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《Electrochimica acta》1986,31(7):851-858
We have in this work studied the electrowinning of silver and selenium on platinum electrodes. We have observed the formation of a semiconductor-metal mixed compound: β Ag2Se. Under different operating conditions (silver/selenium ratio, deposition potential, electrode rotation rate), the ratios of the deposit compounds change a lot, inducing changes in the electrochemical behavior of the deposit.  相似文献   

The reaction between NdCl3 and potassium metal in a 1:4 molar ratio in THF, followed by the addition of 2 equivalents of 1,2-(SiMe3)2-1,2-closo-C2B4H4 (1), produced the novel dimeric, mixed-metal sandwiched ion-pair, {2,2,4,4-(SiMe3)4-5,6-[(μ-H)2K(η6-C6H6)2]-1,1-commo-Nd(η5-2,4-C2B4H4)2}2 (2), in 78% yield, after re-crystallization in benzene. The simultaneous cage opening/metalation product 2 was verified by single crystal X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present two methods for the measurement of the residence time distributions of solid particles in reactors with pneumatic transport flow. Both methods are based on the measurement of the “concentration” of solid by light absorption following the Beer Lambert law. The first method involves the capture of particles on an adhesive surface followed by analysis with a time delay; the second method permits direct analysis in the reactor. A comparison between the two methods is presented, with particular emphasis on their respective advantages and disadvantages. Both measurement methods are capable of attaining short residence times, in the order of 0.1 s.  相似文献   

配合上海第三钢铁厂三米三中厚板生产线而设计的4.8×106m3/a(标准状况)乙炔发生站,通过不同方案的论证比较,选择了一条正确和切合实际的工艺生产路线,取得了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

徐向阳  周宇 《化学工业》2001,19(6):27-30
通过对2000m2/a无机陶瓷膜成套装置的技术经济评价,得出应及早推广此技术的结论  相似文献   

法国巴黎(2012年5月1日)曾是Alcan公司美容包装业务部的法国Albéa Inc.公司已收购了三家中国工厂,实现在华业务的扩张。总部位于法国巴黎的Albéa现隶属于私人股权公司Sun European Partners LLP公司,该公司宣布已从Tex RL集团手中收购了中山美全塑料制品有限公司。交易条款尚未揭晓。被收购的工厂位于广东  相似文献   

Propagation of a combustion knock in a narrow channel from one gas volume to another is found to occur at an initial pressure thrice as low as that in the case of propagation via multifront detonation. Translated fromFizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 68–70, November–December 1998.  相似文献   

m(C):m(N)是影响短程硝化系统的主要因素之一,为了寻求合适的m(C):m(N),在稳定运行的SBR系统中,以模拟生活污水为处理对象,进行动态实验,通过改变系统内的m(C):m(N),考察了在不同m(C):m(N)下,短程硝化系统的反应效果与稳定运行情况.实验证明,在稳定运行时,不同m(C):m(N)条件下对氨氮的...  相似文献   

The novel dimeric polyoxometalate, (MnPW11O39)210  (1a), has been synthesized by reacting [B-α-PW9O34]9  with Mn2 + ions in weak acid aqueous solution (pH = 5.3) under hydrothermal condition and isolated in the form of (C14H14N4)5H10(MnPW11O39)2·2H2O (1), which was characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, and magnetic measurements. The polyanion represents the first example of dimeric polyanion based on mono-transition metal (TM) substituted Keggin-type polyanions linked by two TM-μ2-O-TM bridges. Magnetic measurements show that the Mn┄Mn exchange interactions are weakly antiferromagnetic (J =  0.53 cm 1).  相似文献   

