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Numerous sites have been contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and these sites pose a significant risk to public health and the environment because PAHs are often toxic, mutagenic, and/or carcinogenic. Furthermore, these sites are often difficult or costly to remediate because PAHs are hydrophobic and highly resistant to degradation. The in situ flushing process using surfactants and/or cosolvents has shown great promise for sites possessing uniform and high-permeability soils, but it is generally ineffective for sites containing heterogeneous and/or low-permeability soils. Thus, for difficult soil conditions, electrokinetics can be integrated with the in situ flushing process to improve soil-solution-contaminant interaction. This investigation was conducted to evaluate the effects of two different low-permeability soils, kaolin and glacial till, on electrokinetically enhanced flushing. Each soil type was used in three bench-scale electrokinetic experiments, where each test employed a different flushing solution, deionized water, a surfactant, or a cosolvent. The results indicated that the contaminant was more strongly bound to the glacial till than the kaolin, and this was attributed to its higher-organic content. The glacial till also generated a greater electrical current and electro-osmotic flow, and this was probably a result of its higher-carbonate content and more diverse mineralogy. Based on the contaminant mass remaining in the soil, it was apparent that the surfactant or cosolvent solution caused contaminant desorption, solubilization, and/or migration in both soils, but additional research is required to improve PAH removal efficiency.  相似文献   

Anionic surfactant was added during absorption to investigate the solubility of vapor phase naphthalene and SO2 in water. Anionic surfactant employed was sodium dodecyl sulfate. Lower than critical micelle concentration (CMC), the apparent solubility and absorption rates of SO2 or naphthalene with or without SO2 were practically identical to those of pure water. However, higher than CMC, equilibrium SO2 or naphthalene apparent solubility increased linearly in proportion to the surfactant concentrations. The solubilization effect of micelles resulted in the increase. Because the micelle solubilization effect was greater than that of the decrease of the mass transfer coefficient, the gas absorption rate increased. When surfactant concentration was 0.1 M, the enrichment factor (EF) value of naphthalene with SO2 was 4.54, which was only half of its value without SO2. When surfactant concentration was 0.2 M, the SO2 EF values increased to 2.24. These empirical findings confirm that to increase the removal efficiency of simultaneous absorption of hydrophobic organic compounds and SO2 via a spray or packed tower, an anionic surfactant can be employed.  相似文献   

This research developed and demonstrated a technology to liberate Hg adsorbed onto powdered activated carbon (PAC) by the TOXECON process using pilot-scale high temperature air slide (HTAS) and bench-scale thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA). The HTAS removed 65, 83, and 92% of Hg captured with PAC when ran at 900°F, 1,000°F, and 1,200°F, respectively, while the TGA removed 46 and 100% of Hg at 800°F and 900°F, respectively. However, addition of CuO–Fe2O3 mixture and CuCl catalysts enhanced Hg removal and PAC regeneration at lower temperatures. CuO–Fe2O3 mixture performed better than CuCl in PAC regeneration. Scanning electron microscopy images and energy dispersive X-ray analysis show no change in PAC particle aggregation or chemical composition. Thermally treated sorbents had higher surface area and pore volume than the untreated samples indicating regeneration. The optimum temperature for PAC regeneration in the HTAS was 1,000°F. At this temperature, the regenerated sorbent had sufficient adsorption capacity similar to its virgin counterpart at 33.9% loss on ignition. Consequently, the regenerated PAC may be recycled back into the system by blending it with virgin PAC.  相似文献   

