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Relayed transmissions enable low-power communications among nodes (possibly separated by a large distance) in wireless networks. Since the capacity of general relay channels is unknown, we investigate the achievable rates of relayed transmissions over fading channels for two transmission schemes: the block Markov coded and the time-division multiplexed (TDM) transmissions. The normalized achievable minimum energy per bit required for reliable communications is derived, which also enables optimal power allocation between the source and the relay. The time-sharing factor in TDM transmissions is optimized to improve achievable rates. The region where relayed transmission can provide a lower minimum energy per bit than direct transmission, as well as the optimal relay placement for these two transmission schemes, are also investigated. Numerical results delineate the advantages of relayed, relative to direct, transmissions. 相似文献
We study two-hop communication protocols where one or several relay terminals assist in the communication between two or more terminals. All terminals operate in half-duplex mode, hence the transmission of one information symbol from the source terminal to the destination terminal occupies two channel uses. This leads to a loss in spectral efficiency due to the pre-log factor one-half in corresponding capacity expressions. We propose two new half-duplex relaying protocols that avoid the pre-log factor one-half. Firstly, we consider a relaying protocol where a bidirectional connection between two terminals is established via one amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) relay (two-way relaying). We also extend this protocol to a multi-user scenario, where multiple terminals communicate with multiple partner terminals via several orthogonalize-and-forward (OF) relay terminals, i.e., the relays orthogonalize the different two-way transmissions by a distributed zero-forcing algorithm. Secondly, we propose a relaying protocol where two relays, either AF or DF, alternately forward messages from a source terminal to a destination terminal (two-path relaying). It is shown that both protocols recover a significant portion of the half-duplex loss 相似文献
In this paper, we propose an asymmetric diversity modulation (ADM) scheme for a single-source relay system that utilizes the relay?s higher transmission ability as a form of diversity. To achieve this, the proposed method transmits multiple source bits over a high-order modulating relay as a way to provide additional time diversity. The spatial and time diversity then undergo `bit?-based combining at the destination. Using the proposed `bit?-based channel combining method, we derive the theoretical bit error rate (BER) for such a system. Moreover, we investigate the fact that the proposed scheme shows a performance trade-off between bit power and time diversity resulting from the reduced bit power caused by a high-order modulating relay. 相似文献
Himal A. Suraweera Peter J. Smith Jean Armstrong 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2006,10(12):834-836
It is well known that the cooperation among nodes can improve the performance of a wireless network. In this letter we analyze the outage probability behaviour of a relay network in Nakagami-m fading channels. A closed-form solution for the outage probability is derived. When m=1, the results are applicable for Rayleigh fading. Computer simulations confirm the presented mathematical analysis 相似文献
Cooperation diversity schemes have been proposed for cellular networks that permit mobile stations to relay signals to a final destination, thereby increasing the network capacity and coverage. The mobile relays either decode and retransmit the received signal or simply amplify and forward (A & F) the signal. The overall channel from the source to the destination via the relay in A & F systems is "double" Gaussian with properties quite different from a typical cellular channel. Since very little is known about A & F relay fading channels, this paper considers their statistical properties such as the envelope probability density function, autocorrelation, level crossing rate, and system performance characteristics like frequency of outages and average outage durations. We briefly discuss the simulation of these channels and verify our analysis by simulations. 相似文献
On the performance of selection decode-and-forward relay networks over Nakagami-m fading channels 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In this paper, we present the performance of fixed decode-and-forward cooperative networks with relay selection over independent but not identically distributed Nakagamim fading channels, with integer values of the fading severity parameter m. Specifically, closed-form expressions for the symbol error probability and the outage probability are derived using the statistical characteristic of the signal-to-noise ratio. We also perform Monte-Carlo simulations to verify the analytical results. 相似文献
On the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff in half-duplex cooperative channels 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Azarian K. El Gamal H. Schniter P. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2005,51(12):4152-4172
We propose novel cooperative transmission protocols for delay-limited coherent fading channels consisting of N (half-duplex and single-antenna) partners and one cell site. In our work, we differentiate between the relay, cooperative broadcast (down-link), and cooperative multiple-access (CMA) (up-link) channels. The proposed protocols are evaluated using Zheng-Tse diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. For the relay channel, we investigate two classes of cooperation schemes; namely, amplify and forward (AF) protocols and decode and forward (DF) protocols. For the first class, we establish an upper bound on the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff with a single relay. We then construct a new AF protocol that achieves this upper bound. The proposed algorithm is then extended to the general case with (N-1) relays where it is shown to outperform the space-time coded protocol of Laneman and Wornell without requiring decoding/encoding at the relays. For the class of DF protocols, we develop a dynamic decode and forward (DDF) protocol that achieves the optimal tradeoff for multiplexing gains 0/spl les/r/spl les/1/N. Furthermore, with a single relay, the DDF protocol is shown to dominate the class of AF protocols for all multiplexing gains. The superiority of the DDF protocol is shown to be more significant in the cooperative broadcast channel. The situation is reversed in the CMA channel where we propose a new AF protocol that achieves the optimal tradeoff for all multiplexing gains. A distinguishing feature of the proposed protocols in the three scenarios is that they do not rely on orthogonal subspaces, allowing for a more efficient use of resources. In fact, using our results one can argue that the suboptimality of previously proposed protocols stems from their use of orthogonal subspaces rather than the half-duplex constraint. 相似文献
