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Considering the impact of aggregation cost on the performance of aggregation routes in wireless sensor networks, an aggregation-decision-based distributed routing algorithm for data aggregation is proposed. When source nodes arrive or leave, the algorithm can calculate the aggregation benefit according to data correlation, aggregation cost and transmission cost. Then the algorithm will adaptively make aggregation and routing decisions based on aggregation benefit. Therefore, it can jointly optimize the aggregation and transmission costs and reduce the energy consumption for data gathering. This distributed algorithm makes all the decisions only relying on the local information. Hence, the routing maintenance cost is limited. Simulation results show that the energy consumption difference between this distributed online algorithm and the previous offline one is within 17% under any network conditions. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, 2007, 30(1): 9–13 [译自: 北京邮电大学学报]  相似文献   

与AdHoc网络不同,无线传感器网络以降低节点的能耗作为首要的设计目标.针对节点能量有限的特点,提出一种能量有效的混合式拓扑控制算法--EAHTC算法.该算法优先选择剩余能量高的节点担任簇头节点,而且算法采用局部信息,动态调节节点通信范围,改变一跳可达邻居数量,从而减轻MAC层负担达到节能的目的.同时在网络运行过程中,算法通过周期性重新选举簇头,减小并均衡网络中节点的能耗,从而进一步延长了网络的生存期.仿真结果验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络虚拟力覆盖控制及节能优化研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
综合考虑无线传感器网络的能量约束、覆盖要求,结合天线理论,将无线传感器网络的覆盖控制问题归结于一个多目标非线性规划问题,从而推导并建立了一个多目标非线性规划问题的数学模型。解决方法上,提出了一种基于节能的虚拟力优化算法。将传感器节点与目标覆盖区域的虚拟力操作和节点之间的虚拟力操作按节约能耗的约束同时进行,从而达到覆盖控制技术的优化目的。仿真实验表明,该策略对解决多目标非线性规划问题有着良好的收敛性与普适性,可以满足无线传感器网络的覆盖控制要求,并可以将网络的生命周期最大化,提高了系统的性能。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络MAC层传输性能模型研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
无线传感器网络数学建模是网络传输性能定量分析的有效方法之一。该文在分析IEEE802.15.4标准MAC层无信标模式信道竞争机制的基础上,通过节点缓冲队列状态分析、网络节点状态分析和无线信道状态分析,建立了MAC层网络吞吐率、有效吞吐率、节点通信平均延时和信道冲撞概率的数据传输性能数学模型。采用MATLAB软件和QualNet网络仿真软件对所提出MAC层传输性能分析模型和相应性能参数进行仿真测试。仿真结果表明,所提出的数学模型能较为准确的模拟无线传感器网络MAC层通信性能,为网络通信协议数据传输性能定量分析提供了一种建模分析方法。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络定位技术综述   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
首先介绍无线传感器网络定位技术的相关术语、评价标准等基本概念及定位算法的分类方法;重点从基于测距和非测距两个方面介绍无线传感器网络的主要定位方法,并研究和分析若干新型无线传感器网络定位方法,主要包括基于移动锚节点的定位算法、三维定位算法和智能定位算法。从实用性、应用环境、硬件条件、供能及安全隐私等方面出发总结当前无线传感器网络定位技术存在问题并给出可行的解决方案后,展望未来的研究前景与应用发展趋势。  相似文献   

基于TDMA协议,提出了一种改进的R-TDMA协议。通过引入预约机制使WSN中的节点参与网络的数据传输。节点只有在发现感知的环境数据出现明显变化时才向簇头预约数据上传的时隙,进而进行数据上传;否则尽可能地处于休眠状态,从而达到节能目的。参照 Rockwell的 WIN模型对TDMA、E-TDMA和 R-TDMA的网络能耗进行仿真;结果表明,在 R-TDMA协议下,网络节点数量的增加并不会给能耗带来剧烈的变化,网络事件多少的变化对能耗的影响也很小。R-TDMA协议在节约能耗方面较TDMA和 E-TDMA有着明显改善。  相似文献   

