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模块化多电平换流器型直流输电的建模与控制   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
分析了模块化多电平换流器(MMC)的电路结构和运行特性,指出了MMC每相上、下2个桥臂交流输出端是等电位点.将三相等电位点虚拟短接后,每相上、下2个桥臂换流电抗可以并联成一个电抗,与交流系统相连,其结构与传统电压源换流器(VSC)类似.文中据此得到了MMC的简化等效电路理论模型.根据该等效电路理论模型,MMC的控制可以直接使用传统VSC的控制策略.将传统VSC常用的矢量控制策略应用于MMC型直流输电系统.时域仿真结果表明,MMC每相上、下2个桥臂交流输出端的电位非常接近,验证了所提出的MMC等效电路理论模型的正确性.仿真结果也表明所设计的MMC型直流输电系统的矢量控制策略控制性能良好.  相似文献   

为了确保厦门柔性直流输电工程核心设备——换流阀的安全,有必要在换流阀带进线开关首次解锁前先确认换流阀触发相序的正确性。根据厦门柔性直流输电工程真双极的接线方式,提出了换流阀充电触发无源逆变试验方案。首先对换流阀进行不控充电,并将未试验极控制系统电压作为试验极控制系统锁相和控制用电压,然后断开试验极交流进线开关,为了防止阀子模块因低电压导致旁路过多,极控制系统在收到开关返回节点信号后自动解锁换流阀200 ms完成无源逆变。现场试验结果表明了该方案的可行性和有效性,证明了极控制保护系统、阀基控制系统和换流阀之间工作的正确性,确保了换流阀的安全,并依据试验结果提出了控制系统延时的确定方法及补偿方法。该方案的提出也为其他类似工程提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

可控关断的电流源型换流器(current source converter,CSC)是解决直流输电换相失败问题的有效方法之一。对其开展电气应力分析是换流器电气、绝缘和试验设计的理论基础,其相关研究仍属空白。该文在分析CSC运行原理和调制方法的基础上,首先研究在主动换相与强迫换相过程中,换流阀及关键部件的应力特性;其次,给出逆阻集成门极换流晶闸管(reverse blocking integrated gate commutated thyristor,RB-IGCT)周期关断的建模方法,提取4500V/3000A器件的建模参数。最后,建立“器件–换流阀–系统”详细仿真模型,对250kV/750MW的直流系统进行仿真分析,提取主动和强迫换流过程中的整机和关键部件的应力特性。结果表明,所提理论分析方法和参数计算能够为CSC的电气设计和等效试验提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

模块化多电平换流器(MMC)发生直流故障后,换流站会出现明显的过电流,对MMC的可靠性产生严重影响.而故障暂态电流的精确计算是实现对暂态过电流有效评估的最直接的手段.为了精确计算MMC故障过电流,提出一种同时考虑交流系统与电容放电影响的故障电流精确计算方法,对桥臂等效模型进行了建模与分析,指出了桥臂电压对时间的微分应由...  相似文献   

电压源换流器高压直流输电换流阀的试验方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对柔性直流换流阀进行型式试验可保证其安全可靠运行,型式试验通常采用等效试验的方法。介绍了串联阀和模块化多电平换流器阀2种柔性直流换流阀的结构,指出阀试验方法研究应包括试验对象分析、应力分析、应力数学模型的建立、试验要求及试验内容分析、等效试验方法研究等,并针对上述2种柔性直流换流阀试验方法的各项内容进行了研究,以期为可关断器件阀等效试验的理论研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

两电平电压源型换流器在35kV及以下电压等级输电场合具有较高的成本效率比,因此被广泛应用于风电并网等低压领域。但是,其不具备直流故障清除能力的特点,给电网设备安全造成了较大的影响。基于以上背景,文中提出了适用于两电平电压源型换流器的直流故障清除辅助拓扑。该辅助拓扑使用超导故障电流限制器,大幅降低了故障电流;基于电流谐振的思路,可实现在电流过零时将故障清除。采用该辅助拓扑的直流故障清除方案,相比于采用交流断路器的方案,具有清除时间短、故障电流小的优点;相比于采用直流断路器的方案,具有电压变化率小、成本低的优点。最后,在PSCAD/EMTDC中验证了所提辅助拓扑的正确性与有效性。  相似文献   

对适用于柔性直流输电的模块化多电平换流器(MMC)桥臂电流在子模块(SM)内部功率电路中的分配关系进行数学分析,提出SM平均状态方法,建立SM平均开关模型,推导出SM内部平均状态电流的数学解析表达式,得出SM离散电流的主要谐波成分及幅值,并进一步分析了换流器分别在有功和无功运行工况下SM电流的分配关系。试验结果表明,以上分析方法准确可行,该方法可有效应用于MMC柔性直流输电换流器阀SM的器件选型、损耗计算及热设计的理论指导。  相似文献   

