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Cellary  W. Wiza  W. Walczak  K. 《Computer》2004,37(5):87-89
The exponential growth in Web sites is making it increasingly difficult to extract useful information on the Internet using existing search engines. Despite a wide range of sophisticated indexing and data retrieval features, search engines often deliver satisfactory results only when users know precisely what they are looking for. Traditional textual interfaces present results as a list of links to Web pages. Because most users are unwilling to explore an extensive list, search engines arbitrarily reduce the number of links returned, aiming also to provide quick response times. Moreover, their proprietary ranking algorithms often do not reflect individual user preferences. Those who need comprehensive general information about a topic or have vague initial requirements instead want a holistic presentation of data related to their queries. To address this need, we have developed Periscope, a 3D search result visualization system that displays all the Web pages found in a synthetic, yet comprehensible format.  相似文献   

Most Web pages contain location information, which are usually neglected by traditional search engines. Queries combining location and textual terms are called as spatial textual Web queries. Based on the fact that traditional search engines pay little attention in the location information in Web pages, in this paper we study a framework to utilize location information for Web search. The proposed framework consists of an offline stage to extract focused locations for crawled Web pages, as well as an online ranking stage to perform location-aware ranking for search results. The focused locations of a Web page refer to the most appropriate locations associated with the Web page. In the offline stage, we extract the focused locations and keywords from Web pages and map each keyword with specific focused locations, which forms a set of <keyword, location> pairs. In the second online query processing stage, we extract keywords from the query, and computer the ranking scores based on location relevance and the location-constrained scores for each querying keyword. The experiments on various real datasets crawled from nj.gov, BBC and New York Time show that the performance of our algorithm on focused location extraction is superior to previous methods and the proposed ranking algorithm has the best performance w.r.t different spatial textual queries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the composition of search engine results pages. We define what elements the most popular web search engines use on their results pages (e.g., organic results, advertisements, shortcuts) and to which degree they are used for popular vs. rare queries. Therefore, we send 500 queries of both types to the major search engines Google, Yahoo, Live.com and Ask. We count how often the different elements are used by the individual engines. In total, our study is based on 42,758 elements. Findings include that search engines use quite different approaches to results pages composition and therefore, the user gets to see quite different results sets depending on the search engine and search query used. Organic results still play the major role in the results pages, but different shortcuts are of some importance, too. Regarding the frequency of certain host within the results sets, we find that all search engines show Wikipedia results quite often, while other hosts shown depend on the search engine used. Both Google and Yahoo prefer results from their own offerings (such as YouTube or Yahoo Answers). Since we used the .com interfaces of the search engines, results may not be valid for other country-specific interfaces.  相似文献   

Deep Web信息通过在网页搜索接口提交查询词获得。通用搜索引擎使用超链接爬取网页,无法索引deep Web数据。为解决此问题,介绍一种基于最优查询的deep Web爬虫,通过从聚类网页中生成最优查询,自动提交查询,最后索引查询结果。实验表明系统能自动、高效地完成多领域deep Web数据爬取。  相似文献   

Time plays important roles in Web search, because most Web pages contain temporal information and a lot of Web queries are time-related. How to integrate temporal information in Web search engines has been a research focus in recent years. However, traditional search engines have little support in processing temporal-textual Web queries. Aiming at solving this problem, in this paper, we concentrate on the extraction of the focused time for Web pages, which refers to the most appropriate time associated with Web pages, and then we used focused time to improve the search efficiency for time-sensitive queries. In particular, three critical issues are deeply studied in this paper. The first issue is to extract implicit temporal expressions from Web pages. The second one is to determine the focused time among all the extracted temporal information, and the last issue is to integrate focused time into a search engine. For the first issue, we propose a new dynamic approach to resolve the implicit temporal expressions in Web pages. For the second issue, we present a score model to determine the focused time for Web pages. Our score model takes into account both the frequency of temporal information in Web pages and the containment relationship among temporal information. For the third issue, we combine the textual similarity and the temporal similarity between queries and documents in the ranking process. To evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approaches, we build a prototype system called Time-Aware Search Engine (TASE). TASE is able to extract both the explicit and implicit temporal expressions for Web pages, and calculate the relevant score between Web pages and each temporal expression, and re-rank search results based on the temporal-textual relevance between Web pages and queries. Finally, we conduct experiments on real data sets. The results show that our approach has high accuracy in resolving implicit temporal expressions and extracting focused time, and has better ranking effectiveness for time-sensitive Web queries than its competitor algorithms.  相似文献   

