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John S. Gero Sushil J. Louis† 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1995,10(4):239-247
Abstract: Pareto optimal designs are the best designs that can be produced for a given problem formulation for a given set of criteria when the criteria are not combined in any way. If the goal is to improve the performance in those criteria, then it is possible to manipulate the problem formulation to achieve an improvement. The approach adopted is to encode the formulation in a genetic algorithm and to allow the formulation to evolve in the direction of improving Pareto optimal designs. A set of rules (in the form of a shape grammar), the execution of which produces a design, is encoded as the genes in a genetic algorithm. However, the rule set is allowed to evolve, not just the order of execution of rules. We present an example demonstrating both the approach and its utility in improving Pareto optimal designs. 相似文献
针对遗传算法在离散变量结构优化设计中的缺陷,将进退搜索算法同遗传算法相结合,提出了一种混合遗传算法。建立了离散变量结构优化模型,并对一11杆桁架结构进行了优化设计。算例结果表明,混合遗传算法收敛快、精度高,应用于离散变量结构优化设计是有效的。 相似文献
Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Urban Transit Network Design 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Partha Chakroborty 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》2003,18(3):184-200
This article attempts to highlight the effectiveness of genetic algorithm (GA)–based procedures in solving the urban transit network design problem (UTNDP). The article analyzes why traditional methods have problems in solving the UTNDP. The article also suggests procedures to alleviate these problems using GA–based optimization technique. The thrust of the article is three–fold: (1) to show the effectiveness of GAs in solving the UTNDP, (2) to identify features of the UTNDP that make it a difficult problem for traditional techniques, and (3) to suggest directions, through the presentation of GA–based methodologies for the UTNDP, for the development of GA–based procedures for solving other optimization problems having features similar to the UTNDP. 相似文献
Partha Chakroborty Kalyanmoy Deb & B. Srinivas 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1998,13(5):363-376
The primary objective of any transit system is to provide a better level of service to its passengers. One of the good measures of level of service is the waiting time of passengers during their journey. The waiting time consists of an initial waiting time (the time a passenger waits to board a vehicle at his or her point of origin) and a transfer time (the time a passenger waits at a transfer station while transferring from one vehicle to another). An efficient schedule minimizes the overall transfer time (TT) of passengers transferring between different routes as well as the initial waiting time (IWT) of the passengers waiting to board the vehicle at their point of origin. This paper uses genetic algorithm (GA)—a search and optimization procedure—to find optimal/near-optimal schedules of vehicles in a transit network. The main advantage of using GA is that the transit network scheduling problem can be reformulated in a manner that is computationally more efficient than the original problem. Further, the coding aspect of GA inherently takes care of most of the constraints associated with the scheduling problem. Results from a number of test problems show that GAs are able to find optimal/near-optimal schedules with minimal computational resources. 相似文献
Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy & Mohammed Ali 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》2000,15(5):374-382
This article proposes an optimal design methodology for the design of water distribution systems based on genetic algorithms. The objective of the optimization is to minimize the capital cost, subject to ensuring adequate pressures at all nodes. The proposed method differs from those of previous workers who have applied genetic algorithms in that the strings in the genetic algorithm model are coded using real variables, and this avoids the problem of redundant states often found when using binary (and Gray) coding schemes. A fitness function is also proposed that incorporates a variable penalty coefficient that depends on the degree of violation of the pressure constraints. The method also differs from those of previous workers in that it does not require solution of the nonlinear equations governing the flows and pressures in the distribution system for each individual member within the population. Hence this method shows a significant advantage compared with previously published techniques in terms of computational efficiency. The method has been tested on several networks, including networks used for benchmark testing least-cost design algorithms, and has been shown to be very efficient and robust. 相似文献
V. K. Koumousis & S. J. Arsenis 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1998,13(1):43-52
Genetic algorithms emulate biologic evolutionary concepts to solve search and optimization problems. In this work, they are employed to perform the optimal detailed design of reinforced concrete members of multistory buildings. The objective is to convert the required reinforcement in square centimeters, given at a number of cross sections, into a set of reinforcing bars of specific diameter and length located at specific places along the member taking into account different criteria and rules of design practice. The anchorage lengths are taken into account, and the bars are cut at appropriate locations. For such problems, enumeration methods lead to expensive solutions, whereas genetic algorithms tend to provide near-optimal solutions in reasonable computing time. The genetic algorithms used in this work are based on a roulette wheel reproduction scheme; single, multiple-point, and uniform crossover; and constant or variable mutation schemes. A constant or variable elitist strategy is also used that passes the best designs of a generation to the next generation. The method decides the detailed design on the basis of a multicriterion objective that represents a compromise between a minimum weight design, a maximum uniformity, and the minimum number of bars for a group of members. By varying the weighting factors, designs with different characteristics result. Various parameters of the genetic algorithm are considered, and the corresponding results are presented. 相似文献
