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20 0 0年学报 (自然科学版 )报道的原则是 :坚决贯彻执行党和国家的出版法规和“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”的方针 ;努力提高学报学术质量与编辑质量 ,办出学报特色 ,深化改革 ,提高效益 ,加强与电力系统的联系 ,加大为电力经济建设和教学科研服务的力度 ;加强组稿力度 ,加强与作者的联系 ,实行优稿优酬 ,吸引院内外优秀稿件 ,扩大稿源 ;充分发挥我院优势学科潜能 ,鼓励院内青年教师从事科学研究 ;优先刊登新人力作 ,优先刊登国家和省、部级基金资助项目的论文 ;基础理论研究、应用基础研究并重 ;继续加强计算机科学、电力、动力工程、电力化学等…  相似文献   

中国电子学会电子测量与仪器学报第二次编委会全体会议于1987年8月1日至5日在秦皇岛燕山大学召开。参加这次会议的有委员、顾问共13人。中国电子学会出版工作委员会芦良春副主任出席了会议,并就学报地位、作用、办刊方针和编辑工作讲了话,并介绍了其它学报的经验。周立基主编、周立人、戚继明副主编在会上汇报了学报创建过程、组织状况、组稿情况、财务开支及编辑、出版、发行等方面工作。两年多来,学报能够按期出  相似文献   

《青海电力》以高原特色及龙羊峡、李家峡水电厂高坝、大容量大机组为主要内容的导向性、技术性、实用性文章;以理论联系实际,以应用科学与工程技术、现场经验相结合的文章为我们的报导方向;切合实用、对解决实际技术问题有指导与借鉴作用的文章是我们选题组稿的重要内容。作者针对《青海电力》的来稿质量、来稿导向和写作方法以及有关处理稿件等问题进行了较为详细的分析和论述,并提出了引导来稿导向的具体改进措施( 如专业编辑自己组稿要具体、组稿时间要超前等) 。改变以往那种封闭、静止、单一的工作方式,逐步树立竞争意识、效益意识、精品意识,在选择组稿和编辑出版全过程中突出重点,确保来稿质量以达到确保整个期刊的质量。  相似文献   

李忱 《电力学报》2010,25(1):F0003-F0003
尊敬的各位编委、各作者和广大读者:《电力学报》第四届编辑委员会已经胜利召开,这是一次承前启后、继往开来的大会,是一次凝聚智慧、激发力量的大会,必将推动《电力学报》持续、健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

<正>期刊名称:《仪器仪表学报(英文版)》主管单位:中国科学技术协会主办单位:中国仪器仪表学会创刊宗旨和范围:Instrumentation是一本由中国科协主管、中国仪器仪表学会主办,同行评议的高水平英语语言学术期刊。其汇聚了国际知名专家,吸纳优秀稿源,反映国际前沿科研水平状况。其旨在为来自世界各地的专家、教授、学者和工程技术人员提供交流信息、研讨问题、展示最新成果的高端科研发布和学术交流  相似文献   

1997年报道计划1997年学报报道的原则是:贯彻执行党和国家的出版法规和“百花齐放,,百家争鸣”的方针,努力提高学报学术质量与编辑质量,深化改革,提高效益.加强与电力系统的联系,加大为国民经济建设和教学科研服务的力度,加强与作者的联系,实行优搞优酬...  相似文献   

0700139作者编辑常用标准(光盘)【标准】/国家质检总局发布,/圣示准出版社,--2006年4月出版。本光盘收录了截至2006年2月出版的作者编辑常用现行国家标准76项,内容涉及:数字、文字:译写规则;量和单位;图书、期砷、论文的编排:辞书编篡;语种及有关代码;书刊编号等。[编者按]  相似文献   

长沙电力学院学报(自然科学版)1995年报道计划我院经国家教委批准已成为电力高等工科院校,今年学报报道的原则是:继续发挥数理科学的优势,加强电力技术、动力工程研究成果报道,开发应用科学、电厂化学、实验技术的稿源,加大为国民经济建设服务的科研成果的报道...  相似文献   

《青海电力》已出版34期。对于如何办好这种专业性很强的技术刊物,没有现成的经验可循。本文结合办刊的工作实际,对办刊的方向,对象,选题,组稿,审校,加工及编辑人员的德修养等方面的问题,提出看法。  相似文献   

