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ABSTRACT: Federal housing policy faces an uncertain future and a weak fragmented political constituency. The Republican controlled Congress may dramatically downsize the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Some even want to eliminate the agency altogether. In response, the Clinton administration has promised to reinvent and streamline HUD. Neither approach, however, addresses the nation's housing problems or the totality of federal housing programs in any comprehensive way. The authors analyze the factors contributing to HUD's vulnerability, review the various proposals to reorganize the agency, and propose an alternative and more comprehensive policy that has the potential to expand the political constituency for federal housing policy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In recent years, the government in Zimbabwe has continued its pre-independence housing policy attempts to control, directly or indirectly, the production of housing for all income groups. This article, which is part of an overall review of housing, production, and exchange in Harare, Zimbabwe, summarizes available evidence on housing production and the effects of government intervention on housing markets. The assumptions on which housing policy are based are analyzed and the outcome of housing strategies designed to increase the production of housing and relieve constraints on supply are assessed. Sufficient evidence is not available for systematic study of all forms of house production by all income groups; topics for future research are identified.  相似文献   

塞尔和德雷福斯在三个基本问题上有意见分歧。德雷福斯认为,满足条件涉及知觉,而且,行动在通常意义上不需要是命题的。尽管我们通常从事所谓的慎思活动,但如此深思熟虑的活动不是我们与世界相联系的唯一方式,也不是最基本的方式。在有些情况下,行动者根本不是在尝试。存在着身体意向性和作为第三种存在方式的在世存在。  相似文献   

田莉  吴雅馨  严雅琦 《城市规划》2021,45(10):89-94,109
探讨利用集体土地建设租赁住房试点开展以来北京、上海、广州、深圳的相关进展,借助"资源禀赋、发展路径、规划管控、政府-集体-市场关系"四个维度的分析框架,剖析上述4个城市利用集体土地建设租赁住房进展缓慢的原因:地方政府、市场主体的动力不足,并受制于村集体经济实力的不足.为推进集体土地上的租赁住房建设,需要规划、财政、金融等方面配套体系的完善与政策支持,这对促进我国城乡高质量发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

我国城镇住房制度改革与住房发展具有极为重要的意义.1998年中央做出了“停止实物分房”的重大改革决策之后,住房的市场需求和开发规模快速上升;但此后住房发展中出现种种失衡,引起了各界的高度关注.某种程度上,住房制度改革中的困惑映射了我国经济转型和社会变迁中的深层次矛盾.因为住房既是一个经济问题,直接影响中国经济的发展;同时又是一个社会问题,涉及社会的公平正义与稳定和谐;此外,住房还是一个空间问题,必须正视其空间绩效问题.然而以往的研究单一性多、综合性的少,宏观层次的描述多、多层次的分析少,从而影响了对住房问题的系统认识.本文回顾我国住房制度改革以来的政策变迁轨迹,反思1998年以来住房制度建设和政策调控中的问题,进而探讨完善我国住房制度建设的思路.  相似文献   

This article examines the events that led architect Peter Eisenman to abandon his earlier mode of working, exemplified by his houses of the sixties through the seventies, and to begin his “deconstruction” projects, such as the Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio. Eisenman's early concerns centered on late-modernist understandings of form, structure, autonomy, self-sufficiency, and strict self-referentiality. Through his writings, Eisenman situated his work within related theoretical issues that were circulating in the fields of linguistics, painting, and sculpture, using them as examples, analogies, and theoretical support. These other related disciplines reached a limit in the quest for autonomy and self-sufficiency due to the limit immanent in the logic and rhetoric employed to achieve their goals. The same deconstruction occurred in other fields, eventually resulting in theories called poststructuralist. This article explores the process through which Eisenman met such an impasse in his early work and began a more self-consciously deconstruction mode of working. I also consider how Eisenman's more recent work participates in an ongoing critique within cultural theory in general of institutions and power. Finally, I suggest that we reconsider just what deconstruction and postmodernism mean in architecture.  相似文献   

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