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There are at least two approaches advocated to obtain a pure H reduced-order dynamic controller for a given augmented plant. One approach is to eliminate completely the H2 aspect from a standard H2/H setting. A second approach is to equate the H2 aspect with the H aspect in that same setting. This paper invalidates the first approach but affirms the second approach and produces the correct equations resulting therefrom.  相似文献   

A sufficient condition for the existence of suboptimal stable stabilizing H controllers is given. By exploiting the free parameter in the parameterization of stabilizing controllers and using the chain scattering framework, we reformulate the H strong stabilization problem as an equivalent H optimization problem which can be solved via only one algebraic Riccati equation. A parameterization of all suboptimal stable stabilizing H controllers is also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, we improve on the results of robust stabilizability obtained by Kimura. We do this in a constructive way by using an H-approach, and exhibit an upper bound for the order of robust controllers.  相似文献   

A complete skew-Toeplitz-type solution to the two-block H problem for infinite-dimensional stable plants with rational weights is derived with a basis-free proof. The solution consists of one Riccati equation with a rank criterion for a transcendental function of a certain Hamiltonian. This gives a natural extension of the well-known formula for the one-block case. An example is given to illustrate the result.  相似文献   

In this note, a simple proof is given for the Hamiltonian solution to the H optimal sensitivity for plants with arbitrary inner transfer function. The approach combines skew Toeplitz theory and state-space representations, and gives rise to a straightforward and basis-free methodology.  相似文献   

In this note, the differential game and dissipation inequality are applied to the disturbance attenuation or H-control for linear systems with delayed state. Firstly, a simple sufficient condition on the existence of a γ-suboptimal H state feedback controller is given, which is independent of delay, and an observer-based dynamic output feedback solution is presented in terms of Riccati inequalities (or Riccati equations). Secondly, a sufficient condition on the existence of a delay-dependent state feedback is presented and the criterion is presented by a matrix inequality which can be solved by numerical methods.  相似文献   

The lifting technique is a powerful tool for handling the periodically time-varying nature of sampled-data systems. Yet all known solutions of sampled-data H problems are limited to the case when the feedthrough part of the lifted system, , satisfies , where γ is the required H performance level. While this condition is always necessary in feedback control, it might be restrictive in signal processing applications, where some amount of delay or latency between measurement and estimation can be tolerated. In this paper, the sampled-data H fixed-lag smoothing problem with a smoothing lag of one sampling period is studied. The problem corresponds to the a-posteriori filtering problem in the lifted domain and is probably the simplest problem for which a smaller than performance level is achievable. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions derived in the paper are compatible with those for the sampled-data filtering problem. This result extends the scope of applicability of the lifting technique and paves the way to the application of sampled-data methods in digital signal processing.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the H control analysis, the output feedback stabilization, and the output feedback H control synthesis problems for state-space symmetric systems. Using a particular solution of the Bounded Real Lemma for an open-loop symmetric system we obtain an explicit expression to compute the H norm of the system. For the output feedback stabilization problem we obtain an explicit parametrization of all asymptotically stabilizing control gains of state-space symmetric systems. For the H control synthesis problem we derive an explicit expression for the optimally achievable closed-loop H norm and the optimal control gains. Extension to robust and positive real control of such systems are also examined. These results are obtained from the linear matrix inequality formulations of the stabilization and the H control synthesis problems using simple matrix algebraic tools.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates how to use an asymptotically H-optimal controller to stabilize a second-order system subject to unknown disturbances such that the stability region does not vanish as the feedback gains increase. The high-gain feedback arises when one attempts to achieve the lowest achievable limit of the disturbance attenuation under the H design. This type of gain increase can cause the stability region to vanish if the disturbance contains nonlinear terms. The analysis using Lyapunov techniques derives a sufficient condition on the design parameters to prevent the stability region from vanishing. In addition to describing exact solutions for six different cases, the paper provides simulations to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

Motivated by Zames' work on optimal sensitivity, it is shown that there exists in functional analysis a foundation, based upon the theory of representations of H, upon which results may be developed to enable a range of classical control problems to be placed in a modern control framework.  相似文献   

We characterize all solutions to a robustness optimization problem as the solutions of a two-parameter interpolation problem. From this characterization it is easy to show that an all-pass form solution always exists as long as a solution exists. We also study the possibility of using non-all-pass form solutions and by introducing other optimization objectives (motivated by improvements in disturbance rejection and robust stability) we search for the 'best' solution.  相似文献   

