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Nutrient loads enter the lower Truckee River of western Nevada, affecting the growth of attached algae (periphyton) which causes depressed nighttime dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. The lower Truckee River is home to the endangered cui-ui and threatened Lahontan cut-throat trout, with DO standards being established to in part protect these species. Hydrodynamics, nutrient concentrations, periphyton biomass, and DO data spanning August 2000–December 2001 were used to calibrate and verify a modified version of the Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program Version 5 (WASP5). Under typical loading conditions the periphyton community is nitrogen limited, however nitrogen loading from an upstream wastewater treatment facility increased greatly during the analysis period due to approved site construction activities (discharge permit excursion) causing the periphyton community to temporarily become phosphorus limited. The developed modeling approach, with limited calibration, was able to accurately track dynamic system responses. Removing the impact of the noted discharge permit excursion resulted in a minimum computed DO value of 4.13?mg/L, occurring at the downstream end of the modeling domain on August 8, 2001. Additionally removing the impact of all nutrient loads from area agriculture resulted in a predicted minimum DO value of 4.54?mg/L, while also shifting its location significantly upstream and its timing to April 26, 2001. Meeting all prescribed DO standards required establishing a minimum in-stream flow value of 1.81?m3/s (64.0?ft3/s) downstream of Derby Dam.  相似文献   

Several sources of uncertainty are considered in using field data to perform mass balance calculations to estimate nonpoint source (NPS) loads of total dissolved solids (TDS) and selenium (Se) to two reaches along the Lower Arkansas River in Colorado. This approach renders stochastic models of the mass balance equations for each river reach, where the input variables and their associated parameters are treated as random variables described by probability distributions. A data set collected in an intensive field effort conducted over several years is used in developing the models. Monte Carlo simulation solves the stochastic mass balance equations to describe distributions of possible values of the NPS loads. Results indicate that uncertainty in these calculated loads is sizeable. Annual average coefficient of variation (CV) in calculated total NPS TDS loads for sample periods within the two reaches ranges between 0.15 and 2.76, averaging about 1.1. For the Se mass balance along the downstream reach, the average CV in calculated loads is 0.23. The 90% prediction interval width for total NPS TDS load averaged over the 58 sample periods along the upstream reach is 13,691?(kg/day)/km, compared to an overall average mean load of 8,383?(kg/day)/km. It is 8,545?(kg/day)/km averaged over the 61 sample periods downstream, compared to an overall average mean load of 11,183?(kg/day)/km. For the Se load, the overall average 90% prediction interval width is also substantial compared to the overall average mean: 0.028?(kg/day)/km compared to 0.038?(kg/day)/km. Change in stored solute mass within the river over sample periods is found to be a major contributing factor to the calculation of NPS loads. Also, sensitivity analyses are performed that yield information on the relative influence that the degree of uncertainty in each random parameter has on the uncertainty in the calculated solute loads.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hydrodynamic and water quality modeling system for Wissahickon Creek, Pa. Past data show that high nutrient levels in Wissahickon Creek were linked to large diurnal fluctuations in oxygen concentration, which combining with the deoxygenation effect of carbonaceous biological oxygen demand (CBOD) causes violations of dissolved oxygen (DO) standards. To obtain quantitative knowledge about the cause of the DO impairment, an integrated modeling system was developed based on a linked environmental fluid dynamics code (EFDC) and water quality simulation program for eutrophication (WASP/EUTRO5) modeling framework. The EFDC was used to simulate hydrodynamic and temperature in the stream, and the resulting flow information were incorporated into the WASP/EUTRO5 to simulate the fate and transport of nutrients, CBOD, algae, and DO. The standard WASP/EUTRO5 model was enhanced to include a periphyton dynamics module and a diurnal DO simulation module to better represent the prototype. The integrated modeling framework was applied to simulate the creek for a low flow period when monitoring data are available, and the results indicate that the model is a reasonable numerical representation of the prototype.  相似文献   

The concentrations of dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll have declined in the Seneca River, New York since 1991 as a result of zebra mussel respiration and filtering. Recently measured data were used to approximate flux rates of zebra mussel respiration, filtering, and phosphorus and ammonia mobilization. A model is developed that for the first time links dissolved oxygen, phytoplankton growth, and zebra mussel respiration and filtering. Good agreement is attained between the model calculations and longitudinal profiles of both dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll measured at low flow during 1997–1999. Flux rates derived from these analyses are consistent with results from other studies when normalized on the basis of zebra mussel number and tissue dry weight. Kinetic formulations for the zebra mussels are developed that describe respiration and filtering rates as a function of density, size distribution, and dissolved oxygen concentration. Several plausible test scenarios are examined using the model that indicate that both zebra mussel numbers and size distributions have a profound effect on the water quality of the Seneca River and therefore have important management and planning ramifications.  相似文献   