Dual-hop transmission systems employing fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying have been studied recently over Nakagami fading channels. These analyses, however, either have imposed certain constraints on the fading parameters or have not been totally accurate when evaluating the diversity order of the systems. In this letter, we will develop a methodology for evaluating the diversity order of such systems. The methodology can be easily extended to analyze fixed-gain AF relaying with multiple relays. 相似文献
Thi Nguyen Tu-Trinh Do Dinh-Thuan Chen Yeong-Chin So-In Chakchai Rahman Md Arafatur 《Wireless Networks》2021,27(6):3827-3843
Wireless Networks - By removing the orthogonal use of radio-resources, non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has been introduced to improve the spectral efficiency of fifth generation (5G) and... 相似文献
This paper deals with the modeling and analysis of narrowband mobile-to-mobile (M2M) fading channels for amplify-and-forward relay links under line-of-sight (LOS) conditions. It is assumed that a LOS component exists in the direct link between the source mobile station (SMS) and the destination mobile station (DMS), as well as in the links via the mobile relay (MR). The proposed channel model is referred to as the multiple-LOS second-order scattering (MLSS) channel model. The MLSS channel model is derived from a second-order scattering process, where the received signal is modeled in the complex baseband as the sum of a single and a double scattered component. Analytical expressions are derived for the mean value, variance, probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), level-crossing rate (LCR), and average duration of fades (ADF) of the received envelope of MLSS channels. The PDF of the channel phase is also investigated. It is observed that the LOS components and the relay gain have a significant influence on the statistics of MLSS channels. It is also shown that MLSS channels include various other channel models as special cases, e.g., double Rayleigh channels, double Rice channels, single-LOS double-scattering (SLDS) channels, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) second-order scattering (NLSS) channels, and single-LOS second-order scattering (SLSS) channels. The correctness of all analytical results is confirmed by simulations using a high performance channel simulator. Our novel MLSS channel model is of significant importance for the system level performance evaluation of M2M communication systems in different M2M propagation scenarios. Furthermore, our studies pertaining to the fading behavior of MLSS channels are useful for the design and development of relay-based cooperative wireless networks. 相似文献
As is known, distributed Turbo coding (DTC) performs close to the theoretic outage probability bound of a relay channel when correct decoding is assumed at the relay. However, decoding error is inevitable in practical fading channels due to the error-prone feature of radio channels, and the decoding error propagation in DTC scheme will severely degrade the error performance of the relay system. As a result, it is necessary to evaluate the error performance of the DTC scheme in multi-hop relaying wireless systems in practical fading channels. Moreover, the theoretical method of analysis provides an effective tool for obtaining the error performance besides lengthy simulations. In this article, the concept of equivalent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the two-hop relay channel and the method of computing equivalent SNR are developed, and then the upper bound on the bit error probability (BEP) of DTC relay systems is analyzed by use of Turbo code's distance spectrum, the concept of uniform interleaver, the limit-before-averaging technique, and the union bound method. Both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation are implemented for relay systems with DTC scheme over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels. The results show that the upper bound approaches the simulation results in the medium to high SNR region. 相似文献
Quoc-Tuan Vien Brian G. Stewart Huaglory Tianfield Huan X. Nguyen Jinho Choi 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2013,67(4):282-288
This paper proposes a new reliable automatic repeat request (ARQ) transmission protocol for wireless multisource multidestination relay networks over mixed fading channels. Conventional application of ARQ protocols to retransmit lost or erroneous packets in relay networks can cause considerable delay latency with a significant increase in the number of retransmissions when networks consist of multiple sources and multiple destinations. To address this issue, a new ARQ protocol based on network coding (NC) is proposed where the relay detects packets from different transmission sources, then uses NC to combine and forward lost packets to their destinations. An efficient means for the retransmission of all lost packets is proposed through two packet-combination algorithms for retransmissions at the relay and sources. The paper derives mathematical formulation of transmission bandwidth for this new NC-based ARQ protocol and compares analytical and simulation results with some other ARQ protocols over both mixed Rayleigh and Rician flat fading channel. The mixed fading model permits investigation of two typical fading scenarios where the relay is located in the neighbourhood of either the sources or the destinations. The transmission bandwidth results show that the proposed NC-based ARQ protocol demonstrates superior performance over other existing ARQ schemes. 相似文献
A feedback-rate control scheme recently proposed by Cavers for the incoherent detection of binary signals transmitted over a slowly fading Rayleigh channels is shown to be optimum for coherent systems. 相似文献