Carbon Adsorption and Air-Stripping Removal of MTBE from River Water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through 1998, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) was the most commonly used fuel oxygenate in Reno, Nevada. Winter-use of oxygenated gasolines is required in areas of the country that exceed carbon monoxide air quality standards. MTBE has not been detected in Reno’s raw water sources, but treatment alternatives must be assessed to fully prepare for possible contamination events. In this research, bench-scale studies using activated carbon and air stripping were conducted to evaluate the treatability of a high concentration of MTBE in Truckee River water, which is the primary surface supply for the Reno area. Results indicated that neither method appears practical for treating MTBE-laden water for one day at a 1.14×108?L/day (30 MGD) treatment plant. The capital costs estimated for full-scale application of these processes are approximately $5 million each. Estimated treatment costs for activated carbon and air stripping are approximately $0.043/L ($0.161/gal) and $0.047/L ($0.177/gal), respectively. Temporary closure of treatment facilities may be the best response to an accidental spill.  相似文献   

A two-stage mathematical model was developed to describe adsorbate removal in a dead-end powdered activated carbon/ultrafiltration (PAC/UF) membrane process. Para-nitrophenol (PNP) was used as the model organic compound. The first stage accounted for adsorbate removal during transport from the initial PAC contact with the PNP solution to the membrane system, and the second stage accounted for additional PNP removal due to the retention of the PAC in a growing bed on the membrane surface. The PAC adsorptive capacity was described using the Langmuir isotherm, whose parameters were estimated from isotherm experiments. Transport of the PNP through the PAC particle was described using the homogeneous surface diffusion model and the surface diffusivity was estimated from batch experiments. The two stage model predicted the effluent concentrations from the PAC/UF process during the early stages of the experiments, but model improvements are required to more accurately predict the latter stages. A batch model can be used to describe the effluent PNP concentration from the PAC/UF process if dispersion is neglected.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to better understand the interactions between biodegradable and nonbiodegradable synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs) during bioregeneration of biologically active granular activated carbon (GAC) columns. Continuous-flow GAC bioregeneration experiments were conducted at different empty-bed contact times (EBCTs) using mixtures of a biodegradable (benzene or toluene) and a nonbiodegradable (perchloroethylene or carbon tetrachloride) SOC. The GAC was pre-equilibrated with respect to each combination of SOCs to facilitate the study of bioregeneration. If no dissolved oxygen limitations occurred in the bioregeneration experiments, the effluent biodegradable SOC concentration decreased over time and then remained low, after which the effluent nonbiodegradable SOC concentration also decreased because of the increased availability of adsorption sites on the GAC. Pre- and postexperimental GAC loadings show a marked decrease in the biodegradable SOC loading as well as an increase in the nonbiodegradable SOC loading. Greater degrees of bioregeneration were found for higher SOC equilibrium concentrations and longer EBCTs. Bioregeneration ranged from 28.8 to 45.5% of the initial biodegradable SOC loading after 13–17?days. These results illustrate an increase in GAC adsorption capacity for nonbiodegradable SOCs through bioregeneration of GAC containing biodegradable SOCs.  相似文献   

Color removal from cotton textile processing wastewater by addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) into a lab-scale activated sludge system was examined. The activated sludge system was continuously operated in different sludge ages (SRTs) and hydraulic retention times (HRTs). SRT = 30?d and HRT = 1.6?d operation resulted in up to 36% color removal and 94% COD removal. PAC was added 100, 200, and 400 mg/L into the activated sludge system under these operating conditions. The results indicated that 100 mg/L PAC was sufficient to remove the maximum color measured (up to 50 m?1) from the wastewater. The addition of PAC did not affect chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal significantly. Oxygen uptake rate (OUR) tests were also performed to investigate the microbial activities controlling the system performance. The average OUR was 74.1 mg/L/h without PAC addition while it was 70 mg/L/h with PAC addition. Adsorbable organic halogens of the effluent wastewater decreased from 400 to 50 μg/L with the addition of PAC. Toxicity dilution factor decreased from 2 to 1.5 with the PAC addition into the activated sludge system.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale enhanced biological phosphorus removal process was operated in the University of Cape Town configuration to study the variations in alpha and oxygen transfer efficiency (OTEf) under different process conditions. As part of this investigation, process oxygen transfer parameters were determined using the steady state oxygen uptake rate (OUR) and the nonsteady state hydrogen peroxide addition (HPA) methods, as per the American Society of Civil Engineers guidelines. The results indicated that the oxygen transfer parameters [volumetric mass transfer coefficient (KLaf), oxygen transfer rate (OTRf), α and OTEf)] were higher when both methods were applied on the same day, compared to the subsequent period, when only the steady state OUR method was employed, under similar operating conditions. The difference in the oxygen transfer parameters appears to be due to the addition of H2O2 that generates reactive oxygen species in the nonsteady state HPA test. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the HPA test was not a suitable technique to measure oxygen transfer under process conditions. Further, a conceptual model hypothesizing the impacts of H2O2 addition on activated sludge process is presented.  相似文献   