H. ADELI K. V. BALASUBRAMANYAM 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1987,2(2):147-160
In a recent article, Adeli and Balasubramanyam [2] presented a heuristic approach for analysis of bridge trusses subjected to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) moving loads. This procedure is based on the recognition of patterns of influence line diagrams (ILDs) for various members of a bridge truss. The procedure was applied to Pratt trusses. This arricle extends and generalizes the previous work of the authors by applying it to other classes of trusses, i.e., the statically determinate K-trusses and the statically indeterminate Parker trusses. This approach is significantly more efficient than the bruteforce method of generating the nodal load vectors due to the moving loads positioned at numerous locations along the span and performing numerous structural analyses. Thus, it is particularly suitable for microcomputers. The heuristic approach presented in this article can be easily extended to other classes of bridge trusses. 相似文献
Sachin Mathakari & Paolo Gardoni Pranab Agarwal Anne Raich Terje Haukaas 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》2007,22(4):282-292
Abstract: A hybrid methodology for performing reliability-based structural optimization of three-dimensional trusses is presented. This hybrid methodology links the search and optimization capabilities of multi-objective genetic algorithms (MOGA) with structural performance information provided by finite element reliability analysis. To highlight the strengths of the proposed methodology, a practical example is presented that concerns optimizing the topology, geometry, and member sizes of electrical transmission towers. The weight and reliability index of a tower are defined as the two objectives used by MOGA to perform Pareto ranking of tower designs. The truss deformation and the member stresses are compared to threshold values to assess the reliability of each tower under wind loading. Importance sampling is used for the reliability analysis. Both the wind pressure and the wind direction are considered as random variables in the analysis. The research results presented demonstrate the benefit of implementing MOGA optimization as an integral part of a reliability-based optimization procedure for three-dimensional trusses. 相似文献
Dynamic Optimal Traffic Assignment and Signal Time Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract: In this article a dynamic system-optimal traffic assignment model is formulated for a congested urban road network with a number of signalized intersections. A simulation-based approach is employed for the case of multiple-origin-multiple-destination traffic flows. The artificial intelligence technique of genetic algorithms (GAs) is used to minimize the overall travel cost in the network with fixed signal timings and optimization of signal timings. The proposed method is applied to the example network and results are discussed. It is concluded that GAs allow the relaxation of many of the assumptions that may be needed to solve the problem analytically by traditional methods. 相似文献
遗传算法在给水管网优化设计中的应用 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
遗传算法是一种新型的进化算法,它是一种通过模拟自然进化过程搜索最优解的随机寻优的数学规划方法.阐述了应用遗传算法进行给水管网优化设计的原理、特点,并对青岛市城阳区某工业园给水管网工程进行优化求解. 相似文献
双层桥面三桁刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁桥全桥试验模型 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为了研究中国首座双层桥面三桁刚性悬索加劲钢桁梁桥--东江大桥的空间受力行为,并检验施工方案,针对其结构独特、受力复杂、施工难度大的特点,进行了全桥缩尺模型试验.详细介绍了东江大桥模型试验的目的、模型总体构造、截面设计原则、连接构造、施工过程模拟、支座设计以及试验加栽等.从模型设计可以看出:该模型制造难度较大;研制的模型能够满足利用试验模拟施工全过程以及对结构局部进行测试的要求. 相似文献
三主桁连续板桁组合桥空间计算方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对三主桁连续板桁组合桥的构造特点,通过构造结合梁单元的位移模式,利用势能原理推导结合梁单元的刚度矩阵,提出2种结合梁法,结合梁法一的特点是把桥面板作为主桁架弦杆的上翼缘并与主桁架弦杆形成钢-混结合梁,结合梁法二的特点是把桥面板作为纵、横梁的上翼缘并与纵、横梁形成钢-混结合梁;而常规的板梁组合法的特点是桥面板为连续各向... 相似文献
A heuristic approach is presented for interactive analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate bridge trusses subjected to moving loads such as the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specifications live loads. These loads consist of two-axle truck loading, two-axle truck plus one-axle semitrailer loading, and uniform lane loading. The procedure is based on using the information about the shape of the influence line diagrams (ILDs) for members of a truss. This information may be obtained through numerical experimentation for any given type of truss. A methodology is presented for classifying the ILDs for member axial forces of a bridge truss. The procedure is applied to Pratt trusses. Heuristic rules are developed for finding the maximum compression and tensile forces in the members of a Pratt truss based on its characteristic influence line diagrams and the type of the AASHTO live load. The procedure presented in this article results in substantial savings in structural analysis computations, and is specially suitable on microcomputers in an interactive environment. 相似文献
预应力混凝土连续梁桥是工程应用最广的桥型之一,其配束方法虽趋成熟,但仍以试算为主.由此导致不同的设计方案对同一桥梁的设计结果差别很大.基于自然选择和自然基因机制的遗传算法是当前处理复杂非线性模型的一种新的优化方法,将其应用到预应力混凝土连续梁桥的配束设计当中去,建立了连续梁桥的自动配束模型,以预应力索量为目标函数进行优化.计算结果表明,优化结果既满足约束条件,又可以降低工程造价,从而显示了该方法的有效性,具有一定的参考价值. 相似文献