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There has been a global push for improved antimicrobial stewardship, including in animal agriculture, due to growing concerns about antimicrobial resistance. However, little is known about the general public's perceptions of antimicrobial use in animal agriculture. The aim of this study was to explore the US public's perceptions of antibiotic use in dairy farming and how these perceptions influence purchasing decisions. Data from the 2017 Cornell National Social Survey developed in collaboration with the Cornell Survey Research Institute were used to assess the public's perceptions. The Survey Research Institute of Cornell University (Ithaca, NY) administered the survey by telephone to a random sample of 1,000 adults in the continental United States. The survey collected information about perceptions of threat to human health posed by antibiotic use in cows on dairy farms and willingness to pay more for milk from cows raised without antibiotics, as well as several presumed explanatory variables, including respondents' knowledge of antibiotics, beliefs regarding cattle treatment in dairy farming, and 18 sociodemographic characteristics. Data were analyzed using logistic regression. Among respondents, 90.7% (n = 892/983) reported that antibiotic use on dairy farms posed some level of threat to human health and 71.5% (n = 580/811) indicated they would be willing to pay more for milk produced from cows raised without antibiotics. Respondents who believed that antibiotic use in dairy farming posed a moderate to high threat to human health were more likely to be female and report willingness to pay more for milk or not purchase milk. Additionally, consumers' willingness to pay more for milk from cattle raised without antibiotics was associated with the belief that antibiotic use posed some threat to human health, the belief that cows are treated better on organic dairy farms, an annual household income of $50,000 or greater, being born outside the United States, having a liberal social ideology, and being currently or formerly married. These results suggest that the general public's decisions as consumers of dairy products are associated with demographic factors in addition to perceptions of antibiotic use and cattle treatment in dairy farming. The rationale behind such perceptions should be further explored to facilitate consumers' informed decision making about antibiotic use in agriculture, links to cattle treatment, and associated willingness-to-pay attitudes.  相似文献   

There has been a rapid rise in the emergence of multi-drug-resistant pathogens in the past 10 to 15 yr and some bacteria are now resistant to most antimicrobial agents. Antibiotic use is very restricted on Swiss organic dairy farms, and a purely prophylactic use, such as for dry cow mastitis prevention, is forbidden. A low prevalence of antibiotic resistance in organic farms can be expected compared with conventional farms because the bacteria are infrequently or not exposed to antibiotics. The occurrence of antibiotic resistance was compared between mastitis pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, nonaureus staphylococci, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus uberis) from farms with organic and conventional dairy production. Clear differences in the percentage of antibiotic resistance were mainly species-related, but did not differ significantly between isolates from cows kept on organic and conventional farms, except for Streptococcus uberis, which exhibited significantly more single resistances (compared with no resistance) when isolated from cows kept on organic farms (6/10 isolates) than on conventional farms (0/5 isolates). Different percentages were found (albeit not statistically significant) in resistance to ceftiofur, erythromycin, clindamycin, enrofloxacin, chloramphenicol, penicillin, oxacillin, gentamicin, tetracycline, and quinupristin-dalfopristin, but, importantly, none of the strains was resistant to amoxicillin-clavulanic acid or vancomycin. Multidrug resistance was rarely encountered. The frequency of antibiotic resistance in organic farms, in which the use of antibiotics must be very restricted, was not different from conventional farms, and was contrary to expectation. The antibiotic resistance status needs to be monitored in organic farms as well as conventional farms and production factors related to the absence of reduced antibiotic resistance in organic farms need to be evaluated.