Deconstructing multiantenna fading channels 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Accurate and tractable channel modeling is critical to realizing the full potential of antenna arrays in wireless communications. Current approaches represent two extremes: idealized statistical models representing a rich scattering environment and parameterized physical models that describe realistic scattering environments via the angles and gains associated with different propagation paths. However, simple rules that capture the effects of scattering characteristics on channel capacity and diversity are difficult to infer from existing models. We propose an intermediate virtual channel representation that captures the essence of physical modeling and provides a simple geometric interpretation of the scattering environment. The virtual representation corresponds to a fixed coordinate transformation via spatial basis functions defined by fixed virtual angles. We show that in an uncorrelated scattering environment, the elements of the channel matrix form a segment of a stationary process and that the virtual channel coefficients are approximately uncorrelated samples of the underlying spectral representation. For any scattering environment, the virtual channel matrix clearly reveals the two key factors affecting capacity: the number of parallel channels and the level of diversity. The concepts of spatial zooming and aliasing are introduced to provide a transparent interpretation of the effect of antenna spacing on channel statistics and capacity. Numerical results are presented to illustrate various aspects of the virtual framework. 相似文献
Lattice coding and decoding achieve the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of MIMO channels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
El Gamal H. Caire G. Damen M.O. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2004,50(6):968-985
This paper considers communication over coherent multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels where the channel is only known at the receiver. For this setting, we introduce the class of LAttice Space-Time (LAST) codes. We show that these codes achieve the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff defined by Zheng and Tse under generalized minimum Euclidean distance lattice decoding. Our scheme is based on a generalization of Erez and Zamir mod-/spl Lambda/ scheme to the MIMO case. In our construction the scalar "scaling" of Erez-Zamir and Costa Gaussian "dirty-paper" schemes is replaced by the minimum mean-square error generalized decision-feedback equalizer (MMSE-GDFE). This result settles the open problem posed by Zheng and Tse on the construction of explicit coding and decoding schemes that achieve the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. Moreover, our results shed more light on the structure of optimal coding/decoding techniques in delay-limited MIMO channels, and hence, open the door for novel approaches for space-time code constructions. In particular, 1) we show that MMSE-GDFE plays a fundamental role in approaching the limits of delay-limited MIMO channels in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, unlike the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel case and 2) our random coding arguments represent a major departure from traditional space-time code designs based on the rank and/or mutual information design criteria. 相似文献
Secrecy performance analysis of AF relaying with relay selection scheme over Nakagami‐m fading channels

This paper investigates the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and intercept behavior for the amplify‐and‐forward network over Nakagami‐m fading channels. Relay selection schemes are evaluated. The optimal and suboptimal criterions require the instantaneous and statistical channel state information of the eavesdroppers' channels, respectively. The enhanced 2‐hop criterion needs the additional information of the target secrecy rate for relay selection. Theoretical analysis reveals that the diversity order of the SOP is dominated by the minimum fading figures of the source‐relay and relay‐destination channels, while that of the intercept probability depends on the fading figure of the relay‐destination channel. In the multirelay scenario, the optimal, suboptimal, and enhanced 2‐hop scheme achieve the same diversity orders of the SOP. For the intercept probability, the optimal and second‐hop relay selection schemes provide the same diversity order, while the diversity orders of the suboptimal and enhanced 2‐hop schemes are the same. Simulation results finally substantiate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis. 相似文献
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) estimation is considered for phase-shift keying communication systems in time-varying fading channels. Both data-aided (DA) estimation and nondata-aided (NDA) estimation are addressed. The time-varying fading channel is modeled as a polynomial-in-time. Inherent estimation accuracy limitations are examined via the Cramer-Rao lower bound, where it is shown that the effect of the channel's time variation on SNR estimation is negligible. A novel maximum-likelihood (ML) SNR estimator is derived for the time-varying channel model. In DA scenarios, where the estimator has a simple closed-form solution, the exact performance is evaluated both with correct and incorrect (i.e., mismatched) polynomial order. In NDA estimation, the unknown data symbols are modeled as random, and the marginal likelihood is used. The expectation-maximization algorithm is proposed to iteratively maximize this likelihood function. Simulation results show that the resulting estimator offers statistical efficiency over a wider range of scenarios than previously published methods. 相似文献
DS-CDMA synchronization in time-varying fading channels 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Strom E.G. Parkvall S. Miller S.L. Ottersten B.E. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》1996,14(8):1636-1642
The problem of estimating propagation delays of the transmitted signals in a direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system operating over fading channels is considered. Even though this study is limited to the case when the propagation delays are fixed during the observation interval, the channel gain and phase are allowed to vary in time. Special attention is given to the near-far problem which is catastrophic for the standard acquisition algorithm. An estimator based on subspace identification techniques is proposed, and the Cramer-Rao bound, which serves as an optimality criterion, is derived. The Cramer-Rao bound is shown to be independent of the near-far problem, which implies that there is no fundamental reason for propagation delay estimators to be near-far limited. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is experimentally shown to be robust against the near-far problem 相似文献
《Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2008,7(10):3718-3724
We provide closed-form expressions for the outage and bit error probability (BEP) of uncoded, threshold-based opportunistic relaying (OR) and selection cooperation (SC), at arbitrary signal to noise ratios (SNRs) and number of available relays, assuming decode-and-forward relays and Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical results demonstrate that SC performs slightly better in terms of outage probability; in terms of BEP, both systems may outperform one another, depending on the SNR threshold that determines the set of relays that participate in the forwarding process. 相似文献