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In this paper, we present a fast global k-means clustering algorithm by making use of the cluster membership and geometrical information of a data point. This algorithm is referred to as MFGKM. The algorithm uses a set of inequalities developed in this paper to determine a starting point for the jth cluster center of global k-means clustering. Adopting multiple cluster center selection (MCS) for MFGKM, we also develop another clustering algorithm called MFGKM+MCS. MCS determines more than one starting point for each step of cluster split; while the available fast and modified global k-means clustering algorithms select one starting point for each cluster split. Our proposed method MFGKM can obtain the least distortion; while MFGKM+MCS may give the least computing time. Compared to the modified global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM can reduce the computing time and number of distance calculations by a factor of 3.78-5.55 and 21.13-31.41, respectively, with the average distortion reduction of 5,487 for the Statlog data set. Compared to the fast global k-means clustering algorithm, our method MFGKM+MCS can reduce the computing time by a factor of 5.78-8.70 with the average reduction of distortion of 30,564 using the same data set. The performances of our proposed methods are more remarkable when a data set with higher dimension is divided into more clusters.  相似文献   

We present the global k-means algorithm which is an incremental approach to clustering that dynamically adds one cluster center at a time through a deterministic global search procedure consisting of N (with N being the size of the data set) executions of the k-means algorithm from suitable initial positions. We also propose modifications of the method to reduce the computational load without significantly affecting solution quality. The proposed clustering methods are tested on well-known data sets and they compare favorably to the k-means algorithm with random restarts.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient algorithm, called pattern reduction (PR), for reducing the computation time of k-means and k-means-based clustering algorithms. The proposed algorithm works by compressing and removing at each iteration patterns that are unlikely to change their membership thereafter. Not only is the proposed algorithm simple and easy to implement, but it can also be applied to many other iterative clustering algorithms such as kernel-based and population-based clustering algorithms. Our experiments—from 2 to 1000 dimensions and 150 to 10,000,000 patterns—indicate that with a small loss of quality, the proposed algorithm can significantly reduce the computation time of all state-of-the-art clustering algorithms evaluated in this paper, especially for large and high-dimensional data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a modified filtering algorithm (MFA) by making use of center variations to speed up clustering process. Our method first divides clusters into static and active groups. We use the information of cluster displacements to reject unlikely cluster centers for all nodes in the kd-tree. We reduce the computational complexity of filtering algorithm (FA) through finding candidates for each node mainly from the set of active cluster centers. Two conditions for determining the set of candidate cluster centers for each node from active clusters are developed. Our approach is different from the major available algorithm, which passes no information from one stage of iteration to the next. Theoretical analysis shows that our method can reduce the computational complexity, in terms of the number of distance calculations, of FA at each stage of iteration by a factor of FC/AC, where FC and AC are the numbers of total clusters and active clusters, respectively. Compared with the FA, our algorithm can effectively reduce the computing time and number of distance calculations. It is noted that our proposed algorithm can generate the same clusters as that produced by hard k-means clustering. The superiority of our method is more remarkable when a larger data set with higher dimension is used.  相似文献   

Clustering is one of the widely used knowledge discovery techniques to reveal structures in a dataset that can be extremely useful to the analyst. In iterative clustering algorithms the procedure adopted for choosing initial cluster centers is extremely important as it has a direct impact on the formation of final clusters. Since clusters are separated groups in a feature space, it is desirable to select initial centers which are well separated. In this paper, we have proposed an algorithm to compute initial cluster centers for k-means algorithm. The algorithm is applied to several different datasets in different dimension for illustrative purposes. It is observed that the newly proposed algorithm has good performance to obtain the initial cluster centers for the k-means algorithm.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been numerous attempts to extend the k-means clustering protocol for single database to a distributed multiple database setting and meanwhile keep privacy of each data site. Current solutions for (whether two or more) multiparty k-means clustering, built on one or more secure two-party computation algorithms, are not equally contributory, in other words, each party does not equally contribute to k-means clustering. This may lead a perfidious attack where a party who learns the outcome prior to other parties tells a lie of the outcome to other parties. In this paper, we present an equally contributory multiparty k-means clustering protocol for vertically partitioned data, in which each party equally contributes to k-means clustering. Our protocol is built on ElGamal's encryption scheme, Jakobsson and Juels's plaintext equivalence test protocol, and mix networks, and protects privacy in terms that each iteration of k-means clustering can be performed without revealing the intermediate values.  相似文献   

Color quantization is an important operation with many applications in graphics and image processing. Most quantization methods are essentially based on data clustering algorithms. However, despite its popularity as a general purpose clustering algorithm, k-means has not received much respect in the color quantization literature because of its high computational requirements and sensitivity to initialization. In this paper, we investigate the performance of k-means as a color quantizer. We implement fast and exact variants of k-means with several initialization schemes and then compare the resulting quantizers to some of the most popular quantizers in the literature. Experiments on a diverse set of images demonstrate that an efficient implementation of k-means with an appropriate initialization strategy can in fact serve as a very effective color quantizer.  相似文献   

