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This work presents a methodology to apply space vector modulation to a three-phase three-switch two-level Y-connected unidirectional pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier. Converter switching stages are analyzed to determine switch control signals for space vector modulation. A switching sequence is proposed in order to minimize the number of switch commutations and to reduce the switching losses. Duty cycle functions are determined and the desired switching sequences are performed by a simple PWM modulator with no need of to determine the present sector of vector. For this propose is just necessary to impose the desired current sectors from input voltage references. The vector control structure used with the proposed modulation technique is also described. In order to validate the proposed modulation technique, experimental results are presented for a 20 kW prototype.  相似文献   

A three-phase three-switch buck-type pulsewidth modulation rectifier is designed for telecom applications in this paper. The rectifier features a constant 400-V output voltage and 5-kW output power at the three-phase 400-V mains. The principle of operation and the calculation of the relative on-times of the power transistors are described. Based on analytical relationships the stresses of the active and passive components are determined and the accuracy of the given calculations is verified by digital simulations. Exemplarily, a 5-kW power converter is then designed based on the analytical expressions and on switching loss measurements from a hardware prototype constructed with insulated gate bipolar transistor/diode power modules. The loss distribution of the components, the total efficiency, and the junction temperatures of the semiconductors are then evaluated in dependency on the operating point. Finally, the trade-off between the selected switching frequency and the admissible power range for the realized design is shown and a total efficiency of 95.0% is measured on the hardware prototype, where an excellent agreement with the theoretically evaluated efficiency is shown  相似文献   

三相电压型PWM整流器建模与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了三相电压型PWM整流器的数学模型,并对其矢量控制策略进行了分析,采用输入电压空间矢量定向,根据参考指令电压矢量直接计算空间电压矢量位置和作用时间,结合直接电流控制的方法进行电流跟踪控制,仿真结果证明了该方案的有效性.  相似文献   

三相PWM整流器功率因数校正实现的关键在于如何得到与输入电压同相位的输入电流,同时要保证当负载变化时,输出电压能够迅速地跟踪参考值并且稳定下来。首先根据六开关三相boost型整流器的物理模型,分别建立了以电感电流和电容电压为状态向量的数学方程,然后把静止三相坐标转换到旋转d-q坐标下进行电流内环的滞环控制,电压外环的滑模控制。通过仿真,表明该控制方法具有较强的鲁棒性和良好的动态特性,输入电流谐波较小。  相似文献   

Control of Three-Phase, Four-Wire PWM Rectifier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the analysis, design, and control of a four-wire rectifier system using split-capacitor topology. The proposed controller does not require any complex transformation or input voltage sensing. A detailed analysis of the distortions in the line and the neutral currents is presented. It is shown that the single-carrier-based, conventional sine-triangle PWM (CSPWM) scheme results in a peak-to-peak neutral current ripple, which is greater than the peak-to-peak ripple of any of the line currents. Also, for the same operating condition, the distortions in the line and the neutral currents increase considerably, when a three-limb boost inductor is used instead of three single-phase inductors. A three-carrier-based SPWM scheme is proposed in this paper. Compared to CSPWM, the proposed scheme significantly reduces the neutral current ripple when three single-phase inductors are used, and reduces both line and neutral current ripples when a three-limb inductor is used. The control scheme is verified through Matlab simulation. It is implemented on an field-programmable gate-array (FPGA)-based digital controller and tested on a prototype. Simulation and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

文章对直接电流控制的PWM整流电路开展研究,主要内容如下:(1)设计BOOST型三相桥式PWM整流器的主电路。(2)设计基于直接电流控制的PWM整流电路的控制系统。(3)建立直接电流控制系统Simulink仿真模型,进行仿真分析。仿真结果证明直接电流控制方案使得PWM整流器功率因数接近于1,流入电网的电流基本接近正弦波,对电网的谐波污染小。  相似文献   

王会涛  邓军  姚彬 《UPS应用》2009,(4):25-28,35
以电压空间矢量控制的基本原理和概念为基础,结合Matlab/Simulink软件包构建了三相PWM整流器空间矢量控制系统的仿真模型,并详细给出各模型的具体参数。仿真结果显示,该方法简单,控制精度高,用于三相PWM整流器中具有良好的动、静态性能。  相似文献   