高压直流输电系统换流器技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为高压直流输电核心设备的换流器容量巨大、可控性强,对可靠性的要求很高。传统晶闸管换流器容量很大,但投资大、谐波严重。电压源换流器能弥补传统晶闸管换流器的部分缺点,其发展十分迅速。为了进一步推动换流器技术在高压直流输电系统中的改进研究和应用,针对传统晶闸管换流器、每极2组12脉动换流器、电容换相换流器以及电压源换流器等适合于高压直流输电的换流器,在详细介绍这些换流器的拓扑结构、基本工作原理、控制策略的基础上,对其技术特点和应用领域进行了评述。研究结果表明:长距离大容量高压直流输电仍然适合采用传统晶闸管换流器;电压源换流器在HVDC中有广泛的应用前景,是未来高压直流输电技术的重要发展方向。  相似文献   

模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter,MMC)电流控制系统大多基于d-q旋转坐标系,并将MMC上、下桥臂当成整体进行控制。为此,提出了MMC分桥臂电流控制策略。推导MMC单桥臂的开关周期平均值模型及小信号模型,并在此基础上设计桥臂电流闭环控制系统。该策略不仅能灵活控制MMC的交流输出电流和直流电流,而且能抑制上、下桥臂间的交流环流。算例结果证明了该策略的有效性。  相似文献   

主动换相型电流源换流器(current source converter,CSC)无需较大储能电容且兼具黑启动能力,为远海风电直流并网提供了可行方案;然而,现有CSC因采用脉冲宽度调制,存在直流谐波大、开关损耗高等缺点。对此,提出一种基于基频调制电流源换流器的远海风电并网系统,首先分析其拓扑结构和数学模型,并对CSC进行参数设计,然后提出稳态控制策略和黑启动控制策略,最后在PSCAD/EMTDC仿真环境中,对提出的控制策略和设计的参数进行仿真验证。仿真结果表明,提出的远海风电并网系统能平稳完成风电场黑启动,能稳定控制风电场交流电压/频率,具有良好的稳态特性,并能适应稳态下风电出力的波动。  相似文献   

根据多电平注入交直流变换原理,设计了一种新的并联多电平注入式电流源型变换器拓扑结构,注入开关的导通电流为直流输出电流与电平数的比值.新型拓扑中每个注入支路单元由2个等效开关和1个独立电抗器构成;同一注入单元的开关交替通断;不同注入单元的开关采用状态遍历的开关控制方法,使处于通态的各单元开关平均分配直流输出电流.以三电平为例,对系统电压、电流波形及开关控制方法进行了论述,并在PSCAD/EMTDC软件环境下进行了仿真,分析与仿真结果表明了新型拓扑的良好特性.与现有的并联多电平注入式电流源型变换器拓扑结构相比,新型电路结构中注入单元开关器件的电流容量和开关通断时的电流变化率降低;各注入单元支路开关通态时间延长.  相似文献   

Contents The conventional method of calculating high-voltage direct current (HVDC) converter commutation angles can result in very inaccurate results if the ripple of the DC is fairly high, or the HVDC link consists of capacitor commutated converters (CCC). For conventional line-commutated current source converters with a high DC ripple new analytical equations are presented for determining the commutation angles and the instantaneous values of DC DCside current at the firing instants. An iterative method for the calculation of commutation angles of CCC was also developed. The results are confirmed by digital simulation. Received: 30 April 2001 / Accepted: 8 June 2001  相似文献   

A parallel-connected twelve-pulse thyristor converter consisting of two six-pulse groups with an interphase reactor has been used for low-voltage high-current dc power supplies because of its high efficiency compared with a series one. It seems to be the most suitable converter for superconducting magnetic energy storage systems (SMES), which are expected to be used in actual power systems in the near future as a power system stabilizer. Harmonic reduction on the source side is required for such large-capacity thyristor converters. A number of methods have been proposed. These methods, however, require additional devices. Thus, a simple parallel-connected converter without any additional device remains to be constructed to reduce harmonic currents on the source side. This paper attempts to construct a simple 12-pulse thyristor converter by proposing a novel design concept of the interphase reactor. This method proposed here requires no additional devices and only reducing the inductance of the interphase reactor. The source current of the 12-pulse thyristor converter with the reduced inductance interphase reactor approaches sinusoidal waveforms, which are approximately equivalent to those of the 36-pulse thyristor converter. Simulation results show that decreasing the inductance of the interphase reactor contributes to reducing harmonic currents on the source side. In addition to the simulation results, experimental results verify the validity and practicability of the proposed novel design concept of the interphase reactor. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 121(1): 82–90, 1997  相似文献   

为了解决电流源型变频器中存在共模电压的问题,提出了一种采用一体化直流电抗器的方法.该方法在传统电流型变频器的直流环节加入共模电感,以减小系统的共模电流和共模电压.对采用一体化电抗器的3种电流源型变频器的共模电压进行了系统分析,并对一体化直流电抗器的共模电感值进行选择.其中将整流器侧电容中性点与逆变器侧电容中性点连接在一...  相似文献   