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted (July 2001 to June 2002) on antibiotic usage of 113 dairy herds from 13 counties in Pennsylvania. Fifty percent of dairy farms surveyed maintained antibiotic treatment records. Only 21% of dairy producers had written plans for treating sick animals. Thirty-two percent of dairy producers sought veterinarian advice before administering antibiotics and on most farms (93%), antibiotics were administered by the owner/manager or designated herdsman. Twenty-four percent of the dairy producers said they always completed the course of antibiotic treatment. Any extra-label use of antibiotics was administered only on the guidelines of a veterinarian on majority of the farms. Comprehensive records from 33 dairy farms indicated that antibiotic usage was largest for calves with enteritis (36%) followed by pneumonia in calves (25%) and foot rot in cattle (16%). Twenty-four antibiotics including beta-lactams, spectinomycin, florfenicol, and tetra-cyclines were used on these farms. Beta-lactam antibiotics were used mostly for dry cow therapy, clinical mastitis, and on some farms for pneumonia and metritis. On 18% of the dairy herds surveyed, ceftiofur was used in an extra-label manner to treat mastitis in lactating cattle. On 70% of farms, calves were fed medicated milk replacers containing oxytetracycline and neomycin. The results of this study suggest that antibiotics are used extensively on dairy herds for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Beta-lactams and tetracyclines were the most widely used antibiotics. There is considerable variation in the management practices associated with antibiotic use on dairy farms. It is anticipated that the findings of this survey will permit developing new strategies for prudent use of antibiotics on dairy herds.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12164-12172
Retained fetal membranes (RFM), dystocia, and twinning are common postpartum events that increase the risk of metritis, impair reproductive performance, and contribute to antimicrobial use on dairies. The overall objective of this study was to describe treatment decisions after RFM, severe dystocia (cesarean section and fetotomy), nonsevere dystocia (nonmechanical and mechanical assistance to extract the calf), and twinning. A total of 44 dairies from California's San Joaquin Valley (39 Holstein and 6 Jersey or crossbreed herds) with 450 to 9,500 lactating cows were enrolled in this study. Researchers visited each dairy once to observe cow-side fresh cow health evaluations and to interview health evaluators and maternity workers, using a standardized survey tool. The survey included questions about antimicrobial (class, dose, and duration) and nonantimicrobial therapies for calving-related events. Antimicrobial therapy was used in all 44 dairies to treat RFM at 24 (n = 23), 48 (n = 10), or 72 h (n = 5) after calving, or when puerperal metritis signs were observed (n = 6). Antimicrobial therapy was used after all severe dystocia cases, and after nonsevere dystocia (n = 27) and twinning (n = 15). Ceftiofur products were the most common antimicrobial class; they were used to treat RFM cases (n = 29), nonsevere dystocia (n = 13), and twinning (n = 10). Supportive therapy for calving-related events included nonantimicrobial intrauterine treatments, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, oxytocin, i.v. calcium, or oral drenches. Our study highlights opportunities to reduce extra-label use of antimicrobials in postpartum cows affected with RFM, and the need for education and outreach efforts on judicious use of antimicrobials. Furthermore, antimicrobial treatment choices differed largely across dairies, indicating a need to reach consensus and promote standardized practices within the industry.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(6):4059-4071
In dairy farming, mastitis treatment is the most common reason for antimicrobial use. The overuse or misuse of antibiotics in agriculture has been associated with the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Traditionally, blanket dry cow therapy (BDCT), in which all cows receive antibiotic treatment, was used prophylactically to prevent and manage disease spread. In recent years, there has been a move toward selective dry cow therapy (SDCT), in which only clinically infected cows are treated with antibiotics. This study aimed to explore farmer attitudes toward antibiotic use (ABU), using the COM-B (Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behavior) model as a framework, to identify predictors of changing behavior toward SDCT and suggest interventions to encourage its uptake. Participant farmers (n = 240) were surveyed online between March and July 2021. Five items were found to be significant predictors of farmers having stopped BDCT: (1) having lower knowledge of AMR, (2) greater awareness of AMR and ABU (Capability), (3) feeling social pressure to reduce ABU (Opportunity), and (4) having greater professional identity, and (5) having positive emotions associated with stopping BDCT (Motivation). Direct logistic regression found that these 5 factors explained between 22 and 34.1% of the variance in making changes to BDCT practices. Additionally, objective knowledge was not correlated with current positive antibiotic practices, and farmers often perceived their antibiotic practices as more responsible than they actually were. A multifaceted approach, encompassing each of the predictors highlighted, should be taken to encourage farmer behavior change in relation to stopping BDCT. Additionally, as farmers' perceptions of their own behaviors may not align with their actual practices, awareness raising of what constitutes “responsible” behavior should be targeted at dairy farmers to motivate them to take action and adopt more responsible antibiotic practices.