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The trickling filter solids contact water pollution control facility for the city of Ames, Iowa has successfully nitrified wastewater with trickling filters for the past decade. Both first stage, carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand removing trickling filters (TFs) and second stage, nitrifying TFs (NTFs) remove significant quantities of ammonia from the wastewater. Based on operating data from January 1999 through December 2001, the average specific ammonia removal rate for the TFs was 1.5×10?4?kg?N/(d?m2). Most probable number testing confirmed the presence of nitrifiers in the top media layer of both stages of trickling filters. An experiment was performed whereby flows to the TFs and NTFs were varied to test ammonia removal capabilities of the facility. During the experiment, the TFs removed an average of 2.4×10?4?kg?N/(d?m2) and the NTFs removed an average of 1.5×10?5?kg?N/(d?m2) due to low loading. Data collected during the study varied with operating conditions. It was compared to and used to calibrate NTF models. An empirical design model poorly fit the data, and a theoretically based model could not be calibrated well with apparent ammonia removal rates. A best-fit equation, dependent on hydraulic loading and influent ammonia concentration (adjusted for recirculation), was regressed directly to the data and is useful for describing nitrification in the Ames WPCF TFs.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was developed to simulate a biotrickling filter capable of simultaneous treatment of graywater simulant and waste gas contaminated with ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The model accounts for mass transfer of gas phase contaminants into the liquid phase and subsequent transfer into a biofilm where microbial conversions of contaminants are modeled by Monod kinetics. A set of laboratory experiments was conducted to estimate parameters for each of the two components of the model. Separation of parameter estimation both decreased the total number of parameters estimated simultaneously and ensured that each component of the system was adequately represented. Process performance, as predicted by the calibrated model, was compared to results from the operation of bench-scale reactors. The model was capable of accurately predicting contaminant removal and thus was used to make a preliminary assessment on the feasibility of a proposed dual treatment biotrickling filter system. This model is a valuable tool not only to describe and predict process performance, but also to identify relevant design parameters.  相似文献   

Pollutants removal from swine wastewater by a submerged biofilm sequencing batch reactor (BSBR) with internal circulation of liquor through a sand filter was studied. The variation of nutrient removal efficiencies with changes in volumetric circulation ratios and rates were determined. The reactor was operated under the following conditions: One cycle per day, hydraulic retention time of 15 days, average NH4–N loading rate of 55?g?m?3?d?1, and without supplemental external carbon source. System performance was enhanced by conducting internal circulation of liquor through the sand filter. When compared with the performance of a single BSBR without sand filter, nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies were found to increase by 18% and over 33%, respectively. With a circulation rate of 170?L?h?1?m?3, and duration of 22 h (circulation ratio of 0.9), TOC, NH4–N, and total soluble inorganic nitrogen (as NH4–N plus NOx–N) removal efficiencies of 73, 97.8, and 85.6%, respectively, were achieved. The enhancement of nitrogen removal was attributed to the occurrence of denitrification in the sand filter during circulation of liquor. The denitrification rate was proportional to the volumetric circulation ratio per day, resulting in an average 15% NOx–N removal in the sand filter. Also, it was found that continuous circulation during the entire reaction phases could be one way to achieve better performance.  相似文献   

A detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to identify key parameters for a biotrickling filter simultaneously treating graywater and waste gas containing ammonia and hydrogen sulfide contaminants. Sampling-based approaches were applied to quantitatively assess the sensitivity of both design and intrinsic model parameters. Specifically, the sensitivity of contaminant removal rates under system conditions was investigated. Results suggested that contaminant removal rates can be substantially improved by increasing the fraction of wetted area in a biotrickling filter. Although recirculation flow rate is insensitive when considering liquid contaminant removal, increasing this parameter improves gas removal efficiency and also increases wetted area within the biotrickling filter. Reactor performance can also be improved by increasing gas and liquid residence times. Contaminant diffusivity through the biofilm is an important parameter and should be accurately assessed. This study differentiated key from insignificant biotrickling filter reactor design parameters for the biotrickling filter and provides guidance for similar research applications.  相似文献   

