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软件可靠性测试方法探析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在软件可靠性测试中,测试结果会受测试用例的影响。为得到最佳的测试结果,文中提出了基于运行剖面的公平选择测试用例的原则,在此基础上,建立测试用例集,进行软件可靠性测试,目的是对软件的可靠性进行验证。文章最后给出了利用软件的运行剖面和软件失效数据进行软件可靠性评估的方法。 相似文献
为验证和评估软件可靠性水平,阐述了开展软件可靠性测试的方法和过程,针对星载嵌入式软件的特点,介绍了进行软件可靠性测试的关键步骤的实现途径和方法,包括:失效的定义、测试环境的搭建、使用剖面的构造、测试过程的执行以及失效数据的收集,最后给出了该软件的可靠性定量评估结果,表明了该方法和流程的实用性和可行性,为后续开展类似的软件可靠性测试提供实践经验. 相似文献
软件可靠性分析、测试与评估工具--SRATE介绍 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
软件可靠性分析、测试及评估工具(SRATE)是一个集软件可靠性分析、测试及评估于一体的软件工具。该工具支持多种测试策略下的软件自动化测试及评估试验,包括随机测试策略、自适应测试策略等。该工具还集成了包括欧洲航天局的space软件、浙大CAD&CG国家重点实验室的Intra3D构件库在内的多个典型被测对象。根据工具接口要求可以方便的添加新的测试策略和测试对象。具有自动化程度高、通用性强、配置灵活、易于扩展的特点,是进行软件可靠性分析研究工作的有力工具。 相似文献
软件可靠性定量评估过程研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
软件可靠性定量评估过程贯穿软件开发和验收使用的全过程,是软件可靠性的重要评价手段。重点介绍该过程中的关键技术与方法,阐述了软件可靠性参数分析、可靠性预测、可靠性模型选择和可靠性测试充分性等主要内容,对软件可靠性定量评估过程进行较全面的分析探讨。 相似文献
软件可靠性测试方法新探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
蔡建平 《计算机工程与设计》2009,30(20)
针对传统软件可靠性测试方法在对软件因长期使用软件性能下降,甚至完全失效这种严重影响软件可靠性的测试存在不足的现状,通过对软件自身特性以及软件可靠性估算面临问题的深入分析和研究,结合传统的软件可靠性测试方法,提出了基于操作剖面的软件可靠性压力测试思想和操作剖面、压力测试点相互结合、互为补充的软件可靠性测试方法,并给出了软件可靠性测试新方法实施的技术途径.该思想与方法既是对传统软件可靠性测试方法的一个大胆探索,也是对软件可靠性测试方法的一个有益补充. 相似文献
软件可靠性评估工具是软件可靠性工程中的重要分析手段,大大地简化了可靠性度量及模型比较的繁复工作。文章综述和分析了目前国外市场上几种广泛应用的软件可靠性评估工具;对每一种工具作出简述,在对这些工具作比较分析的基础上给出了选择工具的一般性原则。 相似文献
针对航空机载武器系统嵌入式软件可靠性工程实施现状,提出以软件可靠性增长测试为基础。推动软件可靠性工程的实施的观点,并给出由软件可靠性增长测试推动软件可靠性工程实施的具体过程。 相似文献
为了克服传统可靠性测试方法在验证高可靠性指标时测试持续期太长的困难,针对实时多任务软件的特点,提供了一种融基于体系结构的系统可靠性建模、最大熵原理、贝叶斯统计推断为一体的多级高可靠性测评方法。数值仿真表明,该方法在不降低验证测试置信水平的基础上,能有效缩短验证测试持续期。 相似文献
在航空电子系统软件测试的背景上,对ARINC653平台燃油模块在Testbed测试平台上的测试用例进行统计,得出实际测试案例分布服从特殊泊松的数学特征。根据软件测试的时间依赖性提出一种新的可靠性评估模型ISTREM,并且求得软件测试用例的失效率,从而对软件进行可靠性评估,解决了软件测试可靠性评估过程复杂且计算量较大并且忽略时间依赖性的问题。在Matlab平台上对软件系统(燃油模块)的测试可靠性进行评估,得出实验结果,并且提出不足。 相似文献
基于架构的软件可靠性分析往往把构件的可靠性当作自身固有不变的属性,忽略了在不同的输入剖面下,因构件所处的交互环境不同造成的实际可靠性的变化。改进了一种基于架构的可靠性模型,引入转移目的构件剖面矩阵来建立系统操作剖面和构件可靠性的联系,并给出了改进后的可靠性合成算法。实例分析表明,该模型可以全面捕捉到在不同系统操作剖面下,因构件之间转移概率和构件可靠度这两个参数的变化对整体可靠性产生的影响,提高了系统设计阶段可靠性分析的精确性。 相似文献
Kai-Yuan Cai Author Vitae Chang-Hai Jiang Author VitaeAuthor Vitae Cheng-Gang Bai Author Vitae 《Journal of Systems and Software》2008,81(8):1406-1429
Adaptive testing is a new form of software testing that is based on the feedback and adaptive control principle and can be treated as the software testing counterpart of adaptive control. Our previous work has shown that adaptive testing can be formulated and guided in theory to minimize the variance of an unbiased software reliability estimator and to achieve optimal software reliability assessment. In this paper, we present an experimental study of adaptive testing for software reliability assessment, where the adaptive testing strategy, the random testing strategy and the operational profile based testing strategy were applied to the Space program in four experiments. The experimental results demonstrate that the adaptive testing strategy can really work in practice and may noticeably outperform the other two. Therefore, the adaptive testing strategy can serve as a preferable alternative to the random testing strategy and the operational profile based testing strategy if high confidence in the reliability estimates is required or the real-world operational profile of the software under test cannot be accurately identified. 相似文献