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial use on UK dairy farms is measured for surveillance purposes, with veterinary sales data as a proxy for use. Two other methods of recording use have been used commonly on-farm: medicine waste bins and farm medicine records. However, none of these methods has been validated to measure antimicrobial use. The objective of this research was to assess agreement between the 3 most common methods for measuring on-farm antimicrobial use with a predetermined reference method on UK dairy farms. Antimicrobial use was measured prospectively on 26 UK dairy farms using medicine waste bins into which participants placed all discarded medicine packaging for a 12-mo period. At the end of 12 mo, farm medicine records and veterinary sales data were obtained retrospectively for participating farms. The reference method used was based on pre- and poststudy inventories combined with veterinary sales data. We investigated the systematic difference between the mean on-farm antimicrobial use measured by each of the 3 methods and a reference method, using one-way repeated-measures ANOVA models. Reliability and clinical relevance of the agreement between each pair of methods was quantified using the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and the Bland-Altman method, respectively. When compared with the reference method, veterinary sales data had excellent reliability for injectable antimicrobials and intramammary antimicrobials [95% confidence interval (CI) of CCC > 0.90] and moderate to excellent reliability for other antimicrobials (95% CI of CCC: 0.68–0.97). Medicine waste bins had good to excellent reliability for injectable (95% CI of CCC: 0.84–0.99), and intramammary products (95% CI of CCC: 0.78–0.94) and no agreement for other forms of antimicrobial. Farm medicine records did not agree for any form of antimicrobial when compared with the reference method. The use of veterinary sales data as a proxy for on-farm antimicrobial use in the UK represented excellent statistical reliability and offered clinically good agreement with the reference method when used to measure injectable antimicrobials. This study applies to the UK context and included a relatively small number of farms. However, these results have research and policy implications, both nationally and internationally, and are essential in accurately quantifying agricultural antimicrobial use to inform both animal and human health.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(9):7161-7189
Administering intramammary antimicrobials to all mammary quarters of dairy cows at drying-off [i.e., blanket dry cow therapy (BDCT)] has been a mainstay of mastitis prevention and control. However, as udder health has considerably improved over recent decades with reductions in intramammary infection prevalence at drying-off and the introduction of teat sealants, BDCT may no longer be necessary on all dairy farms, thereby supporting antimicrobial stewardship efforts. This narrative review summarizes available literature regarding current dry cow therapy practices and associated impacts of selective dry cow therapy (SDCT) on udder health, milk production, economics, antimicrobial use, and antimicrobial resistance. Various methods to identify infections at drying-off that could benefit from antimicrobial treatment are described for selecting cows or mammary quarters for treatment, including utilizing somatic cell count thresholds, pathogen identification, previous clinical mastitis history, or a combination of criteria. Selection methods may be enacted at the herd, cow, or quarter levels. Producers' and veterinarians' motivations for antimicrobial use are discussed. Based on review findings, SDCT can be adopted without negative consequences for udder health and milk production, and concurrent teat sealant use is recommended, especially in udder quarters receiving no intramammary antimicrobials. Furthermore, herd selection should be considered for SDCT implementation in addition to cow or quarter selection, as BDCT may still be temporarily necessary in some herds for optimal mastitis control. Costs and benefits of SDCT vary among herds, whereas impacts on antimicrobial resistance remain unclear. In summary, SDCT is a viable management option for maintaining udder health and milk production while improving antimicrobial stewardship in the dairy industry.