In this note we show how to solve the H-optimal sensitivity problem for a SISO plant P(s) = P1(s)P2(s), given the solutions for P1(s), P2(s). This allows us to solve the problem for systems of the form ehsP0(s), where P0(s) is the transfer function of a stable, LTI, finite dimensional system.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an alternative solution to the problem min X ε Hn×n |A + BXC| where A, B, rmand C are rational matrices in Hn×n. The solution circumvents the need to extract the matrix inner factors of B and C, providing a multivariable extension of Sarason's H-interpolation theory [1] to the case of matrix-valued B(s) and C(s). The result has application to the diagonally-scaled optimization problem int |D(A + BXC)D−1|, where the infimum is over D, X εHn×n, D diagonal.  相似文献   

In this paper we search for controllers which minimize an entropy function of the closed loop transfer matrix under the constraint of internal stability and under the constraint that the closed loop transfer matrix has H norm less than some a priori given bound γ. We find an explicit expression for the infimum. Moreover, we give a characterization when the infimum is attained (contrary to the regular case, for the singular minimum entropy H control problem the infimum is not always attained).  相似文献   

A new method for robust fixed-order H controller design by convex optimization for multivariable systems is investigated. Linear Time-Invariant Multi-Input Multi-Output (LTI-MIMO) systems represented by a set of complex values in the frequency domain are considered. It is shown that the Generalized Nyquist Stability criterion can be approximated by a set of convex constraints with respect to the parameters of a multivariable linearly parameterized controller in the Nyquist diagram. The diagonal elements of the controller are tuned to satisfy the desired performances, while simultaneously, the off-diagonal elements are designed to decouple the system. Multimodel uncertainty can be directly considered in the proposed approach by increasing the number of constraints. The simulation examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of characterization and computation of the H-norm of sampled-data systems using the time-invariant function space model via lifting. With the advantage of time-invariance, the treatment gives an eigenvalue-type characterization, first in the operator form in the frequency domain and then in the Hamiltonian-type finite-dimensional form. The form obtained can be adopted for use with the bisection algorithm for actual computation.  相似文献   

This note gives necessary and sufficient conditions for solving a reasonable version of the nonlinear H control problem. The most objectionable hypothesis is elegant and holds in the linear case, but every possibly may not be forced for nonlinear systems. What we discover in distinction to Isidori and Astolfi (1992) and Ball et al. (1993) is that the key formula is not a (nonlinear) Riccati partial differential inequality, but a much more complicated inequality mixing partial derivatives and an approximation theoretic construction called the best approximation operator. This Chebeshev-Riccati inequality when specialized to the linear case gives the famous solution to the H control problem found in Doyle et al. (1989). While complicated the Chebeshev-Riccati inequality is (modulo a considerable number of hypotheses behind it) a solution to the nonlinear H control problem. It should serve as a rational basis for discovering new formulas and compromises. We follow the conventions of Ball et al. (1993) and this note adds directly to that paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the nonlinear H control of systems with periodic orbits. We develop the notion of an induced L2 gain (so-called nonlinear H norm) for systems where the no-disturbance behavior of the system is a periodic orbit and provide conditions under which the induced L2 gain of the system (around the orbit) can be made less than a specified value by state feedback. This work is a natural extension of results on nonlinear H control of nonlinear systems in a neighborhood of a stable equilibrium point to the periodic orbit case. Synthesis of a nonlinear H state feedback controller is facilitated by the use of transverse coordinates and, in particular, the transverse linearization of the system.  相似文献   

We show that the sample complexity of qorst-case H-identification is of order n2, by proving that the minimal length of a fractional H-cover for Cn, regarded as the linear space of complex-valued sequences of length n, is of order n2. A unit vector u in is a fractional H-cover for Cn if for some

for all rh ε Cn, where is the z-transform of h. We also give similar results for real-valued sequences.  相似文献   

The problem of H filtering of stationary discrete-time linear systems with stochastic uncertainties in the state space matrices is addressed, where the uncertainties are modeled as white noise. The relevant cost function is the expected value, with respect to the uncertain parameters, of the standard H performance. A previously developed stochastic bounded real lemma is applied that results in a modified Riccati inequality. This inequality is expressed in a linear matrix inequality form whose solution provides the filter parameters. The method proposed is applied also to the case where, in addition to the stochastic uncertainty, other deterministic parameters of the system are not perfectly known and are assumed to lie in a given polytope. The problem of mixed H2/H filtering for the above system is also treated. The theory developed is demonstrated by a simple tracking example.  相似文献   

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