Influent and effluent samples originating from two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) (treating hospital wastewater and domestic wastewater, Belgium) have been analyzed in order to estimate their steroid hormone content. The natural estrogens estrone (E1), 17β-estradiol (E2), and the synthetic 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) together with other steroid hormones progesterone (P) and testosterone (T) metabolites were detected in these samples. The hormone concentrations in both the hospital and the domestic WWTP samples were not significantly different and ranged from <0.2?ng EE2/L to 114?ng EE2/L, from <0.2?ng E1/L to 58?ng E1/L and from <0.2?ng P/L to >100?ng P/L. E2 was detected once at a concentration of 17?ng/L. In the domestic WWTP which comprises a conventional activated sludge treatment in parallel with a membrane bioreactor, no differences in estrogen removal efficiency could be observed for both treatments. In comparison to chemical analysis data, the Yeast Estrogen Screen (YES) appears to underestimate the influent estrogen concentrations, probably due to influent toxicity for the YES. Effluent estrogen concentrations, on the other hand, were overestimated by the YES test, probably due to the presence of other estrogenic compounds in the effluent.  相似文献   

A numerical watershed model was used to evaluate the potential influence of various point and nonpoint sources including on-site wastewater systems (OWS) on stream nitrate concentration in Turkey Creek Watershed, Colorado. A watershed analysis risk management framework model was used for this study, and was calibrated to observed stream nitrate concentrations using an automatic calibration tool. Parameter sensitivity analysis was done to select critical parameters for calibration and to reduce uncertainty in the simulated results. Sensitivity analysis of nitrate transport and transformation parameters showed that stream nitrate concentration is highly sensitive to cation exchange capacity, nitrification rate, base saturation of ammonium, initial concentration of ammonium in the soil, and some of the crop growth related parameters. The calibrated model was used to evaluate scenarios related to OWS including the impacts of population growth and new development and impacts of conversion of OWS to conventional sewers. The results showed that there would be a significant increase in stream nitrate concentration with increasing population. Conversion of OWS to sewers increased stream nitrate concentration but decreased nitrate concentration in the bottom soil layer indicating that OWS are beneficial with respect to stream nitrate concentration but may increase nitrate concentrations in groundwater.  相似文献   

Until recently, biological treatment of odors in biofilters or biotrickling filters was thought to require a longer gas contact time than chemical scrubbing, hence bioreactors for air treatment required a larger footprint. This paper discusses the conversion of chemical scrubbers to biological trickling filters. Initially, research was conducted with a laboratory-scale biotrickling filter. An effective open-pore polyurethane packing material was identified and H2S biotreatment performance was quantified. Key technical issues in determining the general suitability of converting wet scrubbers to biotrickling filters were identified, and a generic ten-step conversion procedure was developed. Following the laboratory research, five full-scale chemical scrubbers treating odorous air at the Sanitation District of Orange County, Calif., were converted to biotrickling filters. The original airflow rate was maintained, resulting in a gas contact time as low as 1.6–3.1?s. The converted biotrickling filters demonstrated an excellent capability for treating high H2S concentrations to concentrations below regulatory limits. This study shows outstanding potential for converting chemical scrubbers to biotrickling filters at publicly owned treatment works.  相似文献   

Sand compaction pile (SCP) is a ground improvement technique extensively used to ameliorate liquefaction resistance of loose sand deposits. This paper discusses results of laboratory tests on high-quality undisturbed samples obtained by the in situ freezing method at six sites where foundation soils had been improved with SCP. Inspection of samples revealed that the improved ground was desaturated during the ground improvement. Degree of saturation (Sr) was lower than 77% for the sand piles and 91% for the improved sand layers, while Sr was approximately 100% for improved clayey and silty soils. A good correlation was found between Sr and 5% diameter of the soil; the larger 5% diameter of soils (D5), the lower the degree of saturation. It appeared that the variation of Sr with D5 for soils within a month after the ground improvement work was quite similar in trend to that after more than several years. Degree of saturation of soils after several years was noticeably, but not significantly, higher as compared with that shortly after ground improvement, indicating longevity of air bubbles injected in the improved soil. Undrained cyclic shear tests were also carried out on saturated and unsaturated specimens and effects of desaturation on undrained cyclic shear strength were studied. The test results were summarized in a form of liquefaction resistance with reference to normalized standard penetration test N-value.  相似文献   

