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The expansion of the Internet has made the task of searching a crucial one. Internet users, however, have to make a great effort in order to formulate a search query that returns the required results. Many methods have been devised to assist in this task by helping the users modify their query to give better results. In this paper we propose an interactive method for query expansion. It is based on the observation that documents are often found to contain terms with high information content, which can summarise their subject matter. We present experimental results, which demonstrate that our approach significantly shortens the time required in order to accomplish a certain task by performing web searches.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of users' queries directed at different search engines to investigate trends and suggest better search engine capabilities. The query distribution among search engines that includes spawning of queries, number of terms per query and query lengths is discussed to highlight the principal factors affecting a user's choice of search engines and evaluate the reasons of varying the length of queries. The results could be used to develop long to short term business plans for search engine service providers to determine whether or not to opt for more focused topic specific search offerings to gain better market share.  相似文献   

Constructing semantic queries is a demanding task for human users, as it requires mastering a query language as well as the schema which has been used for storing the data. In this paper, we describe QUICK, a novel system for helping users to construct semantic queries in a given domain. QUICK combines the convenience of keyword search with the expressivity of semantic queries. Users start with a keyword query and then are guided through a process of incremental refinement steps to specify the query intention. We describe the overall design of QUICK, present the core algorithms to enable efficient query construction, and finally demonstrate the effectiveness of our system through an experimental study.  相似文献   

Strategic information systems (SIS) focus on the use of information system (IS) and information technology (IT) in the strategic management process in business organizations. The emphasis is on the strategic view of IS and IT and their impact on organizational strategy. Increased competition and advances in information technologies push for considerable structural changes in SIS. Agents, as autonomous entities which either work on their own or cooperate with others, and agent architectures have enormous potentials to be applied in such critical systems. In this article, first we investigate the very fundamental concepts of strategic information systems and intelligent agent technology. Then, the discussion continues on the specification of the characteristics and implementation issues of a typical SIS. Afterwards, we make use of these concepts and integrate them into a state-of-the-art, intelligent architecture for strategic information systems, called intelligent agent-based SIS. This is a comprehensive framework for a SIS in IT era which may be put into practice by a team of professionals in the near future. The graphical representation of this model is intended to help the reader understand the concept much better. After explaining the suggested model in full details, we introduce some support agents and specify their corresponding roles in an intelligent agent-based SIS architecture. Discussions and concluding remarks regarding the proposed system are provided at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The current web IR system retrieves relevant information only based on the keywords which is inadequate for that vast amount of data. It provides limited capabilities to capture the concepts of the user needs and the relation between the keywords. These limitations lead to the idea of the user conceptual search which includes concepts and meanings. This study deals with the Semantic Based Information Retrieval System for a semantic web search and presented with an improved algorithm to retrieve the information in a more efficient way.This architecture takes as input a list of plain keywords provided by the user and the query is converted into semantic query. This conversion is carried out with the help of the domain concepts of the pre-existing domain ontologies and a third party thesaurus and discover semantic relationship between them in runtime. The relevant information for the semantic query is retrieved and ranked according to the relevancy with the help of an improved algorithm. The performance analysis shows that the proposed system can improve the accuracy and effectiveness for retrieving relevant web documents compared to the existing systems.  相似文献   

Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with weights on the edges, the max-bisection problem (MBP) is to find a partition of the vertex set VV into two subsets V1 and V2 of equal cardinality such that the sum of the weights of the edges crossing V1 and V2 is maximized. Relaxing the equal cardinality, constraint leads to the max-cut problem (MCP). In this work, we present a memetic algorithm for MBP which integrates a grouping crossover operator and a tabu search optimization procedure. The proposed crossover operator preserves the largest common vertex groupings with respect to the parent solutions while controlling the distance between the offspring solution and its parents. Extensive experimental studies on 71 well-known G-set benchmark instances demonstrate that our memetic algorithm improves, in many cases, the current best known solutions for both MBP and MCP.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an ontology-based information extraction and retrieval system and its application in the soccer domain. In general, we deal with three issues in semantic search, namely, usability, scalability and retrieval performance. We propose a keyword-based semantic retrieval approach. The performance of the system is improved considerably using domain-specific information extraction, inferencing and rules. Scalability is achieved by adapting a semantic indexing approach and representing the whole world as small independent models. The system is implemented using the state-of-the-art technologies in Semantic Web and its performance is evaluated against traditional systems as well as the query expansion methods. Furthermore, a detailed evaluation is provided to observe the performance gain due to domain-specific information extraction and inferencing. Finally, we show how we use semantic indexing to solve simple structural ambiguities.  相似文献   

