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Bright linear features have been observed in radar imagery taken near the Gulf Stream (GS) boundary on two separate occasions. In each case, these have been observed directly over strong current convergences. Progress has been made in understanding the origin of these signatures through simulations that incorporate environmental forcing from the winds and currents. These simulations significantly underestimate the backscatter unless wave-breaking (WB) effects are included at least approximately. Using a new, quasistatistical procedure that generalizes and quantifies earlier procedures for including WB effects, the authors have been able to successfully simulate the magnitude and behavior of these signatures. The approach combines the statistically based, composite model of radar backscatter with a deterministic feature model that relates backscatter from breaking waves to a particular geometrical model of a spilling breaker. This is accomplished using localized criteria, defined by local wave crest acceleration, to determine the probability of breaking, and by extending the feature model so that its unknown parameters may be evaluated directly from wave-current interaction calculations. The new approach provides an estimate of the critical crest acceleration of a potentially breaking wave, as a function of wind speed, that agrees with independent measurements  相似文献   

Scattering from breaking gravity waves without wind   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Scattering experiments from breaking gravity waves conducted at a wave tank facility at small grazing angles in the absence of wind are analyzed. Breaking gravity waves are studied using a fully plane polarimetric horizontal (HH), vertical (VV), vertically transmitted and horizontally received polarization (VH), and horizontally transmitted and vertically received polarization (HV) pulse-chirped X-band (8.5-9.6 GHz) radar in conjunction with optical instruments: the plane polarimetric optical specular event detector (OSED) and side-looking camera (SLC). Spatially and temporally resolved radar backscatter has been measured and temporally correlated to the data obtained from the optical diagnostics. The experiments yield the following results: (1) enhanced scattering compared to Bragg scattering levels occurs throughout the evolutionary process of wave-breaking, i.e., the radar scatters strongly from both the unbroken and broken surfaces; (2) an explanation is found for the observation that the scatterer Doppler frequency is slightly less than the Doppler frequency corresponding to the fundamental wave phase speed; (3) a representative non-Bragg cross section of a breaking wave can be obtained; and (4) a breaking wave surface is found to be an efficient depolarizer  相似文献   

The well-known radar equation for sinusoidal waves is extended to apply to nonsinusoidal waves, in particular to binary waves with the two values ±E and ±H for the electric- and magnetic-field strength during signal transmission. Three major modifications have to be made: the concept of radar cross section is changed; the gain of the radiating antenna and the resolution angle of the receiving antenna are different from the values holding for sinusoidal waves; and the effect of noise is modified, primarily due to the absence of a rectifier  相似文献   

The radar backscattering from water waves of various degrees of breaking Is numerically examined. A hybrid moment method geometrical theory of diffraction (MM/GTD) technique previously used for small-grazing scattering from perfectly conducting surfaces is reformulated using impedance boundary conditions, allowing the treatment of large (but finite) conductivity scattering media such as sea water. This hybrid MM/GTD approach avoids the artificial edge effects that limit the standard moment method when applied to rough surfaces, allowing the calculation of the scattering at arbitrarily small grazing angles. Sample surfaces are obtained through the edge-detection of video stills of breaking waves generated in a wave tank. The numerical calculations show that the strength of the backscatter is closely associated with the size of the plume on the breaking wave. Strong interference appears in the both horizontal (HH) and vertical (VV) backscatter when the surfaces are treated as perfectly conducting. The VV interference is dramatically reduced when a sea water surface is used, but the HH interference is unaffected. The interference leads to HH/VV ratios of up to 10 dB. The behavior of the scattering is consistent with the multipath theory of sea-spike scattering  相似文献   

针对现有的图像复原方法振铃效应严重的问题,提 出了一种基于图像稀疏表达的模拟退火的图像复原方法来恢复模糊图像。首先根据模拟退火 算法的要求,建立价格函数并 通过图像的模糊因子确定参数;然后在价格函数中的约束项引入图像的稀疏性,以提高复原 图像的质量;接着给初始解一个随机扰动,产生扰动解,并根据扰动解所造成的价格函数 的变化判断是否接受该扰动解;最后,当价格函数小于某一预设值时所得到的解即为复原 图像。实验结果表明,复原后图像细节增加且振铃效应明显减少,相对于目前已有的复原方 法,峰值信噪比(PSNR)平均提高了2~3dB。恢复效果表明,本文方法具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

