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万敏  刘丽丽  赵军 《华中建筑》2011,29(7):124-128
旅游资源缺失型城市在全国城市中至少占51.3%。通过分析旅游活动中城市所具有的游客集散与信息中心、旅游接待与服务基地、旅游商品生产与销售中心、旅游形象传播重要窗口等4方面功能作用,提出城市旅游集聚区对旅游资源缺失型城市发展城市旅游所具有的强化城市在旅游中的核心地位、利于产业密切交互、利于提高旅游服务质量、利于行业管理、体现空间创新等5方面的优势。最后结合西峡城市旅游集聚区案例,探讨了其解决城市旅游资源缺失的规划设计措施。  相似文献   

Recent efforts have been made to interpret spatial-temporal evolution of urban system using Zipf??s law. The debates remain whether Zipf??s law holds true for large and diverse countries with long urbanization history, and how varied geographical settings with different socioeconomic conditions affect city-size distributions. This research investigates China??s urban system dynamics through expanded Zipf??s law at national and regional level. First, the paper revisits urban system dynamic theories and recent applications of Zipf??s law. The city data from 1960 to 2000 are then used to analyze rapid changes of urban systems in China through Zipf??s plots of cities over the entire nation and in six macro regions, respectively. The paper also examines top ten city rank changes nationally and regionally to examine temporal trajectories of key cities and the impacts on urban systems over space. Three types of Zipf??s law reflections are found over six China??s macro regions, based on the similarities of temporal dynamics of urban systems.  相似文献   

This paper compares two forms of representation of cities: the drawings of the urban designer and the photographs of the tourist guidebook or brochure. Both forms of representation reveal two often opposing value systems and each may offer only a restricted view of what the attractions of a city might be. The tourist industry's ‘imagineering’ is excluded from ‘urban design’. Yet the city on the ground and its popular image are entities in whose design the tourist industry plays a major role …  相似文献   

刘滨谊  丁恬 《规划师》2003,19(7):27-31
以鼓浪屿-万石山国家重点风景名胜区总体规划修编为实例,分析了邻城市型风景名胜区生态环境所面临的一系列问题:城市产业对风景名胜区的蚕食和环境破坏严重,风景名胜区的整体非自然化,以及城市发展与风景名胜区之间的矛盾冲突严重。指出生态环境规划作为协调自然生态环境与人为活动的一种手段,对于维护城市景观生态的完整性和连续性、形成开放连续的城市绿地系统等都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

通过研究区域内各个城市之间的引力关系,能够探索城市之间的经济关系,这是合理划分城市圈内城市组团,实现城市组团协同发展的基础。基于城市竞争力和矢量的城市引力模型,通过加入心理距离相关理论对模型进行了改善,并以成都城市圈为例,阐述成都城市圈引力格局现状及经济联系。结果表明:通过改进后的城市引力模型计算的引力结果,反映出城市相对引力现状基本符合客观事实;成都城市圈明显呈现出“一家独大”的经济格局,成都市的城市竞争力和引力远远超出平均水平,整个城市的经济联系过于分散,区域内各城市发展不均衡,有待未来改善。  相似文献   

论文聚焦上海建设全球城市的目标,对上海文化发展的现状和趋势进行研究,提出面向2040的“文化+”战略,并提出相应的规划策略.通过对文化及全球城市内涵的解读,认为文化是提升城市综合竞争力、确立全球城市地位与形象的关键战略.回顾上海城市发展的历史与文化渊源,基于文化发展的现状与转型需求,提出以“文化+”战略统筹各方资源,建设国际文化大都市.“文化+”战略强调文化发展的全局性、开放性、宽视野和预见性,统筹城市发展各要素、各系统,为文化发展提供更为宽广的空间和平台,并以文化来引领和推动城市的全面发展.在此基础上,从打造城市文化品牌、提升文化功能、塑造城市风貌、优化人居环境、推进治理创新等几个方面,系统阐述了上海建设国际文化大都市的规划策略.  相似文献   

薛丽华  王欣 《中外建筑》2014,(3):99-100
沿海口岸城市是指由国家指定的拥有一定海岸线,依托海洋资源进行对外往来的门户城市。此类城市的地理区位及环境资源具有一定共性,其城市规划也具有相似点。笔者对香港和大连这两个城市的发展背景、城市结构、规划编制等方面进行比较研究,提出对沿海口岸城市的规划编制建议。  相似文献   

