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月见草油及其在化妆品的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对月见草油的主要成分及性能进行了叙述。月见草油稳定性好,耐高温,对皮肤有很好的亲和力等优异的性能使其广泛应用于化妆品中。对月见草油作为重要的添加剂在化妆品中的应用汲西方进行了研究。  相似文献   

刘学  邱香  王哲 《广东化工》2014,41(24):52-53
概述月见草用于化妆品领域的研究进展,首先对月见草的化学成分进行了简要的介绍,其次,对其与化妆品应用相关的生物活性研究现状进行了简要总结,最后对其在化妆品领域中的应用情况作了简述。文献研究表明,月见草在化妆品领域中应用潜力较大,是值得深入开发的天然植物资源。  相似文献   

本实验采用月见草(Oenothera Odorata Jacq.) 籽油作为天然营养剂,配以维生素E来制取具有保护、抗皱、营养皮肤效用的天然化妆品膏霜。本文叙述了制作原理、配方、操作方法和产品的性能。  相似文献   

发明名称肤用化妆品发明者森宪治发明者望月直树申请人钟纺株式会社专利说明书 1.发明名称肤用化妆品 2.特许请求范围用月见草(Oenothera tetraptera Cav.)的种子油与向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)种子提取物、柴胡(Bupleurum falcatumL.)根提取物或地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis L.)根茎提取物中至少一种调配而成的肤用化妆品。 3.发明的详细说明本发明是以北美野生或栽培植物,柳叶菜科待霄草属的月见草种子油为主,与向日葵种子提取物、柴胡根提取物或地榆根茎提取物中至少一种相调配而成的新型肤用化妆品,其使用感和贮存稳定性均属优良,且对  相似文献   

多重乳液是一种乳状液(水包油型乳液或油包水型乳液)分散于另外一种连续相(油相或水相)中形成的水包油型乳液和油包水型乳液共存的复杂体系。多重乳液不但兼具了水包油型乳液和油包水型乳液的优势,而且具有独特的“三相两膜”的结构,使其在化妆品、医药、食品、材料等领域中展现出广阔的应用前景。本文首先介绍了多重乳液及其制备方法,总结了影响多重乳液稳定性的因素;概括了多重乳液在化妆品领域的应用优势,包括对功效成分的保护、隔离、缓释、促渗等。在此基础上,阐述了多重乳液在化妆品领域的研究现状,并对目前已报道的特殊多重乳液进行了介绍。最后,对现阶段多重乳液在化妆品领域实际应用中存在的问题及后续应该研究的重点及方向提出了个人看法,旨在为性能优异的多重乳在化妆品领域的实际应用提供依据,也为性能优异的化妆品的开发及活性成分的有效应用提供参考。  相似文献   

简要介绍了亚麻籽油的来源、特性与传统应用,着重介绍了亚麻籽油在化妆品中的应用.亚麻籽油作为一种特殊天然功能油脂,在各种保湿护肤护发化妆品中用作营养和保湿剂.作为Omega -3系必需脂肪酸补充剂,不仅应用于具有特殊疗效的肤用化妆品中缓解或治疗皮肤问题,还应用于发用化妆品中发挥促进生发的功效.最后对亚麻籽油如何更好地应用于我国化妆品行业进行了展望.  相似文献   

介绍了全球油化学品市场概况,分析了目前化妆品和个人护理用品原料由陈腐的原料和动物脂肪向植物油迅速转变的原因,以及全球油化学品发展趋势对化妆品原料选择的影响。指出了油化学品在化妆品中的应用前景。  相似文献   

现在已有大量皮肤护理品涌入消费品市场.然而,不管什么产品或什么品牌,它们都含有油或脂肪,用来润肤和保湿. 天然油和稀有脂已广泛用于化妆品.例如,月见草油和琉璃苣油是普通常用的天然油,因为它们都富含γ-亚麻酸,含量分别为9~11%和18~23%.还有含大量多不饱和脂肪酸的油,如亚麻荠油、黑茶蔗子油和亚麻籽油,也很常用.此外,一般从热带丛林中获取的稀有脂,如牛油树脂、芒果脂和柳安脂,也常用在皮肤护理品中,它们富含对称单不饱和甘油三酸酯--这种酯在室温下是固体或半固体,也富含像甾醇、泛醌脂肪醇和脂肪酯这样的不皂化物.  相似文献   