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe antibiotic use and biosecurity practices among Washington State dairy producers and to evaluate the effectiveness of a collaborative approach to promoting judicious antibiotic use on dairy farms. In collaboration with a statewide industry group, Washington State dairy producers participated in a written, self-administered survey in 2003. They were then provided several educational interventions followed by a second written survey in 2005. Sixty-five percent (381) of dairy producers completed the 2003 survey. The most commonly cited drugs used for disease treatment were penicillin, ceftiofur, and oxytetracycline. Participants also indicated significant preventive uses with 28% using medicated milk replacer. Most producers appeared to consider intramammary infusion at dry-off to be a treatment rather than a preventative practice. Twenty-three percent of initial respondents indicated at least one extra-label use of antibiotics, yet only half routinely consulted with a veterinarian when doing so. Most agreed that using written protocols for disease treatment could reduce errors, but less than one-third had protocols. After the educational intervention there was a tendency toward reduced use of antibiotic medicated milk replacer: 51% of producers who originally reported using medicated milk replacer discontinued this practice, whereas 12% of producers began using medicated milk replacer between the 2003 and 2005 surveys. Most reported that the resources and educational materials were useful. Areas where additional work is needed include reducing the use of medicated milk replacer, increasing veterinary involvement in antibiotic use decisions, implementing treatment protocols, enhancing biosecurity, and ensuring optimal cow and calf immunity.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(10):10854-10862
We studied the use of the 3 commonly used reproductive hormones, namely prostaglandins, GnRH, and progesterone, and associated herd-level factors on 760 Dutch dairy farms from 5 veterinary clinics. From 2017 to 2019 we collected data on the sales of reproductive hormones, converted this data into the number of reproductive hormone doses conducted, and expressed this as the annual number of reproductive hormone doses per 100 adult dairy cows. Additional herd-level information was available for 2019. Due to the excess of zeros in the data set (i.e., a substantial number of farms did not use any hormones), we used a zero-inflated negative binomial model to identify related herd-level factors for the use of reproductive hormones. In the entire study period of 2017 to 2019, 5.8% of the dairy farms did not use any reproductive hormones, with the proportion of nonusers varying between 0.0 and 10.3% per veterinary clinic. This proportion was around 13.5% on an annual basis. Prostaglandins were the most frequently used reproductive hormone in Dutch dairy cows (62.9%), followed by GnRH (33.1%) and progesterone (4.0%). Furthermore, participating in a veterinary herd health management program had a significant effect on reproductive hormone use. These farms used more reproductive hormones than farms that did not participate in a herd health management program and were less represented in the group of nonuser farms. Technologies, such as pedometers and automatic milking systems, also had an effect on reproductive hormone use. The presence of pedometers or activity monitors did not reduce the use of the reproductive hormones but was associated with a greater frequency of users. Farms with an automatic milking system used more reproductive hormones than farms with a conventional milking system. With this study, we have made a first step in achieving transparency in the Dutch dairy industry by providing an objective overview of reproductive hormone use on Dutch dairy farms and identifying associations with some herd-level factors.  相似文献   

