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Chlorine residuals of drinking water have long been recognized as an excellent indicator for studying water quality in the distribution network. This research applied factor analysis and cluster analysis to determine the spatial diversity of chlorine residual in the distribution system of Feng-Yuan city. Thirteen sampling sites were established. From the results of factor analysis, the sampling sites of the study area could be classified into three groups: residential zone, mixed zone, and commercial zone. The spatial diversity of chlorine residual was found to correlate with the daily lifestyle of the inhabitants and the commercial activities. From the results of cluster analysis, the sampling sites of the study area could also be classified into three groups: high-chlorine-level zone, medium-chlorine-level zone, and low-chlorine-level zone. By combining the results of factor analysis and cluster analysis, the worst case scenarios for drinking water quality in the distribution network also could be determined.  相似文献   

This study investigates the interaction of natural organic matter with iron oxide (goethite) on chlorine decay, disinfection by-product (DBP) formation, and DBP compound speciation [total trihalomethanes (TTHM4) and haloacetic acids (HAA5)]. Batch experiments were conducted with goethite, multiple finished drinking waters, variable chlorine dose, and fixed pH 8. The overall objective was to assess natural organic matter (NOM) adsorption onto goethite and its effect on chlorine decay and DBP formation. Chlorine consumption always increased in the presence of goethite and is attributed to an increase in the reactivity and/or modification of adsorbed NOM. Adsorbed NOM also led to an overall increase in TTHM4, however, HAA5 formation was suppressed during the first 2?h. Chloroform was identified as the increasing species and dichloracetic acid was identified as the suppressed species. This study clearly shows that goethite, which is the predominant iron oxide of pipe deposits, alters both chlorine decay and DBP formation and should be considered when assessing water treatment plant operations and DBP monitoring site selection.  相似文献   

Changes in chlorine residual concentrations in water distribution systems could be used as an indicator of microbial contamination. Consideration is given on how to model the behavior of chlorine within the distribution system following a microbial contamination event. Existing multispecies models require knowledge of specific reaction kinetics that are unlikely to be known. A method to parameterize a rate expression describing microbially induced chlorine decay over a wide range of conditions based on a limited number of batch experiments is described. This method is integrated into EPANET-MSX using the programmer’s toolkit. The model was used to simulate a series of microbial contamination events in a small community distribution system. Results of these simulations showed that changes in chlorine induced by microbial contaminants can be observed throughout a network at nodes downstream from and distant to the contaminated node. Some factors that promote or inhibit the transport of these chlorine demand signals are species-specific reaction kinetics, the chlorine concentration at the time and location of contamination, and the system’s unique demand patterns and architecture.  相似文献   

This paper presents results describing the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide penetration into a drinking-water distribution system biofilm/corrosion matrix and decontamination of adhered Bacillus globigii spores, a surrogate for Bacillus anthracis. Biofilm and corrosion products were developed using biofilm annular reactors containing oxidized scaled, iron coupons. Reactors were inoculated with B. globigii spores after biofilm development, and decontamination was undertaken with bulk-phase chlorine dioxide concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 25??mg/L. Initial biofilm viable B. globigii spore densities of 106??CFU/cm2 were reduced to 50 to 300??CFU/cm2 at chlorine dioxide concentrations of 25 and 15??mg/L, respectively, within 6?days. B. globigii spore distribution throughout the biofilm/corrosion matrix depth and the change in viable spore count during chlorine dioxide disinfection were examined using a microslicing technique. Four layers of 360?μm thickness were sliced, and these showed that B. globigii spores were equally distributed throughout the biofilm/corrosion matrix depth. Furthermore, chlorine dioxide acted on all layers simultaneously, but spores still persisted in the deepest layer of the biofilm/corrosion matrix after 6?days of disinfection at 15 and 25??mg/L chlorine dioxide.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine if the aging of polyethylene (HDPE, PEX-A and PEX-B) water pipes by exposure to chlorinated water altered polar and nonpolar contaminant diffusivity and solubility by analyzing new, laboratory-aged, and exhumed water-distribution system polyethylene (PE) pipes. After 141?days of aging in pH 6.5 water with 45??mg/L free chlorine, the surface chemistry and bulk properties of PEX-A pipe were unaffected. Carbonyl bonds (σ = 1,713??cm-1) were detected on the surfaces of HDPE and PEX-B pipe, and these oxygenated surfaces became more hydrophilic, resulting in statistically significant increases in diffusion rates. All 10 contaminant and four pipe material combinations had diffusivity increases on average of 50% for polar contaminants and 5% for nonpolar contaminants. Contaminant solubility was slightly increased for aged PEX-A and slightly decreased for PEX-B pipes. Toluene and trichloromethane diffusivity and solubility values for 7- to 25-year-old buried water utility pipes were similar to values for new and laboratory-aged HDPE-based materials. Because chlorinated water exposure alters how polar contaminants interact with aged PE pipes, results of this work should be considered in future health risk assessments, water quality modeling, pipe performance, and service-life considerations.  相似文献   