化妆品配方师可从许多来源中选择各种油脂,但最终要由质量、价格和性能来评价。脂质体为化妆品配方提供了显著的性能,它使皮肤润滑、柔和、富有弹性,具有封闭性,在皮肤上能产生一层薄膜以防止皮肤中水份散失。另外,它的清洗、乳化、光泽、附着性和润滑性都拓宽了脂质体及其衍生物的应用范围。介绍了一种由遗传工程开发并已商业化生产的富含月桂酸酯的月桂酸Canola油,它在温和及泡沫方面有肯定的优势。油脂的纯度对化妆品配方非常重要,化妆品乳液的稳定性取决于脂质体的纯度。还介绍了化妆品组分评述规划的作用。  相似文献   

月见草又叫山芝麻是柳叶菜料(Oenotheraceae)月见草属(Oenotbera.L.)草本植物,起源地北美,1619年由美国弗吉尼亚州传入欧洲,最初被人们作为观尝花卉栽培。由于夜间开放,花朵黄色,又称夜来香。月见草籽油中含有γ-亚麻油酸。  相似文献   

李军  ;许志龙 《广州化工》2014,(16):233-235
确保油料在收发、储存作业中的油品安全具有重要意义。油料库站的油品事故主要有油品流失事故与混油事故,论文采用事故原因模型剖析了油品事故的成因;针对主要油品事故提出了应急处置措施,构建了以油品泄漏检测技术及带压堵漏技术为核心的油品安全应急处置技术,为油库站的安全管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

刘玉哲  郭培 《当代化工》2016,(3):507-510
以洛阳金达石化有限责任公司特种油品厂10×104 t/a宽馏分装置的宽馏分油为原料,采用催化剂a和催化剂b组合工艺,在金达研发中心200 m L加氢装置上进行高压加氢制取溶剂油和白油等特种油品的研究。考察了反应压力(16.5~18.5 MPa)、反应温度(315~355℃)、质量空速(WHSV)(0.3~0.6 h-1)和氢油体积比(1 000:1~1 800:1)对加氢精制产物油性质的影响,并确定最佳的工艺参数。结果表明,产物油硫含量随着反应温度、压力、氢油体积比的增大而减小,随着空速的增大而增大;产物油芳烃含量随着反应压力、氢油体积比的增大而减小,随着反应温度和空速的增大而增大。对加氢产物油进一步蒸馏切割得到25%溶剂油馏分、60%白油馏分和11%减底尾油馏分。对产物油馏分进行含量分析,生成的产品油分别满足溶剂油和白油标准。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the chemical composition of corn oil obtained after fermentation of corn to make fuel ethanol via centrifugation and compare its composition to that of corn germ oil (commercial corn oil) and experimental corn oils. The levels of free fatty acids in the post fermentation corn oil were high (11–16%), as previously reported. The levels of free phytosterols and hydroxycinnamate steryl esters (similar to oryzanol in rice bran oil) were higher than those of corn germ oil and were comparable to those of ethanol-extracted corn kernel oil. The levels of tocopherols were lower in post-fermentation oil than in either corn germ oil or ethanol extracted corn kernel oil. The levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in post-fermentation were much higher than those in corn germ oil and were comparable to those in ethanol-extracted corn kernel oil. Overall, exposure to all upstream processes of a fuel ethanol plant, including high-temperature liquefaction, saccharification and fermentation appeared to have the most notable effect on tocopherols, but it had little effect on the levels of free phytosterols, hydroxycinnamate steryl esters, lutein and zeaxanthin. It may be desirable to recover these valuable functional lipids prior to using the post-fermentation corn oil for industrial applications such as making biodiesel if a cost-effective recovery process can be developed.  相似文献   