Conventional operating systems have for many-years used the ideas of standard stream interfaces to peripherals. Multi-tasking has been used in order to give an efficient response while maintaining simplicity and flexibility for the user. This paper describes an extension to an operating system which makes similar facilities available for the control of interactive workstations, and also provides a command dispatcher which enables the straightforward implementation of arbitrary user-defined command languages. The current system has been written in BCPL to run on a PDP 11/45 handling a Vector General display, but the design is suitable for use with a variety of terminals, computers and languages.  相似文献   

Similarity search aims to find all objects similar to a query object. Typically, some base similarity measures for the different properties of the objects are defined, and light-weight similarity indexes for these measures are built. A query plan specifies which similarity indexes to use with which similarity thresholds and how to combine the results. Previous work creates only a single, static query plan to be used by all queries. In contrast, our approach creates a new plan for each query.  相似文献   

The retrieval efficiency of the presently used search tools cannot be significantly improved: A "bag of words" interpretation causes loosing semantics of texts. The functional approach to present English texts in the memory of computers makes it possible to keep semantic relations between words. These relations can be taken into account when indexing documents and when performing searching. Utilizing this approach, it is possible to use a natural language to express user queries. In many cases, this way is more usual for users to describe their information needs compared to the keyword style. The factoid question answering task is one of the possible its applications. Key components of the prototype of a system utilizing this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Web services technology is critical for the success of business integration and other application fields such as bioinformatics. However, there are two challenges facing the practicality of Web services: (a) efficient location of the Web service registries that contain the requested Web services and (b) efficient retrieval of the requested services from these registries with high quality of service (QoS). The main reason for this problem is that current Web services technology is not semantic-oriented. Several proposals have been made to add semantics to Web services to facilitate discovery and composition of relevant Web services. Such proposals are being referred to as semantic Web services (SWS). However, most of these proposals do not address the second problem of retrieval of web services with high QoS. In this paper, we propose a framework called soft semantic Web services agent (soft SWS agent) for providing high QoS Semantic Web services using soft computing methodology. Since different application domains have different requirement for QoS, it is impractical to use classical mathematical modeling methods to evaluate the QoS of semantic Web services. We use fuzzy neural networks with Genetic Algorithms (GA) as our study case. Simulation results show that the soft computing methodology is practicable to handle fuzzy and uncertain QoS metrics effectively.  相似文献   

The bloom of electronic commerce has changed the whole outlook of traditional trading behavior. Through the Internet, different business entities can now easily interact with each other and then have their transactions within a minimum time. However, the advanced hardware facilities for Internet infrastructure and the entrancing Web sites are not the only decisive factors to guarantee a successful business in the electronic market. To enable the transactions, the problems that ensue during the complicated activities in electronic commerce have to be resolved. This paper presents an agent-based system to support two types of activities most related to the decision-making process in the Internet commerce. The first part of our system is for interactive recommendation; and the second part, for automated negotiation. Experiments have been conducted to evaluate their corresponding performance and the results show the efficiency of the proposed system and its potential toward the future electronic market.  相似文献   

While source code clone detection is a well-established research area, finding similar code fragments in binary and other intermediate code representations has been not yet that widely studied. In this paper, we introduce SeByte, a bytecode clone detection and search model that applies semantic-enabled token matching. It is developed based on the idea of relaxation on the code fingerprints. This approach separates the input content based on the types of tokens into different dimensions, with each dimension representing the input content from a specific point of view. Following this approach, SeByte compares each dimension separately and independently which we refer to as multi-dimensional comparison in our research. As the similarity search function we use a well-known measure that supports our multi-dimensional comparison heuristic, the Jaccard similarity coefficient. Our preliminary study shows that SeByte can detect clones that are missed by existing approaches due to the differences in the input data and the search algorithm. We then further exploit the model to build a scalable bytecode clone search engine. This extension meets the requirements of a classical search engine including the ranking of result sets. Our evaluation with a large dataset of 500,000 compiled Java classes, which we extracted from the six most recent versions of the Eclipse IDE, showed that our SeByte search is not only scalable but also capable of providing a reliable ranking.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of using Semantic Web data to improve hypertext Web search. In particular, we use relevance feedback to create a ‘virtuous cycle’ between data gathered from the Semantic Web of Linked Data and web-pages gathered from the hypertext Web. Previous approaches have generally considered the searching over the Semantic Web and hypertext Web to be entirely disparate, indexing, and searching over different domains. While relevance feedback has traditionally improved information retrieval performance, relevance feedback is normally used to improve rankings over a single data-set. Our novel approach is to use relevance feedback from hypertext Web results to improve Semantic Web search, and results from the Semantic Web to improve the retrieval of hypertext Web data. In both cases, an evaluation is performed based on certain kinds of informational queries (abstract concepts, people, and places) selected from a real-life query log and checked by human judges. We evaluate our work over a wide range of algorithms and options, and show it improves baseline performance on these queries for deployed systems as well, such as the Semantic Web Search engine FALCON-S and Yahoo! Web search. We further show that the use of Semantic Web inference seems to hurt performance, while the pseudo-relevance feedback increases performance in both cases, although not as much as actual relevance feedback. Lastly, our evaluation is the first rigorous ‘Cranfield’ evaluation of Semantic Web search.  相似文献   