本年度《华通技术》编委会议,在时隔3年多,于3月22日继全厂技术工作会议召开后,举行了一次全体编委会议。这次会议除少数编委因故请假外,大多数编委出席。会议由主编金建华总工程师主持,他简要地回顾了近几年《华通技术》的编辑出版情况,指出厂刊出版工作有作者提高了写稿质量、编者改进了编发质量,卓有成效的一方面,但还存在着长期稿源不足、组稿困难,有待改善的另一方面。他要求出席会议的  相似文献   

文力 《电池》2006,36(1):1-2
作者用编辑之间的内部通讯的方式,讨论了编辑应该学会尊重作者,加强编辑与作者之间的沟通,更有效地提高刊物质量,力争在未来的竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

我国理工院校学科建设的国际比较及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研习世界五所著名理工院校的校史及相关文献资料,追溯了其在学科建设方面的经验,对比我国理工院校学科建设动态,概括几个方面的启示,为我国理工院校通过学科建设这个制高点来冲击世界一流大学提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This is my last issue as editor-inchief of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine. It has been a wonderful experience for me to work with the readers of themagazine, column writers, IEEE staff, guest editors, and the authors. Michael Neuman is the new editor-in-chief, and I wish him the very best of luck.  相似文献   

杨兵  彭超群  李向群 《电池》2007,37(5):409-410
列举了科技论文的标题、摘要、正文、图表和和统一规范,为科技期刊的作者和编辑提供借鉴.  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育作为高等教育的重要组成部分,承担着培养生产一线从事生产技术、经营管理、高技术应用、高技术设备运作等应用性人才的重要任务。而高等职业技术教育的发展水平在很大程度上取决于教师队伍的整体素质。面对经济全球化、教育终身化、中国加入WTO、高等职业技术教育发展迅猛的形势,我们结合我校师资队伍的现状及存在的主要问题,提出加快高职院校师资队伍建设的主要对策,并对加强我校师资队伍建设进行战略思考。  相似文献   

The authors will briefly describe how some of today's innovations and advancements might provide potential for improving the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of contemporary teaching methods. A model curriculum proposed in this paper merges the disciplines of mathematics, science, engineering, and computing. It also addresses the growing need for exposing aspiring engineers to the human, cultural, and professional aspects of their emerging careers.  相似文献   

To survive in the highly competitive environment, an engineering education institution must offer its students an attractive system of study. Essential features of such a system are flexibility and adaptability. Flexibility means that the system provides a large number of diverse opportunities and allows the students to take advantage of the existing diversity. A flexible system of study should provide for multiple entry and exit points, and for several areas of concentration within one or more fields of study. Student's freedom in design of his/her individual program of study should not be restricted by an excessive number of compulsory courses. The student should also be allowed to adjust the course load in each term to his/her background and speed of learning. Adaptability of a system of study means that adjustments in curricula, reflecting advances in science and technology, trends on the labor market, and evolution of international standards of engineering education, can easily be performed. In this paper, the authors discuss how to restructure a system of study to make it more flexible and adaptable. The general ideas are illustrated with an example of a recently restructured system of engineering education at their institution-the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland. They demonstrate that flexibility and adaptability of the system of study contribute to the overall quality of education  相似文献   

A shift away from generic undergraduate degrees toward an emphasis on vocationally oriented qualifications has been evident in the awards offered by higher education institutions in Australia over the past few years. This has included those in information technology, science and engineering, where the growth in the number of, and variation in, awards has been particularly evident. The past few years have also seen a general, and in some cases significant, decline in the application rates for some forms of science and engineering. This has prompted many institutions to look at their awards with a view to making them more attractive, both to students and industry, often through the development of more highly specialized awards. In this paper, the authors investigate application trends for information technology, science and engineering awards from a number of perspectives, including the market perceptions of the institution offering the degree. Although the paper focuses on three broad categories of awards-information technology, science and engineering-some lessons may be appropriate for other disciplines. Moreover, although this study takes advantage of the centralized admissions systems used in Australia, available indicators show that the results may well be applicable in the United States and the U.K. and possibly elsewhere  相似文献   

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