Based on a set of Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Model (CBEM) scenarios, a three-dimensional response surface of a water quality index, such as chlorophyll concentration, versus a pair of loading constituents, e.g., nitrogen and phosphorus, is constructed. The responses of water quality, such as dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and water clarity, to nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads are analyzed. From the response surface, a water quality response is estimated under loading conditions beyond that of a limited set of scenarios. Response surfaces may be used to determine the possible universe of nutrient and sediment load reductions needed to obtain a particular water quality standard and to examine the tradeoffs among nutrient and sediment load reductions that achieve the same water quality objective.  相似文献   

The Stream Water Quality Model QUAL2E-UNCAS is widely used to simulate the dissolved oxygen of streams under steady flow conditions. It is the latest version of a series of water quality models that have a long history in systems analysis in water quality management, and has been applied to a number of streams and rivers around the world. This paper summarizes the conceptual representation of the computer model, briefly reviews a number of applications of the model that have been published in open literature, describes the included uncertainty analysis capability, and discusses the importance of field data in model predictions. Experience with the QUAL2E model has proven the importance of site-specific data to model predictions. An accurate representation of the properties of the system significantly contributes to simulation success.  相似文献   

A wide range of important problems in civil engineering can be classified as inverse problems. In such problems, the observational data regarding the performance of a system is known, and the characteristics of the system and/or the input are sought. There are two general approaches to the solution of inverse problems: deterministic and probabilistic. Traditionally, inverse problems in civil engineering have been solved using a deterministic approach. In this approach, the objective is to find a specific model of a system that its theoretical response best fits the observed data. Obtaining the best fit solution, however, does not provide any information regarding the effect of data and/or theoretical uncertainties on the obtained solution. In this paper, a general probabilistic approach to the solution of the inverse problems is introduced, which provides uncertainty measures for the obtained solution. Techniques for direct analytical evaluation and numerical approximation of the probabilistic solution using Monte Carlo Markov Chains, with and without neighborhood algorithm approximation, are introduced and explained. The presented concepts and techniques and their application are then illustrated in practical terms using a simple example of a modulus determination experiment.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to couple the water quality model of Danshuei River to the three-dimensional unstructured-grid hydrodynamic model [Eulerian–Lagrangian circulation model (ELCIRC)]. The Eulerian–Lagrangian scheme for the solution of the transport equations of salt in ELCIRC was demonstrated to be not mass conservative. The scheme was replaced with a finite-volume/finite-difference upwind scheme to ensure mass conservation both locally and globally. The same scheme was also used for the scalar transport equation in the water quality model. The representation of mass flux in the scalar transport equation is carefully formulated to be consistent with that of volume flux used in the continuity equations of ELCIRC. It was demonstrated that the newly revised scheme (1) conserved mass locally and globally; (2) conserved mass for both conservative and nonconservative substances subjected to biogeochemical transformation; and (3) preserved the integrity of the wetting-and-drying scheme. Further, the baroclinic simulation using the newly revised scheme showed a better result in terms of salt intrusion and salinity distribution in the Danshuei River estuary.  相似文献   

One of the most serious disadvantages of membrane applications in water treatment is the decreasing water permeation rate with time, which is often called fouling. This study investigates surface modification of polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes as a fouling reduction strategy for drinking water treatment applications. Surface modification was achieved through the addition of three different tailor-made hydrophilic surface modifying macromolecules (LSMM200, LSMM400, and LSMM600). Flat sheet membranes were prepared via a single-step casting procedure; their surface hydrophilicity was quantified via contact angle measurements. The incorporation of hydrophilic additives produced slightly more hydrophilic membranes (contact angle reduction of up to 8°) and improved membrane performance compared with the PES membrane without blending. In the treatment of highly colored river water, LSMM400- and LSMM600-modified membranes achieved up to 32% higher final fluxes. Surface modification resulted in significantly decreased flux reductions and natural organic matter accumulation. Dissolved organic carbon removals were approximately 70% for all the membranes studied. No clear correlation between membrane hydrophilicity and fouling reduction was observed.  相似文献   

The total maximum daily load (TMDL) approaches that have relied mostly on deterministic modeling have inherent problems with considerations of a margin of safety and estimating probabilities of excursions of water quality standards expressed in terms of magnitude, duration, and frequency. A tiered probabilistic TMDL approach is proposed in this paper. A simple databased Tier I TMDL that uses statistical principles has been proposed for watersheds that have adequate water quality databases enabling statistical evaluations. Studies have shown that for many pollutants, event mean concentrations in runoff, wastewater loads, and concentrations in the receiving waters follow the log-normal probability distribution. Other probability distributions are also applicable. Tier II Monte Carlo simulation, using a simpler deterministic or black box water quality model as a transfer function, can then be used to generate time series of data, which fills the data gaps and allows estimation of probabilities of excursions of chronic standards that are averaged over periods of 4 or 30 days. Statistical approaches, including Monte Carlo, allow replacement of an arbitrary margin of safety by a quantitative estimation of uncertainty and enable linking the model results to the standards defined in terms of magnitude, frequency, and duration.  相似文献   