基于前馈解耦控制策略,研究了三相电压型PWM整流器的建模与控制问题。首先,在d-q旋转坐标系下建立了三相电压型PWM整流器的数学模型,给出了三相电压型PWM整流器的双闭环控制结构,按此方法确定了电压、电流PI调节器的设计方法。仿真结果表明该方法能使所设计的PWM整流器运行于单位功率因数,输出的直流电压稳定在期望值且具有快速的动态响应,满足了设计要求。  相似文献   

通过对三相二假管整流挢构成的功率因数校正(PFC)拓扑电路较详尽的分析,表明在无逆变功能的要求下,只需单只全控型开关元件,经脉宽州制PWM控制。在断续导通控制模式下,便可达到功率阁数接近1和交流正弦的进线电流的目的。文巾利用了单周控制和Matlab/Simulink软件,对三相二极管整流的Boost PFC电路进行了建模和仿真,得出了预期的结果.证明在原理上是可行的。此PFC电路只用一只全控型开关元件,从而可能降低设备的成本。  相似文献   

In this paper, the design and implementation of a new multiple-input-multiple-output linear control technique based on a theoretically established and experimentally validated small- signal model for the three-phase three-level boost-type ac/dc Vienna converter are presented. Averaging and local linearization techniques are used to derive the dynamic model expressed in the dqo reference frame. The resulted transfer functions are discretized for the sake of a digital controller design. Multiple-loop control strategy is adopted and consists of inner current feedback loops, which are based on the straightforward looping technique that neglects interactions between the dq components of control inputs and currents, respectively, and of an outer voltage loop, which is designed to ensure dc voltage regulation by adjusting the magnitude of the references for the inner current loops. The output dc voltage unbalance is also controlled in the inner loops. The proposed modeling and control approaches are first simulated and then validated on a 1.5-kW laboratory prototype supported by the DS 1104 digital real-time controller board of dSPACE. The obtained results prove the accuracy of the proposed new small-signal model and, therefore, its reliability for dynamic analysis and control design purposes. It is also proved that a judicious choice of controller parameters, as well as an adequate rating of boost inductors, allows one to meet the IEEE standard requirements in terms of ac line-current total harmonic distortion and power factor. The efficiency of the proposed control technique is maintained in case of disturbances occurring on both source and load sides.  相似文献   

An active current injection network for a three-phase rectifier is proposed. The proposed circuit uses three bidirectional switches operating at low frequency and a half-bridge inverter operating at high frequency. It also uses an inductor in order to make the current modulation. Because only 3.7% of the total power delivered to the load is processed by the injection network, the proposed converter offers high efficiency, and not only a high power factor is obtained but also the total harmonic distortion is reduced. Operation, analysis, simulation, and experimental results are shown in this paper.  相似文献   

研制了一种新型的大功率直流稳压源。运用自动控制、模糊控制和智能控制的思想,利用抗干扰能力强的PIC系列单片机进行数字式移相控制,实现三相可控整流;加入隔离采样电路以及引入模拟PI调节,形成闭环控制,提高了系统工作的可靠性和稳定性。给出了理论实现方案以及样机控制板的实际应用电路与调试结果.能实际应用于离子热处理电源中。  相似文献   

This paper deals with three control techniques for a three-phase three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) boost rectifier to study their relative performance. Linear, nonlinear, and nonlinear model reference adaptive control (MRAC) methods are developed to control power factor (PF) and regulate output and neutral point voltages. These controllers are designed in Simulink and implemented in real time using the DS1104 DSP of dSPACE for validation on a 1.2-kW prototype of an NPC boost rectifier operating at 1.92 kHz. The performance of boost converter with three control methods has been investigated respectively in steady state in terms of line-current harmonic distortion, efficiency, and PF and during transients such as load steps, utility disturbances, reactive power control, and dc-bus voltage tracking behavior. The linear PI controllers are characterized by reduced complexity but poor performance, whereas the nonlinear control technique has improved the converter performance significantly, while nonlinear MRAC exhibits much better performance in a wide operating range  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel circuit topology for a three-phase power factor correction (PFC) rectifier using a harmonics current injection method. In consideration of lower cost, the harmonics injection method is more suitable than a conventional six-arm pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier. The harmonics injection current is simply generated by only one switching leg. As a result, the proposed circuit has the advantage of only two switches. An optimal injection current is achieved in order to obtain an input current of sinusoidal waveforms. This paper discusses the basic operation and optimal design method for the proposed circuit. In addition, the validity of the proposed circuit is confirmed by simulation and experimental results. An input current of almost sinusoidal waveform was obtained and an input current total harmonic distortion (THD) of 8.5% was obtained at a load of approximately 1 kW.  相似文献   

