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以30 mL甲醇/水(体积比1:1)为萃取剂,使用微波辅助萃取-气相色谱-微电子捕获检测器测定纺织品中全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS),并通过正交试验对测定条件进行优化.该方法的最低检出限可达0.002 74~0.006 52 μg/g,精密度为2.31%~10.56%,加标回收率为93.31%~102.99%(n=6).该方法操作简单、快速、准确,灵敏度高,适用于对纺织品中残留痕量PFOS的监测分析.  相似文献   

Reductive defluorination of perfluorooctane sulfonate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is under increased scrutiny as an environmental pollutant due to recent reports of its worldwide distribution, environmental persistence, and bioaccumulation potential. The susceptibility of technical PFOS and PFOS branched isomers to chemical reductive dehalogenation with vitamin B12 (260 microM) as catalyst and Ti(III)-citrate (36 mM) as bulk reductant in anoxic aqueous solution at 70 degrees C and pH 9 was evaluated in this study. Defluorination was confirmed by fluoride release measurements of 18% in technical PFOS, equivalent to the removal 3 mol F-/mol PFOS, and 71% in PFOS branched isomers equivalent to the removal of 12 mol F-/mol PFOS. Degradation of PFOS was further confirmed by monitoring the disappearance of PFOS compounds with reaction time by suppressed conductivity ion chromatography, LC-MS/MS, and 19F NMR studies. The PFOS compounds differed in their susceptibility to reductive degradation by vitamin B12Ti(III) citrate. Chromatographic peaks corresponding to branched PFOS isomers disappeared whereas the peak corresponding to linear PFOS was stable. To our knowledge this is the first report of reductive dehalogenation of PFOS catalyzed by a biomolecule.  相似文献   

Global distribution of perfluorooctane sulfonate in wildlife   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Here we report, for the first time, on the global distribution of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), a fluorinated organic contaminant. PFOS was measured in the tissues of wildlife, including, fish, birds, and marine mammals. Some of the species studied include bald eagles, polar bears, albatrosses, and various species of seals. Samples were collected from urbanized areas in North America, especially the Great Lakes region and coastal marine areas and rivers, and Europe. Samples were also collected from a number of more remote, less urbanized locations such as the Arctic and the North Pacific Oceans. The results demonstrated that PFOS is widespread in the environment. Concentrations of PFOS in animals from relatively more populated and industrialized regions, such as the North American Great Lakes, Baltic Sea, and Mediterranean Sea,were greaterthan those in animals from remote marine locations. Fish-eating, predatory animals such as mink and bald eagles contained concentrations of PFOS that were greater than the concentrations in their diets. This suggests that PFOS can bioaccumulate to higher trophic levels of the food chain. Currently available data indicate that the concentrations of PFOS in wildlife are less than those required to cause adverse effects in laboratory animals.  相似文献   

Accumulation of perfluorooctane sulfonate in marine mammals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a perfluorinated molecule that has recently been identified in the sera of nonindustrially exposed humans. In this study, 247 tissue samples from 15 species of marine mammals collected from Florida, California, and Alaskan coastal waters; and northern Baltic Sea; the Arctic (Spitsbergen); and Sable Island in Canada were analyzed for PFOS. PFOS was detected in liver and blood of marine mammals from most locations including those from Arctic waters. The greatest concentrations of PFOS found in liver and blood were 1520 ng/g wet wt in a bottlenose dolphin from Sarasota Bay, FL, and 475 ng/mL in a ringed seal from the northern Baltic Sea (Bothnian Sea), respectively. No age-dependent increase in PFOS concentrations in marine mammals was observed in the samples analyzed. The occurrence of PFOS in marine mammals from the Arctic waters suggests widespread global distribution of PFOS including remote locations.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are shown to be globally distributed, environmentally persistent, and bioaccumulative. Although the toxicities of these compounds were reported, the cleanup procedure from the environment is not developed because of their inertness. In this report the sonochemical degradations of PFOS and PFOA to the products through the fission of the perfluorocarbon chains were observed and the half-life times of the PFOS and PFOA degradations under an argon atmosphere determined to be 43 and 22 min, respectively. The shortening of perfluorocarbon chain of PFOS and PFOA leads to the lowering of the toxicity in view of the decrease of the persistence, and the technique would contribute to the remediation of the environmental pollution by these compounds.  相似文献   

全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物及全氟辛酸测试技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
黄可  邵超英  朱泉 《纺织学报》2011,32(4):146-154
为遏制全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)和全氟辛酸(PFOA)的全球性污染及对人类健康的危害,美、欧等国的有关部门及相关组织相继提出了禁止PFOS和PFOA生产及使用的规定.随着欧盟等对PFOS禁令的颁布和实施,PFOS和PFOA监测技术及分析方法研究倍受关注.然而,对于这些全氟化合物的定量测定,目前国际上尚无统一的标准...  相似文献   