Two edible oil blends, namely groundnut oil:rice-bran oil and mustard oil:rice-bran oil, were prepared in different proportions and stored for a period of three years. Their physicochemical characteristics were determined. The results agreed with expected values except for free fatty acid percents and butyrorefrac-tometer readings, presumably due to rancidity. Fatty acid compositions of the blends were determined and ratios of characteristic fatty acids, like lignoceric to palmitic for groundnut oil:rice-bran oil blends, and erucic to palmitic for mustard oil:rice-bran oil blends, were calculated to identify individual oils in the blend.  相似文献   

本文系统地评价了污油处理剂OIL GATOR的用量、污油含水率及降解时间对大庆污油降解性能的影响,通过实验确定了处理剂室内的最佳使用条件,为污油处理剂OIL GATOR在大庆油田的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

崔永超 《广州化工》2010,38(9):247-248,254
简述了成品油油库油气回收的重要意义,分析了国内外成品油油库油气排放治理现状。简要介绍了现有油气回收方法,并提出了油库整套油气回收工艺的设计方案并应用于实际,指出了在实施油气回收系统时应注意的问题。结果表明成品油油库应用油气回收技术成效明显,具有环保、节能、安全多重功效。  相似文献   

姚梦元 《合成纤维》2019,48(5):13-17
介绍了涤纶全拉伸丝(FDY)工艺对纺丝油剂的要求,针对油剂调配和使用过程中出现过的问题,总结概括了涤纶FDY油剂在调配及使用过程中存在的一些问题以及应对措施。另外,就做过的一些油剂方面的试验进行对比,来说明选用油剂的一些条件。  相似文献   

The variation in oil content, oil yield and fatty acid compositions of 103 sesame landraces was investigated. The landraces varied widely in their oil quantity and quality. The oil content varied between 41.3 and 62.7%, the average being 53.3%. The percentage content of linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids in the seed oil ranged between 40.7–49.3, 29.3–41.4, 8.0–10.3 and 2.1–4.8%, respectively. Linolenic and arachidic acids were the minor constituents of the sesame oil. Linoleic and oleic acids were the major fatty acids of sesame with average values of 45.7 and 37.2%, respectively. The total means of oleic and linoleic acids as unsaturated fatty acids of sesame were about 83% which increases the suitability of the sesame oil for human consumption. The superiority of the collection was observed in oil content. The oil content of a few accessions was above 60%, proving claims that some varieties of sesame can reach up to 63% in oil content. The accessions with the highest oil content were relatively richer in the linoleic acid content while there were some landraces in which linoleic and oleic acid contents were in a proportion of almost 1:1. The results obtained in this study provide useful background information for developing new cultivars with a high oil content and different fatty acid compositions. Several accessions could be used as parental lines in breeding programmes aiming to increase sesame oil quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Male Sprague Dawley rats were fed semipurified diets containing 20% fat for 15 weeks. The dietary fats were corn oil, soybean oil, palm oil, palm olein and palm stearin. No differences in the body and organ weights of rats fed the various diets were evident. Plasma cholesterol levels of rats fed soybean oil were significantly lower than those of rats fed corn oil, palm oil, palm olein or palm stearin. Significant differences between the plasma cholesterol content of rats fed corn oil and rats fed the three palm oils were not evident. HDL cholesterol was raised in rats fed the three palm oil diets compared to the rats fed either corn oil or soybean oil. The cholesterol-phospholipid molar ratio of rat platelets was not influenced by the dietary fat type. The formation of 6-keto-PGF was significantly enhanced in palm oil-fed rats compared to all other dietary treatments. Fatty acid compositional changes in the plasma cholesterol esters and plasma triglycerides were diet regulated with significant differences between rats fed the polyunsaturated corn and soybean oil compared to the three palm oils.  相似文献   

The seeds ofAcacia arabica contain 5.2% oil. Physicochemical constants and fatty acid composition of the refined seed oil were determined. The seed oil was rich in linoleic acid (39.2%) and oleic acid (32.8%). Trace quantities of epoxy and hydroxy fatty acids were present in the seed oil. Nutritional evaluation of the refined seed oil was done by rat bioassay with peanut oil as control. The animals fed 10% seed oil showed poor growth performance and low feed efficiency ratio. The digestibility of the seed oil was 90% compared to 94% for peanut oil. The seed oil in the diet of rats for 4 wk did not produce any abnormal serum lipids or histopathological findings.  相似文献   

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