Liquid-liquid extraction system (LLES), including extraction section and reverse extraction section, had been applied successfully in the treatment of phenolic wastewater. In this paper, a novel pilot scale system, the extraction-evaporation system (EES) without reverse extraction section was introduced. The treatment capacity of both LLES and EES reached 4.0?m3/h. According to experimental results and economical analysis, EES had higher removal efficiency and lower treatment cost than those of LLES in the treatment of the phenolic wastewater containing 3,200–6,300?mg/L phenol, the concentrations of most resin and dye industrial effluents. The highest extractive efficiency of EES could reach 99.0% within the concentration range of 4,000–5,000?mg/L phenol, and remnant phenol in wastewater varied from 43.6 to 51.2?mg/L. The highest extracted efficiency in LLES arrived at 98.2% and the remaining phenol concentration reached 95.0?mg/L. The average removal efficiency of EES increased 1%, and the treatment cost of EES decreased 4.6%. The pretreated wastewater by EES was able to meet the demands of biological or adsorptive process. Despite that the total investment cost of EES was higher than that of LLES, treatment cost of wastewater per ton by EES was lower than that of LLES.  相似文献   

In this study, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was employed to regulate oxygen dosing for online sulfide toxicity control during anaerobic treatment of high sulfate wastewater. The experiment was conducted in an upflow anaerobic filter, which was operated at a constant influent total organic carbon of 6,740 mg/L [equivalent to a chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 18,000 mg/L], but with different influent sulfates of 1,000, 3,000, and 6,000 mg/L. The reactor was initially run at natural ORP (the system’s ORP without oxygenation) of about ?290 to ?300?mV and then was followed by oxygenation to raise ORP by +25?mV above the natural level for each influent sulfate level. At 6,000 mg/L sulfate under the natural ORP, methanogenesis was severely inhibited due to sulfide toxicity, and the anaerobic process was almost totally upset. Upon oxygenation by raising ORP to ?265?mV, the dissolved sulfide was quickly reduced to 12.2 mg S/L with a concomitant improvement in methane yield by 45.9%. If oxygen was not totally used up by sulfide oxidation, the excess oxygen was consumed by facultative bacteria which had been found to stabilize about 13.5% of the influent COD. Both sulfide oxidation and facultative activity acted as a shield to protect the anaerobes from an excessive oxygen exposure. This study showed that direct oxygenation of the recirculated biogas was effective to oxidize sulfide, and the use of ORP to regulate the oxygen dosing was practical and reliable during anaerobic treatment of high sulfate wastewater.  相似文献   

Environmental biotechnology “manages microbial communities to provide services to society.” The key services today include detoxifying contaminated water and soil to reclaim lost resources and converting diffuse energy in biomass to forms easily used by society. Two timely examples are the reduction of oxidized water contaminants (e.g., nitrate, perchlorate, selenate, and chlorinated solvents) and the production of methane, hydrogen, and electricity. The key science underlying environmental biotechnology is microbial ecology, which has advanced rapidly in the past 20 or so years through the proliferation of new genomics-based techniques to characterize the communities’ structure and function. The genomic methods provide detailed information that helps us understand what aspects of the microbial community need to be managed to ensure that it provides the desired service. Often, we achieve the management goals through partnering the microorganisms with modern materials and physical/chemical processes. The membrane biofilm reactor and microbial fuel cells offer excellent examples of exciting new technologies that come directly from this kind of partnering.  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge technology was applied to the simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal from livestock wastewater that contains high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus (TN: 650?mg/L; TP: 125?mg/L). A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor was operated in an alternating anaerobic/oxic/anoxic denitrification mode. Granular sludge was first formed using synthetic wastewater. When livestock wastewater was diluted with tap water, the shape and settleability of aerobic granular sludge were maintained even though livestock wastewater contained suspended solids. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification, and phosphate uptake were observed under an aerobic condition. However, when nondiluted livestock wastewater was used, the diameter of granular sludge and the denitrification efficiency under an oxic condition decreased. When the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in wastewater increased, hydraulic retention time (HRT) increased resulting in a decrease in selection pressure for granular sludge. Therefore, the sustainment of granular sludge was difficult in livestock wastewater treatment. However, by applying a new excess sludge discharge method based on Stokes’ law, the shape of granular sludge was maintained in spite of the long HRT (7.5?days). To select large granular sludge particles, excess sludge was discharged from the upper part of settled sludge because small particles localized there after settling. Finally, excellent nitrogen and phosphorus removal was accomplished in practical livestock wastewater treatment. The effluent concentrations of NH4–N, NOx–N, and PO4–P were <0.1, 1.4, and 1.2?mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