Dairy farm activities contribute to environmental pollution through the surplus N and P that they produce. Optimization of animal feeding and management has been described as a key strategy for decreasing N and P excretion in manure. Sixty-four commercial dairy farms were studied to assess the efficiency of N and P use in lactating herds and to identify dietary and management factors that may contribute to improving the efficiency of nutrient use for milk production, and decrease N and P excretion. The average ration was formulated to 50:50 forage:concentrate ratio with grass silage and corn silage as the main forage sources. Mean N and P intakes were 562 g/d [16.4% crude protein (CP)] and 84.8 g/d (0.40% P), respectively. Milk yield averaged 29.7 kg/d and contributed to 25.8% (standard deviation ± 2.9) of N utilization efficiency (NUE) and 31.9% (standard deviation ± 4.5) of P utilization efficiency (PUE). Dietary N manipulation through fitting the intake of CP to animal requirements showed a better response in terms of decreasing N excretion (R2 = 0.70) than that estimated for P nutrition and excretion (R2 = 0.30). Improvement in NUE helped increase PUE, despite the widespread use of feedstuffs with a high P content. Management strategies for lactating herds, such as the use of different feeding groups, periodical ration reformulation, and selection of feeding system did not show any consistent response in terms of improved NUE and PUE. The optimization of NUE and PUE contributed to decreasing the N and P excretion per unit of milk produced, and therefore, reductions in N and P excretion of between 17 and 35%, respectively, were estimated. Nevertheless, nutritional and herd management strategies were limited when N and P excretion were considered in relation to the whole lactating herd and farmland availability. Dietary CP manipulation was estimated to decrease herd N excretion by 11% per hectare, whereas dietary P manipulation would be decreased by no more than 17%. We conclude that the correct match between the ingested and required N and P, together with an increase in milk productivity, may be feasible strategies for decreasing N and P excretion by lactating herds on commercial farms.  相似文献   

A viable and cost-effective approach to managing P on dairy farms is to minimize excess P in diets, which in turn leads to less excretion of P in manure without impairing animal performance. A questionnaire survey was conducted, coupled with on-site feed and fecal sample collection and analysis on dairy farms in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. The purpose was to assess dietary P levels and to identify critical control points pertaining to P feeding management. Survey responses, 612 out of 2500 randomly selected farms, revealed a wide range of dietary P concentrations for lactating cows, from 3.6 to 7.0 g/kg of feed DM. The mean was 4.4 g/kg, which was 34% above the level recommended by the NRC for 27.9 kg milk/d, the mean milk yield in the survey. Higher P concentrations in diets were not associated with higher milk yields (n = 98, R2 = 0.057 for the survey farms; n = 92, R2 = 0.043 for farms selected for on-site sampling). However, higher dietary P led to higher P excretion in feces (n = 75, R2 = 0.429), with much of the increased fecal P being water soluble. Phosphorus concentrations in diet samples matched closely with P concentrations in formulated rations, with 67% of the feed samples deviating <10% from the formulations. On 84% of the survey farms, ration formulation was provided by professionals rather than producers themselves. Most producers were feeding more P than cows needed because it was recommended in the rations by these consultants. In conclusion, P fed to lactating cows averaged 34% above NRC recommendations; to reduce excess dietary P, ration formulation is the critical control point.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify relationships between tie-stall design and selected cow-based injury, lameness, and cleanliness measurements. All lactating dairy cows (n = 17,893) from 317 Ontario tie-stall dairy farms were evaluated once between March and September 2003. Stall dimensions were recorded and cows were scored for neck and hock lesions, broken tails, back arch, hind claw rotation, and udder and hind limb cleanliness. Neck lesions were significantly associated with tie-rail height. Hock lesions were positively associated with presence of an electric trainer and hind limb and udder cleanliness and negatively associated with tie-chain length. A negative association was found between broken tails and tie-rail height and a positive association between broken tails and udder and hind limb cleanliness. As mean stall length increased, fewer cows had hind-claw rotation. Having more dirty cows was associated negatively with stall length and chain length, and positively associated with the presence of an electric trainer. Proportion of cows with clean udders increased with the percentage of cows with clean hind limbs and with tie-rail height. As the prevalence of clean udders increased the prevalence of broken tails decreased. This study provides insight into how tie-stall dimensions may influence aspects of dairy cow welfare. Application of these principles could improve tie-stall design.  