A novel general-purpose microprocessor-based control circuit for a three-phase controlled rectifier is presented. The performance exhibited by the controller is superior to previously presented circuits. The firing angle is smoothly controlled in the range of 0 to 180/s=deg/ with a fast response and a constant open loop gain, even for the cases where the converter is fed by a weak ac system of unregulated frequency. The synchronization between the line and VCO is implemented by an efficient software-controlled PLL. The effect of source impedance in delaying the synchronization signal has been properly compensated for by the-control circuit. The implementation of the compensation circuit is also presented. The hardware and software control circuit implementation built around an 8086 microprocessor is discussed, and the experimental results are given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to improve the power factor (PF) and reduce the harmonics generated by an adjustable-speed drive (ASD). A high-frequency (HF) current injection technique is used to improve the PF and harmonic performance. The HF current at the same switching frequency (33 kHz) is injected into the input of a front-end rectifier from the output of an HF inverter. The main feature of the circuit is that it does not require any additional active devices for current injection. The inverter driving the induction motor is operated using a sinusoidal pulsewidth-modulation technique. The circuit simulation and experimental prototype results are presented for 67-hp (50 kW) and 3-hp three-phase induction motors, respectively.  相似文献   

三相电压型PWM整流器的数字化控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种采用TMS320F240DSP芯片的控制方案,该方案基于矢量控制的思想实现了三相电压型PWM整流器的控制,实验证明了该控制方案的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, an improved current-doubler rectifier with coupled inductors is proposed. The proposed rectifier can extend duty ratio to reduce the peak current through the isolation transformer winding and lower output current ripple as well as voltage stress of the rectifier diodes. In this study, a 500-W prototype with a full-bridge phase-shift converter, the proposed rectifier, with input voltage of 400 V and output voltage of 12 V was built. Theoretical analysis and experimental results have verified that the proposed rectifier is attractive for high step-down voltage and high-power applications.   相似文献   

This paper proposes the analysis of the instantaneous power flow of three-phase pulse-width modulation (PWM) boost rectifier under unbalanced supply voltage conditions. An analytical expression for the instantaneous output power has been derived, which provides the link between the output dc link voltage and the instantaneous output power. A direct relationship between the dc link voltage ripples and the second harmonic component in the instantaneous output power has been established. Based on the input and output instantaneous power analytical expressions provided, the presence of the odd order harmonic components in the ac line currents can be explained. A simple cascaded PI control scheme has been developed for the dc output voltage control. The controller ensures that the dc link voltage is maintained constant and the supply side power factor is kept close to unity under the unbalanced supply voltage operating conditions. Simulation and experimental test results are provided on a 1.6-kVA laboratory-based PWM rectifier to validate the proposed analysis and control scheme.   相似文献   

In this paper, the analysis and design of a modular three-phase ac-to-dc converter using single-phase isolated CUK rectifier modules is discussed based on power balance control technique. This paper analyzes the operation of a modular converter as continuous-conduction-mode power factor correction (CCM-PFC). Design equations, as well as an average small-signal model of the proposed system to aid the control loop design are derived. It is used to obtain the inductor current compensator, thus the output impedance and audio susceptibility become zero, and therefore, the output voltage of the converter presented in this paper is independent of the variations of the dc load current and the utility voltage. The control strategy consists of a single output voltage loop and three-inductor current calculator. The main objective of the proposed system is to reduce the number of stages and improve dynamic response of dc bus voltage for distributed power system. The proposed scheme offers simple control strategy, flexibility in three-phase delta or star-connected, simpler design, fast transient response, good inductor current sharing, and power factor closed to unity. Both simulation and experimental results are presented. They are in agreement with the theoretical analysis and experimental work.   相似文献   

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