This research investigated the oxidative destruction of perfluorooctane sulfonate at boron-doped diamond film electrodes. Experiments measuring oxidation rates of PFOS were performed over a range in current densities and temperatures using a rotating disk electrode (RDE) reactor and a parallel plate flow-through reactor. The oxidation of PFOS yielded sulfate, fluoride, carbon dioxide, and trace levels of trifluoroacetic acid. Reaction rates in the RDE reactor were zeroth order in PFOS concentration. Reaction rates in the flow-through reactor were mass-transfer-limited and were pseudo-first-order in PFOS concentration, with a half-life of 5.3 min at a current density of 20 mA/cm2. Eyring analysis of the zeroth order rate constants at a fixed electrode potential yielded an apparent activation energy of 4.2 kJ/mol for PFOS oxidation. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations were used to calculate activation barriers for different possible reaction mechanisms, including oxidation by hydroxyl radicals at different sites on the PFOS molecule, and direct electron transfer. A comparison of the experimentally measured apparent activation energy with those calculated using DFT indicated that the most likely rate-limiting step for PFOS oxidation was direct electron transfer.  相似文献   

目的 建立液相色谱串联质谱法检测一次性纸杯中全氟辛酸、全氟辛烷磺酸向食品模拟物中的迁移量。方法 待测样品经前处理后, 通过C18色谱柱进行分离, 以乙腈-水为流动相进行梯度洗脱、流速 0.2 mL/min、柱温为30 ℃、进样量2 μL, 由三重四级杆质谱进行定性和定量分析。结果 全氟辛酸和全氟辛烷磺酸在0.1~2.0 ng/mL范围内线性关系良好, 相关系数均≥0.999; 低、中、高3个添加水平的平均加标回收为81.27%~97.12%; 相对标准偏差为2.9%~7.4%。应用建立的方法对一次性纸杯进行模拟迁移试验, 初步得到了这2种物质在不同模拟状态下的迁移量。结论 该方法选择性强、灵敏性和准确度高, 适用于一次性纸杯中全氟辛酸和全氟辛烷磺酸的确证和定量分析。  相似文献   

Occurrence of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) in the tissues of humans and wildlife is well documented. In this study, concentrations and distribution of PFOS, perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHS), and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) were determined in samples of surface water, fish and bird blood and livers, and human blood collected in Japan. Notable concentrations of PFOS were found in surface water and fish from Tokyo Bay. PFOS was found in all of the 78 samples of fish blood and liver analyzed. Based on the concentrations of PFOS in water and in fish livers, bioconcentration factors were calculated to range from 274 to 41 600. Concentrations of PFOS in the blood of Japanese human volunteers ranged from 2.4 to 14 ng/mL. PFHS was detected in 33% of the fishes analyzed, at concentrations severalfold less than those of PFOS.  相似文献   

全氟辛酸(PFOA)和全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)是环境中广泛存在、较为典型的两种全氟化合物。针对水产品中PFOA和PFOS的检测技术和污染现状进行研究,进而研究其暴露途径、生物富集规律等内容,并基于此预测污染物环境分布、环境行为,以及相应地制定环境水和水产品质量安全标准,对于确保消费者食用安全具有重要意义。本文总结、分析了水产品中PFOA和PFOS的检测技术研究进展,及水环境和水产品中污染情况,对目前存在的问题及今后的研究方向进行了讨论和展望,以期为中国水产品中全氟化合物的监控和质量安全风险评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Formate ion (HCO2-) occurs in natural waters as a result of photooxidation of humic substances. Under UV irradiation, as applied in water purification (253.7 nm), formate ion decomposed following split-rate pseudo-zero-order kinetics (k1 and k2 are initial and final rate constants, respectively). In the presence of dissolved oxygen (DO), it was found that (a) k1 < k2, (b) k1 and k2 increased with initial formate ion concentration ([HCO2-]0 = (1.73-38.3) x 10(-5) mol L(-1)) and absorbed UV intensity (Ia = (1.38-3.99) x 10(-6) mol quanta L(-1) s(-1)), and (c) k1 and k2 were relatively insensitive to initial pH (pHo = 5.41-8.97) in buffer-free solutions. Both rate constants decreased with increasing carbonate alkalinity ((0-1.0) x 10(-3) mol L(-1)) and k1 was virtually unchanged in phosphate buffer at pH0 between 5.25 and 9.92. Carbonate buffer lowered the rate of formate ion decay, possibly due to scavenging of OH* radicals. Initial rate constant k1 slightly increased with temperature (15-35 degrees C), while k2 remained unchanged. The reaction pH increased rapidly during irradiation of buffer-free NaHCO2 solution to approach an equilibrium level as [HCO2-] reached the method detection level (MDL). The pH profile of buffer-free formate ion decay was estimated using closed-system equilibrium analysis. DO utilization during UV irradiation was 0.5 mol of O2/mol of HCO2-, while nonpurgeable organic carbon (NPOC) measurements on kinetic samples closely followed the HCO2- profile, thus strongly suggesting the transformation of HCO2- -C to CO2 in the presence of DO. In DO-free water, k1 > k2 was observed. Furthermore, k(1,DO FREE) > k(1,DO) (k(1,DO) = k1) and k(2,DO FREE) < k(2,DO) (k(2,DO) = k2). The effect of dual acid solutions on HCO2- decay was examined in a mixture of NaHCO2 and sodium oxalate (Na2C2O4). HCO2- decomposed readily until [HCO2-] approximately equal to MDL but at a lower rate than in buffer-free HCO2- solutions, while C2O4(2-) remained virtually unchanged. C2O4(2-) decay commenced following near complete conversion of HCO2-.  相似文献   