Colour, the first element of quality control of textile products, is a complex subject relating to physical optics, psychology, and the human visual system. Colour matching remains one of the major problems in the textile industry. Mélange yarn is a class of textile product with a specific colour appearance, which colour is mainly affected by colour matching of the dyed fibres and their ratio for spinning rather than by the dyeing process. The existing colour matching models for mélange yarn derived from specific types of fibre or specific spinning processes are restricted by the adopted conditions and parameters of the model, resulting in low universal applicability and low accuracy. In this paper, a spectrophotometric colour matching algorithm based on the back-propagation (BP) neural network and its processes were proposed. The weighted average spectrum was predicted by a BP neural network, followed by recipe prediction from the weighted average with constrained least squares. The results showed that the average colour difference of practical samples, based on the prediction of nine blind testing targets, was 0.79 CMC (2:1) units if more than two a priori training samples were used. This result indicated the capability and practicality of accurate prediction of colour matching for top-dyed mélange yarn by this novel method.  相似文献   

山东兖矿集团200万t/a焦炭生产装置,2005年2月1日在山东兖州正式砌炉。该焦炉炭化室高7.63m,由山东兖矿集团、巴西CVRD公司及日本伊滕忠商事株式会社合资建造,由德国TKEC公司提供技术支持,是国家大型煤化工及能源综合利用项目。预计2005年底第一座焦炉投产出焦,2006年3月第二座焦炉投产。同时在建的20万t/a甲醇生产装置利用生产焦炭剩余的焦炉煤气为原料,  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are important cell signaling mediators, involved in essential physiological processes. GPCRs respond to a wide variety of ligands from light to large macromolecules, including hormones and small peptides. Unfortunately, mutations and dysregulation of GPCRs that induce a loss of function or alter expression can lead to disorders that are sometimes lethal. Therefore, the expression, trafficking, signaling and desensitization of GPCRs must be tightly regulated by different cellular systems to prevent disease. Although there is substantial knowledge regarding the mechanisms that regulate the desensitization and down-regulation of GPCRs, less is known about the mechanisms that regulate the trafficking and cell-surface expression of newly synthesized GPCRs. More recently, there is accumulating evidence that suggests certain GPCRs are able to interact with specific proteins that can completely change their fate and function. These interactions add on another level of regulation and flexibility between different tissue/cell-types. Here, we review some of the main interacting proteins of GPCRs. A greater understanding of the mechanisms regulating their interactions may lead to the discovery of new drug targets for therapy.  相似文献   

中国国储能源化工集团股份公司2013年9月5日与内蒙古阿拉善盟行政公署就40亿 m 3/a 煤制天然气项目签约。该项目总投资180亿元,位于内蒙古阿拉善葡萄墩工业园区。计划分三期实施,每期建设400万 m 3/d 煤制天然气装置各1套。项目全部建成达产后,年产煤制天然气40亿 m 3,预计可实现年销售收入125亿元,年利税12亿元。  相似文献   

An intramolecular [2 + 2] photocycloaddition is performed in a microphotoreactor (0.81 mL) built by winding FEP tubing around a commercially available Pyrex immersion well in which a medium pressure mercury lamp is inserted. A rigorous comparison with a batch photoreactor (225 mL) is proposed by means of a simple model coupling the reaction kinetics with the mass, momentum and radiative transfer equations. This serves as a basis to explain why the chemical conversion and the irradiation time are respectively increased and reduced in the microphotoreactor relative to those in the batch photoreactor. Through this simple model reaction, some criteria for transposing photochemical synthesis from a batch photoreactor to a continuous microphotoreactor are defined.  相似文献   

<正>作为第三代制冷剂的主流产品,1,1,1,2-四氟乙烷(简称R134a)的市场从2013年下半年开始到今年上半年基本上处于平稳的态势,目前的价格(含税)在18100~18300元(吨价,下同)。进入下半年后,因R134a需求不被看好,且美国双反导致中国出口美国通道堵塞,出口形势不太乐观,因此R134a后市利空因素多于利好因素。但不排除美国本土企业出现供应缺口带来的机会,及其他国家需求增加的机会,因此后市仍存一定希望。综合来看,R134a后市价格整体走稳,但也可能会有小幅下滑。  相似文献   

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