Sulfur was impregnated onto activated carbon fibers (ACFs) through H2S oxidation catalyzed by the sorbent surface in a fixed-bed reactor. By changing the temperature and duration of the sulfur impregnation process, ACFs with different sulfur contents were developed. Characterization of ACFs before and after sulfur impregnation was conducted by surface area analysis, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature programmed desorption. Vapor phase mercury adsorption experiments were carried out in a fixed-bed reactor. Sulfur was impregnated mainly as elemental sulfur and the amount of sulfur deposited on the ACF increased with an increase in impregnation temperature. Higher temperature leads to more uniform sulfur distribution inside the sorbent pores. The impregnation process can be explained by a combination of pore filling and monolayer adsorption, with the former mechanism predominating at low temperatures. In the absence of sulfur, the mercury adsorption capacity can be correlated with surface area and pore volume.  相似文献   

This paper presents a process for the removal of inorganic mercury from aqueous solutions using alumina nanoparticles, which were prepared by the sol-gel method. Different amounts of mercury were added to the particles until a critical concentration was achieved, thus inducing the alumina sol flocculation. Particle growth was monitored during the process using dynamic light scattering. The amount of metal ion adsorbed on the surface of the alumina sols was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Initial mercury concentrations ranging between 50 and 100 ppm decreased to below 1 ppb in a short time.  相似文献   

Current research focuses on the simultaneous removal of Cd and Cr(VI) in water by a newly developed material having both abilities of sorption and electrochemical reduction. The material was derived from the zeolite modified by Fe(II) chloride followed by sodium borohydride reduction. The Fe-loaded zeolite simultaneously removed Cd and Cr(VI) to below the detection limit at a fairly rapid rate within 1?h for Cd and within 20?h for Cr(VI), under the pH ranging from slightly acid to around neutral. At high concentration of coexisting Cr(VI), the removal efficiency of Fe-loaded zeolite for Cd slightly decreased due to surface fouling by Cr(III) hydroxide precipitations. On the contrary, the coexisting Cd was found to increase the removal rate of Cr(VI) by Fe-loaded zeolite. From the test results, the Fe-loaded zeolite was found to be a possible alternative in simultaneous removal of Cd and Cr(VI) in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

A hybrid bioreactor, combining an activated sludge process (ASP) and a rotating drum biofilter (RDB), was developed and evaluated for the treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in waste gas streams. The effects of the influent VOC concentration and the organic loading rate on the VOC removal efficiency and on the pattern of biomass accumulation were investigated. Toluene was used as the model VOC, the flow rate of the waste gas stream was 0.59 L/s, and the empty-bed retention time (EBRT) in the ASP portion was 46 s with an actual retention time of about 2 s. The EBRT in the RDB portion was 38 s based on the drum volume. When the VOC feed concentration increased from 221 to 884 mg toluene/m3 (from 57.2 to 229 ppm), correspondingly the organic loading rate of the hybrid bioreactor increased from 1.58 to 6.32 kg chemical oxygen demand/m3/day (from 0.505 to 2.02kg?toluene/m3/day) based on the drum volume, both the ASP and RDB decreased, and the overall toluene removal efficiency declined from 99.8 to 74.1%. Biomass accumulation at different medium depths became more even when the organic loading rate was increased. Part of the applied VOC was biodegraded by the ASP, which suggests that this hybrid bioreactor could achieve longer runs between medium cleanings and higher VOC removal efficiencies than a single RDB bioreactor without an ASP portion at the same organic loading rate.  相似文献   