利用仿真星图的星敏感器地面功能测试方法   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种基于仿真星图的星敏感器地面功能测试方法.该方法对卫星(飞行器)运动轨道和姿态参数及星敏感器的姿态参数进行仿真计算、模拟生成星敏感器在轨状态下的仿真星图.星敏感器以此仿真星图作为测试信号源,通过对仿真星图的处理,实现对星点定位、星图识别、姿态计算等功能的全面测试.为简化电路设计,该方法选用星敏感器现有接口作为通讯接口.为满足功能测试的实时性需求,采取局部更新的手段来减少星图传输数据量.实验表明,该方法能对星敏感器电子部件的功能进行有效验证,在使用RS232接口、波特率设置为115 200 bps的情况下,可以实现20 Hz数据更新率的测试.该方法实现简单、通用性强且不依赖其他外部设备,可以满足航天环境试验和整星联调阶段的功能测试任务要求.  相似文献   

Radiation of millimeter waves from a grooved ferrite image line is investigated. The beam angle is found to shift 20° with the bias magnetic field up to 0.8 Wb/m2in the frequency region near 40 GHz, and nonreciprocal behavior of the beam angle is also confirmed.  相似文献   

红外热波检测方法图像增强环节研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
红外热图具有高噪声、低对比度的特点,设计了图像增强环节解决该问题。对红外热图的频段分布和频段来源进行了分析,确定了有效频段为检测对象红外特性带来的高频段,并确定了增强该频段能量为图像增强环节的目标。针对红外热图频段的分布特点,基于处理目标,使用灰度值调整和巴特沃斯滤波对图像进行了处理,通过图像显示和大律法分割图像两种方法来检验图像增强效果。结果表明:经过设计增强环节,图像的对比度增强,噪声降低,对缺陷的分割更加准确,验证了增强方法的有效性,为更加准确地进行缺陷识别和尺寸定量计算打下了基础。  相似文献   

We propose a compact quasi-optical scheme to achieve image separation using two mixers. With this scheme, an image rejection ratio of better than 12 dB has been obtained over 25 GHz in W-band without any mechanical tuning. This diplexing scheme should find applications in remote sensing and radioastronomy  相似文献   

WindSat, the first satellite polarimetric microwave radiometer, and the NPOESS Conical Microwave Imager/Sounder both have as a key objective the retrieval of the ocean surface wind vector from radiometric brightness temperatures. Available observations and models to date show that the wind direction signal is only 1-3 K peak-to-peak at 19 and 37 GHz, much smaller than the wind speed signal. In order to obtain sufficient accuracy for reliable wind direction retrieval, uncertainties in geophysical modeling of the sea surface emission on the order of 0.2 K need to be removed. The surface roughness spectrum has been addressed by many studies, but the azimuthal signature of the microwave emission from breaking waves and foam has not been adequately addressed. Recently, a number of experiments have been conducted to quantify the increase in sea surface microwave emission due to foam. Measurements from the Floating Instrumentation Platform indicated that the increase in ocean surface emission due to breaking waves may depend on the incidence and azimuth angles of observation. The need to quantify this dependence motivated systematic measurement of the microwave emission from reproducible breaking waves as a function of incidence and azimuth angles. A number of empirical parameterizations of whitecap coverage with wind speed were used to estimate the increase in brightness temperatures measured by a satellite microwave radiometer due to wave breaking in the field of view. These results provide the first empirically based parameterization with wind speed of the effect of breaking waves and foam on satellite brightness temperatures at 10.8, 19, and 37 GHz.  相似文献   

针对仿真假体视觉下彩色图像和深度图像对于手势识别的不同效果,研究使用Kinect获取彩色图像以及深度图像进行手势识别。通过Kinect提取的骨骼信息与提取的深度图像结合,将人体与背景图像分离,对OpenCV库分离后的图像进行降噪,并进行像素化处理。在不同分辨率(32×32,48×48,64×64)下进行彩色图像和深度图像的手势识别实验。实验结果表明,随着分辨率的增加,手势识别的准确率也不断增加。同一分辨率下,深度图像下的手势识别率总体高于彩色图像下的手势识别率,且在32×32分辨率下,二者差异显著。  相似文献   