The challenge of water demand representation in water distribution systems is revisited with a brief exploration of the relationship between a pressure-dependent leak and a fixed legitimate demand. Specifically, the idea that a leak can be modeled as an increment to legitimate demand in such a way that it entails an equivalent impact on both water loss and energy consumption is explored. Conversely, the representation of demands as leaks is briefly considered. The effectiveness of pressure reduction and demand curtailment as leak management schemes are compared for a single pipe system. The influence of pipe resistance on this relationship is assessed, suggesting that such schemes are more important in rougher pipes. In general, the notion that leakage and demand analysis/management are two sides of the same coin, and that pressure/demand management is essentially conservation, is put forth.  相似文献   

The effect of conventional and booster chlorination on chlorine residuals and trihalomethane (THM) formation in drinking water distribution systems was modeled using the EPANET hydraulic modeling software. The model results suggest that booster chlorination may allow utilities to meet disinfection goals better by carrying chlorine residuals to remote points in the distribution system while lowering the total mass of chlorine applied to the system. The model results suggest that booster chlorination may provide the greatest advantages to points in the distribution system located near storage tanks by providing a more consistent chlorine residual and possibly reducing THM formation. A new version of the EPANET model, the EPANET Multispecies model, was also used to compare chlorine decay due to reactions in the bulk fluid and reactions occurring at the pipe wall. The results suggest that chlorine decay due to wall reactions can be very significant at remote points in the distribution system. Additionally, if THMs are assumed to form primarily through reactions in the bulk fluid, use of the new EPANET Multispecies software allows for calculation of THM formation based solely on chlorine reactions in the bulk fluid rather than on overall chlorine decay.  相似文献   

In this paper, unsteady water quality modeling and the associated sensitivity equations are solved for water distribution systems. A new solution algorithm is proposed, designed for slow varying velocity and based on a time splitting method to separate and solve efficiently each phenomenon such as advection and chemical reaction. This numerical approach allows simultaneous solution of both the direct problem and the sensitivity equations. Special attention is given to the treatment of advection, which is handled with a total variation diminishing scheme. The general model presented in this study permits global sensitivity analysis of the system to be performed and its efficiency is illustrated on two pipe networks. The importance of the sensitivity analysis is shown as part of the calibration process on a real network.  相似文献   