"公园城市"是生态文明思想在城市建设领域的体现,为中国新时代城市发展指出了方向。"公园城市"理念是继承中国古代城市建设思想,吸取国外城市建设经验,针对新时代社会发展的需求而提出的。山水城市是中国古代城市的主要特征,在近代吸收花园城市等国外城市理论而发展,20世纪90年代钱学森院士提出"山水城市"理念。梳理山水城市的历史流变,认为公园城市与山水城市存在内在关联性,是山水城市在新时代的发展范式。  相似文献   

可持续城市被认为是缓解城市问题的重要举措而被学者广泛关注。在当前城市问题日益复杂的背景下需要对可持续城市研究成果进行梳理,以把握最新研究趋势。基于“概念-评估-规划-管理”的规划学认知原则梳理国内外相关文献。厘清可持续城市概念及其最新发展演化的智能可持续城市概念,并分析两者的关系;在此基础上,梳理了对可持续城市的系统构成、量化模型与评估方法、空间规划设计与空间管理的最新认识;从系统整体研究方法、研究新技术、重视景观设计和可持续城市形态及不同利益主体协调机制等方面对未来可持续城市研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

毕尔巴鄂已经成为一座创意城市,并在过去20年里成功地从一座工业港口城市转型为以服务为导向的旅游目的地—这种做法并不独特,在其他城市也得到了实现.然而,为了发展创意城市,1997年开馆的世界闻名的古根海姆博物馆(GMB)所带来的象征意义和触发效应,将毕尔巴鄂转变成了一座“秀场”,乃至成为有效的城市创意开发的标志.但是,这座博物馆并不是毕尔巴鄂发展为创意城市的唯一动因.本文描述了地方和区域的公共和私营行为如何将毕尔巴鄂变为一座创意场所.这种变化不仅体现在艺术和创意产业上,也体现在城市规划和战略性的城市营销上.  相似文献   

严建伟  刘萍 《华中建筑》2007,25(10):68-70
多种交通模式间相互转换是城市机动性加速发展进程中的必然趋势.论文以阐述城市交通组织对城市整体规划及设计的导向作用为前提,通过对我国城市交通节点综合建构的分析思考,勾勒出作为大城市交通不可或缺的公共交通转换中心的设置原则及设计特点,以实现城市交通网络的无缝接驳和高效转乘,并探讨了国外发达城市的经验对我国城市交通管理及建设政策制定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

港城关系是港口城市发展的主线,港城关系中,港城规模关系是港口和城市的重要的综合性特征。通过选取全球不同发展阶段的3个港口城市为研究对象,从城市地理与经济学视角,运用RCI指数对德班、鹿特丹以及上海2000—2012年的RCI指数进行测度,结果显示,德班与上海属于门户城市,鹿特丹属于典型海港城市;通过三者演变趋势的分析,研究发现,三者的变化趋势截然不同;最后,归纳三者演变特征,研究得出港口城市的一般性演变规律,且呈现出倒“U”形特征。  相似文献   

Urban planning is a lengthy and settled process, the results of which usually emerge after several years or even decades. That is why it is necessary for a proper urban design of cities to use parameters that are able to predict and gauge the potential long-term behaviour of urban development.In the tourist towns of the Mediterranean coast, the long-term design is often at odds with the generation of business profits in the short term. This paper presents the results of this phenomenon for an interesting case of a Spanish Mediterranean coastal city created from scratch in the 1960s and turned into a tourist destination today hypertrophied.La Manga del Mar Menor in the Murcia region every year reaches a population of more than 250,000 people during the summer, which is reduced to just a few dozen in winter. This crowded environment with an asymmetric behaviour submits annual progressive impoverishment in its economic return. This questionable profitability is the result of a misguided urban development; its results are analyzed through the evolution of the land market and the resulting urbanization in the last fifty years, with a GIS methodology.  相似文献   