Traditional search engines have become the most useful tools to search the World Wide Web. Even though they are good for certain search tasks, they may be less effective for others, such as satisfying ambiguous or synonym queries. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that, with the help of Wikipedia and collaborative semantic annotations, improves the quality of web search engines in the ranking of returned results. Our work is supported by (1) the logs generated after query searching, (2) semantic annotations of queries and (3) semantic annotations of web pages. The algorithm makes use of this information to elaborate an appropriate ranking. To validate our approach we have implemented a system that can apply the algorithm to a particular search engine. Evaluation results show that the number of relevant web resources obtained after executing a query with the algorithm is higher than the one obtained without it.  相似文献   

Search engines retrieve and rank Web pages which are not only relevant to a query but also important or popular for the users. This popularity has been studied by analysis of the links between Web resources. Link-based page ranking models such as PageRank and HITS assign a global weight to each page regardless of its location. This popularity measurement has shown successful on general search engines. However unlike general search engines, location-based search engines should retrieve and rank higher the pages which are more popular locally. The best results for a location-based query are those which are not only relevant to the topic but also popular with or cited by local users. Current ranking models are often less effective for these queries since they are unable to estimate the local popularity. We offer a model for calculating the local popularity of Web resources using back link locations. Our model automatically assigns correct locations to the links and content and uses them to calculate new geo-rank scores for each page. The experiments show more accurate geo-ranking of search engine results when this model is used for processing location-based queries.  相似文献   

The enormous amount of information available on the Internet requires the use of search engines in order to find specific information. As far as web accessibility is concerned, search engines contain two kinds of barriers: on the one hand, the interfaces for making queries and accessing results are not always accessible; on the other hand, web accessibility is not taken into account in information retrieval (IR) processes. Consequently, in addition to interface problems, accessing the items in the list of results tends to be an unsatisfactory experience for people with disabilities. Some groups of users cannot take advantage of the services provided by search engines, as the results are not useful due to their accessibility restrictions. The goal of this paper is to propose the integration of web accessibility measurement into information retrieval processes. Firstly, quantitative accessibility metrics are defined in order to accurately measure the accessibility level of web pages. Secondly, a model to integrate these metrics within IR processes is proposed. Finally, a prototype search engine which re-ranks results according to their accessibility level based on the proposed model is described.  相似文献   

Databases deepen the Web   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ghanem  T.M. Aref  W.G. 《Computer》2004,37(1):116-117
The Web has become the preferred medium for many database applications, such as e-commerce and digital libraries. These applications store information in huge databases that users access, query, and update through the Web. Database-driven Web sites have their own interfaces and access forms for creating HTML pages on the fly. Web database technologies define the way that these forms can connect to and retrieve data from database servers. The number of database-driven Web sites is increasing exponentially, and each site is creating pages dynamically-pages that are hard for traditional search engines to reach. Such search engines crawl and index static HTML pages; they do not send queries to Web databases. The information hidden inside Web databases is called the "deep Web" in contrast to the "surface Web" that traditional search engines access easily. We expect deep Web search engines and technologies to improve rapidly and to dramatically affect how the Web is used by providing easy access to many more information resources.  相似文献   