In this paper, the conventional k-modes-type algorithms for clustering categorical data are extended by representing the clusters of categorical data with k-populations instead of the hard-type centroids used in the conventional algorithms. Use of a population-based centroid representation makes it possible to preserve the uncertainty inherent in data sets as long as possible before actual decisions are made. The k-populations algorithm was found to give markedly better clustering results through various experiments.  相似文献   

Fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms with spatial constraints (FCM_S) have been proven effective for image segmentation. However, they still have the following disadvantages: (1) although the introduction of local spatial information to the corresponding objective functions enhances their insensitiveness to noise to some extent, they still lack enough robustness to noise and outliers, especially in absence of prior knowledge of the noise; (2) in their objective functions, there exists a crucial parameter α used to balance between robustness to noise and effectiveness of preserving the details of the image, it is selected generally through experience; and (3) the time of segmenting an image is dependent on the image size, and hence the larger the size of the image, the more the segmentation time. In this paper, by incorporating local spatial and gray information together, a novel fast and robust FCM framework for image segmentation, i.e., fast generalized fuzzy c-means (FGFCM) clustering algorithms, is proposed. FGFCM can mitigate the disadvantages of FCM_S and at the same time enhances the clustering performance. Furthermore, FGFCM not only includes many existing algorithms, such as fast FCM and enhanced FCM as its special cases, but also can derive other new algorithms such as FGFCM_S1 and FGFCM_S2 proposed in the rest of this paper. The major characteristics of FGFCM are: (1) to use a new factor Sij as a local (both spatial and gray) similarity measure aiming to guarantee both noise-immunity and detail-preserving for image, and meanwhile remove the empirically-adjusted parameter α; (2) fast clustering or segmenting image, the segmenting time is only dependent on the number of the gray-levels q rather than the size N(?q) of the image, and consequently its computational complexity is reduced from O(NcI1) to O(qcI2), where c is the number of the clusters, I1 and are the numbers of iterations, respectively, in the standard FCM and our proposed fast segmentation method. The experiments on the synthetic and real-world images show that FGFCM algorithm is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

The present paper considers the problem of partitioning a dataset into a known number of clusters using the sum of squared errors criterion (SSE). A new clustering method, called DE-KM, which combines differential evolution algorithm (DE) with the well known K-means procedure is described. In the method, the K-means algorithm is used to fine-tune each candidate solution obtained by mutation and crossover operators of DE. Additionally, a reordering procedure which allows the evolutionary algorithm to tackle the redundant representation problem is proposed. The performance of the DE-KM clustering method is compared to the performance of differential evolution, global K-means method, genetic K-means algorithm and two variants of the K-means algorithm. The experimental results show that if the number of clusters K is sufficiently large, DE-KM obtains solutions with lower SSE values than the other five algorithms.  相似文献   

A k-factor of graph G is defined as a k-regular spanning subgraph of G. For instance, a 2-factor of G is a set of cycles that span G. 2-factors have multiple applications in Graph Theory, Computer Graphics, and Computational Geometry. We define a simple 2-factor as a 2-factor without degenerate cycles. In general, simple k-factors are defined as k-regular spanning subgraphs where no edge is used more than once. We propose a new algorithm for computing simple k-factors for all values of k?2.  相似文献   

Applying k-Means to minimize the sum of the intra-cluster variances is the most popular clustering approach. However, after a bad initialization, poor local optima can be easily obtained. To tackle the initialization problem of k-Means, we propose the MinMax k-Means algorithm, a method that assigns weights to the clusters relative to their variance and optimizes a weighted version of the k-Means objective. Weights are learned together with the cluster assignments, through an iterative procedure. The proposed weighting scheme limits the emergence of large variance clusters and allows high quality solutions to be systematically uncovered, irrespective of the initialization. Experiments verify the effectiveness of our approach and its robustness over bad initializations, as it compares favorably to both k-Means and other methods from the literature that consider the k-Means initialization problem.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel image-hiding method that exhibits a high hiding capacity that allows the embedded important image to be larger than the cover image, a facility that is seldom described in the literature. In the proposed method, the entire important image is divided into many nonoverlapping blocks. For each block of the important image, a block-matching procedure is used to search for the best similar block from a series of numbered candidate blocks. The obtained indices of the best-matching blocks are encoded using Huffman coding scheme, and then recorded in the least-significant-bit planes of the cover image through a monoalphabetic transposition cipher. The proposed method exhibits the following advantages over existing methods: (1) a high hiding capacity such that the embedded important image can be larger than the cover image; (2) a stego-image with a high quality, which improves the secrecy of the hidden image; and (3) a small error between the extracted important image and the original important image indicating that the extracted important image is of acceptable quality.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new distance metric that incorporates the distance variation in a cluster to regularize the distance between a data point and the cluster centroid. It is then applied to the conventional fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering in data space and the kernel fuzzy C-means (KFCM) clustering in a high-dimensional feature space. Experiments on two-dimensional artificial data sets, real data sets from public data libraries and color image segmentation have shown that the proposed FCM and KFCM with the new distance metric generally have better performance on non-spherically distributed data with uneven density for linear and nonlinear separation.  相似文献   