Artificial islands often consist of layers of alluvial clay and reclaimed soil of varying order and thickness. Soft clay layers have nonlinear characteristics and can both amplify and attenuate earthquake ground motions. Liquefied ground impedes propagation of shear waves and thus attenuates the earthquake accelerations. Online testing is a method of feeding soil response characteristics directly from soil samples into a modeling algorithm. The effects of the layer thickness, configuration, and degree of consolidation on the earthquake response characteristics of alternating layers of clay and sand have been investigated. The degree of liquefaction and strain generated in sand adjacent to clay layers increased with the degree of consolidation. Clay layers attenuate the motions of sand layers for short period vibrations but amplify the long period motions, increasing the strain in overlying liquefied sand layers. Clay layers which were closer to the ground surface or of greater thickness tended to increase the surface accelerations. Normalized cumulative energy loss was larger in clay than in sand increasing with a decreasing degree of consolidation.  相似文献   

Water-balance predictions made using four codes (UNSAT-H, VADOSE/W, HYDRUS, and LEACHM) are compared with water-balance data from a test section located in a semiarid climate simulating a monolithic water-balance cover. The accuracy of the runoff prediction (underprediction or overprediction) was found to affect the accuracy of all other water-balance quantities. Runoff was predicted more accurately when precipitation was applied uniformly throughout the day, the surface layer was assigned higher saturated hydraulic conductivity, or when Brooks-Corey functions were used to describe the hydraulic properties of the cover soils. However, no definitive or universal recommendation could be identified that would provide reasonable assurance that runoff mechanisms are properly simulated and runoff predictions are accurate. Evapotranspiration and soil-water storage were predicted reasonably well (within ≈ 25?mm/yr) when runoff was predicted accurately, general mean hydraulic properties were used as input, and the vegetation followed a consistent seasonal transpiration cycle. However, percolation was consistently underpredicted (>3?mm total) even when evapotranspiration and soil-water storage were predicted reliably. Better agreement between measured and predicted percolation (or a more conservative prediction) was obtained using mean properties for the soil-water characteristic curve and increasing the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the cover soils by a factor between 5 and 10. Evapotranspiration and soil-water storage were predicted poorly at the end of the monitoring period by all of the codes due to a change in the evapotranspiration pattern that was not captured by the models. The inability to capture such changes is a weakness in current modeling approaches that needs further study.  相似文献   

Efforts aimed at reducing pollutant loads from combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on the Muddy Creek receiving waters in Cincinnati, Ohio have been underway in recent years. This includes an investigation of the treatment performance of a flow-through wet weather treatment facility (WWTF) using off-line sedimentation tanks, fine screening and chemical disinfection (disinfection was inactive during this study). Calculations using hydrographs and water quality samples collected at the WWTF during rain events established the mass of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)5, chemical oxygen demand, and total suspended solids (TSS) removed. Ten storm events sampled from January to September 2002 helped characterize pollutant removal efficiencies for flow-through treatment. Pollutant removal was classified into four components: flow to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), sedimentation, storage, and screening. Most pollutant removal was achieved through settling and storage in the treatment tanks, with removal efficiencies of 20–50% for BOD5 and 25–70% for TSS commonly observed. Owing to the high pollutant load in the early portion of the CSO hydrograph, first-flush containment, or capturing and conveying the early portion of the runoff event to the WWTP, was the most efficient treatment method for every storm investigated.  相似文献   

