未来CEE-TPC的建造提供了可供参考的技术参数。  相似文献   

Long axial field of view (AFOV) PET is the development direction of future PET. The purpose of this paper is to simulate PET using GATE toolkit to evaluate scatter fraction (SF) and sensitivity for different AFOV and different crystal materials according to NEMA NU2-2012 protocol. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results. The simulation results are in accordance with experimental results, and the reliability of the simulation is verified. As the AFOV increases, the sensitivity also increases, but this increase is non-linear and changes most significantly at a certain length, and the axial length of the most obvious sensitivity change is different for different PET. The crystal with the best sensitivity is LuAP, and the YAP crystal has the lowest sensitivity. The crystal material and AFOV have no significant impact on the scatter fraction.  相似文献   

利用241Am发射的59.54 keV平行γ射线束对宽能BEGe探测器晶体进行扫描测量,通过晶体端面垂直扫描确定晶体直径,通过晶体侧面垂直扫描确定晶体高度。利用厂家提供的参数以及扫描得到的晶体参数建立蒙特卡罗计算模型,再通过点源和体源的实验测量值对晶体前端面及侧面死层厚度进行表征调节,使其与实验值符合,从而获得最佳理论计算模型。结果表明,获得的参数正确可靠,其点源探测效率的理论计算结果与实验测量值在2%内符合。该方法极大改善了蒙特卡罗计算BEGe晶体探测效率的精度,可应用于探测器的效率刻度及环境放射性调查。  相似文献   

The thermal neutron count and capture gamma ray spectroscopy before and after gadolinium seeping into sandstone and limestone formation are simulated by Monte Carlo Method, and the determination method of oil saturation is studied by using the thermal neutron count rate ratio and the n(Gd)/n(H) of capture gamma spectrum before and after gadolinium seeping. In addition, the relations of ratio with influence factors such as porosity, salinity of gadolinium seeping, saturation and lithology are given.   相似文献   

This study reports the investigation of different GEANT4 settings for proton therapy applications in the context of Treatment Planning System comparisons. The GEANT4.9.2 release was used through the GATE platform. We focused on the Pencil Beam Scanning delivery technique, which allows for intensity modulated proton therapy applications. The most relevant options and parameters (range cut, step size, database binning) for the simulation that influence the dose deposition were investigated, in order to determine a robust, accurate and efficient simulation environment. In this perspective, simulations of depth-dose profiles and transverse profiles at different depths and energies between 100 and 230 MeV have been assessed against reference measurements in water and PMMA. These measurements were performed in Essen, Germany, with the IBA dedicated Pencil Beam Scanning system, using Bragg-peak chambers and radiochromic films. GEANT4 simulations were also compared to the PHITS.2.14 and MCNPX.2.5.0 Monte Carlo codes. Depth-dose simulations reached 0.3 mm range accuracy compared to NIST CSDA ranges, with a dose agreement of about 1% over a set of five different energies. The transverse profiles simulated using the different Monte Carlo codes showed discrepancies, with up to 15% difference in beam widening between GEANT4 and MCNPX in water. A 8% difference between the GEANT4 multiple scattering and single scattering algorithms was observed. The simulations showed the inability of reproducing the measured transverse dose spreading with depth in PMMA, corroborating the fact that GEANT4 underestimates the lateral dose spreading. GATE was found to be a very convenient simulation environment to perform this study. A reference physics-list and an optimized parameters-list have been proposed. Satisfactory agreement against depth-dose profiles measurements was obtained. The simulation of transverse profiles using different Monte Carlo codes showed significant deviations. This point is crucial for Pencil Beam Scanning delivery simulations and suggests that the GEANT4 multiple scattering algorithm should be revised.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulations are adopted to study the electron transport porcess in the non-uniform electric field.Some important parameters of electrons in diamond films dynamic process at low temperature via EACVD such as angle distribution,energy distribution,average energy of electrons are given.The results indicate that the electron scattering near the substrate is mainly of a large-angle scattering,exhibiting a double-peaking distribution .All of the conclusions provide some theoretical data referential to the vapor dynamic model of diamond film growth at low temperature via EACVD.  相似文献   

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