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional herd-level study was to assess the association of calf management practices on source dairy farms with mortality risk on veal farms. From April to October 2016, 52 source dairy farms supplying male calves to 2 veal operations were visited once. A questionnaire was administered that covered all areas of calf management, calves between 1 and 10 d of age were examined using a standardized health scoring system, and blood was taken to evaluate passive transfer of immunoglobulins. The mortality risk for calves from each dairy farm was calculated based on the number of male calves sold from the dairy farm and that died during 2016 at the veal operations. The mean mortality risk was calculated for both veal farms and, based on the veal facility-adjusted mortality risk, dairy farms were classified as high- or low-mortality source farms. Using the information gathered at the 52 source dairy farms, a logistic regression model was used to assess factors associated with being a high-mortality source farm. Suppliers to veal farm 1 had a mean mortality risk of 9.6% and suppliers to veal farm 2 had a mean mortality risk of 4.2%. The lower mortality risk at veal farm 2 was partially influenced by a shorter period of observation. Of the 182 calves examined during the single visit to the source dairy farms, 41% of male calves and 29% of female calves had at least one identifiable health abnormality. The risk of failure of passive transfer on source dairy farms was low, with only 13% of calves tested having <10 mg of IgG/mL of serum. The subset of calves examined at the source dairy farm was not followed prospectively to the veal farms. Using a tube feeder or pail to feed colostrum, bedding male calves on wood shavings or chopped straw at the source dairy farm, and the herd veterinarian not routinely and actively inquiring about the health and performance of calves during regular herd visits were significantly associated with the farm being classified as a high-mortality source dairy farm. Checking the calving pen at an interval of every 3 h or more during the day was associated with a lower probability of being classified as a high-mortality source dairy farm. The results of this study suggest that there are management practices on the source farm that contribute to the risk of mortality on veal farms.  相似文献   

Bacteria were isolated from dairy cows, dairy farm environments, and dairy workers in 2 geographically different areas of eastern and northern Taiwan. Isolates were evaluated for antimicrobial susceptibility and the phylogenetics of isolated Escherichia coli O157:H7 were characterized. A total of 1,346 bacteria were identified, including 226 E. coli, 30 Pseudomonas spp. (7 Pseudomonas aeruginosa), 259 other gram-negative bacteria, 271 Enterococcus spp., 314 Staphylococcus spp., 195 Streptococcus spp., and 51 other gram-positive bacteria. Among them, 88% (1,184/1,346) of the isolates were resistant to sulfadimethoxine. The percentages of gram-negative bacteria resistant to oxy-tetracycline and streptomycin were 48% (249/515) and 78% (404/515), respectively. Gram-positive bacteria isolated from eastern Taiwan, the least polluted region of Taiwan, were found to have greater antimicrobial resistance than those isolated from northern Taiwan. Two E. coli O157:H7 from 2 different geographical areas were isolated. Both were vt2-positive but vt1-negative and had phylogenetic similarities of 82 and 67%, respectively, compared with previous isolates. Information on antimicrobial susceptibility revealed from this dairy farm survey may serve as a baseline for future studies and may also highlight the need to formulate better regulation strategies for the safe use of antimicrobials on food-producing farms.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(7):5836-5848
The seasonal workload associated with pasture-based dairy farms, combined with increasing herd sizes, has led to a renewed focus on labor time-use and efficiency on dairy farms. The objective of this study was to examine labor time-use on pasture-based dairy farms in the spring and summer seasons. A total of 82 spring-calving Irish dairy farms completed the study from February 1 to June 30, 2019 (150 d). Each farmer recorded their labor input on one alternating day each week using a smartphone app. Any labor input by farm workers not using the app was recorded through a weekly online survey. Farms with data for each month (n = 76) were classified into 1 of 4 herd size categories (HSC) for analysis: farms with 50 to 90 cows (HSC 1); 91 to 139 cows (HSC 2); 140 to 239 cows (HSC 3); and ≥240 cows (HSC 4). Total hours of labor input was similar on HSC 1 (1,821 h) and HSC 2 (2,042 h) farms, but predictably as HSC increased further, total hours of labor input increased (HSC 3: 2,462 h, HSC 4: 3,040 h). On a monthly basis, labor input peaked in February (15.4 h/d) and March (15.7 h/d). The farmer worked on average 60.0 h/wk over the duration of the study period. Hired labor and contractors completed a greater amount of work as HSC increased. Labor efficiency, as