Field, laboratory, and engineering data confirmed the efficacy of chemical reduction and air stripping as a low concentration mercury treatment concept for water containing Hg(II). The process consists of dosing the water with low levels of stannous chloride [Sn(II)] to convert the mercury to elemental mercury (Hg0). Hg0 can easily be removed from the water by air stripping or sparging. We studied this concept for groundwater containing initial mercury concentrations of approximately 138 ng/L (0.00069 μmol/L). In undosed samples, sparging removed 0% of the initial mercury. Removal in the treated samples varied by reagent dose. Low reagent doses, with Sn:Hg stoichiometric ratios <1, showed little removal. High reagent doses, with Sn:Hg stoichiometric ratios greater than about 5 to 25, showed relatively complete removal (>94%) and yielded final mercury concentrations <10 ng/L (<0.00005 μmol/L). At intermediate doses, mercury removal was a function of the dose. A kinetic study indicated that addition of the Sn(II) reagent resulted in rapid reduction of Hg(II) to Hg0. When combined with standard supporting engineering techniques (e.g., treating the purge air) as needed, a simple system of chemical reduction and stripping may be useful and cost effective.  相似文献   

This paper describes the preparation of new adsorbents derived from sugarcane bagasse and wood sawdust (Manilkara sp.) to remove zinc (II) ions from electroplating wastewater. The first part deals with the chemical modification of sugarcane bagasse and wood sawdust, using succinic anhydride to introduce carboxylic acid functions into the material. The obtained materials (modified sugarcane bagasse MB2 and modified wood sawdust MS2) were then characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and used in adsorption experiments. The adsorption experiments evaluates Zn2+ removal from aqueous single metal solution and real electroplating wastewater on both batch and continuous experiments using fixed-bed columns prepared in laboratorial scale with the obtained adsorbents. Adsorption isotherms were then developed using Langmuir model and the Thomas kinetic model. The calculated Zn2+ adsorption capacities were found to be 145?mg/g for MS2 and 125?mg/g for MB2 in single metal aqueous solution, whereas for the industrial wastewater these values were 61?mg/g for MS2 and 55?mg/g for MB2.  相似文献   

Produced water (water generated during recovery of petroleum) contains large amounts of various hazardous organic compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). With increasing regulations governing disposal of this water, low-cost treatment options are necessary. This study evaluated the effectiveness of surfactant-modified zeolite (SMZ) for removal of BTEX from produced water. The long-term effectiveness of SMZ for BTEX removal was investigated along with changes in sorption properties with long-term use. The results of these investigations show that SMZ completely removes BTEX from produced water up to a compound-specific capacity, and that SMZ can be regenerated via air sparging without loss of sorption capacity. The BTEX mobility in laboratory columns of SMZ was in the order of decreasing water solubility and increasing Kow. The most soluble compound, benzene, began to elute at 8 pore volumes (PV), while the least soluble compounds, ethylbenzene and xylenes, began to elute at 50 PV. After treating 4,500 PVs of water in the column system over 10 sorption/regeneration cycles, no significant reduction in sorption capacity of the SMZ for BTEX was observed. The mean Kds determined in these column experiments ranged from 18.3?L/kg for benzene to 95.0?L/kg for p- and m-xylene. Laboratory columns were upscaled to create a field-scale SMZ treatment system. The field-scale system was tested at a natural gas produced-water treatment facility near Wamsutter, Wyo. We observed even greater sorption of BTEX in the field column than predicted from the laboratory results. In the field column, initial benzene breakthrough occurred at 10 PV and toluene breakthrough began at 15 PV, and no breakthrough of ethylbenzene or xylenes occurred throughout the 80 PV experiment. The field and laboratory results, along with the low price of SMZ (about $460?per?metric?t), suggest that SMZ has a potential role in a cost-effective produced water treatment system.  相似文献   