This paper describes a quality‐of‐service (QoS) control scheme for a wide‐area ubiquitous wireless network which is designed to accommodate many wireless terminals (WTs), such as sensors and actuators, in a large cell area. The purpose of this paper is to establish a QoS control scheme in a medium access control (MAC) layer that can hold the transmission delay of high‐priority class traffic within a predefined value regardless of how much low‐priority class traffic there is. Several QoS control schemes for wireless communication use have been proposed. However, in the wide‐area ubiquitous wireless network, an access point (AP) accommodates many WTs and the AP traffic volume often drastically changes. Therefore, conventional schemes sometimes cannot control the QoS of high‐priority traffic. To solve this problem, we propose a QoS control scheme that calculates a suitable initial back‐off window size of random access for each QoS class by using equations derived from a Markov chain behavior model. The proposed scheme adjusts the window size so as to prevent increased transmission delay of high‐priority traffic. The scheme's performance is clarified by computer simulation. © 2014 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

本文基于优化理论求簇首优化解,使整个网络的能量按照分簇达到均衡,极大地提高了节点的能量利用率和网络寿命.仿真结果显示,该算法使网络的寿命提高了10%~25%.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络技术近年来发展非常迅猛,然而实际通信环境非常复杂,而且充满攻击和对抗,网络节点的正确位置信息是构建系统、维护网络、目标跟踪和事件定位等关键技术实现的基础,定位的安全性至关重要。着重研究了基于接收信号强度指示(RSSI)原理抗女巫攻击的无线传感网络安全定位系统的编码技术和定位方法,并对相关算法进行了仿真分析。通过结果可知,改进后的编码和定位算法结构相对简单,对系统的硬件依赖小,抗攻击能力提高。  相似文献   

时间同步是无线传感器网络的一种关键支撑技术。针对面向数据采集的WSN应用场景提出了一种轻量级的基于数据采集树的低能耗,高精度时间同步方案LCTS(lightweight collection tree based synchronization)。在Tmote-Sky硬件平台上实现了该方案。结合大量实验数据分析了同步时延的误差分布特性,以及时域变化特性。在此基础上提出了定值校正法和跟踪校正法2种估计同步时延的方法。理论分析及实验测试表明LCTS在保持低能耗和低开销的同时能实现微秒级的同步;跟踪校正法法相比定值校正法具有较高的同步精度,同步误差的平均值和均方差分别下降约57.5%和49%。  相似文献   

用于土壤湿度测量的传感器网络动态采样策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
土壤湿度是科研及生产生活等众多领域的测量要求。传感器连续采样方式能耗大、维护困难,不适用于无线传感器网络领域。本文提出一种适用于无线传感器网络土壤湿度测量的新型动态采样控制策略,将土壤湿度量化为马尔可夫过程,利用部分可观察马尔可夫决策问题,通过动态远程控制传感器节点的采样周期,以较少的采样点满足测量需求,达到节省能量的目标。实验结果表明,动态采样控制的采样时间及总体成本分别只有传统连续采样模式的13%和62%。本策略可以广泛应用于其他环境量测量领域,如气温,水质,环境湿度等量的测量。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络中节点的自身定位是其大多数应用的基础,文章利用网络中存在的冗余信息,针对客观存在的不良节点,对现有分布式无需测距技术的Amorphous定位算法进行改进,以提高整个网络的平均定位精度。仿真结果表明,改进后的算法有效地降低了节点位置的平均估计误差。该算法无需任何附加的硬件支持和良好的拓展性,对实际的应用具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

This study proposes a new multiple access control protocol named distributed synchronous reservation multiple access control protocol, in which the hidden and exposed terminal problems are solved, and the quality of service (QoS) requirements for real-time traffic are guaranteed. The protocol is founded on time division multiplex address and a different type of traffic is assigned to different priority, according to which a node should compete for and reserve the free slots in a different method. Moreover, there is a reservation acknowledgement process before data transmit in each reserved slot, so that the intruded terminal problem is solved. The throughput and average packets drop probability of this protocol are analyzed and simulated in a fully connected network, the results of which indicate that this protocol is efficient enough to support the real-time traffic, and it is more suitable to MANETs. Translated from Journal of Xidian University, 2006, 33(1): 28–32 [译自: 西安电子科技大学学报]  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络的特点,本文提出了一种快速可靠的无线传感器网络路由,采用建立网络树结构方式,使各节点拥有唯一的传输路径,降低网络延迟,减少能量消耗。该路由对硬件无特别要求,仅采用普通射频芯片即可以同时工作于任务查询方式及事件驱动方式,并具有较强的路径自我修复能力。算法通过软件仿真并与经典的路由协议Directed Diffusion做多方面比较,结果表明,该路由具有更好的性能,兼备低延迟,低功耗、鲁棒性强及易实现等特点。  相似文献   