研究了高可靠软件的可靠性评估技术,给出了失效数据稀少情况下的软件可靠性模型.假设高可靠软件的可靠性测试过程中发生失效是独立同分布的稀有事件,从理论上分析了极值统计理论用于软件可靠性评估的可行性,建立了软件可靠性极值统计模型,讨论了模型的参数估计方法和假设检验方法. 相似文献
Optimal and adaptive testing for software reliability assessment 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Optimal software testing is concerned with how to test software such that the underlying testing goal is achieved in an optimal manner. Our previous work shows that the optimal testing problem for software reliability growth can be treated as closed-loop or feedback control problem, where the software under test serves as a controlled object and the software testing strategy serves as the corresponding controller. More specifically, the software under test is modeled as controlled Markov chains (CMCs) and the control theory of Markov chains is used to synthesize the required optimal testing strategy. In this paper, we show that software reliability assessment can be treated as a feedback control problem and the CMC approach is also applicable to dealing with the optimal testing problem for software reliability assessment. In this problem, the code of the software under test is frozen and the software testing process is optimized in the sense that the variance of the software reliability estimator is minimized. An adaptive software testing strategy is proposed that uses the testing data collected on-line to estimate the required parameters and selects next test cases. Simulation results show that the proposed adaptive software testing strategy can really work in the sense that the resulting variance of the software reliability estimate is much smaller than that resulting from the random testing strategies. The work presented in this paper is a contribution to the new area of software cybernetics that explores the interplay between software and control. 相似文献
To be certain that prerelease reliability and performance levels can be expected in operation, one must establish that the testing environment emulates the end-use environment. If these environments differ, then one must know the nature of this difference to know its impact on customer satisfaction. While an ability to differentiate software environments is important in software engineering, there are few publications regarding this concept. Of the publications that we know of, none provide an empirical setting for comparing environments. In this paper we analyse two software systems as they operate in selected environments. We present two graphical characterizations of these systems, and we apply a statistical method to determine whether two environments are distinct. The results suggest applications of statistical methods in the detection of environmental differences. 相似文献
目前,国内外相关研究大多集中于以MTBF/MTTF等时间相关指标作为可靠性参数的连续型软件,而对以成功率等非时间相关指标作为可靠性参数的离散型软件的可靠性验证测试研究则比较少见。因此,针对三种重要的离散型软件可靠性验证测试方案进行详细的分析与比较,并从标准层面上对这三种方案的实施方法与技术细节进行改进,从而为离散型软件可靠性验证测试的开展与实施提供必要和有效的指导。 相似文献