Divine Fuh 《Urban Forum》2012,23(4):501-526
The overwhelming presence of male youth in African cities is difficult to ignore. Whether employed or unemployed, within private and public spheres, either socialising or participating in the organisation of urban living, young men are everywhere. They do not only constitute the growing majority of inhabitant in African cities but also are actively involved in shaping urban realities mainly as fixers, and not only as perpetrators or victims as often portrayed. This paper examines attempts by young men in Bamenda, Cameroon to transform their city through the creation of prestige associations called veteran clubs. The basic question is how male youth in African cities cope with the many challenges that the weakness of the state, the economy and the many aspects of the on-going processes of globalisation provokes. It explores how urban young men develop new modes of agency that allows them to maintain an active attitude despite the permanent difficulties of finding a place in a society that apparently does not have one for them. Thus, the focus is on the strategies used by young men to ??manage impressions?? and win the respect of other men (especially their peers) and the community. I argue that such competition for attention serves to ??fix?? (or stabilise) communities, lifestyles and young men??s lost positions and broken trajectories within the city. With little possibility of accumulation and redistribution, young men create myriad spaces to play, negotiate and enhance their identities. In what is herein referred to as competing for attention, young men engage in performative acts, seeking each other??s attention and subsequent confirmation as accomplished. Even though they are culturally constructed as ??empty vessels?? (infants) by a structural system of ??bigmanity?? that treats them as stakes, they struggle to represent themselves as social adults or relevant stakeholders with essence through conspicuous consumption.  相似文献   

曹鸿雁 《华中建筑》2011,29(12):95-97
随着许多城市旅游产业的发展,游客数量的增长,城市道路交通问题日益严重,道路交通设施的建设往往与城市旅游资源的保护发生矛盾。城市旅游交通低碳化转型将成为实现城市旅游业健康发展的关键,如何在城市交通中落实低碳化理念,如何引导城市旅游交通向绿色环保交通转变,是旅游交通规划必须面对的问题。结合蓬莱市城市旅游交通规划的实践,提出了适应低碳交通发展的规划策略框架,探索一条适应低碳经济时代的旅游交通发展的新道路,为低碳交通的构建提供实践经验。  相似文献   

李平  卢立 《城市勘测》2011,(6):31-34,39
随着城市化进程的发展,传统的城市管理模式已经不能满足现代城市管理的需求。城市的快速发展与城市管理的滞后成为城市发展的瓶颈。城市的网格化管理作为一种新的数字化管理模式,在我国数字城市化建设实践中取得了显赫的成绩。本文以宜昌为例,主要阐述了网格划分的方法和原则。  相似文献   

In a rapidly urbanising society and against a background of rural underdevelopment, cities are increasingly the locations for access to basic socio-economic amenities and essential services. Access to the city and everything that it offers therefore impacts profoundly on the manner and extent to which poor and marginalised persons access the objects of their constitutionally ensconced socio-economic rights. Conversely, the content of the ??right to the city?? is impacted by legal understandings of the ambit, scope and enforceability of socio-economic rights. Either way, the South African Constitution??s entrenchment of rights to access water, housing, health care services and education, alongside its guarantee of a substantive right to equality, mean that urban design, policy making and regeneration processes have become increasingly legalized and will increasingly be tested for constitutional compliance, especially in instances where they have the effect of excluding poor and marginalised persons from the city. This article begins to unpack the interrelationship between constitutional rights and the right to the city, focusing specifically on the impact of rights-based litigation and judgements on urban policy making, design and regeneration in South Africa.  相似文献   

孙昊  杨剑  彭代明 《山西建筑》2007,33(29):3-4
在旅游城市商业与旅游业出现相对分离的情况下,以乐山市为例,就旅游城市如何通过商业网点规划避免"卷帘门商业"和"门票旅游",如何协调城市商业和旅游业的互动发展做了分析研究,以促进旅游城市的发展。  相似文献   

创意产业园区的开发是城市再生的一种新型模式。创意产业园区作为衰退的内城地区城市再生的一种有效途径获得了国内外相关学者的热切关注。纵观国内外研究,目前经济学界与城市规划界对创意产业集群效率均未形成系统研究。本文试图从城市经济学的角度探索理论研究方法,对创意产业园区集聚效率进行概念界定、效率评价流程和指标体系建立、测评方法选取和模型修正。本文选取南京"晨光1865"园区为参照,取样国内其他典型园区进行横向比较研究。尝试通过基于创意产业集聚效率的实证测评,探析物质空间表象背后的园区运营机制及经济要素条件。最后得出结论和优化建议,提供今后园区的规划筹建和高效运作的思路。  相似文献   

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