Drinking water utilities may be required to change disinfectant to improve water quality and meet more stringent disinfection regulations. This research was conducted to assess and compares chlorine dioxide to free chlorine and chloramines on bacterial water quality monitored within model distribution systems (i.e., annular reactors). Following colonization with nondisinfected water, annular reactors containing either polycarbonate or cast iron coupons were treated with free chlorine, chlorine dioxide or chloramines. Two disinfectant doses (low/high) were tested for each disinfectant. Under specific environmental conditions, bacterial inactivation varied as a function of the disinfectant type and dose, sample type (bulk water versus biofilm bacteria) and coupon material. The ranking by efficiency was as follows: chlorine dioxide > chlorine > chloramines. On preformed biofilms of 106–107?cfu/cm2, the continuous application of a disinfectant led to a log removal of heterotrophic bacteria concentrations for suspended and biofilm bacteria ranging from 1.1 to 4.0, and from 0.2 to 2.5, respectively. Doubling the amount of disinfectant doses led to an additional log inactivation of 1–2.5 of heterotrophic bacteria levels. This study demonstrates that bacterial inactivation in distribution systems is governed by various inter-related parameters. The data indicate that chlorine dioxide represents a viable alternative for secondary disinfection in distribution systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the potential level of protection that secondary disinfection may provide in response to an intrusion event. Although several uncertainties exist regarding intrusion events, this study presents an analysis of the inactivation provided by disinfectant residuals by using a distribution system model, inactivation and disinfectant decay models, and conservative assumptions based on available data. A variety of conditions were modeled, including a range of water quality parameters (pH, temperature); inactivation of two microorganisms, Giardia and E. coli O157:H7; and intrusion water dilution ratios. Despite the assumptions inherent in the model, several generalizations were derived from the study. A free chlorine residual of 0.5?mg/L may be insufficient to provide adequate control of disinfectant-resistant Giardia even at low pH (6.5) and high temperature (25°C) conditions that enhance chlorine effectiveness. For E. coli, an organism of “average” disinfectant resistance relative to others, a residual of 0.5?mg/L may provide ample protection against intrusion even assuming that the chlorine residual is reduced within several minutes, such as would be predicted to occur with sewage intrusion at levels below 1% of the total flow. Importantly, chloramines may have a negligible benefit in terms of protecting against intrusion for even relatively susceptible organisms such as E. coli. Consequently, systems should consider protection against intrusion when choosing their secondary disinfectant.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to evaluate the change in Bacillus subtilis spore survival and dimensions following ultraviolet and chlorine disinfection in water. Disinfection was monitored by using tools such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), particle sizing by the electrozone sensing technique and fluorescence of spores after staining with an optical brightener. Results indicated that there was a change in the adsorbed fluorescence following chlorine; however, the magnitude of this change was only approximately twofold at 90% of spore kill. In addition, changes in spore particle-size distribution following chlorine occur at above 99.9% of spore kill. Even the roughness (RMS), width, and length of spores as measured by AFM change only after about 99% of spore killing with chlorine. Use of optical brighteners, AFM, and sizing are not sensitive enough for detecting the disinfection of chlorine-resistant spores and as expected no changes occurred with ultraviolet treated spores. Even though, these techniques may have the potential for determining oxidative disinfection and for the development of monitors and sensors of chemical disinfection for chlorine-sensitive microorganisms.  相似文献   

A suspended growth nitrification model was developed to describe nitrification dynamics in terms of chloramine, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and nitrifying bacteria concentrations in pilot-scale chloraminated drinking water systems. The model provided a semimechanistic base to study the regrowth and persistence of nitrifiers in chloraminated distribution systems. Results showed that the developed suspended growth model, without a biofilm nitrification component, was able to simulate and predict nitrification episodes in the pilot-scale systems. In the restricted low nutrient drinking water environment, growth kinetic parameters for nitrifiers were estimated to be significantly lower than ranges reported in the literature. The maximum specific growth rate and ammonia half-saturation constant for ammonia oxidizing bacteria were estimated to be 0.46?day?1and 0.023?mg NH3–N/L, respectively. In addition, an estimated reaction rate of 70±32?L/(mg?HPC?day) between chloramines and soluble microbial products suggests that heterotrophic growth can be a significant contributor to chloramine decay in some chloraminated distribution systems.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale test rig was used to simulate intrusion behavior associated with hydraulic transient initiated by rapid valve closure in a water distribution system. In Part I, the test rig apparatus and operating conditions were described and intrusion volumes were reported based on a chemical tracer and mass balance calculations. In this paper, the experimental study is extended to determine intrusion volumes by a volumetric method that used video recordings of water fluctuations in the observation column. The results obtained using the volumetric and chemical tracer methods were compared to theoretical calculations. Intrusion volumes associated with a 12.7-mm (1/2-in.) diam orifice were evaluated in addition to 3.2 (1/8-in.) and 6.4-mm (1/4-in.) orifices. The impact of the external head on the intrusion volume was also assessed by comparing results using 0.91 (3 ft) versus 1.37 m (4.5 ft) of external head. The average intrusion volumes obtained using the volumetric approach ranged from 47.3 to 550.2 mL. These volumes were 64–298% greater than intrusion volumes determined by the chemical tracer method reported in Part I. However, the theoretical calculations indicate that the volumetric approach could underestimate intrusion volumes by as much as 50%.  相似文献   

A new decomposition concept of the network graph according to its connectivity properties is introduced in this paper that allows various applications in the field of systems analysis of water supply networks. In this case, the network graph consists of two main components. The outer branched component of the network is called a forest. The inner complement is denoted as the core of the network. A forest consists of a number of trees, while the core network is composed of distinct biconnected blocks that are connected by bridges. Forest and core components of the network overlap at the so-called root nodes. Calculations for the simulation or the optimization of the single components can be done, independently, thus decreasing matrix sizes and calculation time. Control actions that are necessary to efficiently operate a water supply system result in changes of the connectivity of the network graph. By using the proposed decomposition approach the in-time identification of the different supply areas according to the actual state of the network is straightforward. It also includes measures of network vulnerability and several stages of network simplification that are able to enhance the understanding of the single network components and their interaction. The simplified network model can be applied, for instance, to the development of strategies for efficient operation and control of a water distribution network.  相似文献   