针对模糊C均值聚类(FCM)算法在分割图像时需要事先给出聚类数和容易陷入局部极小值的问题,提出一种新的FCM算法。首先,利用粒子群算法更新FCM的聚类中心,以加强算法的搜索能力,提高收敛速度;其次,根据模拟退火准则决定是否接受新的聚类中心,以得到当前迭代下的全局最优值;最后,设定有效性函数寻找图像的最佳聚类数,使算法具有自适应判断图像类别个数的能力。实验结果表明,该算法具有较好的全局收敛性,并且在未知聚类数的情况下能自适应寻找图像的最佳分类个数。  相似文献   

Empirical-computational methods in the study of creeping waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method is described for the direct extraction of parameters characterizing the fundamental creeping wave modes by the application of elementary signal processing techniques to the total scattered radiation from arbitrary layered cylinders. Filtering is implemented by multiplying the field by suitable window functions designed to separate the creeping wave from the remaining radiation, and can be applied in the Fourier domain or directly in configuration space. Examples are presented for perfect electric conductors, impedance surfaces, and dielectrically coated cylinders. The method is easy, fast, and well suited to the direct observation of qualitative behavior patterns such as those associated with resonances  相似文献   

Describes a new implementation of Lee's (1980) image enhancement algorithm. This approach, based on the logarithmic image processing (LIP) model, can simultaneously enhance the overall contrast and the sharpness of an image. A normalized complement transform has been proposed to simplify the analysis and the implementation of the LIP model-based algorithms. This new implementation has been compared with histogram equalization and Lee's original algorithm.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of Ku-band scattering at grazing incidence are presented. This study was motivated by the need to understand the processes which significantly contribute to scattering at grazing incidence. A dual polarized (VV, HH) coherent pulsed Ku-band scatterometer with good temporal resolution (3 ns) was used to obtain Doppler spectra and the absolute cross-section of scattered signals for grazing angles from 6-12°, and winds in the range 2-12 m/s. Wire wave gauges were used to measure the wind-wave field. Measurements of the first few moments of the Doppler spectra (cross-section, central frequency and bandwidth) showed that the data separated into two groups. The first grouping corresponded to HH scattering in the upwind look direction, and was clearly associated with scattering from the dominant gravity wind-waves. The second grouping corresponded to HH scattering in the downwind look direction, and all VV scattering, and was consistent with Bragg scattering from free higher frequency waves. This classification of the electromagnetic scattering was consistent with comparisons of direct and Doppler measurements of the kinematics of the surface wave field. The electromagnetic classification was also consistent with asymmetries in the wave field which increased with increasing wind speed  相似文献   

基于数学形态学的边缘检测方法对处理光学经纬仪实际拍摄的含噪声图像与其它常规边缘检测方法相比,具有明显的优势。将空域滤波和Prewitt边缘算子与数学形态学相结合的目标边缘检测方法对图像边缘的检测精度较高,抗噪声能力强,提高了图像边缘检测效果。  相似文献   

In the first part of this paper the theory of radiation from discontinuities in the ground plane of a dielectric image line has been described. In this second part experimental verifications of the radiation theory as well as millimeter-wave antennas realized on the basis of the theory are described. In the antennas slots and holes in the ground plane of the dielectric image line are used as discontinuities. Experimental results for the radiation characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

刘卫忠  徐重阳 《通信学报》2001,22(8):113-117
本文从ISDN可视电话的系统结构分析着手,对仿真系统设计中的关键模块进行了研究,设计并实现了基于局域网的ISDN可视电话仿真系统,对ISDN可视电话仿真运动系统的性能进行了分析,进一步探讨和分析了改善和提高性能的方法。  相似文献   

Dielectric image line groove antennas are very useful for the application in the millimeter-wave region. In this first part of a two-part paper, three different types of groove discontinuities under a dielectric image line for application in millimeterwave antennas are investigated: the equivalent circuits of 1) a slot discontinuity in a metallic ground plane and 2) a slot discontinuity in the metallization of a substrate material under a dielectric image line are derived theoretically using an approximation for the electromagnetic fields of the slots. 3)The equivalent circuit of cylindrical holes in a metallic ground plane under a dielectric image line is derived from measurements. The results are used to synthesize millimeterwave dielectric image line antenna arrays as described in part II of the paper.  相似文献   

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