For security services in wireless sensor networks, key management is a fundamental building block. In this article, we propose a triangle-based key predistribution approach and show that it can improve the effectiveness of key management in wireless sensor networks. This is achieved by using the bivariate polynomial in a triangle deployment system based on deployment information about expected locations of the sensor nodes. The analysis indicates that this scheme can achieve higher probability of both direct key establishment and indirect key establishment. On the other hand, the security analysis shows that its security against node capture would increase with a decrease of the sensor node deployment density and size of the deployment model and an increase of the polynomial degree.  相似文献   

In wireless sensor networks, data fusion (in-network processing) is a critical issue because sensor networks are energy-constrained and bandwidth-constrained. Recently, a new scheme based on mobile agent has been proposed to solve the problem. The order and number of nodes on the route traversed by a mobile agent determine the energy consumption, and hence, they have a significant impact on the overall performance of the whole system. Considering the limited transmission range of sensor nodes, we showed that this routing problem in a multi-hop cluster could be modeled as a node-weighted traveling tourist problem (TTP). We proved that the problem was nondeterministic polynomial time (NP)-complete. Then we presented a new approximation algorithm to solve the problem. Simulation experiments demonstrate that the proposed heuristic is more energy-efficient than the two earlier ones. Translated from Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2006, 40(3): 520–523 [译自: 上海交通大学学报]  相似文献   

Designing reliability differentiated services for missions with different reliability requirements has become a hot topic in wireless sensor networks. Combined with a location-based routing mechanism, a quantified model without full network topology is proposed to evaluate reliability. By introducing a virtual reference point, the data transfer is limited in a specified area. The reliability function of the area is given. A detailed analysis shows that the function increases quadratically with the distance between the source node and the reference node. A reliability differentiated service mechanism is then proposed. The simulation results show the efficiency of the proposed mechanism. Translated and revised from Journal on Communications, 2008, 29(2): 71–78 [译自: 通信学报]  相似文献   

目前无线传感器网络作为国内外一个全新的研究领域,吸引了许多研究者的关注.但由于无线传感器网络工作环境的恶劣和节点资源受限(能量、内存和处理能力)等因素,使得延长网络的生命周期极为困难.组播技术能够比较好地满足网络对资源的要求.在综合大量组播路由协议的基础上,本文总结了目前已有的无线传感器网络组播相关研究,将主要的组播路由协议进行初步分类,分析比较和研究了其中具有代表性的路由协议,最后分别指出各自的特点.  相似文献   

In this paper, a distributed topology control algorithm is proposed. By adjusting the transmission power of each node, this algorithm constructs a wireless network topology with minimum-energy property, i.e., it preserves a minimum-energy path between every pair of nodes. Moreover, the proposed algorithm can be used in both homogenous and heterogeneous wireless networks, and it can also work without an explicit propagation channel model or the position information of nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has advantages over the topology control algorithm based on direct-transmission region in terms of average node degree and power efficiency. Translated from Journal of Xidian University, 2006, 33(3): 341–346 [译自: 西安电子科技大学学报]  相似文献   

传感器网络中一种能量有效的自适应成簇算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了延长网络的生存时间,需要设计能量有效的协议,以适应传感器网络的特点.本文在LEACH的基础上,提出了一种适合无线传感器网络的能量有效的成簇算法DEEAC.在DEEAC中,每一个节点均基于最优簇首概率popt自主地确定自己是否为临时簇首.该临时簇首通过收集到的簇内信息,根据簇内通信总能耗最小化原则,选择一个使得簇内通信代价尽可能小且在最近(r mod (1/popt))轮中没有成为簇首的簇内节点作为该轮的最终簇首.模拟实验表明,DEEAC与LEACH相比具有更好的性能,优化后的簇首选择策略可以在不同场景下有效延长网络的生存时间.  相似文献   

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