Trade-offs between precision of numerical solutions to deterministic models of the environment, and the number of model realizations achievable within a framework of Monte Carlo simulation, are investigated and discussed. A case study of a model of river thermodynamics is employed. It is shown that the tractability of Monte Carlo simulation relies on adaptation of the numerical solution time-step, giving results with a guaranteed error in the time domain as well as near-optimum speed of calibration under any chosen accuracy criteria. Time-step control is implemented using two adaptive Runge–Kutta methods: a second order scheme with first order error estimator, and an embedded fourth-fifth order scheme. In the case study, where the effects of sparse and imprecise data dominate the overall modeling error, both the schemes appear adequate. However, the higher order scheme is concluded to be generally more reliable and efficient, and has wide potential to improve the value of applying the Monte Carlo method to environmental simulation. The problem of reconciling spatial error with the specified temporal error is discussed.  相似文献   

流域水质直接关系到人体健康和生态安全。以萍水河向阳湖至何雁桥段为研究对象,分析其水质空间特征,综合4种方法进行水质评价,进一步利用多元统计和级别差方法对比分析水质评价结果。结果表明:1)COD、NH3-N、TP和TN的最高浓度位于赤山桥处;上游(向阳湖-桥头村)和下游(赤山桥-何雁桥)总体水质较好,部分采样点TN、Fe和Mn轻度超标,污染程度明显弱于中游(桥头村-赤山桥)。2)最差水质级别均为Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类水,污染程度属严重污染及以上;单因子评价法确定总氮(TN)为首要污染指标;主成分分析法确定2个主成分,可解释为营养盐污染指标和地质沉积环境指标。3)4种方法两两之间呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.937~0.994,但水质级别表现出明显的差异性;级差法结果表明,3种综合水质评价方法的水质级别顺序为:内梅罗污染指数法<综合污染指数法<主成分分析法。研究成果可为流域水质评价工作和研究提供参考,同时为流域水资源开发利用和水环境保护及综合治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The present study proposes a procedure to determine partial factors in reliability based design format for pile foundations, considering bias as well as uncertainty in the parameters that represent soil-pile interaction. These issues are addressed using pile load-settlement test data from case studies obtained from the literature. The pile ultimate capacities are evaluated considering three different failure criteria. The uncertainties in the pile-soil interface parameters as well as pile ultimate capacity are quantified in Monte Carlo framework from the measured data by utilizing the closed form “t-z” method. Considering dead load to live load ratios as calibration points, the target reliability index is calculated based on existing code safety-checking format. The optimal partial factors are determined such that the difference between reliability index based on limit state equations expressed in terms of partial factors and target reliability index is minimum. Finally, it is observed that optimal partial factors enable rational choice of allowable load on pile foundation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the water quality impacts associated with the reuse of fixated flue gas desulfurization (FGD) material as a low permeability liner for agricultural applications. A 0.457-m-thick layer of fixated FGD material from a coal-fired power plant was utilized to create a 708?m2 swine manure pond at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Western Branch in South Charleston, Ohio. To assess the effects of the fixated FGD material liner, water quality samples were collected over a period of 5?years from the pond surface water and a sump collection system beneath the liner. Water samples collected from the sump and pond surface water met all Ohio nontoxic criteria, and in fact, generally met all national primary and secondary drinking water standards. Furthermore it was found that hazardous constituents (i.e., As, B, Cr, Cu, and Zn) and agricultural pollutants (i.e., phosphate and ammonia) were effectively retained by the FGD liner system. The retention of As, B, Cr, Cu, Zn, and ammonia was likely due to sorption to mineral components of the FGD liner, while Ca, Fe, and P retention were a result of both sorption and precipitation of Fe- and Ca-containing phosphate solids.  相似文献   

The properties of water withdrawn from a stratified reservoir are investigated in a field study conducted in Lake Burragorang, Australia. It is shown that temperature and turbidity fluctuations of the extracted water are directly correlated to the vertical displacement of the thermal structure of the reservoir immediately in front of the offtake and the thickness of the selective withdrawal layer. Scaling of the unsteady withdrawal revealed that the timescale associated with the formation of selective withdrawal is an order of magnitude smaller than the typical period of the internal wave. This means the withdrawal layer is acting as a filter, extracting water of a particular quality as it is swept past the outlet by the internal seiches; the steady-state theory of the selective withdrawal can be used to predict outflow temperature fluctuations in reservoirs where long internal waves are present. To correctly interpret other outflow water parameters, such as turbidity or dissolved oxygen, it is important not only to know the stratification conditions in front of the offtake, but also to understand the local flow dynamics in the lower reaches of the reservoir.  相似文献   

针对平面水冷模铸造时产生的“花脸”缺陷,通过理论和试验分析得出其原因是冷却速度所致,从而着重研究了沟槽式水冷模对冷却速度的影响,结果提高了铸锭表面质量.  相似文献   

连铸和热轧浊环水处理系统的改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了钢铁企业连铸和轧钢系统中工业废水的水量和水质,分析了国内浊环水系统工艺流程,从几个方面提出了改进措施.  相似文献   

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