measured by hours/cow, improved as HSC increased (HSC 1: 26.3 h/cow, HSC 2: 17.7 h/cow, HSC 3: 14.3 h/cow, HSC 4: 10.9 h/cow), though there were large variations in labor efficiency within HSC. Milking was the most time-consuming task, representing 31% of farm labor input making it an important focus for potential improvements in efficiency. The next 5 most time-consuming tasks were calf care (14%), grassland management (13%), cow care (10%), repairs and maintenance (10%), and administration/business (8%). This study contributes to the understanding of labor use during the busiest (most labor demanding) time of the year on pasture-based dairy farms and points to areas where labor efficiency improvements can be made on farms. The considerable variation in farm labor efficiency observed within HSCs emphasizes the necessity for a greater focus on knowledge transfer of methods to achieve improved labor efficiency and a better work–life balance on many dairy farms. As the 2 busiest months on most dairy farms, February and March require the most focus for identification of potential labor savings.  相似文献   

Milk supply from Mexican dairy farms does not meet demand and small-scale farms can contribute toward closing the gap. Two multi-criteria programming techniques, goal programming and compromise programming, were used in a study of small-scale dairy farms in central Mexico. To build the goal and compromise programming models, 4 ordinary linear programming models were also developed, which had objective functions to maximize metabolizable energy for milk production, to maximize margin of income over feed costs, to maximize metabolizable protein for milk production, and to minimize purchased feedstuffs. Neither multi-criteria approach was significantly better than the other; however, by applying both models it was possible to perform a more comprehensive analysis of these small-scale dairy systems. The multi-criteria programming models affirm findings from previous work and suggest that a forage strategy based on alfalfa, ryegrass, and corn silage would meet nutrient requirements of the herd. Both models suggested that there is an economic advantage in rescheduling the calving season to the second and third calendar quarters to better synchronize higher demand for nutrients with the period of high forage availability.  相似文献   

The current market demand and price for organic milk is encouraging dairy producers, particularly those on smaller farms, to consider organic production as a means for improving the economic viability of their operations. Organic production systems vary widely in scale, in practices, and across agroclimatic settings. Within this context, case studies of 4 actual organic dairy farms were used to characterize existing systems in Pennsylvania. Based on data from these farms, a whole-farm simulation model (Integrated Farm System Model) was used to compare 4 production systems representing organic grass, organic crop, conventional crop with grazing, and conventional confinement production. The performance of each of these systems was simulated over each year of 25 yr of central Pennsylvania weather data. Simulation results indicated that farm level accumulation of soil P and K may be a concern on organic farms that use poultry manure as a primary crop nutrient source, and that erosion and runoff loss of P may be of concern on organic farms producing annual crops because more tillage is required for weed control. Whole-farm budgets with prices that reflect recent conditions showed an economic advantage for organic over conventional production. A sensitivity analysis showed that this economic advantage depended on a higher milk price for producers of organic milk and was influenced by the difference in milk production maintained by herds using organic and conventional systems. Factors found to have little effect on the relative profitability of organic over conventional production included the differences between organic and conventional prices for seed, chemicals, forage, and animals and the overall costs or prices assumed for organic certification, machinery, pasture fencing, fuel, and labor. Thus, at the current organic milk price, relative to other prices, the case study organic production systems seem to provide an option for improving the economic viability of dairy operations of the scale considered in Pennsylvania. To motivate transition to organic systems, the economic advantage found requires the persistence of a substantial difference between conventional and organic raw milk prices.  相似文献   