网络上的专业搜索引擎数量众多,普通用户在选择时往往无所适从。文章提出了一个自动的查询导向系统,可以将用户查询自动导向到合适的专业搜索引擎,解决了这个矛盾。  相似文献   

Thousands of users issue keyword queries to the Web search engines to find information on a number of topics. Since the users may have diverse backgrounds and may have different expectations for a given query, some search engines try to personalize their results to better match the overall interests of an individual user. This task involves two great challenges. First the search engines need to be able to effectively identify the user interests and build a profile for every individual user. Second, once such a profile is available, the search engines need to rank the results in a way that matches the interests of a given user. In this article, we present our work towards a personalized Web search engine and we discuss how we addressed each of these challenges. Since users are typically not willing to provide information on their personal preferences, for the first challenge, we attempt to determine such preferences by examining the click history of each user. In particular, we leverage a topical ontology for estimating a user’s topic preferences based on her past searches, i.e. previously issued queries and pages visited for those queries. We then explore the semantic similarity between the user’s current query and the query-matching pages, in order to identify the user’s current topic preference. For the second challenge, we have developed a ranking function that uses the learned past and current topic preferences in order to rank the search results to better match the preferences of a given user. Our experimental evaluation on the Google query-stream of human subjects over a period of 1 month shows that user preferences can be learned accurately through the use of our topical ontology and that our ranking function which takes into account the learned user preferences yields significant improvements in the quality of the search results.  相似文献   

Search engines are increasingly efficient at identifying the best sources for any given keyword query, and are often able to identify the answer within the sources. Unfortunately, many web sources are not trustworthy, because of erroneous, misleading, biased, or outdated information. In many cases, users are not satisfied with the results from any single source. In this paper, we propose a framework to aggregate query results from different sources in order to save users the hassle of individually checking query-related web sites to corroborate answers. To return the best answers to the users, we assign a score to each individual answer by taking into account the number, relevance and originality of the sources reporting the answer, as well as the prominence of the answer within the sources, and aggregate the scores of similar answers. We conducted extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments of our corroboration techniques on queries extracted from the TREC Question Answering track and from a log of real web search engine queries. Our results show that taking into account the quality of web pages and answers extracted from the pages in a corroborative way results in the identification of a correct answer for a majority of queries.  相似文献   

Many experts predict that the next huge step forward in Web information technology will be achieved by adding semantics to Web data, and will possibly consist of (some form of) the Semantic Web. In this paper, we present a novel approach to Semantic Web search, called Serene, which allows for a semantic processing of Web search queries, and for evaluating complex Web search queries that involve reasoning over the Web. More specifically, we first add ontological structure and semantics to Web pages, which then allows for both attaching a meaning to Web search queries and Web pages, and for formulating and processing ontology-based complex Web search queries (i.e., conjunctive queries) that involve reasoning over the Web. Here, we assume the existence of an underlying ontology (in a lightweight ontology language) relative to which Web pages are annotated and Web search queries are formulated. Depending on whether we use a general or a specialized ontology, we thus obtain a general or a vertical Semantic Web search interface, respectively. That is, we are actually mapping the Web into an ontological knowledge base, which then allows for Semantic Web search relative to the underlying ontology. The latter is then realized by reduction to standard Web search on standard Web pages and logically completed ontological annotations. That is, standard Web search engines are used as the main inference motor for ontology-based Semantic Web search. We develop the formal model behind this approach and also provide an implementation in desktop search. Furthermore, we report on extensive experiments, including an implemented Semantic Web search on the Internet Movie Database.  相似文献   

现有搜索引擎系统在响应用户搜索请求的过程中,往往根据分词后的查询关键词在文档中出现的次数来匹配文档内容,这种仅仅根据词频来确定关键词和文档之间相关度的方法往往缺乏一定的准确性,常常导致搜索引擎的网页结果列表并不是用户真正想要的内容,这给用户的检索过程带来极大不便,也是搜索引擎"查准率"得不到彻底改善的主要原因。该文通过构建对象语义库来存储和管理各种对象集,从而实现用户基于对象的检索过程,以提高搜索引擎查询的准确率。  相似文献   