A current source type converter can easily generate a sinusoidal current on the ac side by employing a PWM strategy. In the converter system for a single-phase supply, however, the dc current pulsates because the dc output voltage of the converter contains an ac component with twice the ac supply frequency. The dc current pulsations cause the ac current waveform to be distorted. Although the use of a dc reactor with large inductance reduces the dc current pulsations, the size and the weight of converter equipment including a dc reactor is large. Two-phase rectification using two full-bridge converters and a converter system with an ac chopper circuit has been proposed for elimination of the dc pulsations. In these converters, the number of switching devices comprising the circuit will unavoidably increase. To solve this problem, we propose a novel single-phase current source type converter coupled with an ac chopper circuit and the PWM method. In this circuit, two switching devices in the main bridge are used to form an ac chopper bridge with two added devices and a capacitor. This paper gives the experimental and theoretical waveforms and the steady-state characteristics. The results prove that a smooth dc current and a sinusoidal ac current are obtained, and that a great reduction of the dc inductance can be achieved by using the proposed converter. © 1998 Scripta Technica. Electr Eng Jpn, 123(3): 36–45, 1998  相似文献   

The term immittance converter refers to an impedance–admittance converter. The immittance converter has an input impedance that is proportional to the admittance of the load connected across output terminals. In this converter, the output current is proportional to the input voltage and the input current is proportional to the output voltage. Consequently, it converts a constant‐voltage source into a constant‐current source and a constant‐current source into a constant‐voltage source. It is well known that the quarter wavelength transmission line shows immittance conversion characteristics. However, it has a very long line length for the switching frequency, and is not suitable for power electronics applications. We thus proposed immittance converters that consist of lumped elements L, C and show improved immittance conversion characteristics at a resonant frequency. A three‐phase constant‐current source is proposed in this paper. It is possible to realize this by a simple circuit using an immittance converter. In this paper, circuit operation, characteristic equations, and results of simulation are described. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 151(4): 47–54, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20078  相似文献   

三相电流源型STATCOM的无锁相环控制策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决传统锁相环控制只能获取电网电压角频率,而没有考虑电网电压的相位,锁相不精确,影响整个系统的控制性能等问题,提出一种适用于电流源型STATCOM的无锁相环控制策略。该策略对三相电网电压进行坐标变换,并根据各坐标系之间的关系得到与电网相电压同步旋转的相角,能够实时、精确地检测到电网电压的频率和相位角。详细论述了该控制策略,并在Matlab/Simulink中搭建系统仿真模型。仿真结果验证了该控制策略的有效性,同时表明该控制策略具有提高系统的检测精度,加快系统的动态响应速度等优势。  相似文献   

电网换相换流器高压直流输电系统(Line Commutated Converter based High Voltage Direct Current,LCC-HVDC)在功率传输特性、线路故障时的自防护能力、过负荷能力等方面均优于交流输电,但却无法向弱交流系统和无源网络供电。电压源换流器高压直流输电系统(Voltage Source Converter based HVDC,VSC-HVDC)可实现向无源网络供电的目的,但由于电力电子技术的局限性,VSC-HVDC系统投资成本过高。结合两者的优势,提出了一种新型混合高压直流输电系统(Hybrid High Voltage Direct Current,H-HVDC)。该系统的整流侧为两个6脉动LCC接一交流网络,逆变侧为三相二电平VSC接无源网络。在此基础上,对该H-HVDC的稳态数学模型、启动特性、稳态特性与暂态特性、单极闭锁进行了研究。仿真结果表明,该H-HVDC系统能实现向无源网络供电,且具有较高的稳定性,为混合直流的进一步发展提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

基于电网换相换流器和电压源换流器串联的混合直流换流器在克服交流故障时的换相失败和直流故障时的重启动具有优势。分析了该混合直流换流器运行方式、控制策略、电压源换流器保护原理、抵御换相失败原理和直流线路重启过程,认为由该混合直流换流器组成的高压直流输电系统,可克服传统直流和柔性直流输电的主要缺点。当逆变侧的交流系统发生故障时,电压源换流器可提供电压支撑来抑制直流电流增加,缓解电网换相换流器换相失败效应。当直流线路发生故障时,逆变侧电网换相换流器可阻断电压源换流器产生的故障电流,具备直流线路故障重启能力。另外,电压源换流器还为电网换相换流器提供无功功率,从而减少换流站无功设备配置。  相似文献   

The existing model of LC filter integrated quasi-Z source indirect matrix converter (QZS-IMC) was derived using the DC circuit modeling method, which is mainly effective in DC circuit. As an ac circuit, the existing voltage boost ratio model of LC filter integrated QZS-IMC exhibits a big error from the real boost ratio. Moreover, current amplitude and phase angle of QZS network were not considered in the existing model. This paper proposes a new comprehensive model of LC filter integrated QZS-IMC taking into account the circuit's ac characteristics. The new model shows that voltage boost ratio is strongly related to QZS network inductance, capacitance, and frequency of input power supply. It can be concluded from the new model that the boost ratio is higher than 1/(1 − 2D), which is the boost ratio of existing model. Moreover, the new model shows that power factor affects voltage gain of QZS-IMC system. The new model is compared with the existing model, circuit simulation, and experimental test. The results verify the new model and analysis.  相似文献   

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