Detection of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Widespread use of perfluorooctane surfactants has led to ubiquitous presence of these chemicals in biological tissues. While perfluorooctane surfactants have been measured in blood and liver tissue samples of fish, birds, and mammals in the Great Lakes region, data for the aqueous concentrations of these compounds in the Great Lakes or other ambient waters is lacking. Sixteen Great Lakes water samples were analyzed for eight perfluorooctane surfactants. The monitored perfluorooctane surfactants were quantitatively determined using single quadrupole HPLC/MS and qualitatively confirmed using ion trap MS/MS. Additionally, PFOS was quantitatively confirmed using triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS. Concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in the two lakes ranged from 21-70 and 27-50 ng/L, respectively. Analysis also showed the presence of PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSAA (range of 4.2-11 ng/L) and FOSA (range of 0.6-1.3 ng/L), in all samples above the LOQ. PFOSulfinate, another precursor, was identified at six of eight locations with a concentration range, when present, of <2.2-17 ng/L. Other PFOS precursors, N-EtFOSE, PFOSAA, and N-EtFOSA were not observed at any of the sampling locations. These are the first reported concentrations of perfluorooctane surfactants in Great Lakes water and the first report of PFOS precursors in any water body.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and other perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) were determined in liver, kidney, muscle, brain, and blubber samples of 31 harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena relicta) of different age and sex stranded along the Ukrainian coast of the Black Sea. In all individuals and in all tissues, PFOS was the predominant PFAS, accounting for on average 90% of the measured PFAS load. PFOS concentrations were the highest in liver (327+/-351 ng/g wet wt) and kidney (147 +/-262 ng/g wet wt) tissue, and lower in blubber (18+/-8 ng/g wet wt), muscle (41+/-50 ng/g wet wt), and brain (24 +/-23 ng/g wetwt). No significant differences could be determined between males and females, nor between juvenile and adult animals (p > 0.05). Perfluorononanoic acid, perfluorodecanoic acid, perfluoroundecanoic acid, and perfluorododecanoic acid could be detected in liver tissue of approximately 25% of the individuals. Perfluorobutane sulfonate, perfluorobutanoic acid, and perfluorooctanoic acid were not detected in any of the porpoise livers. Although we investigated a potential intraspecies segregation according to the source of prey, using stable isotopes, no statistically significant correlation between PFOS concentrations and stable isotopes could be determined. It is, however, noteworthy that the contamination by PFOS in the Black Sea harbor porpoises is comparable to levels found in porpoises from the German Baltic Sea and from coastal areas near Denmark and, therefore, might pose a threat to this population.  相似文献   

Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) can be released to the surrounding environment during manufacturing and usage of PFC containing products, which are considered as main direct sources of PFCs in the environment. This study evaluates the release of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and other PFCs to the ambient environment around a manufacturing plant. Among the nine PFCs analyzed, only PFOS, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) were found in dust, water, soil, and chicken eggs. Very high concentrations of PFOS and PFOA were found in dust from the production storage, raw material stock room, and sulfonation workshop in the manufacturing facility, with the highest value at 4962 μg/g (dry weight) for PFOS and 160 μg/g for PFOA. A decreasing trend of the three PFCs concentrations in soils, water, and chicken eggs with increasing distance from the plant was found, indicating the production site to be the primary source of PFCs in this region. Risk quotients (RQs) assessment for surface water >500 m away from the plant were less than unity. Risk assessment of PFOS using predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC, 3.23 ng/g on a logarithmic scale) indicated no immediate ecological risk of a reduction in offspring survival. PFOS concentrations in most egg samples did not exceed the benchmark concentration derived in setting a reference dose for noncancer health effects (0.025 μg/(kgxd)).  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a persistent and bioaccumulative pollutant ubiquitous in wildlife and humans. Although the distribution and fate of PFOS have been widely studied, its potential neurotoxicity remains largely unknown. In the present study, the acute and chronic effects of PFOS on the development and synaptic transmission of hippocampal neurons was examined. Perfusion with PFOS markedly increased the frequency of miniature postsynaptic currents (mPSCs) and slightly elevated the amplitude of mPSCs in cultured hippocampal neurons. Perfusion with PFOS also increased the amplitude of field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) recorded in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices. Both of these effects were largely blocked by the L-type Ca2+ channel antagonist nifedipine. Further studies showed that PFOS enhanced inward Ca2+ currents and increased intracellular Ca2+ in cultured neurons; these effects were also substantially inhibited by nifedipine. Moreover, prolonged treatment with PFOS moderately inhibited neurite growth and dramatically suppressed synaptogenesis in cultured neurons in a nifedipine-sensitive manner. Thus, through enhancement of Ca2+ channels, PFOS may exhibit both acute excitotoxic effects on synaptic function and chronically inhibit synaptogenesis in the brain.  相似文献   

以丙烯酰胺为单体,分别以N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺和过硫酸胺为交联剂、引发剂,利用紫外光引发,分别在聚合物基底(PET,PS薄膜)及硅片上制备了聚丙烯酰胺(PAAm)凝胶.研究表明,凝胶的成胶时间、表面形貌、稳定性、溶胀率等对基底的依赖性很强:在亲水性基底上凝胶成胶时间较疏水性基底短;溶胀率不仅与UV光照时间、交联剂的含量等因素有关,而且还与基底的性质有关,在亲水性基底上形成的凝胶平衡溶胀率小于在疏水性基底上制备的凝胶.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the inactivation mechanism of a vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV)-amalgam lamp and its bactericidal efficacy on a stainless-steel surface and water compared with that of a conventional low-pressure mercury ultraviolet (LP) lamp. When treated with the VUV-amalgam and LP lamp over distilled water, initial 6–7 log CFU/mL of the foodborne pathogens (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes) were inactivated over 4.5 log after 60 mJ/cm2 treatment. However, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) from the action of the VUV-amalgam lamp and conventional LP lamp at the same dose. However, on the stainless steel surface, the VUV-amalgam lamp treatment showed over 1.5 log higher inactivation capacity against the three pathogens at the same 254 nm dose irradiation of the LP lamp. Results of this study suggested that the VUV-amalgam lamp can be applied as a potential substitute for a conventional LP lamp for surface disinfection and limited water disinfection if ozone generation is well controlled.  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and related substances are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic, and thus of substantial environmental concern. PFOS is an essential photolithographic chemical in the semiconductor industry with no substitutes yet identified. The industry seeks effective treatment technologies. The feasibility of using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes for treating semiconductor wastewater containing PFOS has been investigated. Commercial RO membranes were characterized in terms of permeability, salt rejection, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and membrane surface zeta potential (streaming potential measurements). Filtration tests were performed to determine the membrane flux and PFOS rejection. Over a wide range of feed concentrations (0.5 - 1500 ppm), the RO membranes generally rejected 99% or more of the PFOS. Rejection was better for tighter membranes, but was not affected by membrane zeta potential. Flux decreased with increasing PFOS concentration. While the flux reduction was severe for a loose RO membrane probably due to its higher initial flux, very stable flux was maintained for tighter membranes. At a very high feed concentration (about 500 ppm), all the membranes exhibited an identical stable flux. Isopropyl alcohol, present in some semiconductor wastewaters, had a detrimental effect on membrane flux. Where present it needs to be removed from the wastewater prior to using RO membranes.  相似文献   

Effects of intensity and processing time of 254 nm UV irradiation on Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Salmonella Typhimurium were investigated. Intensities measured at 5.08, 10.1, 15.2, and 20.3 cm from the light source were 1.000, 500, 250, and 150 microW/cm2, respectively. Intensities of 250 or 500 microW/cm2 reduced all suspended pathogen cells in peptone water about 5 log cycles after 2 min and completely inactivated L. monocytogenes and E. coli O157:H7 after 3 min by reductions of 8.39 and 8.64 log cycles, respectively. Intensities of 250 or 500 microW/cm2 also reduced (P < or = 0.05) the tested pathogens inoculated on stainless steel (SS) chips, and E. coli O157:H7 was completely destroyed at 500 microW/cm2 for 3 min. After UV treatment for 3 min at 500 microW/cm2, all selected pathogens on chicken meat with or without skin showed reduction ranges from 0.36 to 1.28 log cycles. Results demonstrated that UV irradiation could effectively decrease pathogens in peptone water and on SS but that it was less effective on chicken meat.  相似文献   

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