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基于快速鲁棒特征的CamShift跟踪算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决CamShift算法由于对颜色敏感导致的跟踪效果变差或失效的问题,提出一种基于局部特征匹配的CamShift跟踪算法。采用快速鲁棒特征(SURF)方法在多通道图像的目标区域和搜索区域提取包含图像信息的局部特征点,并利用近似最近邻搜索对特征点进行匹配;使用提纯后的匹配结果得到特征点的位置、尺度及方向信息,对CamShift方法进行约束和更新,以提高跟踪精度和稳定性。实验结果表明,与经典CamShift算法和同类的改进算法相比,该算法能够较好地实现对复杂背景下旋转和放缩运动目标的实时跟踪。  相似文献   

A new parallel sorting algorithm, called parsort, suitable for implementation on tightly coupled multiprocessors is presented. The algorithm is based upon quicksort and two-way merging. An asynchronous parallel partitioning algorithm is used to distribute work evenly during merging to ensure a good load balance amongst processors, which is crucial if we are to achieve high efficiency. The implementation of this parallel sorting algorithm exhibits theoretical and measured near linear speed-up when compared to sequential quicksort. This is illustrated by the results of experiments carried out on the Sequent Balance 8000 multiprocessor.  相似文献   

We address a variant of scheduling problem on two identical machines, where we are given an additional speed-up resource. If a job uses the resource, its processing time may decrease. However, at any time the resource can only be used by at most one job. The objective is to minimize the makespan. For the offline version, we present an FPTAS. For the online version where jobs arrive over list, we propose an online algorithm with competitive ratio of 1.781, and show a lower bound of 1.686 for any online algorithm.  相似文献   

In speech recognition, not just the accuracy of an automatic speech recognition application is important, but also its speed. However, if we want to create a real-time speech recognizer, this requirement limits the time that is spent on searching for the best hypothesis, which can even affect the recognition accuracy. Thus the applied search method plays an important role in the speech recognition task, and so does its efficiency, i.e. how quickly it finds the uttered words. To speed up this search process, various ideas are available in the literature: we can use search heuristics, multi-pass search, or apply a family of aggregation operators. In this paper we test all these methods in turn, and combine them with a set of other novel speed-up ideas. The test results confirm that all of these techniques are valuable: using combinations of them helped make the speech recognition process over 12 times faster than the basic multi-stack decoding algorithm, and almost 11 times faster than the Viterbi beam search method.  相似文献   

In this paper I consider how the computer can or should be accepted in Japanese schools. The concept of teaching in Japan stresses learning from a long-term perspective. Whereas in the instructional technology, on which the CAI or the Tutoring System depends, step-by-step attainments in relatively short time are emphasized. The former is reluctant in using the computer, but both share the Platonic perspective which are goal-oriented. However, The Socratic teacher, who intends to activate students' innate disposition to be better, would find another way of teaching and use of the computer.  相似文献   

In this note we discuss the similarities and differences between Gödel's result about non-recursive shortening of proofs of formal systems by additional axioms and the corresponding results about the succinctness of different representations of languages.  相似文献   

In ensemble (or bulk) quantum computation, all computations are performed on an ensemble of computers rather than on a single computer. Measurements of qubits in an individual computer cannot be performed; instead, only expectation values (over the complete ensemble of computers) can be measured. As a result of this limitation on the model of computation, many algorithms cannot be processed directly on such computers, and must be modified, as the common strategy of delaying the measurements usually does not resolve this ensemble-measurement problem. Here we present several new strategies for resolving this problem. Based on these strategies we provide new versions of some of the most important quantum algorithms, versions that are suitable for implementing on ensemble quantum computers, e.g., on liquid NMR quantum computers. These algorithms are Shor’s factorization algorithm, Grover’s search algorithm (with several marked items), and an algorithm for quantum fault-tolerant computation. The first two algorithms are simply modified using a randomizing and a sorting strategies. For the last algorithm, we develop a classical-quantum hybrid strategy for removing measurements. We use it to present a novel quantum fault-tolerant scheme. More explicitly, we present schemes for fault-tolerant measurement-free implementation of Toffoli and sz1/4,\sigma_{z}^{1/4}, as these operations cannot be implemented “bitwise”, and their standard fault-tolerant implementations require measurement.  相似文献   

Three examples of advances in computational aerodynamics—three-dimensional inviscid transonic analysis, design calculations for wings, and the computation of viscous-induced aileron buzz—are reviewed. The importance of large computers in promoting these kinds of advances and the need for continuing increases in computer size and speed are emphasized. NASA's plans for a numerical aerodynamic simulation facility, intended to provide the aeronautics community with a substantial increase in computer capability for the 1980s, are briefly described.  相似文献   

The implementation of two compilers for the data-parallel programming language Dataparallel C is described. One compiler generates code for Intel and nCUBE hypercube multicomputers; the other generates code for Sequent multiprocessors. A suite of Dataparallel C programs has been compiled and executed, and their execution times and speedups on the Intel iPSC/2, the nCUBE 3200 and the Sequent Symmetry are presented  相似文献   

Ring-oscillators are useful to monitor the thermal status of reconfigurable computers. No analog parts exist, and the sensors can be dynamically inserted, moved, or eliminated  相似文献   

Tredennick  N. 《Computer》1996,29(10):27-37
The development of the computer and the evolution of the integrated circuit have been intertwined since the first commercial IC appeared in 1961. The author explores microprocessor history and ponders future developments  相似文献   

王铁建  刘艳丽 《计算机应用》2012,32(9):2576-2579
广角图像在全景图拼接中优势明显,然而,由于广角图像存在严重的透视畸变,往往导致拼接的效果不理想,甚至导致拼接失败。针对广角图像拼接中的透视畸变问题,提出一种广角图像自动拼接、校正算法。先计算出待拼接广角图像的特征点匹配对,求出图像拼接矩阵,对广角图像进行拼接;然后,根据图像采集时的镜头旋转角度计算出图像校正矩阵,对拼接后的全景图进行透视畸变校正。实验结果表明,基于该算法得到的全景图能够有效地消除透视畸变,达到较好的拼接效果。  相似文献   

Parallel algorithms are presented for the Fourier pseudospectral method and parts of the Chebyshev pseudospectral method. Performance of these schemes is reported as implemented on the NCUBE hypercube. The problem to which these methods are applied is the time integration of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Despite serious communication requirements, the efficiencies are high; e.g., 92% for a 1283 mesh on 1024 processors. Benchmark timings rival those of optimized codes on supercomputers.  相似文献   

《Data Processing》1986,28(9):496

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