Olive-oil production generates high and variable amounts of wastewaters from the olives and olive-oil washing (OMW), resulting to great environmental impact. These waters are normally stored in large holding ponds for evaporation during the summer. The present study examines the chemical-oxidation process using ferric chloride catalyst for the activation of H2O2 (Fenton reaction). Tests have been made on an industrial scale. The final average value of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was close to 371?mg?O2?L?1 (%CODremoval = 86%, CODinitial = 2684?mg?O2?L?1), and the water produced can be used for irrigation or can be discharged directly into the municipal wastewater system for tertiary treatment.  相似文献   

Understanding that there is a significant presence of extracellular polymeric substances at the biofilm/wastewater interface and that the primary constituent of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in domestic wastewaters is organic particulates, this research describes the kinetics of particulate removal in a pilot-scale trickling filter (TF) and the role of bioflocculation in the removal process. Recent research has described the role of bioflocculation on particulate COD (PCOD) removal in suspended growth biological wastewater treatment systems. However, no research pertaining to PCOD removal by bioflocculation in attached growth systems was identified prior to this study. For this study, experiments were conducted using both bench- and pilot-scale biofilm reactors and provided evidence that the removal of organic and inorganic particulate matter in a TF bioreactor follows a first-order bioflocculation rate equation. The statistical analysis of data obtained from the pilot TF fits the dispersion model to suspended solids and PCOD remaining in the pilot TF.  相似文献   

Comparison of Methods for Predicting Incipient Motion for Sand Beds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison of four methods for predicting the incipient motion conditions of a uniform sand bed is presented. The four methods are: (1) the Shields diagram, (2) an empirical approach, (3) a method derived from resolution of rotational forces, and (4) a simplified resolution of rotational forces with a variable lift force coefficient. The four methods are used to predict the incipient motion conditions for 97 experimental runs taken from seven independent experimental flume studies. The effectiveness of predicting depth averaged incipient motion velocity for each of the four methods are compared. The simplified resolution of rotational forces model (4) and Shields method (1) were most successful in predicting the incipient motion velocity [R2 = 0.77, 0.74 and root mean square error (RMSE)=0.18, 0.15, respectively]. The slope of line of best fit for plots illustrating predicted versus measured incipient motion velocity were similar (slope=0.63, 0.65, respectively), illustrating that both methods provide a similarly justifiable prediction of depth averaged incipient motion. The empirical method was the least successful at predicting the measured incipient motion conditions (R2 = 0.49, RMSE=0.41).  相似文献   

Treatment and reuse of wastewater is a key constraint to increased aquaculture development worldwide. Constructed treatment wetlands have significant advantages over conventional and other natural systems technologies. The two main types of systems are free water surface and subsurface flow constructed wetlands. There is regulatory oversight at the federal, state, and county levels, with requirements of the Clean Water Act providing the most guidance. Legal liabilities are dominated by the risks associated with bioaccumulation of toxic materials in the wetlands and the effects they may have on migratory birds and endangered species. Technical aspects of water quality discharge are explained and related to regulatory enforcement. The status of existing regulations that affect wetland use are reviewed—the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Endangered Species Act, Coastal Zone Act, and the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production regulation. The Hawaii Revised Statutes and Hawaii Administrative Rules are also reviewed for their regulation of wetlands. Major findings of six court cases with application to wetlands are presented. Three case studies, the Kesterson Marsh, the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary, and a New Mexico State University study on recirculating wastewater aquaculture are provided, which demonstrate successes and failures that provide lessons to help conform to the regulations in place for water discharge.  相似文献   

Mercury is one of the many hazardous substances that has been recognized and banned by many natural codes of practice and governments. Because many laboratory works in research and practice require the use of mercury, safe alternative materials and procedures are being researched. One of the Atterberg limits dealing with volume stability of soils in the field is the shrinkage limit. The conventional method followed by many national codes of practice involves the use of mercury to measure the volume of dry soil pat. This paper proposes sand replacement method to determine the shrinkage limit of soils in the laboratory. This method uses sand of uniform gradation to determine the volume of dry soil pat. The proposed method is simple, safe, free from the limitations of the conventional mercury and wax methods, and eco-friendly. The shrinkage limit values obtained from the proposed sand replacement method compare very well with those from the mercury displacement method.  相似文献   

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