A single-stage phosphorylated polyvinyl alcohol immobilized-cell reactor with three operation modes was employed to investigate the efficiency of simultaneous carbon/nitrogen removal from raw swine wastewater. In continuous aeration mode, the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (T-N) exceeded 70 and 8%, respectively, at hydraulic retention time of 10?days. In intermittent aeration (IA) mode, the removal efficiency of COD and T-N was more than 85 and 46%, respectively, when the reactor was set at 50% aeration duration to cycle time to operate at three aerobic-anoxic cycles per day. When oxidation-reduction-potential control was adopted to control the duration of the anoxic period in the real-time controlled (RTC) IA mode for a 4?h aeration period, the total cycle time was reduced by about 20% with a slight increase in removal efficiency of COD (87%) and T-N (47%). The system with no extra chambers required is efficient in simultaneous carbon/nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

Nitrification and granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration impact leaching of lead/copper to potable water under typical home plumbing configurations. GAC filters removed the disinfectant and caused rapid establishment of nitrification in chloraminated systems. The potential adverse consequences of whole house GAC filters deserve increased scrutiny in chloraminated systems. The lower pH values from nitrification and other microbes during overnight stagnation in pipes can markedly increase (up to 800%) lead and copper contamination of water.  相似文献   

Heavy metal cadmium(II) was added stepwise into an A2O pilot plant to investigate the toxic effects of Cd(II) on the removal efficiencies, kinetic parameters (yield coefficients and maximum specific growth rates) and reaction rates of carbon, nitrogen and phosphate for the acclimatized heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria. Results showed that 2?mg/L Cd(II) initially affected the biological reaction of phosphate removal. At Cd(II) 5?mg/L, the efficiencies of total nitrogen removal and nitrification were substantially dropped. At the same time, the yield coefficient and maximum specific growth rate of heterotrophs were significantly decreased from 0.8?g?COD/g?COD and 6.44?day?1 to 0.54?g?COD/g?COD and 4.67?day?1, respectively. And, the denitrification rate was inhibited by about 61%. The inhibition percentages of anaerobic release, anoxic and aerobic uptake rates of phosphate were about 76, 64, and 90%, respectively. When Cd(II) concentration was continually increased up to 35?mg/L, removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was significantly dropped. However, there was no obvious inhibition on the biological reactions of anaerobic ammonification.  相似文献   

An arsenic filtration experiment using iron oxide coated sand was modeled using the USGS geochemical program PHREEQC. Despite some uncertainty regarding the initial conditions of the groundwater and the simplicity of the model, it replicated the experimental results within 10%. The original experiment filtered 165 bed volumes to concentrations less than 0.01 mg/L As and approximately 210 bed volumes to 0.05 mg/L As. The model filtered 168 bed volumes to 0.01 mg/L As and 228 bed volumes to 0.05 mg/L.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to explore the potential application of electromagnetic waves to evaluate the effect of contaminant removal in granular soils. Thus, various specimens of saturated silica sand were prepared using paraffin oil and lubricant oil as contaminants. Four flushing fluids were used to remove the contaminants from sand columns: Deionized water, water-detergent, water-detergent-alcohol solution, and water vapor. Dielectric permittivity was measured at different stages of the removal process at the frequency from 20?MHz?to?1.3?GHz. The measured permittivity was compared with that determined for clean and fully contaminated specimens. A theoretical mixture formula was calibrated and implemented to estimate the volume fraction of contaminant present in the pore fluid. It is concluded in this work that dielectric parameters reflect the contamination level of the soil for the nonpolar organic compounds used here. Measurement of permittivity allows us to determine that the inclusion of alcohol and detergent in the displacing fluid improved the removal efficiency. However, water vapor was the most efficient removal agent.  相似文献   

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