In this article a novel approach to visual tracking called the harmony filter is presented. It is based on the Harmony Search algorithm, a derivative free meta-heuristic optimisation algorithm inspired by the way musicians improvise new harmonies. The harmony filter models the target as a colour histogram and searches for the best estimated target location using the Bhattacharyya coefficient as a fitness metric. Experimental results show that the harmony filter can robustly track an arbitrary target in challenging conditions. We compare the speed and accuracy of the harmony filter with other popular tracking algorithms including the particle filter and the unscented Kalman filter. Experimental results show the harmony filter to be faster and more accurate than both the particle filter and the unscented Kalman filter.  相似文献   

The similarity search problem has received considerable attention in database research community. In sensor network applications, this problem is even more important due to the imprecision of the sensor hardware, and variation of environmental parameters. Traditional similarity search mechanisms are both improper and inefficient for these highly energy-constrained sensors. A difficulty is that it is hard to predict which sensor has the most similar (or closest) data item such that many or even all sensors need to send their data to the query node for further comparison. In this paper, we propose a similarity search algorithm (SSA), which is a novel framework based on the concept of Hilbert curve over a data-centric storage structure, for efficiently processing similarity search queries in sensor networks. SSA successfully avoids the need of collecting data from all sensors in the network in searching for the most similar data item. The performance study reveals that this mechanism is highly efficient and significantly outperforms previous approaches in processing similarity search queries.  相似文献   

Engineers create engineering documents with their own terminologies, and want to search existing engineering documents quickly and accurately during a product development process. Keyword-based search methods have been widely used due to their ease of use, but their search accuracy has been often problematic because of the semantic ambiguity of terminologies in engineering documents and queries. The semantic ambiguity can be alleviated by using a domain ontology. Also, if queries are expanded to incorporate the engineer’s personalized information needs, the accuracy of the search result would be improved. Therefore, we propose a framework to search engineering documents with less semantic ambiguity and more focus on each engineer’s personalized information needs. The framework includes four processes: (1) developing a domain ontology, (2) indexing engineering documents, (3) learning user profiles, and (4) performing personalized query expansion and retrieval. A domain ontology is developed based on product structure information and engineering documents. Using the domain ontology, terminologies in documents are disambiguated and indexed. Also, a user profile is generated from the domain ontology. By user profile learning, user’s interests are captured from the relevant documents. During a personalized query expansion process, the learned user profile is used to reflect user’s interests. Simultaneously, user’s searching intent, which is implicitly inferred from the user’s task context, is also considered. To retrieve relevant documents, an expanded query in which both user’s interests and intents are reflected is then matched against the document collection. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can substantially outperform both the keyword-based approach and the existing query expansion method in retrieving engineering documents. Reflecting a user’s information needs precisely has been identified to be the most important factor underlying this notable improvement.  相似文献   

在网页聚类中,HAC(Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering)算法和K-means算法都是经常用到的。但它们都有各自的不足。提出一种两阶段聚类方法。第一阶段利用HAC聚类算法对网络检索结果的标题进行聚类,第二阶段以第一阶段结果作为初始中心用K-means算法聚类标题和摘要取得比较合理的聚类结果。由于标题一般都比较短,可以大大减少HAC算法的运行时间。这样既满足网络检索对时间的要求又可以得到较好的聚类结果。  相似文献   

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