This study quantifies the overall economic values of organic dairy farms in Vermont and Minnesota and estimates the economic impacts of organic dairy farm sales relative to an equivalent level of sales from conventional dairy farms in those states. This question is of interest because the development of the organic dairy sector has allowed some farms that likely would not have remained in the conventional dairy business to continue being economically viable as organic dairy farms. Thus, these sales provide an economic impact in regions when this milk is exported to nonproducing regions. Organic and conventional dairy farm financial data in Vermont and Minnesota were collected and assembled to develop dairy farm production functions by region and dairy type. These production functions were then used in state-level input-output models to calculate economic impacts. The opportunity costs of organic dairy farm production were also estimated by comparing the relative statewide economic impacts of organic and conventional dairy farms if both experience a hypothetical 5-million-dollar increase in sales. Between 2008 and 2010, Vermont’s 180 organic dairy farms annually contributed $76.3 million in output (the value of an industry’s production within the state), 808 jobs, $34.1 million in gross state product, and $26.3 million in labor income to Vermont’s economy. Between 2009 and 2011, Minnesota’s 114 organic dairy farms annually contributed $77.7 million in output, 552 jobs, $32.1 million in gross state product, and $21 million in labor income to Minnesota’s economy. In Vermont, organic dairy farm sales revenue would result in greater state-wide impacts of 3% in output, 39% in labor income, 33% in gross state product, and 46% in employment relative to the impacts from an equivalent level of sales revenue to conventional dairy farms. In Minnesota, these economic impacts are 4, 9, 11, and 12% greater, respectively, for organic dairy farms relative to conventional dairy farms. This study concludes that organic dairy farms may contribute more to the local economy than average and similar-size conventional dairy farms in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and that organic dairy farm milk production supports economic development in rural communities.  相似文献   

Intramammary infusion of antimicrobials at the end of lactation (dry cow therapy; DCT) is a central part of mastitis control programs and is one of the major indications for antimicrobial use in dairy cows. However, with increasing focus on prudent use of antimicrobials and concerns about emergence of antimicrobial resistance, the practice of treating every cow at the end of lactation with DCT is in question. This cross-sectional, observational study determined the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 10 antimicrobials for coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, and Streptococcus uberis isolates from milk samples from dairy cows with somatic cell counts >200,000 cells/mL in herds that had been organic for >3 yr (n = 7), or had used either ampicillin-cloxacillin DCT (n = 11) or cephalonium DCT (n = 8) in the preceding 3 yr. The organic herds were certified under the United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program, meaning that there was no blanket DCT, and minimal use of antimicrobials in general, with a loss of organic status of the animal if treated with antimicrobials. Breakpoints (where available) were used to categorize isolates as resistant, intermediate, or susceptible to antimicrobials. The MIC distributions of isolates from different herd types were compared using binomial or multinomial logistic regression. Of 240 CNS isolates, 12.9, 0.8, 7.1, 32.6, and 1.2%, were intermediate or resistant to ampicillin, cephalothin, erythromycin, penicillin, and tetracycline, respectively. Of 320 Staph. aureus isolates, 29.0, 2.5, 1.2, and 34.9% were intermediately resistant or resistant to ampicillin, penicillin, erythromycin, and oxacillin, respectively. Of 184 Strep. uberis isolates, 1.1, 25.0, 1.6, and 1.6% were intermediately resistant or resistant to erythromycin, penicillin, pirlimycin, and tetracycline, respectively. Generally, the MIC of CNS and streptococcal isolates from organic herds were lower than isolates from herds using DCT. However, the differences in MIC distributions occurred at MIC below clinical breakpoints, so that the bacteriological cure rates may not differ between isolates of differing MIC. Bimodal distributions of MIC for ampicillin and penicillin were found in Staph. aureus isolates from organic herds, suggesting that isolates with a higher MIC are a natural part of the bacterial population of the bovine mammary gland, or that isolates with higher MIC have persisted within these organic herds from a time when antimicrobials had been used. Given these observations, further work is required to determine if exposure to DCT is causally associated with the risk of elevated MIC, and whether reduction or removal of DCT from herds would reduce the risk of elevated MIC of mastitis pathogens.  相似文献   

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