Enhancements to the two-dimensional lake and reservoir water quality model W2Tn to simulate the effects of currents and waves on sediment resuspension and turbidity are described. Bed stress attributable to currents was computed by the hydrothermal component of W2Tn, whereas a surface wave component was added to W2Tn to determine bed stress owing to waves. Resuspension flux is computed from bed stress and is included as a source of turbidity to the water column. The model is tested through application to Schoharie Reservoir, a drinking water supply that experiences episodes of elevated turbidity caused by runoff events and exacerbated by drawdown. Model predictions of bed stress attributed to currents are validated by using measurements obtained from acoustic Doppler instrumentation. The surface wave component of the model is established on a framework that has been previously validated for Schoharie Reservoir. Testing of the enhanced turbidity component of W2Tn was completed for a 3.5-year period of historical observations, which included a number of runoff events covering a range of severity and variations in reservoir drawdown. The enhanced model performed well in simulating observed conditions in the water column. The resuspension mechanism made a significant contribution to the predicted turbidity during periods of reservoir drawdown and during a severe runoff event. The model also performed well in simulating the observed turbidity of the drinking water withdrawal. Resuspension of particles contributing to turbidity was largely attributable to reservoir currents with surface wave-induced resuspension playing a smaller role. The potential application of this model to other water bodies and water quality issues is discussed.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis is used to determine how a system state or a model output changes due to a change in the value of a system parameter or a model input. We present the adjoint approach for determining the sensitivity of the concentration of a contaminant in a water distribution system to a change in a system parameter such as the location of the source of contamination, the reaction rate of the contaminant, and others. With the adjoint method, the sensitivity of the model output to any number of parameters can be obtained with one simulation of the adjoint model. If the number of parameters of interest exceeds the number of model outputs for which the sensitivity is desired, the adjoint method is more efficient than traditional direct methods of calculating sensitivities. We develop the adjoint equations for water quality in a water distribution system, verify the adjoint-based sensitivity equation using an analytical example, and demonstrate the numerical calculation of adjoint sensitivities using EPANET.  相似文献   

In 1993 P. F. Boulos and T. Altman developed an efficient explicit scheme for determining steady state water quality in a distribution system for conservative and zero-order reacting constituents. This approach is extended here to first- and second-order reactions and a general reaction relationship is discussed. Mass balance relationships and nonconservative reaction kinetics lead to a general matrix for constituent analysis. The directed graph that results in steady flow conditions permits single equations to be solved sequentially providing the water quality distribution throughout the system. The method can be used to solve for linear and nonlinear conditions and is demonstrated for first-order decay and growth and second-order decay on a 13-pipe system.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses a new static solver that implements the pseudotransient continuation method for the quasi-steady state analysis, or extended-period simulation of water distribution systems. The implementation is based on the concept of virtual tanks and has a clear physical meaning. The steady state solver described in this paper can analyze a pipe network under pressure deficient conditions and is free from some convergence problems that occur in the Newton-Raphson method-based solvers when analyzing a pipe network with control devices. The numerical examples considered in the paper demonstrate the convergence of the proposed method in cases where existing static solvers (e.g., that of the EPANET 2 hydraulic simulator) fail.  相似文献   

A pilot-scale test rig was designed and constructed to simulate intrusion behavior associated with hydraulic transients initiated by sudden events such as rapid valve closure or uncontrolled change in on/off pump status (“pump trip”) in a water distribution system. After establishing steady state flow conditions, intrusion volumes were determined for 3.2 (1/8-in.) and 6.4 mm (1/4-in.) diam orifices overlaid with a column of water that provided 91 mm (3 ft) of external head. Average intrusion volumes associated with hydraulic transient events were determined by mass balance calculations using cesium as the tracer chemical. Average intrusion volumes were 11.4 and 71.2 mL for the two diameters, respectively. Given similar conditions in a water distribution system (i.e., an available pathway and favorable pressures), pathogens in the soil and water surrounding a water main potentially can intrude into the pipe during short-term pressure transient events.  相似文献   

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