There is a need for better approaches to handle the huge amount of data on the rapidly growing number of Web pages. And offering search engines that are either more effective or that conduct new types of searches could mean considerable income for companies. Because of this, several businesses are exploring the use of artificial intelligence approaches such as natural-language processing (NLP) and statistical machine learning in Web searches. Besides making the technology more effective for use within a single body of knowledge, artificial intelligence would enable search engines to respond to natural-language queries rather than only keyword-based queries  相似文献   

Given a user keyword query, current Web search engines return a list of individual Web pages ranked by their "goodness" with respect to the query. Thus, the basic unit for search and retrieval is an individual page, even though information on a topic is often spread across multiple pages. This degrades the quality of search results, especially for long or uncorrelated (multitopic) queries (in which individual keywords rarely occur together in the same document), where a single page is unlikely to satisfy the user's information need. We propose a technique that, given a keyword query, on the fly generates new pages, called composed pages, which contain all query keywords. The composed pages are generated by extracting and stitching together relevant pieces from hyperlinked Web pages and retaining links to the original Web pages. To rank the composed pages, we consider both the hyperlink structure of the original pages and the associations between the keywords within each page. Furthermore, we present and experimentally evaluate heuristic algorithms to efficiently generate the top composed pages. The quality of our method is compared to current approaches by using user surveys. Finally, we also show how our techniques can be used to perform query-specific summarization of Web pages.  相似文献   

One of the useful tools offered by existing web search engines is query suggestion (QS), which assists users in formulating keyword queries by suggesting keywords that are unfamiliar to users, offering alternative queries that deviate from the original ones, and even correcting spelling errors. The design goal of QS is to enrich the web search experience of users and avoid the frustrating process of choosing controlled keywords to specify their special information needs, which releases their burden on creating web queries. Unfortunately, the algorithms or design methodologies of the QS module developed by Google, the most popular web search engine these days, is not made publicly available, which means that they cannot be duplicated by software developers to build the tool for specifically-design software systems for enterprise search, desktop search, or vertical search, to name a few. Keyword suggested by Yahoo! and Bing, another two well-known web search engines, however, are mostly popular currently-searched words, which might not meet the specific information needs of the users. These problems can be solved by WebQS, our proposed web QS approach, which provides the same mechanism offered by Google, Yahoo!, and Bing to support users in formulating keyword queries that improve the precision and recall of search results. WebQS relies on frequency of occurrence, keyword similarity measures, and modification patterns of queries in user query logs, which capture information on millions of searches conducted by millions of users, to suggest useful queries/query keywords during the user query construction process and achieve the design goal of QS. Experimental results show that WebQS performs as well as Yahoo! and Bing in terms of effectiveness and efficiency and is comparable to Google in terms of query suggestion time.  相似文献   

In Web search, with the aid of related query recommendation, Web users can revise their initial queries in several serial rounds in pursuit of finding needed Web pages. In this paper, we address the Web search problem on aggregating search results of related queries to improve the retrieval quality. Given an initial query and the suggested related queries, our search system concurrently processes their search result lists from an existing search engine and then forms a single list aggregated by all the retrieved lists. We specifically propose a generic rank aggregation framework which consists of three steps. First we build a so-called Win/Loss graph of Web pages according to a competition rule, and then apply the random walk mechanism on the Win/Loss graph. Last we sort these Web pages by their ranks using a PageRank-like rank mechanism. The proposed framework considers not only the number of wins that an item won in competitions, but also the quality of its competitor items in calculating the ranking of Web page items. Experimental results show that our search system can clearly improve the retrieval quality in a parallel manner over the traditional search strategy that serially returns result lists. Moreover, we also provide empirical evidences as to demonstrate how different rank aggregation methods affect the retrieval quality.  相似文献   

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