We present a multidisciplinary solution to the problems of anonymous microaggregation and clustering, illustrated with two applications, namely privacy protection in databases, and private retrieval of location-based information. Our solution is perturbative, is based on the same privacy criterion used in microdata k-anonymization, and provides anonymity through a substantial modification of the Lloyd algorithm, a celebrated quantization design algorithm, endowed with numerical optimization techniques.Our algorithm is particularly suited to the important problem of k-anonymous microaggregation of databases, with a small integer k representing the number of individual respondents indistinguishable from each other in the published database. Our algorithm also exhibits excellent performance in the problem of clustering or macroaggregation, where k may take on arbitrarily large values. We illustrate its applicability in this second, somewhat less common case, by means of an example of location-based services. Specifically, location-aware devices entrust a third party with accurate location information. This party then uses our algorithm to create distortion-optimized, size-constrained clusters, where k nearby devices share a common centroid location, which may be regarded as a distorted version of the original one. The centroid location is sent back to the devices, which use it when contacting untrusted location-based information providers, in lieu of the exact home location, to enforce k-anonymity.We compare the performance of our novel algorithm to the state-of-the-art microaggregation algorithm MDAV, on both synthetic and standardized real data, which encompass the cases of small and large values of k. The most promising aspect of our proposed algorithm is its capability to maintain the same k-anonymity constraint, while outperforming MDAV by a significant reduction in data distortion, in all the cases considered.  相似文献   

The problem of k nearest neighbors (kNN) is to find the nearest k neighbors for a query point from a given data set. In this paper, a novel fast kNN search method using an orthogonal search tree is proposed. The proposed method creates an orthogonal search tree for a data set using an orthonormal basis evaluated from the data set. To find the kNN for a query point from the data set, projection values of the query point onto orthogonal vectors in the orthonormal basis and a node elimination inequality are applied for pruning unlikely nodes. For a node, which cannot be deleted, a point elimination inequality is further used to reject impossible data points. Experimental results show that the proposed method has good performance on finding kNN for query points and always requires less computation time than available kNN search algorithms, especially for a data set with a big number of data points or a large standard deviation.  相似文献   

The k nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier has been a widely used nonparametric technique in Pattern Recognition, because of its simplicity and good performance. In order to decide the class of a new prototype, the k-NN classifier performs an exhaustive comparison between the prototype to classify and the prototypes in the training set T. However, when T is large, the exhaustive comparison is expensive. For this reason, many fast k-NN classifiers have been developed, some of them are based on a tree structure, which is created during a preprocessing phase using the prototypes in T. Then, in a search phase, the tree is traversed to find the nearest neighbor. The speed up is obtained, while the exploration of some parts of the tree is avoided using pruning rules which are usually based on the triangle inequality. However, in soft sciences as Medicine, Geology, Sociology, etc., the prototypes are usually described by numerical and categorical attributes (mixed data), and sometimes the comparison function for computing the similarity between prototypes does not satisfy metric properties. Therefore, in this work an approximate fast k most similar neighbor classifier, for mixed data and similarity functions that do not satisfy metric properties, based on a tree structure (Tree k-MSN) is proposed. Some experiments with synthetic and real data are presented.  相似文献   

Differential evolution (DE) is a simple and efficient global optimization algorithm. However, DE has been shown to have certain weaknesses, especially if the global optimum should be located using a limited number of function evaluations (NFEs). Hence hybridization with other methods is a research direction for the improvement of differential evolution. In this paper, a hybrid DE based on the one-step k-means clustering and 2 multi-parent crossovers, called clustering-based differential evolution with 2 multi-parent crossovers (2-MPCs-CDE) is proposed for the unconstrained global optimization problems. In 2-MPCs-CDE, k cluster centers and several new individuals generate two search spaces. These spaces are then searched in turn. This method utilizes the information of the population effectively and improves search efficiency. Hence it can enhance the performance of DE. A comprehensive set of 35 benchmark functions is employed for experimental verification. Experimental results indicate that 2-MPCs-CDE is effective and efficient. Compared with other state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithms, 2-MPCs-CDE performs better, or at least comparably, in terms of the solution accuracy and the convergence rate.  相似文献   

Product conceptualization is regarded as a key activity in new product development (NPD). In this stage, product concept generation and selection plays a crucial role. This paper presents a product concept generation and selection (PCGS) approach, which was proposed to assist product designers in generating and selecting design alternatives during the product conceptualization stage. In the PCGS, general sorting was adapted for initial requirements acquisition and platform definition; while a fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm was integrated with a design alternatives generation strategy for clustering design options and selecting preferred product concepts. The PCGS deliberates and embeds a psychology-originated method, i.e., sorting technique, to widen domain coverage and improve the effectiveness in initial platform formation. Furthermore, it successfully improves the FCM algorithm in such a way that more accurate clustering results can be obtained. A case study on a wood golf club design was used for illustrating the proposed approach. The results were promising and revealed the potential of the PCGS method.  相似文献   

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